My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 869: A group of terrible ancestors

The people who were rescued were happy, but the Heavenly Sovereigns of the Yellow Raccoon and Night Wolf tribe were not very happy. No matter who was threatened in public like this, I am afraid they would not be happy.

Lu Chen looked at the old man in Huangpao, and said lightly: "Go to your clan first."


Huang Pao Tianzun did not refute, but agreed.

The yellow raccoon family is actually the civet cat family. It is said that cats have nine lives. I don't know whether this rumor is true. However, the Huang raccoon tribe is sure that there are no nine lives. Lu Chen slaughtered several of them earlier.

As the most powerful monster race in the Heavenly Beast Forest except the Flame Lion, the Huangli race has several Heavenly Lords, among which the ancestors are highly cultivated and very close to the emperor. They are expected to rule the way and enter the realm of the emperor.

The yellow raccoon base camp is located in a valley in the beast forest, surrounded by lush green pines and strange mountains and rocks.

The valley is huge, purple qi is lingering, spiritual waterfalls are flying, and there are thousands of rays, and the ground overflows with strands of spiritual power.

In the valley, buildings of palaces, Qionglou and Yutai, a few natural spiritual springs irrigate thousands of acres of medicinal fields, and all kinds of elixir are planted in them.

Farther away, there is a square with a size of ten thousand meters, paved with white jade, reflecting the blue sea and blue sky.

Many untransformed civet cats hop around on rockery lakes, ancient trees or palaces, frolicking.

On the square, there are also human-shaped yellow raccoons talking, or sitting cross-legged to comprehend the realm, and the atmosphere is peaceful.

There are two sacred trees on the edge of the square towering into the clouds, the leaves are emerald green, like emerald, exuding a soft luster. On the branches, there are sparse golden fruits hanging, fist-sized, crystal clear, and exudes a faint fragrance. Fanpin.

These two sacred fruit trees were rumored to have been planted by the ancestors of the raccoon tribe who came to the valley and planted them. They have a history of more than 500,000 years and bear fruit every ten years.

At this moment, the yellow raccoons in the valley suddenly heard an exclamation, coming from outside the valley, and they all looked up at the valley mouth in confusion.

Those yellow raccoons, who were playing and playing and not transforming, also raised a pair of smart eyes and turned them steadily.

Then, the yellow raccoon in the valley saw an extremely stunned scene. A group of ragged humans ran into the valley excitedly.

How could humans break into their ancestral land.


The transformed yellow raccoon roared, with fierce eyes, and came to the valley in a flash.

The terrifying holy power bloomed from them, turning into a terrifying storm and blowing on the crowd. The power contained in each storm was enough to strangle the holy realm.

In the crowd, a certain yellow-robed old man had a black face, and with a stroke of his sleeves, the storm's power suddenly became calm.

"Long, elder"

One of the holy king-level yellow raccoons who took the shot was stunned, because they saw an elder in the crowd.

A Tianzun-level elder, in the crowd.

Are these people the food brought back by the elders?

But is the food brought back so happy? impossible.

"Don't ask more," the old man in yellow robe said with a black face, now he is in a depressed mood.

Just kidding, how could I be happy with bringing back 605 ancestors.

"Wow, is this the blessed land of the yellow raccoons, it is really magnificent"

A group of kings and imperial warriors from ordinary cities looked at the valley with bright eyes, like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

The valley world is full of aura, as if it can wash people's hearts.

"Tsk tusk, thousands of acres of medicine fields are all precious elixir"

"Wow, there are several spiritual springs. In our small city, a cup of spiritual spring water is worth ten thousand gold."

"The two sacred fruit trees are the legendary Tianyuan sacred fruit trees. It is said that one can be cultivated for a hundred years."

A group of ‘hungry’ humans stared at everything in the valley, chatting and talking, and drooling.

Lu Chen looked at these people and said, "You can enjoy all of this."


Lu Chen's words made the eyes of a group of people brighter, braving a certain light, and wishing to rush over immediately.

"Naturally," Lu Chen said, turning aside the yellow-robed old man.

The latter twitched, trying to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

"Since you have said so, the benefactor, then we are not welcome." A group of people rushed to the valley like locusts. Some came to the Lingquan, a fierce man plunged into a drink, and some rushed to the medicine field. Pull out fresh jade ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and other rare elixir from the soil, and gnaw like a carrot.

Some rushed to the two sacred fruit trees, picked them off and began to gnaw wildly, gnawed one fruit three times, divided two, and continued to gnaw the second one.

The second gnawed the third one.

Anyway, this pure land of the Yellow Raccoon tribe is like a group of locusts coming to ruin the elixir and spirit fruit inside.

In this scene, the yellow raccoon who hadn't figured out what was happening had his eyes split and quickly blocked it.

"Stop, you lowly humans"

"Damn, I'm going to kill you"

A group of yellow raccoons were angry, and this group of lowly warriors had so much abused their pure land that they almost died of anger.

Someone wanted to make a move, Lu Chen snorted coldly, put out a big hand, and directly shook the yellow raccoon who was about to make a move, vomiting blood into a coma.

"Stop, don't act rashly," the Huangpao old man stood up and shouted, his voice contained vigorous spiritual fluctuations, which shocked a group of juniors.

The yellow raccoons cast their puzzled eyes at their Tianzun. They are now very bewildered. They don't understand why the Tianzun elder brought back a group of weak humans and let them ruin everything in the valley.

In fact, the yellow-robed old man is also unspeakable. He is not angry when he sees the natural spiritual spring in the valley being polluted and the medicine field being ruined?


More angry than the yellow raccoon at the scene.

But, what can be done.

Blame the **** children and grandchildren, the misfortune came out of the mouth and caused trouble to the yellow raccoons.

Next to the yellow-robed old man, the Tianzun from the Night Wolf tribe saw this scene without gloating, and there was a bit of bitterness in the old eyes, as if he saw his pure land appearing exactly the same as the Huangli valley.

Because these 605 people need to be jointly responsible by the Yellow Raccoon tribe and the Night Wolf tribe.

What a terrible group of ancestors.

These six hundred and five people looted wildly in the valley of the yellow raccoons, and it took a full hour to eat and drink.

Then, there was a messy scene.

The few clear and bottomless spirit springs became muddy, and the well-growing medicinal fields were in a mess as if they had been swept over by a pig.

There are also two sacred fruit trees. There were hundreds of fruits, but now only a few are left.

The yellow-robed old man caught a glimpse of some people hanging on the tree after eating and drinking, picking the fruit and putting it into the ring.

Commonly known as walking around if you can't eat it.

It was like the last straw that crushed the camel. The yellow-robed old man was angrily attacked, his eyes were black, and he fell straight to the ground.

The yellow-robed old man fell to the ground, making a group of yellow raccoons shocked and running over.

"No, the elder is in a coma, and I'm going to pinch people"

After being pinched, he didn't wake up.

"It seems that artificial respiration is needed"

All the raccoons look at me, and I look at you, no one can get that mouth.

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