My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 856: Sword Emperor

Lu Chen looked at Liu Mu and said, "Since the brother is here, let's help the brother and disciple to solve the puzzle."

Liu Mu was taking the rules of kendo into the holy king, maybe he had some experience for him.


Liu Mu stretched out his hand and invited with a smile.

Liu Mu also has a residence in this space. Generally, he will come back when he breaks through the realm or has an epiphany. No one is disturbed here. If he is outside, he may be disturbed by certain uncertain factors.

Wang Fuhai touched his nose and left angrily.

He wasn't going to be the king of kendo rules, otherwise he could'pretend' in front of the little bunny and let the other party beg for his own confusion.

Here, Lu Chen followed Liu Mu and came to a palace.

Liu Mu invited Lu Chen down, made two cups of tea, handed one of them to Lu Chen, and said, "Brother, please."

Lu Chen took it and said, "Thank you brother."

Lu Chen took a sip, slightly bitter, but soon the bitterness came to fruition, and the mellow tea fragrance lingered.

Lu Chen looked at Liu Mu and asked, "Brother, how did you succeed back then? Are there any ways or tricks to succeed."

Liu Mu was silent for a while before he said, "There is no trick to follow the rules of kendo to become the holy king."

Liu Mu took a sip of tea and continued: "At the beginning I was stuck for about fifty years, and then I watched the moon every night, as usual, for two years. Later, the rules of kendo and the original spirit were successfully blended. Holy King Realm."

Liu Mu's words made Lu Chen vomit blood.

Can you succeed if you insist on watching the moon for two years at night?

Lu Chen always felt Liu Mu was fooling him, but he couldn't show evidence.

Liu Mu said timely: "Every successful person has a different approach. My experience has no effect on the junior. I also told Yan Zixuan that year, but he did not succeed."

Lu Chen twitched at the corner of his mouth and said, "Brother Yan has listened to your experience and watched the moon for two years."

"That's it, he won't be able to hold on in less than a year."

"In the Palace of the Sword Emperor, there are many successful experiences in the rules of swordsmanship. There are various strange encounters. For example, after a certain senior has just experienced a life and death crisis, after beheading the enemy, he succeeded inexplicably. Some seniors were in the sword. The moment the mind level breaks through, the rules of kendo and the soul are inexplicably blended, and some seniors are in retreat, and inexplicably blended."

"I have summarized that everyone has different ways of succeeding. Learning from others may not be suitable for you."

Lu Chen was even more at a loss when he heard Liu Mu's words.

Liu Mu looked at Lu Chen and said with a smile: "Junior Brother, don't worry, you will be able to succeed with your talents. It hasn't been long since the cultivation of the most holy monarch reached Consummation."

Lu Chen had the final say, "less than ten years."

Liu Mu groaned: "Well, it's still early. Many warriors have cultivated to the highest sage to perfection. It is normal for a century or even a thousand years of accumulation."

Suddenly, Liu Mu seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "By the way, Junior Brother, you can visit a senior, maybe you can get some inspiration."

"Who to visit" Lu Chen asked.

Liu Mu had a solemn face, and said every word: "Senior Sword Emperor Zheng Chunjun."

"Junior Brother, you are lucky. Senior Zheng Chunjun just came back to the base camp from Jiecheng on holiday and is now practicing in the base camp."

"Zheng Chunjun" Lu Chen whispered to himself, then his pupils contracted slightly.

Lu Chen knew who this was. He had seen a memory crystal about Sword Emperor Palace, which recorded some famous experts in Sword Emperor Palace.

Zheng Chunjun in Liu Mu's mouth is one of the most famous existences in the Sword Emperor Palace.

The opponent follows the rules of kendo to enter the Holy King. Now he has the sword intent of the late emperor, and the cultivation base of the top of the holy emperor. He is a giant in the world of Megatron and one of the most powerful two in the sword emperor palace today. Chun Jun The name of the sword emperor is like a thunder in the mountains and seas, and his fame has reached the level that no one in the world knows the king.

There were less than ten people in the Palace of the Sword Emperor who realized the imperial sword intent, most of them were in the early stage, that is, the pale golden sword intent, while the sword intent in the late emperor rank almost evolved into pure gold, which could cause damage to the emperor.

"I can meet this senior" Lu Chen looked forward to.

Although he has a very large background, there are three heavenly emperors behind him, and two masters at the top of the holy emperor, but this one's achievements are almost on par with the heavenly emperor, and his status is scary. If the other party does not allow anyone to see him, he will not have it. Method.

Liu Mu smiled and said, "Senior Chunjun is a very kind person. He likes to take care of potential younger generations. Don't put too much pressure on you, Junior Brother."

Liu Mu got up and said: "Come with me, I will take you to meet Senior Chunjun."

Liu Mu took Lu Chen away and headed towards the residence of Senior Zheng Chunjun.

Zheng Chunjun lived on a beautiful mountain peak, and saw that this beautiful mountain was enveloped with a layer of golden sword intent. The golden sword intent roared across the world, blowing a terrifying golden storm, as if to swallow space.

Lu Chen stared at the mountain peak in front of which was enveloped by golden sword intent. Not only did he feel the extremely terrifying kendo coercion, but the dense golden sword intent was like divine light. Staring carefully, it made his eyes sting. a feeling of.

"What a terrifying sword intent." Lu Chen unconsciously looked away, afraid to look directly at the golden sword intent.

After just staring for two seconds, his eyes were bloodshot.

There are many disciples around them, sitting on the ground cultivating.

This is where the sword emperor Zheng Chunjun released his own swordsmanship, for the juniors of the sword emperor palace to learn from, the sword intent of the late emperor level is very important to the sword repair, and one day of training here will have a lot of gains.

There are not many opportunities to feel the sword intent of the emperor, and it is only for those sword emperors to have a holiday.

Liu Mu released the saintly perfect sword intent, resisted the pressure in the air, and brought Lu Chen to the mountain.

After flying for about ten minutes, I came to the mountain.

From a distance, Lu Chen saw an old man in a black robe sitting cross-legged on a steep mountain.

The black-robed old man sat cross-legged and motionless, communicating the golden sword intent of the heavens and the earth, and the golden sword intent fell continuously from the sky into the body, and the surrounding golden storm roared.

This black-robed old man is one of the two most powerful beings in the Sword Emperor Palace today, and he is tempering his sword intent.

Perhaps feeling someone approaching, Zheng Chunjun, an old man in black robes, opened his eyes. His eyes were golden and sharp, shooting out two golden lightning bolts.

There was a booming sound, and the place where the two golden lightning bolts passed by shattered like glass, and the space shattered nothingness.

Lu Chen stood in the distance, looking dumbfounded.

"Just a glare, shattered the space"

This scene caused a huge impact in his heart, especially the aura on the opponent's body was too terrifying.

Although he didn't target him, Lu Chen's legs were soft and uncontrollable shaking under this vast aura.

This is a powerful existence with a realm at the top of a holy emperor and at the same time the sword intent of the late emperor rank, a ray of coercion released from his body at will.

ps: "Thank you for your golden votes"

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