My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 865: Not frank enough

Outside, on the black warship, when the Chi Jin Xiong burst out, the three of them felt it. Jin Yang looked serious and said, "Brother Sword, Chi Jin Xiong is coming out soon, please stay away."

This was a supreme battle, not a normal saint king battle. Lu Chen's strength was too low and he might not be able to withstand the aftermath of noble energy.

A golden-haired red golden bear came out of the cave, its cold electric eyes locked on the black warship above.

This scarlet bear was two feet tall, burly, and full of blood, especially the supreme-level demonic energy released. The surrounding trees crumbled, flying sand and rocks, and the warship in the sky couldn't stop shaking.

Fortunately, Jin Yang and Huo Xijun both burst out of breath, resisting the breath of Chi Jin Xiong.

The Red Golden Bear Clan, the royal clan of the Sky Demon Realm, this clan is arrogant and likes to come and go alone.

This supreme-level red golden bear has hidden the beast forest for hundreds of years, and hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives in its mouth.

"Two supreme, one ant, looking for death" The red gold bear demon's eyes were cold, speaking human language.

"Crimson Bear, you have been doing evil in the Heavenly Beast Forest for a hundred years, and today is your time of death." Jin Yang stared at the Red Bear in a loud voice, and then dashed towards the Red Bear on the deck of his toes. On the way there, the Supreme-level cultivation base Fully erupted, the body flowed through the crystal clear golden rules, like a layer of sacred light flowing, and finally all gathered between the palms.

The palms of the golden sun were enveloped in a layer of golden brilliance, as bright as the sun, and the palms contained surging power, pushing horizontally from top to bottom to suppress the red golden bear.

As the golden palm prints fell, the ground around the Red Gold Bear trembled violently, unable to withstand the power of the palm, and the ground with a radius of thousands of meters collapsed and sank deeply.

The Chi Jin Xiong stood in the center of the deep pit. The golden hair was messed up by the strong wind, but the demon body did not squat a bit. He raised his head and stared at Jin Yang with rebellious eyes: "It's only in the early stage of the supreme, weak. "

As the mid-term supreme level, Chi Jin Xiong also understood the rules of gold, and was better at this rule than the human race, and Jin Yang's attacks were not even enough to tickle him.

Huo Xiyun's clothing tactics moved, flying out from the black warship, standing proudly between the world, holding a longbow of flames, aiming at the red golden bear below, drawing the full moon state, five arrows of flame energy appeared on the bowstring, With a swish, it shot towards Chijin Xiong's body.

Chi Jin Xiong raised his head and glanced at Huo Xiyun in the sky. As a supreme late stage, the burst of power from this woman made him slightly jealous.

The Chi Jin Xiong roared in a low voice, his demon power vibrated, and the ripples spread from circle to circle.

This is a ripple of energy transformed by demon power, extremely terrifying, even if it is contacted by Quasi-Supreme, it will burst into blood mist in an instant.

The five flame arrows touched the energy ripples, broke directly, exploded in the air, and burst into fireballs.

Huo Xiyun saw this scene, her pretty eyes drenched slightly, the strength of this scarlet golden bear completely exceeded her psychological expectations, and even the attack could not fall on her, **** the opponent.

"Just because you two want to kill me" Chi Jin Xiong looked at them with contempt, unharmed.

His clan has a strong defense and is basically invincible in the same realm. The two supreme human races want to kill him, which is too crazy.

Chi Jin Xiong raised his furry palms, golden light dazzling, full of blood, accompanied by terrifying power, slapped Jin Yang fiercely, a pair of golden demon pupils stared at the high-altitude Huo Xiyun contemptuously, two dazzling beams from the demon The pupil shot out like an immortal divine light, which can penetrate everything in the world.

When Jin Yang saw the Chi Jin Xiong slap it with a palm, his power was immense, and he locked him overwhelmingly. He quickly mobilized his whole body's cultivation, and also stretched out his palm, turning it into pale gold, and colliding with the furry palm.


Astonishing energy fluctuations spread, exploding the trees in a radius of thousands of miles, and the peaks turned into dust, turning into a bare sight.

Jin Yang suffered a terrifying force, was shaken back by a palm, and blood surged all over his body.

At the same time, Huo Xiyun in the sky saw two beams of light coming, twisted her waist, and walked away.

As she left, her previous location was hit by two beams of light, accompanied by a terrifying space explosion, and the supreme shock wave spread around.

"I don't know how high the sky is, and when I kill you, I'm moving elsewhere" Chi Jin Xiong said, trampling on the ground, his arms soared hundreds of feet, his whole body golden, and he slapped Jin Yang's head directly.

Jin Yang watched as his big golden hand came in, the power hidden on it was terrifying, so he dared not to be careless, he gave a soft drink, waved in front of him with one hand, drew an arc, the golden ripples appeared, turning into a sacred golden shield , Exuding brilliant brilliance, stood in front of him.

The attack of the Chijin Bear had arrived, and the palm of his hand collided with the golden shield. Although there was no crack, the overwhelming force shook the golden sun back several tens of meters.

High in the sky, Huo Xijun drew the bow again, but this time, only four flame arrows appeared on the bowstring, but the power of the four flame arrows diffused out was far better than the previous five flame arrows.

Two strands of flame appeared in Huo Xiyun's eyes, and when he loosened his hand, the four flames burst into the air and rushed towards the Chijin Bear.

Only when the Chi Jin Xiong repelled Jin Yang, he saw four arrows shooting over. These four attacks were stronger than before. With a heartbeat, the energy ripples spread across his body.

Puff puff!

Three fire arrows hit it in succession and exploded directly, but they also destroyed the energy ripples.

In the end, the flame arrow, without any obstruction, hit the arm of the Chi Jin Xiong without error, and a blood flower splashed.

Chi Jin Xiong was in pain and couldn't help taking a step back.

On the black warship, Lu Chen stood with his hands in his hands, watching the fight in the distance.

Although it took less than a minute for the two to fight Chi Jin Xiong, Lu Chen realized that it was only a matter of time before they wanted to kill Chi Jin Xiong with their strength.

The bow and arrow in Huo Xiyun's hand is not an ordinary bow and arrow, at least it is a supreme weapon, and the flame arrow shot can break the defense.

While Jinyang acted as a tank, but the frankness was not enough.

If Jin Yang's strength is stronger, Chi Jin Xiong can be distracted and focus on dealing with him, there will be no time to take care of Huo Xijun.

Moreover, Huo Xiyun might kill Chijin Bear in one attack.

Although Jin Yang's frankness was not enough, the Chi Jin Xiong would die here sooner or later if he continued to fight like this.

A supreme battle took place in the Celestial Beast Forest, and the aftermath of the battle spread over a radius of 100,000 miles, and you could feel movement from far away. If not, some demon beasts were attracted over and hovered in the air, watching the fighting in the distance curiously.

"This red golden bear has been hidden in the Heavenly Beast Forest for hundreds of years, but it was still discovered."

"The people who shot are Jin Yang and Huo Xiyun, Chi Jin is in danger"

"Huo Xiyun's Liuhuo Bow is a supreme weapon, and its cultivation has reached the late supreme level, and it has even been shot at the supreme peak"

Several leisurely comments reached Lu Chen's ears.

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