My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 836: This chicken is a spy

The inspector, patrolling the Quartet on behalf of the Emperor of Heaven, is a scary person with a high status and has the ability to speak with a golden mouth.

The inspector said that anyone who rebelled was regarded as a traitor, and he could be killed without evidence. In the secular dynasty, it was equivalent to a Shangfang sword.

If the supervisor cannot solve the problem, the supervisor can directly talk to the emperor, and the emperor will send someone to help.

Therefore, the supervisory order is surprisingly powerful, and only the existence of the Heavenly Emperor is eligible to issue a supervisory order.

To have a supervision order, you need to meet two necessary conditions. The first is that you have a close relationship with the emperor, and the second is that you need extraordinary talent.

Therefore, the old man was a little dumbfounded, could it be that the boy in front of him had something to do with the Divine Phoenix Empress.

"Boy, what's the relationship between you and the Divine Phoenix Empress?" The old man looked at Lu Chen and asked.

"My dear master" Lu Chen replied.

The old man was slightly shocked, but he still said, "Even if you are the disciple of the Divine Phoenix Empress, how can you kill my baby?"

Although the old man was surprised, he was not very scared in his heart. At any rate, he was also a saint emperor. The main reason was that he was responsible. This incident was the fault of the kid in front of him, and he killed his treasure for no reason.

"Senior, there is actually a reason for the younger generation to kill this chicken," Lu Chen said unhurriedly.

"what reason"

Wang Fuhai leaned towards Ni Luchen, his eyes getting worse and worse.

He wanted to see what reason this kid could find.

He didn't believe it because he didn't believe it. If this kid killed his chicken, there is still a reason to kill him.

His chicken provokes anyone.

Lu Chen cleared his throat, and then said solemnly: "Senior, this chicken has a big problem. I suspect it is a spy who sneaked into the mountain and sea realm from the Sky Demon Realm. It must be killed to monitor the movement of the Sword Emperor Palace."

Just when the old man was shocked, Lu Chen secretly asked Yan Zixuan about some of the powers of the supervision order, but he didn't expect that the power was so great that he was so happy from ear to ear.

Then I thought of a countermeasure.


Hearing Lu Chen's reason for panic, Elder Wang Fuhai almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and was thundered outside and inside.

This kid actually said that his Bazhen Chicken was a spy sent by Shanhaijie.

Especially meow, is there any more shameless reason than this.

So shameless at a young age, who learned it from?

Beside, the corner of Yan Zixuan's mouth twitched. The reason given by Junior Brother was too strong. In a corner that Wang Fuhai couldn't see, he secretly gave a thumbs up.

"What, what did you say, say it again" Wang Fuhai returned to his senses, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, gritted his teeth.

With such an expression, I can't wait to be fat to beat up this kid.

Lu Chen didn't rush, and repeated it lazily: "I suspect that the chicken raised by senior is a spy from the mountain and sea world. Don't be angry, senior, please listen to me."

"Okay, I'm listening" Wang Fuhai said with a black face.

He wanted to see if this kid could find a reason that was more shameless than just now, and whether he could turn white into black, he listened with sincerity.

Lu Chen said sternly: "This is the first time the junior came from Ten Territory to Nine Days. Just now, the junior felt a feeling of being targeted, but there are only a few of us in the yard, I am not, brother is not, sister is not. Senior is naturally not, and then I found Senior’s chicken. Senior’s chicken has been staring at me, so there is a 90% chance that the chicken raised by Senior is a spy of the Sky Demon Realm, and its soul has been replaced."

"You can really create something out of nothing, secretly conceal it, imagine it out of thin air, fabricate it out of thin air" Wang Fuhai is really furious, how can there be such a shameless junior.

The chicken just now was so good. When did you look at you? How handsome do you think you are? Even chickens will look at you from time to time.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Senior has won the award."

"You are so shameless" Wang Fuhai's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

However, I was not particularly angry in my heart. As Yan Zixuan said, he stole this Bazhen chicken from Baihua Valley, not from Baihua Fairy.

Furthermore, whoever gives gifts will choose to give a chicken this fancy thing.

Lu Chen frowned and raised his eyebrows: "If the younger generation feels wrong, then the person who is staring at me secretly can only be..."

When Lu Chen said this, his eyes were staring straight at Wang Fuhai, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Stop, stop, you can eat rice, but you can't talk nonsense." Before Lu Chen finished speaking, Wang Fuhai interrupted in a panic and pale.

Asshole, can you talk nonsense about this?

Although it is said that he has experienced several sky-monster wars and made countless contributions, this kid is an inspector and possesses the ability to speak with a golden mouth. Once the suspicion is uploaded to the ears of the Divine Phoenix Empress through the token, he will definitely be captured and interrogated. Fan is inevitable.

Don't use the power of supervision order.

"Ahem, Senior Wang, Junior Brother is still the descendant of the Sword Emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty." At this moment, Yan Zixuan said in a helping hand.


When Wang Fuhai heard this, he immediately stood in awe.

The sword emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty was a symbol and a great figure who created sword intent. He was respected by countless people. Even he was a descendant, and he admired the sword emperor in his heart.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword emperor died in battle, and he was missing with the magic weapon to slaughter the divine sword. The sword emperor's palace rummaged through the entire mountain and sea boundary but could not be found.

Until a few decades ago, Liu Mu brought back news that he had found the Slaughter God Sword, which caused a sensation in the Palace of the Sword Emperor.

The boy in front of him was actually the descendant of the Sword Emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, which shocked Wang Fuhai.

"That's it, the old man will go and apply for the entry token for you. Wait for a while," Wang Fuhai said. After speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared in front of the two in the blink of an eye.

It took a long time for Wang Fuhai to disappear. Lu Chen waited a full hour before he came back. Wang Fuhai handed over a white talisman and said: "You only need to divide a ray of Yuanshen to go in and refine the token. That's it."

Lu Chen took it, and according to Wang Fuhai's instructions, a strand of Yuanshen was branded on the talisman. In an instant, Lu Chen felt connected with the talisman.

Wang Fuhai warned: "Don't lose the talisman. If you get the talisman, you can also enter the space. Be careful and then be careful."

"Thank you elder" Lu Chen gestured to Yan Zixuan with his eyes, and said, "Then we're leaving."

After speaking, the two ran away quickly.

"Hey, what is so fragrant?" Wang Fuhai smelled a scent, followed the scent, and immediately saw the skeleton of a chicken on the stone table.

During his absence, Bazhen chicken was roasted.

You said that you would roast it when you bake it. All you eat are chicken skeletons, and you don't save any for his elderly.

Suddenly, Wang Fuhai was faltering, his blood surged, and he had the urge to scold his mother.

Because he saw the **** of the chicken intact.

Meow, he said that he would save the two fattest chicken thighs for himself, so he left him a chicken butt.

Either leave him with chicken thighs or eat them all and leave a chicken **** to disgust him.

Wang Fuhai was almost about to have a heart attack in this scene.

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