My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 922: Alarmed the Emperor of Heaven (4,000 words)

Lu Chen looked at the huge pits thousands of miles below, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He didn't even feel the fluctuation of the four masters' moves, and there was a mountain range that was thousands of miles away.

If Master really did it, it would be terrifying.

However, Hua Die ignored Lu Chen's shock, grabbed it in the air, and caught a **** dress.

"Is it blind?" Hua Die murmured, then she sensed the breath in other places and took Lu Chen away.

Returning to the place after two breaths, Hua Die sneered looking at the empty pit, and slapped it down.


Sounds of forbidden shattering came one after another, the bottom of the deep pit cracked, and various void cracks appeared around it, the scene was shocking.


A strange scream came, and a young man appeared out of thin air with a glowing stomach covering his whole body.

"Where did I offend you? I keep pestering me like this?" The young man said in a very depressed manner. He didn't know why the other party wanted to arrest him, so he was chased and killed inexplicably.

After speaking, the young man turned into a white light and escaped into nothingness and disappeared.

"It's him"

There was a hint of surprise in Lu Chen's eyes.

Although the young man appeared for a short second, Lu Chen recognized that he was the mysterious young man he met in the Roudi Palace.

"Little Lu Chen, go in quickly" Hua Die urged.

Huadie releases a dazzling flame of divine light, the aura of the avenue permeates out, using itself as the center of the avenue area, sealing a world.

At the same time, in the avenue domain, countless golden flames appeared, like sky fire, burning the void sizzlingly, and the void can be seen rapidly collapsing and falling into the void.

When Lu Chen heard Master's instructions, he entered the world of void particles.

Even in the world of void particles, countless golden flames appeared.

"It's you"

As soon as Lu Chen entered, he was sensed by the youth.

Lu Chen also saw each other, and there was a white light shield on the young man's body, blocking the intrusion of the golden flames.

"Who is that woman outside" said the young man.

Lu Chen didn't answer, and slammed the Void Castle in his hand.

When the young man saw the Void Castle, he recognized it as a magic weapon of extremely high grade with his eyesight, and his eyes sparkled with excitement: "Okay, ok, ok, it turned out to be a perfect void artifact, boy, Let's make a deal, OK, give me this artifact."

However, the youth's face changed immediately, because he felt a strong threat on the smashed Void Castle.

A turbulent force was transmitted, and the surrounding void particles boiled, and a crack was torn apart.

The young man was hit by this force and fell outside, just in the area of ​​Huadie's avenue.

The young man felt a terrifying temperature and an inexplicable force to ban the world, but he didn't care. The field of light couldn't trap him. This time he came out but brought all his family.

When Hua Die saw the youth appearing in her avenue field, she raised her hand and grabbed the latter. She didn't use the domain to check and balance the other side, because the other party had utensils to tear the avenue field.

The youth felt locked in by a terrible force, and a pair of black scissors appeared in his hand. With a click, a crack appeared in the Great Emperor's domain, and the youth suddenly escaped from the crack.

Hua Die opened up the avenue and spread crazily, much faster than the young people's escape.

As soon as the young man gritted his teeth, he sacrificed another silver magic weapon, a flying shuttle. It immediately got into it. The flying shuttle turned into a white light, which was faster than the speed of the domain, and finally turned into a white light and disappeared.

Lu Chen walked in front of Hua Die, feeling a little turmoil in his heart, and said, "Master, can't your avenue field hold him."

This is the Great Dao Realm, and the Master is close to the existence of the Heavenly Emperor, so he can't even keep the opponent.

Hua Die was not angry when she saw the youth slip away, but smiled softly: "This guy is too rich, do you know Xiao Lu Chen? Last time he used an ancient knife to cut through Master's domain. According to the distribution The power that comes out should belong to the highest-quality holy emperor weapon, similar to weapons like the Slaughter God Sword and the Emperor Spear."

"But the big scissors he used just now is a heavenly emperor tool, and the flying boat that took him away is also the best holy emperor tool."

"Then Feisuo Xiao Lu Chen, if you can get it, it will take only one hour to come to the mountain and sea world from nine days."

Lu Chen's eyes lit up, as bright as two golden lamps, and hurriedly urged: "Master, let's hurry up."

"Not in a hurry," Hua Die said calmly: "The teacher has left a mark on him, even if he escapes to the end of the world, he can be found by the teacher."


Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the fourth master say this.

Since it was marked by the Fourth Master, the Void Walker should be able to find it no matter how far he flees.

However, the ten breath time passed.

Hua Die has been standing still.

Lu Chen said in surprise, "Master, what's wrong."

