My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 919: Baby grandson (six thousand words big

Seeing Lu Chen looking at him with doubts, the young man's expression was very excited: "Boss, I, don't you know me, one of the four evils, my worship of the boss is like a surging river, out of control. , Another example..."

As he said, he started talking nonsense.

Lu Chen interrupted his nonsense and said coldly, "Say your name."

The youth immediately said, "Liu Wushuang."

"Liu Wushuang"

Lu Chen's eyes flickered, and suddenly he remembered the flower-picking thieves among the four evils of Zhongzhou Region.

There are a total of four evils in the Zhongzhou domain, including friends Geng Zimo, women's gangster Xiao Yao, peerless thief Gao Xuan, and flower picking thief Liu Wushuang.

He has seen the first three, but Liu Wushuang, the flower picker, has never seen them.

Because this guy was very tragic, he was seriously injured by his senior sister Mei Yingluo, and kept hiding in the dark to heal his injuries, so Liu Wushuang was the only one he had never seen among the four evils.

Lu Chen had never seen Liu Wushuang, but Liu Wushuang had seen Lu Chen from the memory crystal, and he was very impressed. They agreed to go to Lu Chen before the four evils, so they recognized Lu Chen at once.

"You are really Liu Wushuang" Lu Chen looked a little surprised, and wondered in his heart, is it possible that the four evils are coming to the upper realm, but why are they not together, or that only Liu Wushuang is the first to upper realm, and the others are still in the middle state. .

Liu Wushuang quickly said: "Boss, I really am Liu Wushuang, the most handsome young man in the Zhongzhou region, who has made countless girls cherish spring and shed tears for me in a lonely night."

Hearing this, Lu Chen immediately affirmed the identity of the other party.

This kind of shameless remark is really hard for most people to say.

Jin Yang and Huo Xijun got goosebumps all over, secretly sighing how such shameless people are in the world, and they don't know what the other side's skin is made of, it is so thick.

Huo Xijun's eyes were full of anger, with a pretty face, and said coldly: "Deng disciple."

Then he looked at Lu Chen and asked, "Brother Jian, how do you know such a shameless guy."

"What's wrong, he spied on you..." Seeing Huo Xijun's face ugly, Lu Chen couldn't help but sink. Combined with the intelligence of Liu Wushuang, according to rumors, this guy likes to sneak in secretly, and Lu Chen already knows in secret. I'm afraid it was Liu Wushuang who was caught in a sneak peek and was brought back by Huo Xijun.

"Yeah" Huo Xiyun nodded, admitting Lu Chen's guess.

Lu Chen has a headache right now. It is said that he has no friendship with the four evils, but with the four evils skills, it is estimated that he can get a lot of information on the sky demon for himself, and the effect is quite big, but he and Huo Xiyun have met again, can’t Favor Liu Wushuang.

And LSPs like Liu Wushuang should suffer more.

Lu Chen groaned for two seconds, with a decision in his heart, and said, "Let's close it for ten thousand years."

This matter was completely up to Liu Wushuang to ask for trouble, first suppress the ten thousand years of rising and rising memory.

"Boss, wronged" Liu Wushuang heard that he was about to be imprisoned for 10,000 years, and he immediately cried out: "I just came up, and I am not familiar with the map, so how dare I peep indiscriminately."

Liu Wushuang turned his head to look at Huo Xiyun again and said angrily: "And you, who is spying on you, your clothes haven't taken off, don't mess with good people."

Speaking of Liu Wushuang is also depressed, because the Five Elements Sky is too vast, only a few days before the upper realm, has not yet been familiar with the situation, is going around in the vast mountains, planning to find a city to familiarize himself with the situation, just met Huo Xijun standing there. At the lake, it looks like I want to bathe.

He opened his mouth and called a girl, and then the other party changed his face on the spot, insisting on stalking and peeping, and then released a breath of breath to suppress him, was **** and brought back to the sect.

Fortunately, seeing Lu Chen was there, so excitedly called the boss.

Liu Wushuang looked at Lu Chen and said eagerly: "Boss, you believe me once. I really didn't lie to you. I have been up from the Ten Domains in less than half a month."

Huo Xijun's expression changed slightly, and then she looked at Lu Chen and said, "Brother Jian, this guy is really a warrior from ten regions."

