My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 930: Liu Wushuang's Transmission

Generally speaking, it is easy to fail when a ten-grade alchemist refines a ten-grade pill, and even if it is refined, the grade will not be too high. Like He Gu's own refining of the ten-grade pill, the purity is 7.50% of the limit. , Already considered very high, but the new pavilion master refined a ten-grade pill with a purity of over 90%.

This level of alchemy attainments is simply against the sky.

He Gu's heart caused huge waves.

"Am I dazzled?"

"Top-quality ten-pin pill"

"San Gongzi is not a tenth-grade pill saint, but a pill master, right?

In addition to Hegu, the remaining alchemists were also immersed in shock, because in their opinion, even if the Eleventh-Rank Pill Refining the Tenth-Rank Pill, they can only occasionally refine a high-quality pill. Most of the medicines can only refine pill of close to top quality.

Lu Chen ignored the yelling and continued alchemy, and would explain it every time it was critical. Soon, the second pill was released.

"It's first class again"

He Gu took the pill and swallowed, his face full of weirdness.

The rest of the alchemist's sights all fell on the pill, rubbed their eyes to make sure this was not an illusion.

Lu Chen didn't feel tired, and kept doing alchemy.

When Lu Chen was refining the twentieth pill, the alchemists present were all dumbfounded. Isn't the new person in charge tired?

Their continuous refinement of four or five is already the limit, after all, alchemy is extremely exhausting, and it is a work that consumes physical strength.

When Lu Chen was refining the thirtieth one, his face was calm, and he continued to refine it, and some alchemists secretly vomited a monster.

When the fortieth one was refined, everyone was numb.

Lu Chen refined fifty-four pill in one go. When all the work was done, his body and mind relaxed, his eyes were dark, and he was a little overwhelmed.

It is still very tiring for him to continuously refine the ten-grade pill for more than a day.

"It's up to you to pay back the gifts to the big families." Lu Chen threw the ring to He Gu, and then left directly.

"This sword three pill saint is not easy"

After He Gu recovered, he said with a complicated expression in his eyes.

He now finally understands why Pavilion Master Pu Qu appointed the other party as the person in charge of the North Court. Although the opponent is not the eleventh-rank pill, the refined medicine is no worse than the eleventh-rank pill.

"The pavilion master is really generous, and he has answered a lot of problems for us." An eighth-rank alchemist looked at Lu Chen's back with gratitude.

Pill refining is a craft. Generally, the person in charge of refining pill will only be watched by people, and will not explain the doubts in detail. Even if you have doubts in your mind, I am afraid I will not explain it to you, unless it is a direct disciple.

And Lu Chen unreservedly taught many issues that need attention, the size of each period of the fire, and other important details.

These alchemists, who had met Lu Chen for the first time, couldn't help but admire Lu Chen in their hearts.

He Gu personally delivered the rings to the door one by one. After those families got a high-quality pill, their hearts were slightly disturbed.

If an eleventh-grade pill master handed over the top ten-grade pill, they would not find it strange, but a ten-grade pill saint who handed over the top ten-grade pill would be surprising. The new Young Master Jian, the head of the North Campus, is definitely an alchemist against the sky.

Soon the limelight overwhelmed Luohua, Wuqiong and so on.

Inside a room in Danzun Pavilion.

Mo Kuan looked suspiciously at Pu Qu, who was sitting aside leisurely, "Couldn't you make these pills for Jiansan?"

It's no wonder that Mo Kuan had this doubt, because since Jiansan came to Danzun Pavilion, Pu Qu has almost changed.

Pu Qu rolled his eyes and said, "Is the old man cheating like that?"

Pu Qu was also shocked. He thought that it would be enough for Lu Chen to refine a pill with a purity of more than 80%, but he did not expect to refine a high-grade pill with a purity of more than 90%.

But thinking that Lu Chen was that disciple, he felt relieved.

Wu Qiong also learned of this, his face was shocked, and he muttered to himself: "At the beginning, this guy was compared with me to refine the nine-tier pill and it was not the first-class quality. Why did the ten-tier pill be achieved? The first-class quality."

In one room, there was a pale man lying on a hospital bed, and a gloomy old man sat next to him.

Luo Hua moaned weakly, and said, "Master, you want to avenge me."

Luo Hua thought of being severely injured by Jian San some time ago, and still has not recovered, his eyes are full of unforgettable hatred.

"How is it possible, how is it possible" Miao Huo muttered to himself, ignoring the apprentice's shout.

Miao Huo has been paying attention to the reaction of the outside world, hoping to see Jian San's ugliness. The pill should be less than 70% in purity, but whoever thought that the pill made by Jian San was more than 90%, reaching the top quality. It is the best medicine.

Although he is currently the Eleventh-Rank Pill Sovereign, he can barely refine the first-class 10-Rank Pills.

As for Jiansan, there were fifty-four high-quality pills in a single color.

"Pu Qu must have helped refine it" Miao Huo sneered in his heart.

From Miao Huo's point of view, Pu Qu definitely made the shot. Otherwise, how could it be possible for a tenth-grade alchemist to refine the tenth-grade pill.

The weak voice beside "Master" called Miao Huo back to God.

Miao Huo looked at the injured apprentice and Pu Qu's side, hatred flashed in his eyes, and said, "Don't worry, I will help you repay this hatred."

Miao Huo said in a cold tone: "When you break through to Rank 12 as a teacher, you will leave the Danzun Pavilion and stand on your own."

Miao Huo wanted to leave last time, but held back.

He is only the Eleventh Grade Danzun, not as prestigious as Pu Qu and Mo Kuan, even if he goes out, I am afraid that no family will accept them unless he leaves the ancient city.

The reason is that the family of the ancient city will not accept him as an eleventh-ranked Dan in order to risk offending two 12-rank Dans.

But as long as he was promoted to the twelfth-rank level, he could leave the Danzun Pavilion, and even the three major families would accept him.

Because the pill that was refined by the twelfth-rank pill can help Tianzun.

Now that he is less than Rank 12, he can only bear the humiliation.

Luo Hua's eyes lit up when she heard Master's words, and she became excited: "Master thinks how long it will take to break through."

"It should be just these few years," Miao Huo said.


At the same time, after Lu Chen finished refining the medicine, he did not pay attention to the movements of the outside world. He still cultivated in the room, tempering his sword intent. Suddenly, the transmission crystal vibrated and took it out to see that it was sent by Liu Wushuang. The news, asked him to meet at a restaurant in the ancient city.

Speaking of it, I haven't seen Liu Wushuang for a few months, and I don't know how he mixed up in the ancient city, or if I have heard anything about it.

Lu Chen made a simple disguise, left Danzun Pavilion, and soon came to the agreed restaurant, went to the box, opened the door, and saw Liu Wushuang sitting inside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Liu Wushuang saw him, he immediately paralyzed in fright, stammering and begging: "Jin, Brother Jin, the person who lied to you is Xiao Yao, and I have no relationship with me. Please stay away. Chase me down."

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