Lu Chen didn't understand why Master didn't chase, but stood motionless here.

Hua Die waved his hand and said, "Xiao Lu Chen, after thinking about how to distribute the spoils after he will catch the opponent, I will fly to you. Although the big scissors are Celestial weapons, we don’t need them. Okay."

Lu Chen: "..."

Hua Die said softly: "This outsider, who is only around Tianzun, has actually mastered one Heavenly Emperor artifact and two best Saint Emperor artifacts. The stomach is also the best Saint Emperor artifact, and there are other treasures."


Hua Die grabbed Lu Chen's arm with a step of tens of millions of miles. The speed was too fast, and it took a few breaths to reach a sect.

Lu Chen was taken aback, isn't this the Sword Emperor Palace?

The guy ran to the Sword Emperor Palace to hide.

Huadie slapped her hand, and the sword imperial palace barrier was torn apart.

It's not that the formation is too fragile, but Hua Die is too strong. The existence of her level is the strongest besides the emperor. This formation can't stop it at all, and the slap is smashed.

The movement here naturally alarmed the disciples of the Sword Emperor Palace. Countless people flew out and looked at Hua Die in horror, because the aura of the latter was too terrifying.

Many disciples recognized Lu Chen. Lu Chen was a disciple of the Sword Emperor Palace. Why did he bring someone to destroy the sect?

"It turned out that Fairy Hua Die came, and he was rude and rude." Wang Fuhai walked out and saluted Hua Die.

Wang Fuhai also saw Lu Chen, and he didn't understand how Lu Chen followed this "troublemaker" and was caught.

Fairy Huadie!

The disciples of the Sword Emperor Palace were pleasantly surprised. This was a long-standing fairy in the mountain and sea world. According to their level, they would not be able to touch them for a lifetime, but they saw it today.

Hua Die ignored Wang Fuhai and brought Lu Chen to a lake, staring at the lake closely, and slapped it last.

Just as Hua Die slapped it, a flying shuttle appeared, and then disappeared.

With a bang, the lake exploded, and the mud splashed all over. The surrounding disciples and the nearby palace were all hit, making a mess.

Even the disciples who were close to each other turned directly into clay figurines.

"Escape, mountains and seas are my territory, where can you escape?" Hua Die looked at the direction of Feizhou's departure, with a beautiful arc in the corner of her mouth, ignoring the disciples in the Sword Emperor's Palace, and bringing Lu Chen. Follow up quickly.

Wang Fuhai twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Clean up."

What else could I do when I met the lawless Fairy Huadie? Fortunately, the other party only took pictures of a lake instead of taking pictures of the Sword Emperor Palace.

At the same time, Hua Die dragged Lu Chen to appreciate the scenery of the vast mountains and seas. After a stick of incense, he came to a vast snow-capped mountain. A magnificent palace appeared in front of him. On the surrounding smooth stone wall, there were four engraved Xunmei Villas. A big character, it exudes a breath of majesty.

Lu Chen was stunned when he saw the four characters of Xunmei Villa.

This is one of the most terrifying places in the mountain and sea world, the home of my senior sister Mei Yingluo.

There is a heavenly emperor sitting in town, but he doesn't know if he is in Jiecheng or at home.

Hua Die was not afraid of anything. Standing above the barrier, he stretched out his right foot and stepped on it, only to see the earth tremble, setting off a storm of snow-capped mountains in a radius of thousands of miles, and the barrier covering Xunmei Villa was also shattered under one foot.


"There is an enemy attack"

Inside Xunmei Villa, a horrible aura erupted and shot out from the palace. When he saw Huadie's face, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

"It turns out that Fairy Huadie has come." Finally, a middle-aged man stood up and said with a smile.

"Huadie, why are you kicking my family's formation, what's wrong with you?" A voice of supreme pressure came from the boundless void, the voice was magnificent and swallowed the mountains and rivers with anger.

Lu Chen shook his whole body. Could it be that the master of this voice is the existence of the Heavenly Emperor.

"Lord Mei Tian emperor, you don't know if you have sneaked into your house." Hua Die knew who the owner of the voice was, but was not afraid at all. With a weird yin and yang, he said with a smile in front of a snow-capped mountain that followed: "What? Well, do you still want to escape?"


There was a ripple in the space, and a silver-white flying shuttle pierced through the void and quickly disappeared.

This escaped person is naturally a Voidwalker. At this moment, he is a little confused, why he was found twice, and the speed is so fast, he hides in the flying shuttle, and uses the dzi bead to cover the heavenly secret, even if this world is very close to the world **** The emperor that day, it is impossible to find him so quickly and accurately.