After Huo Xijun suppressed the opponent, although the latter kept talking about coming up from Ten Domains, she didn't believe it at all, and she was sure that this guy was a voyeur.

Seeing that the other party was so serious now, and insisting that she came from Ten Domains, maybe she really misunderstood the other party.

"Yeah" Lu Chen nodded.

"That seems to be a misunderstanding." Huo Xijun's pretty face was slightly embarrassed, thinking that the other party had been following her for a long time, and as he said, he untied Liu Wushuang.

After Liu Wushuang was free, he let out a sigh of relief, and sighed in his heart that God was so kind to him. He actually met Lu Chen in the vast upper realm. Otherwise, he would be imprisoned in the Year of the Monkey.

Liu Wushuang understood that the woman in front of her was angry, but she had no intention of killing him. If she was a cruel woman, she would have been killed when she was in the mountains.

But being **** and brought back means that he will not kill himself, but he may be imprisoned for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

"Where are the others?" Lu Chen asked aloud. The others naturally referred to Geng Zimo, Xiao Yao, and Gao Xuan.

Liu Wushuang scratched his hair in distress: "The three of them also came up, but we were separated after we came out. I don't know where they are now."

The four of them came up in groups, and I don't know why they would disperse after passing through the vortex.

When Lu Chen saw this, he didn't ask any more, since they all came up safely, there will always be a chance of encountering them in the future.

Lu Chen looked at Jin Yang: "How much information about the sky demon you have in your hands, give it to me before going to Jiecheng."

As he said, Lu Chen turned his head to look at Huo Xiyun, and said, "Give me the prescription of the Huo Ling Pill."

The main medicine of the Fire Spirit Pill is Fire Fish. Lu Chen doesn't know the other medicines, so he needs to collect them slowly.

Jin Yang took out a memory crystal and handed it to Lu Chen, saying, "Brother Jian, it records the rebellion of important figures in several families, but the evidence is slightly insufficient, and you need to have definite evidence before you can do it."

Huo Xijun took out a piece of yellowed paper and handed it to Lu Chen, saying, "This is the recipe for Huo Ling Pill."

Lu Chen took a look and found that there were more than 20 kinds of medicinal materials. Most of the medicinal materials were common, and only a few of them were rare. The places where medicinal materials were grown were marked next to them, and some of them were dangerous.

Lu Chen packed up his things and said, "You can go to Jiecheng without worry. I will leave the Heavenly Demon of the Five Elements Heaven to pack."

Jin Yang smiled and said, "I can trust the third brother Jian."

Lu Chen got up to say goodbye, and took the girl Xi and Liu Wushuang to leave from the Five Elements Sect. After Qing Yuesuo flew thousands of miles away, Lu Chen suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at the girl Xi, and said: "Xiao Xi, come over, let me help You change your appearance."

Young girl Xi's appearance is really too eye-catching, I am afraid that no matter where she goes, she will be able to attract attention, which is not conducive to the subsequent actions. This time he went out not to visit the mountains and water, but to find out the sky demon in the dark.

It is really difficult for a woman who is astonished as a celestial person with Young Girl Xi to act.

Lu Chen also planned to put the girl Xi in the Five Elements Sect, but this method did not work, because the girl Xi is very sensitive to aura, even if she is separated by thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, he can still find his aura, and then suddenly appeared in before.

This is also the conclusion Lu Chen has reached after calculation.

Last time he went out of the turbulent flow of nothingness, the young girl Xi Shen appeared before him unconsciously.

The other thing was to sell her, and immediately left sitting on the flying magic weapon, but she suddenly appeared inside Qingyuesuo.

Therefore, it would not work to throw Young Girl Xi at the Five Elements Sect, so she had to take her with her.

Lu Chen thought of disguising each other, eh, a little bit ugly.

Young girl Xi turned her head to look at Lu Chen, and asked puzzledly: "Brother, why should I change my appearance."

"This one.."

Lu Chen pondered for a while, not knowing how to explain it.

Could it be that you are so beautiful that it is easy to focus on us, which is not conducive to action.

"Is Xiao Xi not beautiful enough, doesn't my brother like it?" Young girl Xi asked with a pretty face.

