My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 909: Aftercare

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene became heavy, and the eyes of the siblings turned red, staring straight at Yan Zixuan, they already had the worst result in their hearts.

When Yan Zixuan saw the expressions of the siblings, he felt very uncomfortable.

Did you hide it from the siblings first? Lie to them that Brother Zongxian is practicing in retreat.

But how long can it be full?

Brother Zongxian is a relative of the siblings and has the right to know.

"Brother, tell them the facts" Lu Chen glanced at Yan Zixuan and said through the sound.

Although the siblings can cheat for a while, it is impossible to cheat for a lifetime. It is better to open the skylight and talk brightly.

"Senior Brother Zongxian... passed away" Yan Zixuan slowly said as he watched the two of them. After speaking, he was relieved.

Zong Xiaorong's face suddenly turned pale, and his body was swaying, but fortunately, Yan Zixuan got out in time and supported the opponent.

"No, how could my elder brother die"

Zong Jun let out a sorrowful roar, tears could not stop falling, and he was distraught.

"Brother Zixuan, you lied to me, right? How could my elder brother die?" Zong Jun looked at Yan Zixuan with a look of hope with tears, hoping that the other party would suddenly smile, saying it was a prank.

Yan Zixuan looked at Shang Zongjun's sad eyes and replied bitterly: "Zong Jun, do you think I would make fun of Brother Zongxian's life and death."

A urn appeared in Yan Zixuan's hand and said in a trembling tone: "Brother Zongxian died in the battle and only recovered half of his body. He once told me that if he died in battle, he would bring his ashes back. , Now I come to fulfill my promise."

"Big Brother"

Zong Xiaorong looked at the urn, let out a cry of pain, and passed out into a coma.

It was because Zong Xiaorong had just recovered from a serious illness, and when he heard bad news, she was overwhelmed with sadness in her heart and passed out into a coma.

"Big Brother"

Zong Jun screamed and knelt on the ground with his legs on the ground, looking at the urn of his eldest brother, tears blurred his eyes.

Lu Chen, Yan Zixuan, and Liu Mu quietly watched Zong Jun cry. For the siblings, this was terrible news, and it took time to digest.

Young girl Xi sat next to her obediently, looking at Zong Jun curiously with her big beautiful eyes.

A little later, Zong Jun finally cried and stopped crying. Zong Xiaorong woke up in Yan Zixuan's arms.

"Young Master Yan, I'm sorry" Zong Xiaorong smiled apologetically at Yan Zixuan, and then left from his arms.

"Brother Zixuan, why did my elder brother die?" Zong Jun asked in a hoarse voice as he stared at Yan Zixuan with eyes blankly.

Zong Xiaorong's attention was also placed on Yan Zixuan, hoping to get the answer from his mouth, at least to figure out the identity of the enemy.

"Brother Zongxian... is a hero, sacrificed for the mountain and sea world" Yan Zixuan said in a low tone.


The siblings were at a loss.

Their brother died for the mountain and sea world, what does this mean?

In their impression, the elder brother was nothing more than an ordinary holy realm, so he had sacrificed for the mountain and sea realm.

Zong Jun clenched his fists tightly and said in a hateful tone: "Brother Zixuan, you don't have to hide from us, is it because the enemy is too terrible and afraid that we will revenge recklessly? If there is no absolute certainty, we will not take revenge. Now my sister and I just want to know who is the enemy who killed the big brother."

Zong Xiaorong's eyes were slightly red, and said quietly, "Young Master Yan, we have the right to know who the murderer is."

Yan Zixuan stared at the two siblings, and said every word: "Sky demon."

"Brother Zongxian is actually not the Holy Realm as you said, but the Great Heavenly Sovereign, and he went to Jiecheng early."

"Recently, the boundary city guarded by the Sword Emperor Palace was broken. You have heard the news of the deaths of thousands of disciples. Brother Zong Xian died in this turmoil."

As Yan Zixuan confided the truth, both siblings were shocked.

Their eldest brother was not in the holy realm, but the Great Heavenly Sovereign, who fought and died in Jiecheng with the sky demon. This shocking news had a strong impact on their hearts.

Silent for a long time.

Yan Zixuan said in a low voice: "Brother Zongxian...because he is afraid that the sky demon hidden in the mountains and seas will threaten your lives, he dare not tell you the true cultivation level and the things about going to the city."

"It's no wonder that Mingming Sword Emperor Palace is not far from home, only a few days away, but it is rare for Big Brother to go home for hundreds of years."

"No wonder I went to the Sword Emperor Palace when my parents died. The Shoushan disciples flickered and lied to my elder brother to be practicing. At that time, I thought that elder brother was in a delusion, and I didn't even ask about the death of my parents."

As the siblings were talking, they started crying again, and in the end there were no tears, and they were numb to the ground and lost their souls, as if they had lost their souls.


A few days later, the siblings finally accepted the news of the death of the older brother.

There are two tombs in the courtyard of the Zong Family Mansion. The deceased were the parents of the siblings.

There is a new tomb beside the two tombs. On the tombstone, the words Zongxian's Tomb are engraved.

A group of people stood in front of the tombstone.

"Brother, take care of our parents" Zong Xiaorong held a stick of incense in her hand and said softly. After speaking, she inserted the incense in front of the tombstone.

"Brother, I want to go to Jiecheng to fight against the demon and avenge you, like you," Zong Jun said in a choked tone, and after he finished speaking, he would incense for the elder brother.

"Brother Zongxian, take a good journey, I will take good care of Zong Xiaorong and Zong Jun" said Yan Zixuan.

Liu Mu didn't speak, just sighed slightly, and left after finishing the incense.

"Brother, although I haven't seen you, I admire you very much." Lu Chen took a step forward and gave Zongxian a stick of incense.

"Brother, can I go to the Sword Emperor Palace to practice, I want to avenge my eldest brother" After a while, Zong Jun looked up at Yan Zixuan and said firmly.

He wants to become stronger and avenge his eldest brother, so he can only enter a super sect like Sword Emperor Palace.

Yan Zixuan sighed helplessly, and said, "Zong Jun, it's actually better for you to stay in Hexi City to practice."

Zong Jun's talent is not too good. He is only in the king state when he is close to a hundred years old. It is impossible to enter the Sword Emperor Palace.

"I stay in Hexi City, I can't improve my strength at all," Zong Jun said bitterly.

Now the family is dependent on him and his sister. The two of them don't have the resources to practice, their realm cannot be improved, and they don't even have the qualifications to serve in the city.

Because even if it is not the main realm city, it needs the cultivation base of the supreme realm to be able to serve.

At this time, Lu Chen said: "Sword Emperor Palace can't enter, then go to Jiutian, when I return to the Five Elements Heaven, I can throw him in the Five Elements Sect."

"The Five Elements Sect is a good choice." Yan Zixuan nodded, then looked at Zong Jun and asked, "Would you like to practice in the Five Elements Sect."

"Yes, yes," Zong Jun nodded quickly, and then said: "My sister."

Zong Xiaorong looked at her younger brother and smiled softly: "Xiaojun, my elder sister stays in Hexi City to accompany my parents and elder brother. You can go out, but remember to visit my sister every few years.

"Yeah" Zong Jun nodded vigorously and said, "Sister, wait for me in Hexi City."

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