My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 911: Chaptery bumps

High in the sky, Wang Zun was angry.

As the king of the Tianzun realm, even the Lord of the ancient country, the existence of an ordinary emperor must give him face.

The younger generation who is only in the early stage of the supreme, although said to be a double, but the power of argument is too far from him, and even no face is given to him, making the old man very angry.

As the old man's breath came out mightily, the flames dyed the sky red, the crimson flames mixed with light blue, the temperature was very high, the earth was scorched, and even the sky seemed to be melted.

"The breath of Nanming divine fire, Wang Zun from the fire palace" Liu Mu said while looking at each other.

In the mountain and sea world, the divine fire is very rare, and I can count it with my fingers. Lihuo Palace is an emperor-level force that specializes in the avenue of flames, and has the Nanming divine fire.

His disciples all had the opportunity to temper their bodies in the divine fire, so Liu Mu revealed the identity of the old man.

Lu Chen looked at the old man with a ray of surprise in his eyes. Did this Wang Zun leave the Fire Palace? That would be a coincidence, and he wouldn't make a trip to leave the Fire Palace.

The old man was penetrated by his identity and didn't care. He looked at Liu Mu and said coldly: "Feng Bai saved my life before. I owe him a promise to hand over the murderer."

The old man broke into a ruin that year. After encountering a life-and-death crisis, he escaped dying and was rescued by Feng Bai. This favor must be returned.

City Master Feng Bai was standing in the air, and seeing Senior Liu said so, his heart suddenly became clear.

In the eyes of City Master Feng Bai, as Senior Liu, killing an ordinary disciple of Sword Emperor Palace, Sword Emperor Palace shouldn't bother.

After all, the disciple of the Sword Emperor Palace provoked first.

"The person was killed by my junior disciple Yan Zixuan, but... would you dare to move him?" Liu Mu looked back at Yan Zixuan and said in a calm tone.


The face of the old man from the palace of fire changed in an instant.

In his previous thoughts, although the Sword Emperor Palace is a super power, there are also many ordinary disciples. If certain disciples rely on their status to provoke a king of his level, even if they are killed, the Sword Emperor Palace. The senior management will only open one eye and close one eye.

However, some disciples are very distinguished, and there is a powerful master behind them. Not only can they not afford to offend, but even if they leave the fire palace, they can't afford to offend them.

Obviously, Yan Zixuan is on the list.

The master behind Yan Zixuan is very strong, quasi-peerless, and only weaker than Zheng Chunjun and Luo Junlin.

This kind of series is very terrifying, so terrifying that a casual walk to the Lihuo Palace can make the Lihuo Palace fall apart in an instant.

The old man's face suddenly became hard to look at, and he cursed unlucky in his heart.

"Who are you?" the old man looked at Liu Mu and asked.

The old man suddenly remembered that the enchanting young man in white was a bit too much. He was a terrifying double-sovereign in the early stage of his cultivation, and the early stage of the sword intent.

The opponent is in the Palace of the Sword Emperor, and I am afraid that he also has a great background.

"Liu Mu"

Hearing this, the old man shuddered, and he instinctively turned his head and left, not to be nosy.

Liu Mu is an enchanting evildoer, follows the rules of kendo to enter the holy king, and Pei Ji and Ruan Chenshuang are also known as the three major treasures of the Sword Emperor Palace.

After all, there are only three of the younger generations of the Sword Emperor Palace who follow the rules of the sword to enter the Saint King. Once one of them is moved, the two strong sword emperors will also be alarmed. , Raise the sword every minute to kill you.

The old man glanced at Fengbai City Lord, his heart was burning with anger, and now, all the anger was transferred to Fengbai City Lord.

He said in my heart, your son is not very good in cultivation, hey, his eyes are very vicious.

The mountains and seas are so vast and powerful as the stars in the sky. Most of them can be offended by Lihuo Palace, but your son has chosen to provoke people who even Lihuo Palace can't offend.

City Lord Feng Bai came into contact with the old man's eyes, and his eyes were very unkind to him, which made him very confused, and hurriedly asked, "Senior Liu..."

"You gave birth to a good son." The old man smiled angrily.

City Master Feng Bai said in surprise: "Senior Liu, do you think my son is excellent? Originally I wanted him to worship your door, hey..."

Afterwards, City Lord Feng Bai looked at Yan Zixuan and the others again, with killing intent in his eyes, and his tone was cold: "Senior Liu, you help me stop them for a while, and I will kill them myself."

"Kill, kill a hammer" Senior Liu felt angry and his liver hurts.

City Master Feng Bai didn't know the anger in Senior Liu's heart. He just wanted to kill the murderers in front of him. His whole body was in a riot, his arm soared hundreds of meters, and a terrifying murderous intent appeared, covering everyone except Liu Mu.

The old man was a little dizzy when he saw this scene. He owed a favor to City Lord Feng Bai and had to pay it back, but he couldn't afford to offend these people in front of him. He felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

"Brother, you block him for a while," Lu Chen said, looking at Liu Mu.

After he stepped forward, the sword intent flowed throughout his body, giving people an extremely sharp feeling. Not only that, Lu Chen's eyes also became terrifying, staring at the palms that were getting closer, the sword intent all over his body gathered in his palms. , With a sudden shot, a sword palm with the condensed sword intent came out and collided with the palm in the sky.

Feng Baikan felt a strange feeling in his heart. He felt that the attack could tear his attack. He snorted coldly, his breath soared, and the surface of his huge palm was covered with a layer of golden brilliance. The regular lines flowed, releasing a wave. The majestic power to suppress the world.


City Master Feng Bai's attack shattered Lu Chen's sword palm, but the rules that filled his palm were also pierced by the sharp sword intent.

Lu Chen only felt a huge force bombarding his body, his body was shaken and he took a step back, and the blood qi in his body rolled over.

"Junior Brother"

Yan Zixuan shouted.

Yan Zixuan was a little annoyed, wondering why he didn't break through the Saint King, otherwise, how could he be so helpless to watch.

"Don't worry, I'm fine" Lu Chen waved his hand.

Just using the sword intent to test the supreme offensive, now his sword intent in the middle of the holy rank can hardly break the supreme attack.

It seems that only other methods can be used.

"I don't know if the sky is high and the earth is thick, how can you provoke the Supreme?" Feng Bai snorted and released the supreme power. The palm of his hand was constantly slapped against the void, and the void shook violently, forming a tsunami-like shock wave, directly towards the land The dust came in.

Lu Chen's eyes were like torches, his thoughts moved, and the killing rules gathered from all around.

There are countless circulating ripples on the surface of Lu Chen's fist, and each wave is very small, but it regularly covers Lu Chen's fist, and then spreads the entire arm.

And if you look closely, you can find that when the ripples flow, a strong cutting force is released, and even the space has tiny cracks.

After that, Lu Chen used another power, that was Jianyi.

Generally speaking, only by breaking through the heavenly realm and combining the two rules can the superimposed rule power be used.

But the sword intent is very special and does not belong to the rules, so the sword intent and the killing rules can be combined, and the power of the combination is also doubled.

With the blessing of the sword intent, the power on Lu Chen's fist became more and more terrifying, and the diffused aura made City Master Feng Bai feel a little frightened.

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