A woman in white flew out, looked at Hua Die, and then at the surrounding snow-capped mountains, and quickly asked: "Auntie, you..."

This woman in white is no one else but Mei Yingluo.

"It turned out to be Yingluo, have you understood the rules of the void?" Huadie saw Mei Yingluo with a smile on her face.

Mei Yingluo saluted, and respectfully said: "I will tell my sister-in-law, I have gained a little."

"Come with me then" Hua Die stretched out her hand and left with Mei Yingluo.

"Huadie, don't mess around with you, don't take my daughter to mess around" Mei Tiandi's voice resounded through the void.

"I'll take your daughter to find the Celestial Artifact. If there are any more words then, I will share with you" Hua Die said to the sky, and then took the two of them away quickly, turning into streamers and disappearing between the heaven and the earth.

The people looking for Meishan Villa saw the fragmented enchantment and looked depressed. Fortunately, they also have the power of the Heavenly Emperor. Ordinary people who dare to make trouble, but Huadie dare. If the mountain gate is broken, there is no place to reason. The loss can only be take responsibility.

"Sister-in-law, why is she irritated?" Mei Yingluo glanced at Lu Chen, and asked through the sound transmission.

"Uh, this, chasing bad-hearted people from other circles" Lu Chen replied with blinking eyes.

Voidwalker doesn't know if the mountain and sea world is unruly, but the things on him are very attractive.

"is it"

Mei Yingluo's white cheeks were full of doubts.

"Xiao Lu Chen, Master won't play with him later, he will offer a magic weapon to suppress him. Then he will run to the world of void particles again, you two remember to shoot him out," Hua Die said.

This time, Hua Die didn't stay for a moment, because the flying shuttle in front was always at large.

Inside the shuttle, the young man with a cold sweat on his face, muttered to himself: "Which link went wrong?"

He had noticed something wrong when he was discovered twice before, and he always felt that something went wrong, so he kept going around to make sure of his guess. Now it seems that the guess has come true.

I'm afraid that at the very beginning, the woman left some kind of mark in his body, so the avoiding dzi bead lost its effect.

After half an hour, they came to a sect again, still the same as before, Hua Die slapped the formation lightly and smashed the formation, and then alarmed the characters of this sect, whether they were closed or not. Yes, they all flew out and looked at the three people in the sky.

Hua Die's expression was a little uncertain, because when he was chasing the other party before, that breath became weaker and weaker.

This shows that the other party knew that there was a mark on his body, and did not know what method was used, so that the mark was about to be erased gradually.

This sect immediately flew out many characters, and recognized Fairy Huadie and Mei Yingluo.

Whether it is Fairy Huadie or Mei Yingluo, they are both well-known in the mountain and sea world, and the stronger the sect, the more they know their identities.

The disciples who went up to the top of the sect to sweep the floor didn't understand why Hua Die appeared with them now.

In the crowd, two people also recognized Lu Chen.

Gu Yun looked at Lu Chen, followed by Fairy Huadie, his face extremely pale. Although he had a conflict with the other party, he had already lost 300,000 squares of spirit crystals. Could the other party still let him go.

And the old man in the crowd couldn't calm down when he saw Lu Chen, and he was panicked. Could it be that he knew about the matter of lying about Lingshi.

Because the other party only extorted 100,000 square meters, he came back and lied about 300,000 square meters. Could it be that the rumor spread, and the other side knew that he had let him be shackled, and now he brought Fairy Huadie to the door to make trouble?

Soon, they sighed softly, because the three people in the sky didn't notice them, as if it wasn't for their business.

"Totally disconnected"

Hua Die's face was very ugly. Not only did the mark aura disappeared, but the other party's own aura also disappeared cleanly. She could no longer sense the other party's aura.

Before making the mark, no matter where that guy is, he can vaguely feel the aura of Ruowu.

Now I can't sense any breath at all, which shows that the other party has taken out a very powerful thing to cover his breath.

"Master, forget it if you can't catch it," Lu Chen said.

I had to admit that the guy was against the sky, only the cultivation base of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, his master at the top of the Saint Emperor hadn't caught it.

Hua Die gritted his teeth and said, "I will catch him one day."

Hua Die first sent Mei Yingluo back to Xunmei Villa. During the whole process, Mei Yingluo was in the clouds and mist, and was taken out by a confused person, and brought back again by a confused person.

After Hua Die sent Mei Yingluo back to Xunmei Villa, Lu Chen sent Lu Chen to Danzun Pavilion, and then left without stopping.

ps: Asking for a silver ticket, there is a difference of a few hundred votes from the second and third.

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