Lu Chen looked at the face close at hand, his beautiful big eyes were full of innocence, he swallowed inexplicably, and sighed that he was really a fairy.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I like it."

Young girl Xi smiled sweetly: "I just like my brother."

When he laughed, there were two cute dimples on his face.

Lu Chen pondered for two seconds, and said, "Xiao Xi, you are too beautiful, but you can't go out like this."

Young girl Xi's long eyelashes flickered and asked: "Why?"

"That..." Lu Chen softly persuaded: "You are so beautiful, how can you let others live, let us show some face to outsiders, if those ugly girls see you ashamed and commit suicide in shame. , For the lives of others, let's make a simple disguise."

"Don't" the young girl Xi turned her head and said: "Xiao Xi is not easy to face, Xiao Xi wants to be beautiful."

Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that the young girl Xi, who had always listened to him, would not give way to the disguise.

It seems that beauty is a woman's nature.

Lu Chen threatened, "I won't take you out if you are not easy to stand."

A trace of pride flashed in Young Girl Xi's eyes: "Brother, if you don't take me out, I can find you too."

Lu Chen was immediately defeated.

In the end, after Lu Chen's rhetoric, Young Girl Xi agreed.

After that, Lu Chen began to disguise the girl Xi, but in fact he didn't dissolve much. The other party's face was naturally beautiful, and the skin was fair enough to be beautiful enough. The problem needs to be solved from the source, that is, blackening.

After Lu Chen's series of techniques, Maiden Xi's appearance became much darker. Although her facial features were still good, she was much better than her previous fair complexion, and she wouldn't be the focus when she walked in the crowd.

"Brother, what am I now?" Young Girl Xi asked nervously.

Lu Chen said, "It's still beautiful."


When Young Girl Xi heard this, she immediately became happy.

Behind him, Liu Wushuang saw this scene with an extremely strange expression on his face.

Since joining Qingyue Shuo, he has always been an obscure little transparent.

I have to say that the girl that the boss made is the most beautiful one he has ever seen, and there is no one, it is simply a national beauty.

But the boss's mind seems to be a bit problematic, or the taste is a bit different from the public.

I don't know what the boss thinks in his heart. Such a beautifully brought out is simply full and envied by countless people, but the boss wants to make the other person ugly.

Although I was in my heart, I dared not say this.

Suddenly, Qingyuesuo shook violently, an inexplicable force sealed the space, and Qingyuesuo slowly stopped in the air.

There are nothing more than two ways to influence Qingyue Shuttle to stop. The first is to rely on foreign objects, such as high-level magic weapons or gravity stones, and the second is to release the breath of the strong, which affects a small part of the world.

Following Qing Yuesuo's abnormal movement, Lu Chen probed out, and soon saw an old man standing in front of him.

This old man looked like he was more than 80 years old, wearing a simple gray robe, his face was kind, and his body exuded a hint of fairy style.

Lu Chen couldn't help but sink when he saw that he couldn't see through the other party's aura, because the old man who was blocking the way was not weaker than the Lihuo Palace King that he met last time.

Liu Wushuang also spotted the old man. When he scanned the old man's cultivation base with his spiritual thoughts, his head suddenly sank, and the soul seemed to be sucked in by the opponent's body.

Liu Wushuang was so frightened that he withdrew his mind and gasped heavily.

Nima, the upper bound is too dangerous.

He has been promoted to the Holy King to Consummation, and he can walk sideways in the Central Region, but after only half a month from the Upper Realm, he encountered two terrifying enemies.

The first one was the woman who kidnapped him, and the other party suppressed him just by leaking a breath.

Now when I met an old man whose cultivation base could not be explored to the end, and when he scanned the opponent, the primordial spirit was almost out of the body, very weird.

"Isn't it good to be the king and hegemony in the Central Region? What do you have to do?" Liu Wushuang thought depressed in his heart.

"Why did the senior get in the way?" Lu Chen looked at the old man solemnly, and the Sword of Slaughter was already in his hand.

Facing the terrifying powerhouse who was most likely Wang Zun, Lu Chen had to be vigilant.

But what made Lu Chen breathe a sigh of relief was that he didn't feel any murderous aura on the old man.

The old man blocking the road did not speak, and stared at him with a smile.

