My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 905: My red envelopes are ready

The blue sky was like washing, and a stream of light hurriedly passed by.

Four people stood on the deck, overlooking the pleasant scenery from the air.

Yan Zixuan looked at the magnificent mountains and rivers, with a trace of obsession in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "The scenery is so beautiful."

As a person who grew up in the mountains and seas, he is full of nostalgia for this vast expanse of land.

Liu Mu lightly sighed: "I don't know when the war with the sky demon will end. We all have to work hard to become stronger, hoping to see the day when the war ends."

Lu Chen glanced at the young girl Xi next to him. Since the latter appeared in a weird state last time, she hadn't been in a muddle-headed state or erupted again, which made Lu Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

The latter found that Lu Chen looked at her, revealing two cute dimples.

"By the way, Junior Brother, where are you going out this time?" Liu Mu's gaze suddenly fell on Lu Chen's body and asked aloud.

Last time Lu Chen said to take him out with him, but he didn't say what he was doing or where he was going.

Lu Chen asked: "Where is Lihuo Palace."

The last time the lower realms competed for the origin of the emperor, one of them was Gu Yun, who came from the Lihuo Palace in the mountains and seas, and showed murderous intent to himself, trying to suppress him with a powerful and domineering attitude.

As a result, he was bound to himself, and he was not his opponent. Gu Yun finally had to sacrifice the decrees of Tianzun and saved his life.

At that time, the Tianzun's decree was very strong, and Lu Chen could only watch the opponent rescue Gu Yun.

Now that he has personally come to the world of mountains and seas, he will naturally go to Lihuo Palace for a while.

Lu Chen didn't intend to kill Gu Yun, there was no need, but his promotion to the Holy King was a hundred thousand square spirit crystals, which had to leave the Fire Palace.

If you leave the Fire Palace to know the current affairs and be a good master, you will save money and avoid disaster.

Liu Mu said: "It's not far from the Fire Palace. It's only half a month's journey. Why, Junior Brother, what are you doing away from the Fire Palace."

Lu Chen talked about the grievances of the lower realm and the plan to ask for some spirit crystals by the way.

"One hundred thousand square spirit crystals" Liu Mu showed a surprised look and said: "I heard Senior Sister Ruan said that he gave you fifty thousand squares, Pei Ji also gave you fifty thousand squares, plus the pill you sold in the Sword Emperor Palace. Medicine, isn't it enough to be promoted to Saint King Consummation, or Junior Brother, you are preparing for the Supreme."

Lu Chen touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "It's far from enough. I have consumed more than 150,000 cubes of spirit crystals, and I have only been promoted to the peak of the Saint King."

Speaking of this, Lu Chen was also a little depressed.

"One hundred and fifty thousand square spirit crystals are not enough"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Zixuan and Liu Mulu showed surprised expressions.

Junior Brother Lu Chen spent 150,000 cubic meters of spirit crystals before he was promoted from the early stage of the Saint King to the peak of the Saint King.

This... a lot of spirit crystals are consumed.

Liu Mu remembered that at that time, he had only consumed more than 50,000 square spirit crystals, and he had directly completed the Holy King.

Yan Zixuan asked curiously: "Junior Brother, how many rules do you understand now? The consumption of spirit crystals is proportional to the rules of understanding. The more rules you understand, the more spirit crystals are consumed."

Lu Chen silently calculated the rules of fire, rules of thunder, rules of kendo, rules of void, and rules of killing, these five are the five that he understands most now.

Due to the special reason of the exercise method, all other rules are covered with rain and dew. Basically, it can be said that each rule can be understood by itself, but there is no choice of refining for the time being.

Could this be the reason why the consumption of spirit crystals is several times that of others.

If this is the case, it can also explain why Tong consumes more than others.

Lu Chen shrugged and said, "There are five rules that can be used now. If you want to comprehend other rules, you should be able to comprehend five or six easily."

Lu Chen's words were not joking. For example, in addition to the four basic five-element rules besides flames, there are also common rules like the rules of life, the rules of ice, the rules of the wind, etc., which should be easily understood.

When Yan Zixuan heard that, he gave a thumbs up and exaggeratedly roared: "Junior Brother, you are going to be against the sky. You can understand so many rules. If you all blend with the soul, then your soul Who can move, afraid of being more terrifying than the physical body, will be the ultimate nightmare for enemies who are good at primordial attacks and fantasy enemies."

This junior is really abnormal. Not only can he use five rules and methods, but he can also comprehend five or six if he wants to understand.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Yan Zixuan suddenly changed the subject: "But Junior Brother, you are awesome, but you can't be merciful."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Chen was stunned for the inexplicable words that Yan Zixuan said.

Immediately remembered that when he was in the Five Elements Heaven, Yan Zixuan also said a lot of inexplicable things to him, what kind of heirs, bloodlines, and you can't abandon everything.

Liu Mu also said: "Junior Brother, what you did in the Lion Clan has spread to the mountain and sea world."


Lu Chen became more and more at a loss, what are these two people talking about.

Yan Zixuan looked at Lu Chen and said: "You have caused several Lion girls to become pregnant in the Lion Clan. We already know it. Although we don't think it's a big deal, as you become more and more famous in the future, you will be treated to you. Bad reputation."


Lu Chen spouted a mouthful of old blood, his eyes widened, and he said, "When is the matter, don't talk nonsense."

Lu Chen was faltering. He caused several young girls of the Lion Clan to become pregnant?

Why didn't his client know when it happened.

The two of them explained something next to him. After a few minutes, Lu Chen finally understood the cause and effect, gritted his teeth and said: "The lion clan, the balao, went to the mountains and seas to slander me."

Lu Chen never expected that the courage of the Lion Clan was so fat that he ran to the mountains and seas to slander him.

To make a lion girl get pregnant and watch the demon concubine take a bath

Good, very good.

"Uh, is it fake?" Yan Zixuan touched his head and said with a dry smile: "I have all the red envelopes ready."

Lu Chen: "..."

Lu Chen was indignant, and when he returned to the Five Elements Heaven, he was looking for the Lion Clan to settle accounts.


Some people like fame and gain, and do good deeds like to show off and make people admire, but some people don't like fame and gain and give away in obscurity.

Even though he died in battle, no one else knew his heroic deeds during his lifetime.

Zongxian is the latter kind of person.

Zongxian’s family background was not very good. He was born in a small family, tens of millions of miles away from the Palace of the Sword Emperor. .

Because the sky demon hidden in the mountains and seas, if you want to target a certain genius, you will look for its weakness, such as relatives, brothers, friends and so on.

For the safety of his family, Zongxian rarely goes home, and every time he goes home, he will cover up, fearing that the sky demon will threaten him with his family.

Even Zongxian's family members only know that Zongxian has worshipped into the Sword Emperor Palace, but they don't know how they are in the Sword Emperor Palace, what realm they have cultivated, or whether they are alive or dead.

As Yan Zixuan and Liu Mu who are very familiar with Zongxian, they know Zongxian's home and the Sword Emperor Palace is afraid that only two people know where Zongxian's family is.

When Zongxian went to Jiecheng, he told Yan Zixuan that if he unfortunately died in battle, help bury his ashes in the place where he was raised.

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