My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 880: Baby disciple


The two fought fiercely again, the space trembled, and then, the lion king flew out, full of energy and blood.

On the other hand, this time, Lu Chen only stepped back and stopped.

"How can it be"

The members of the surrounding Lion Clan did not dare to accept the scene before him. When the Lion King violently collided with the opponent, he was completely at a disadvantage.

Even the Lion King couldn't accept this scene, he was extremely proud inside.

If he falls into a disadvantage in front of a warrior of the same level, he can still accept it, but the young man facing the battle is only in the early days of the Saint King.


The lion king’s body burst out with a huge roar, like the breath of thousands of horses and horses, the lion king’s breath is also rising violently, the flames all over his body seem to have changed, from red to purple, but it exudes The breath of temperature is more terrifying than the red flame.

The lion emperor was born that year and was very friendly to flames. The demon emperor personally took a terrifying spiritual fire and planted the lion emperor's body to improve his aptitude.

It's not like the rumors of the outside world.

That is legend.

Where in the world is there a **** or man who was born with a vision of heaven and earth, it is fake, and even the emperor of heaven was born without a vision, one step at a time, he entered the realm of emperor of heaven.

The power within the lion king bloomed violently, and the terrifying purple flame swept across the sky and turned into purple lions. At a glance, the sky and the earth were covered with purple lions, each of which was huge and majestic, following the lion king With his palm waving, the purple lions roared towards Lu Chen.

The location of Lu Chen was instantly covered by purple flames.

"The nineteenth prince’s spirit fire combined with the lion clan secret method doubled the power displayed by it"

"This young man can never stop him"

When the surrounding Lions saw this scene, they all sneered.

And Lu Chen, who was covered by the thick purple fire, did feel a destructive force. The purple flame seemed to be about to destroy the world, and it would be burned wherever it went.

However, the appearance of the purple flame excites the World Extinguishing Black Flame in Lu Chen's body, and a huge black vortex appears on the surface of his body, greedily absorbing the power of the purple flame.

Afterwards, when the purple flames slowly dissipated, Lu Chen stood there intact.

This result is simply unbearable.

"I don't have time to play with you, go to the bed and heal your wounds" Lu Chen looked at the lion king and said, after he walked, there was a terrible sword intent flowing all over his body. Quickly cut to the lion king.

Feeling the power of this sword intent, the lion emperor's face changed slightly, and then he let out a violent roar.

Lion roar!

Under this roar, the space was distorted, and tyrannical sound waves swept out, directly shattering Lu Chen's sword intent.

"It's interesting, even the sword intent can roar to pieces." Lu Chen chuckled lightly, and appeared in front of the lion emperor with a ghostly figure. A palm sticks out, and on the palm, there is an infinite power of rules.

The Lion King stretched out his hand to resist, but the power contained in Lu Chen's palm exceeded his imagination, and he was shaken back a few steps again.

Lu Chen stepped in the air and kicked the lion king's chest.


Lu Chen's chest bones were kicked off several of the lion emperor's chest bones, and a crisp sound was heard. The lion emperor's face suddenly became distorted, groaning, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.


The Lion King opened his mouth and roared at Lu Chen again.

Lu Chen's ears were like a super big explosion, buzzing, his movements were slightly stagnant, but he recovered in an instant, and his palm contained incomparable power and slapped the lion king on the chest.

This blow directly hit the Lion King.

The lion king coughed up blood, fell from the air, and hit the ground heavily.

The Lion King's face became extremely pale, and he looked at Lu Chen with an expression of disbelief.

He has never been defeated since he was born, and now he has suffered the first defeat in his life.

Lost to a warrior in the early stage of the Saint King, belonged to the kind of fiasco.

"How can it be"

The surrounding lion clan members, the deities watching the battle, the queen, etc., made a huge wave in their hearts.

The Lion King was defeated.

The most talented Lion King in the clan was defeated by the opponent, then, in the same realm, who was the opponent of this young man.


At the same time, the chaotic space in the endlessly distant place, here is a blur, bleak, silent and cold are the theme songs here.

As the camera zoomed in, a magnificent ancient city floated quietly in the air.

This city is extremely huge and majestic, like an eternal ancient city, exuding an ancient, primitive atmosphere.

In the city, there are countless creatures. The aura of these creatures is terrifying, and you can see that the weakest ones are all the gods.

This city is called Jiecheng.

At the other end of the city, there was a huge crack with a width of tens of thousands of feet. The inside was pitch black, like an abyss. Just looking at it would make people creepy.

As for the length, it cannot be estimated.

Inside the wide cracks, all kinds of turbulence and gusts of wind were huffed and puffed up. This kind of storm contained the ultimate sharp power. Even if the ordinary emperor went deep inside, it would not last long before it would be torn into pieces.

This crack is the sky mark.

There are countless large and small sky marks on the boundary membrane of the mountain and sea.

The origin of the boundary mark was caused by the collision between the mountain and sea world and the sky demon world.

In front of every huge boundless sky mark, there was a boundary city in the way.

The role of the boundary city is to stop the sky demon from invading the mountain and sea boundary.

Once a sky demon comes out, the army of the city will suppress it.

The edge of the boundary mark is the battlefield. Every time the sky demon appears, a huge melee will erupt.

At this time, in a tavern in Jiecheng, a middle-aged man turned black because he had received news from the clan that a disciple of the Sword Emperor Palace broke into his clan land.

This disciple defeated the Lion King, who was his favorite son.

What was a little unbearable was that the sword emperor palace disciple ran to his bedroom, which made the demon emperor's head feel green and secluded.


The more the Demon Emperor thought, the more angry he smashed the wine bowl in his hand.

"What's the matter?" Several people next to the Demon Emperor noticed the strangeness, and asked quickly.

These people are all demon emperors, come from other demon races, and are friends of demon emperors.

Although the Demon Emperor was very depressed and didn't want to tell this embarrassing thing, he would probably not be able to see the Heavenly Emperor by himself.

He narrated the course of the matter very aggrievedly.


"The disciples of Sword Emperor Palace are too much"

"Go, we will accompany you to find the Sealed Empress"

After hearing this, several Yaozu great emperors were very angry.

Afterwards, they walked angrily all the way to the residence of the Seal Empress, and someone at the door notified that the Seal Empress could see them.

They walked in and saw the seal empress deity.

The seal of the emperor's peerless elegance gave them a back, only showing a back to the sentient beings, and they could not breathe.

"I know what you're here for" a soft voice came slowly.

The demon emperor was dumbfounded. He was suspected of being sealed by the cuckold.

Really... bad things spread for hundreds of millions of miles.

Even the Emperor of Heaven knew he was green.

"My dear disciple is getting more and more naughty. When I see him in the future, I must take care of him. If there is nothing else, I will withdraw." Sealed empress Su Yingxia spit out a sentence of blame. Voice of feint.

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