Lu Chen was hairy when he was seen by the old man blocking the road. It wasn't that he was scared. The main reason was that he was stared straight at by an old man. This feeling was very strange.

"I finally saw my baby grandson." The old man suddenly grinned, his figure swayed slightly, and there was a sound of wind.

Lu Chen only felt a flower in front of him, and then he was firmly held in his arms by the old man.

"My dear baby grandson, grandpa misses you so much." While hugging Lu Chen tightly, the old man touched his head and squeezed his face with a loving look on his face.

This scene made Liu Wushuang and Young Girl Xi stunned.

Young girl Xi did not feel murderous in the old man, even if she saw Lu Chen being'bully', the protection mechanism would not be triggered.

"let me go"

Lu Chen was furious, struggling violently, releasing a powerful aura from his body, but before he rushed out of his body, the old man burst out with a stronger aura, suppressing Lu Chen's aura.

Lu Chen wanted to vomit blood. This was an old man who lost his heart and was too shameless.

He verbally took advantage of him as soon as they met, and what did the two men hold together?

However, no matter how hard he struggles, he is suppressed to death by the old man. The old man may be a kingly figure, and he has no power to resist.

"Tsk tsk, my baby grandson is really handsome, do you have a girlfriend, do you want grandpa to introduce some to you?" The old man suddenly released Lu Chen and said with a smile on his face.

"You are so sick"

Lu Chen quickly left the old man Zhang Xu, then glared at him.

I have never seen such a shameless strong man, who took advantage of him both verbally and physically.

The old man's face suddenly became serious, and he tapped on Lu Chen's forehead, and said sternly: "Although you are my grandson, you don't know how to respect the old and love the young. I will teach you a little lesson."


Lu Chen's forehead hurt sharply, and his soul trembled.

The old man started so quickly that he didn't know how to do it.

"My dear grandson, there is nothing good for you when I meet Grandpa for the first time, so how about it, grandpa will give you a good thing in a few days" The old man solemnly said to Lu Chen, and suddenly his figure flickered from Qingyuesuo. It disappears without a trace, just like a ghost.

Lu Chen saw that the old man came quickly and disappeared quickly.

A bit confused.

I met a crazy old man on the way, and he took advantage of him when he came up. It is estimated that he was a strong man who practiced and became crazy, and missed his grandson.

"Boss, why don't you leave the old man behind?" At this moment, a weak word came.

Liu Wushuang had to admire this boss, his luck was too bad, and there were horrible strong men on the road who recognized him as his grandson.

If you change to him, you can call Grandpa without thinking or hesitation, and ask for some training resources by the way.

Lu Chen stared at the latter with unkind eyes: "What do you mean."

Liu Wushuang said weakly: "The old man is obviously a strong man just now, the boss, if you recognize him as a grandfather, don't eat..."

Before the last word of ‘losing’ was spoken, Lu Chen slapped Liu Wushuang's head with a slap, causing him to turn his eyes three times in place of Venus.

Liu Wushuang was slapped by Lu Chen, and the soul almost came out, tears raging.

While Liu Wushuang's head hurt, he was shocked. It was clear that both sides were in the same realm, but he was not an opponent at all. Liu Wushuang had a faint feeling that Lu Chen was completely capable of treating his head like a watermelon, and the shot fell apart.

Liu Wushuang immediately became more honest and did not dare to speak.


Bixiao Ancient City, located in the north of Wuxingtian, is a very prosperous ancient city with a long history. It is the first ancient city established by Wuxingtian.

The ancient city of Bixiao has many powers and has assembled a large number of powerful people. In addition to a large number of powerful people making their homes here, it is also a place where alchemists, tool refiners, array masters, and spell masters gather.

Hidden dragons and crouching tigers here, even if a Tianzun comes here, he must behave properly, not to rush into enemies.

Because an inconspicuous character may have an extraordinary background or a wide network of contacts.

According to legend, there used to be a prince from an ancient country who came to Bixiao ancient city with his own royal identity. A beauty was on the street. Unexpectedly, this beauty was a Taoist companion of a certain Danzun. The prince was killed on the spot. On the streets, the emperor of the ancient country was finally alerted to come forward, but in the end it just stopped.

