My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 861: Tasty

Although the sky demon did not leave any traces, anyone who knew Gong Feng must be interrogated.

Gong Feng rebelled against the mountain and sea realm, and his influence was too great. He was the enemy of the entire mountain and sea realm.

A Taishang elder of the Muxing Palace came forward to personally investigate the affairs of Gongfeng. A few days later, the storm gradually ended.

Fire Palace, a quiet courtyard.

There are two people in the other courtyard, one is Lu Chen and the other is Huo Xiyun.

Huo Xijun is the number one beauty of the Five Elements Sect. She has outstanding appearance and excellent temperament, but Lu Chen next to her has no time to appreciate the scenery in front of him, because he was taught a lesson by the secret sky demon, and his mood was slightly unhappy, like a stabbing in his throat.

In the past few days, the mood is not very good.

"The matter has come to an end. Gong Feng is an orphan, and his parents have died since childhood" Huo Xiyun said, breaking the silence in the courtyard.

The Five Elements Sect is the first sect of the Five Elements Heaven, and it is full of the existence of five great emperors. To enter the Five Elements Sect, you need not only extraordinary talents, but also a clean background.

The mountain-sea realm and the sky demon realm have fought for a long time, during which countless hatreds have been accumulated, which have been carved into the bones. It is related to the survival of the human race. Everyone should be clear which is more important.

Rao is like this, some people still betrayed the world of mountains and seas, such as Ning Tianjun, Emperor Killing, and Gong Feng are good examples.

The human heart is the most unpredictable thing.

Lu Chen came back to his senses, touched his chin, and curiously said, "Then why he betrayed, there should be no reason for him to betray, choose to stand on the opposite side of the entire human race."

An orphan with an innocent life background, could it be that he chose to betray because of the threat of the sky demon?

This is unlikely.

If the sky demon really threatens him, just report the sect elder directly.

Nine Heavens and Mountains and Seas are the base camps of the human race, but not the base camp of the sky demon.

"Perhaps because he is an orphan, he chose to betray" Huo Xiyun's pure and soft eyes fell on Lu Chen, and slowly said.

"Betrayal has something to do with being an orphan?" Lu Chen looked puzzled, feeling that the two had nothing to do with each other.

"Of course it has a relationship." Huo Xiyun nodded affirmatively, and then said: "There are two types of betrayers in the mountain and sea world. One is active betrayal, which is for profit, or the sky demon gives enough temptation to choose to betray the mountain and sea world. ."

"In addition to active betrayal, there is also passive betrayal. There are many ways that the sky demon makes people betray, such as choosing to capture the newborn baby, instilling the idea of ​​the sky demon world from childhood, training and growing up, and sending each sect separately. Become a **** for them to extract information."

"Some orphans will choose to go astray, and some orphans will choose a path to the dark."

"The second is that after the sky demon sees a certain betrayer, it threatens with a vital person to force people to betray."

"The third type is some desperate people who practice evil cultivation, most of which are evil cultivation"

"For example, some weak people or evil people offend powerful sect forces and are chased by the world. They have no way to go to the sky and no way to go to the earth. They are forced to a dead end. At this time, the sky demon comes out to bewitched and force them to go to betrayal. road"

"The fourth type is to seize the home, the sky demon primordial soul occupies the human primordial soul and becomes a real person."

"The fourth kind is rare, because the sky demon's body is much stronger than the human body, and it doesn't look down on the human body at all. It only chooses to seize the house when it has to be forced. For example, the body is broken and has to be changed."

After listening to Huo Xiyun's eloquent explanation, Lu Chen is quite knowledgeable. It turns out that there are so many factors for the betrayal caused by the sky demon.

The betrayal palace wind may be because the orphans captured by the sky demon were instilled with the idea of ​​the sky demon world and became a chess piece.

This time he was facing him. If he were to be an ordinary Sword Emperor Palace disciple, he might have been killed by Gong Feng.

It seemed that the invasion of the Sky Demon Realm was far more terrifying than he had imagined.

The Sky Demon Realm wanted to fundamentally rot the entire mountain and sea realm.

When all the babies of the Human Race were taken away and instilled in the Heavenly Demon Realm, there was no new blood to rise, then the Human Race was really over.

However, it was not as bad as Lu Chen thought.

Although the sky demon has been deeply rooted and lurking for nine days, the number is actually not that many, and there is no energy to take all the babies. There are billions of people in a country outside. How can they be taken.

After being silent for a while, Lu Chen continued to ask: "Human race has betrayed like this, so what about Monster Race."

Huo Xiyun's expression was slightly unnatural when she heard Lu Chen's words. She thought Lu Chen was implicitly suggesting Yin Kun betrayal.

Yin Kun's identity comes from a certain Peng clan, a mount used for transportation.

But Yin Kun's betrayal was something Huo Xijun hadn't expected.

Huo Xijun said: "The monster race is more prone to betrayal than the human race, because the sky demon is also a kind of monster race. There have been several betrayals of the monster race before, but they were destroyed by the super sect of the mountain and sea world. "

"Those top monster races can also be distinguished which is lighter and heavier. After all, there are several heavenly emperors coexisting in the mountain and sea realm, but there is no one heavenly emperor of the monster race. , Even if some monster tribes betrayed, they don’t dare to confuse them."

Several heavenly emperors coexist in the mountain and sea realm, belonging to a golden age, and those demon clan forces standing on the peak of the demon realm gave them a hundred courage and dare not betray.

If you dare to betray, let alone the deterrence of the Emperor of Heaven, a Sword Emperor who walks out of the Sword Emperor Palace will be enough for them to drink a pot.

Lu Chen continued to ask: "How many kinds of demon race activities are there in the Five Elements Heaven now, and is there only one type of Dragon Man?"

Huo Xijun said, "There are three kinds of monsters on the bright side, but if there are other monster races, I don't know."

Lu Chen asked, "Which three?"

Huo Xijun said: "You have already seen the dragon people, the devil dragon royal family, and the royal family born of humans. The remaining two are the Red Golden Bear Race and the One Horned Fire Bull Race. These two are also the royal families of the Sky Demon Realm. "

"The Chi Jin Xiong tribe majors in the rules of gold. It has golden hair and defenses that are more terrifying than the dragon race. It is also infinitely powerful. With a roar, it can shatter the barriers of medium-sized cities. But the number is small, and they are generally single activity"

"The one-horned fire ox is a group activity like the dragon race. This race is good at fire. The city is covered by magma wherever it goes, and can easily slaughter the city. This race likes hiding in magma and other environments."

Lu Chen asked: "The latter two sky demons were not born in combination with humans."

The dragon human race is the royal family born of the magic dragon and human. It has half of the human blood line, and Lu Chen has not eaten it before and dare not eat it.

But the latter two should be edible.

Huo Xijun said, "No, it's a normal monster."

Lu Chen thoughtfully, looked at Huo Xijun and said, "Have you eaten, is it delicious?"

Huo Xijun: "..."

What kind of person, I want to eat.

"Huo Xijun, Huo Xijun, I didn't expect you to be such a person." When Huo Xijun was speechless, a strange voice came from the door.

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