My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 827: borrowed

The scene was quiet, and everyone was silent.

The power of the Saint King to successfully defeat the peak of the Saint King was extremely shocking. This kind of brilliant record could not even be achieved by Luo Young Master.

"Where are you from?" The thin and tall saint king who shot the shot gave a gleam, staring at Lu Chen solemnly and asked.

No need to guess, the abnormal young man in front of him must have a great background. He is definitely a genius from the upper realm who hasn't left yet. He just doesn't know where the opponent is from.

"Using sword intent, most of it comes from the Sword Emperor Palace," someone said, and there were also Saint King Martial Artists who came from the upper realm. Seeing Lu Chen's sword intent, the first thought came to the Sword Emperor Palace.

Of course it’s not necessarily, because sword intent is recognized as the ultimate sharp power in the world. There is no one. Emperor-level perfect sword intent can hurt the emperor. Many traditions in the mountain and sea realms allow younger generations to practice in the sword imperial palace to comprehend this super abnormal power. Therefore, the opponent does not necessarily come from the Palace of the Sword Emperor, but may be a representative descendant of certain Taoism.

Or some unparalleled descendants cultivated by some hidden old monsters.

It's just that he has cultivated the power of sword intent.

Lu Chen didn't speak, staring at the thin and tall Saint King with sharp eyes. With a thought, the sky changed color and lightning flashed.

Striking lightning bombarded the ground, cracks appeared on the ground, and the mountains were turned into dust with great power.

Lu Chen was bathed in the rules of thunder and lightning, wearing a thunder and lightning stomach, holding a thunder and lightning long sword, raised his hand to stab the thin and tall holy king.

Lu Chen's speed increased to the extreme, and the power of destruction bloomed on the tip of the Thunder sword.

The thin and tall Saint King saw that Lu Chen didn't speak, attacked directly, snorted coldly, and the strong ruled power bloomed from him, waving his hand, using the rules of the earth to form towering walls, and defending him strictly. , Seamless.

The opponent wants to defeat him, this is simply impossible.

Lu Chen pierced the giant wall with a sword, and on the thunder sword condensed by the rules of Thunder, terrible power was brewed, compressed into one point, and released from the tip of the sword. The power that burst out was terrifying. At least the power of this sword made Most of the surrounding saint kings changed color in the early stage.

Because of the power of this sword, it has threatened them.

As for the martial artist of this level, the whole body is cold.

"The power of this sword has reached the middle stage of the Holy King"

"This son has the power of the mid-sage king"

Secretly, Dacheng Saint King felt the power of Lu Chen's sword, and commented.

However, if you want to break the power of the thin and tall Saint King, there is still a long way to go, at least by using the rules of Thunder, you cannot break the defense.

This is indeed the case. No matter how hard Lu Chen uses, the Thunder Longsword cannot break through the rules of earth like a giant wall. The defense of this rule is terrifying, and there are dozens of heavy defenses around the opponent. Unbreakable.

The reason why the attack of the thin and tall man was broken in the past was that the first point was the use of sword intent, and the second point was that the opponent used the attack method. Now it is the defense method.

Therefore, Lu Chen couldn't break it.

Lu Chen frowned. He was unable to break through his defenses by manipulating the rules of attack. It seemed that there was still a big gap between him and Saint King Peak.

If the people around you learn about Lu Chen's inner thoughts, they will definitely not be able to bear it.

Please be a man.

You don't even reach the Saint King, and you still want to break the defense of the Saint King Peak. Is it really paper to be a strong Saint King Peak?

Lu Chen didn't stop there. In his eyes, terrible lightning shot out, communicating with the thunder in the sky, and saw the power of destruction about to move. The thunder was changing shape, and at the speed visible to the naked eye, it turned into a unicorn. Killed down and hit the huge earth wall.


An earth wall shattered directly, but when it hit the second earth wall, its power was extremely weakened, and it dissipated without breaking the second earth wall.


A calm and powerful voice came, and a burly man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and a majestic complexion came steadily.

This man is very majestic, wearing a gorgeous robe, with extraordinary bearing, his eyes are sharp, as if he can penetrate people's hearts, his whole body is showing invisible power, and the superior aura is strong.

"Palace Lord"

"I have seen Palace Lord"

When the people around saw the burly man, they all yelled.

Palace Lord Tianfu, the controller of the entire Tianfu, belongs to the family of Luo in the Heavenly Palace, and is also Luo Ming's protector in the ten regions. His strength and status are in the ten regions, and he belongs to the top.

Beside Palace Lord Tianfu, there was a young man with outstanding temperament, brilliant and brilliant, with bright eyes, exuding a unique temperament.

The youth is not someone else, but the emperor Luo Ming.

Luo Ming recognized Lu Chen and looked at Lu Chen and said, "What are you doing in Tianfu?"

No one in Tianfu knows Lu Chen's background better than Luo Ming. He has a relationship with the Sword Emperor Palace. Yan Zixuan tried his best to protect him, has a similar relationship with Mei Yingluo, and is even more a master of craftsmanship. This background is simply arrogant. If it doesn't work horizontally, even he has to bow down.

Not only that, the opponent's combat power is even more of a freak. In the last big melee, the opponent briefly fought Mei Yingluo and Shenmu, and even fought against the Emperor of Heaven.

Although everyone didn't know the situation in that battle, Lu Chen definitely did not lose.

At that time, the opponent was only in the late stage of the holy monarch and did not cultivate to perfection. Now, the opponent's cultivation to perfection can break the attack of the holy king's peak. The breath that permeates the opponent's body gives him a very strong sense of threat.

Luo Ming had to admit that he was not the opponent of the other party and would lose miserably if he fought.

Seeing that Young Master Luo seemed to know this young man, the people in the surrounding Tianfu looked weird.

"I didn't come to see you anyway," Lu Chen replied indifferently.

He and Luo Ming have no grievances. He has no dislikes or good feelings towards Luo Ming. As long as you don't provoke me, I won't provoke you.

"But since you come forward, it saves me from wasting my tongue." Without waiting for Luo Ming to speak, Lu Chen looked at the latter and said in a strong tone: "Remove the person you want."

"Who" Luo Ming asked.

"Mei Xiao"

"Who is Mei Xiao"

"The one with the Celestial Halberd"

After some dialogue, the people in Tianfu finally understood the reason for this person's visit. It turned out to be related to the most wanted person. Recently, Tianfu did want a person but did not catch it.

Luo Ming said coldly: "The Tianluo Halberd belongs to Luo Yan."

"I know" Lu Chen looked calm and confidently said: "I borrowed it from him."

"It turned out to be you" Luo Ming suddenly realized, as did a small number of Tianfu senior officials present.

Luo Yan was once defeated in the Eastern Emperor's space, and the Tianluo Halberd was lost. For this reason, the Heavenly Palace also lost a Tianzun-level figure.

Although Luo Yan was cultivated by the Shangxiaotian Branch, he was also a man of influence in the entire Shangxiaotian Palace. His every move attracted attention.

Luo Yan's defeat in the East Emperor's Space caused a heated debate and a lot of noise.

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