Dan Zun's status and status are respected, and the ancient country did not dare to offend him rashly.

Behind those super families in Bixiao Ancient City are powerful emperors, not weaker than an ancient country, and there is also a rank of Wang Zun.

In theory, a family with a king is more terrifying than an ordinary imperial family, because once the king is ruled, he is the ultimate emperor.

This kind of family, even the ordinary emperor realm powerhouse, dare not easily provoke.

It is worth mentioning that in the history of the ancient city, it is said that there was an emperor.

Anyway, the water in the ancient city of Bixiao is very deep, and the foreign forces of Nine Heavens can't get arrogant here, unless they come from the mountains and seas and have terrorist forces behind them.

Lu Chen, Liu Wushuang, and Young Girl Xi came to this ancient city and were immediately attracted by the prosperity of the ancient city.

This ancient city exudes the breath of time, and the vicissitudes of life are immense.

"The ancient city is headed by three major families, the Wang family, the Zhang family, and the Chen family. There are strong kings in the family. Among them, there are two kings in the Wang family.

"The second master of the Wang family, who has practiced for more than 90,000 years, is in the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, and is suspected of having a relationship with the Sky Demon."

"Patriarch of the Zhang Family, Great Heaven Venerable Realm, suspected of having a relationship with the Sky Demon"

Lu Chen calculated silently in his heart.

The information obtained from Jin Yang, the second master of the Wang Family and the Patriarch of the Zhang Family, was very suspicious. These two Heavenly Venerables were related to the Sky Demon, but the evidence was insufficient and the investigation was still under way.

The purpose of Lu Chen's trip was to investigate the two people and collect medicinal materials in the ancient city by the way. Then he would refine the Fire Spirit Pill.

"It's too prosperous. I don't know how many times this city is bigger than the holy city in Zhongzhou." Next to him, Liu Wushuang sighed, because his divine thoughts could radiate the ancient city.

When in the Zhongzhou region, the holy city of Zhongzhou was a place where a lot of people gathered, but compared with the ancient city of Bixiao, it seemed insignificant.

Moreover, the people around, the Emperor Realm is actually very rare, and only one can be seen occasionally.

Most of them are martial artists in the Holy Land.

At the same level as him, that is, the warrior of the Saint King Realm, there is at least one in 10,000 people.

There are billions of people in the ancient city. One can imagine how worthless the Saint King Realm is.

When in Ten Regions, the Saint King was the top combat power.

But in the upper bound, it is too sparse and common.

"This is the difference, no matter what method you use, you can get into the Wang Family and Chen Family" Lu Chen looked at Liu Wushuang and said, "Collect the information of the sky demon."

"Okay, boss" Liu Wushuang replied, then turned and disappeared from the crowd.

Lu Chen left with the girl Xi, who asked, "Brother, where are we going."

"Dan Zun Pavilion" Lu Chen said.

The Danzun Pavilion is the only gathering place for alchemists in Bixiao Ancient City, and there are twelve-rank alchemists, that is, Danzun.

The tenth-rank alchemist corresponds to the holy king realm, called the pill saint, the eleventh-rank alchemist corresponds to the supreme grade, the twelfth grade corresponds to the Tianzun grade, and the thirteenth grade corresponds to the great emperor realm, which can be called the pill emperor.

The 14th rank corresponds to the Holy Emperor Realm, and the 15th rank corresponds to the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

There is only one fifteenth-rank alchemist in the entire Nine Heavens and Mountain and Sea Realms, and that is Lu Chen's master, Fairy Huadie.

Lu Chen took the girl Xi all the way along the ancient city. From time to time, someone looked at the girl Xi with a slightly surprised expression.

Although Young Girl Xi's face was darkened by Lu Chen, she was better than her delicate features. She was a very rare beauty embryo, which attracted a few people's attention along the way.

These people secretly thought in their hearts, if the skin of such a beautiful beauty was a little paler.

This young man brought him to the ancient city, it should be a pill for whitening and beauty.

When Lu Chen saw that the girl Xi turned black, he was a little relieved. Fortunately, he had the foresight to blacken it, otherwise there would be more followers.

After walking for a while, a large number of people gathered in front of him.

Lu Chen walked over and saw that someone was practicing alchemy in public.

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