My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 933: Spike supreme

"Mei Xiao" Lu Chen looked at Murong Qiu and said, "Did you come up with Mei Xiao?"

Mei Xiao had a Tianluo War Halberd in his hand.

Murong Qiu and Mei Xiao, one is from the Profound Realm and the other is from the Emperor Women’s Realm. It is reasonable to say that there is no relationship between the eight poles, but now Murong Qiu mentioned Mei Xiao, so it means that they should have mentioned him. I just met by name.

The reason why Murong Qiu was able to come up was definitely with Mei Xiao.

Murong Qiu quickly said, "Well, I came up with Mei Xiao."

Murong Qiu met a young man who was seriously injured and unconscious when he was in the Central State Region. He rescued the other person and then became friends. After talking, he suddenly found that everyone knew Lu Chen, and both of them were Lu Chen's followers.

So the two have been together for nine days.

Lu Chen asked, "Where is Mei Xiao, what dangers have you encountered."

Murong Qiu quickly said: "After we came up, we went to the Roudi Palace to collect the jade medals. We formed two unfamiliar teams to hunt down the sky demon. Half a month ago, we met a young master who seemed to have a lot of status and took a fancy to Mei Xiao. Mei Xiao refused to take away the halberd of the war, and we clashed."

"That young man seems to have a lot of background. He took a few people to chase us, and we kept running away. Then more and more people were chasing us. A few days ago, I was arrested and was crushed to this city."

Murong Qiu said a lot in one breath.

Lu Chen also understood that the Celestial Halberd he gave Mei Xiao was a Heavenly Sovereign weapon, not an ordinary weapon. Back then, the people in Tianyu wanted to take it back. When they came to the upper realm and were targeted, there must be many ill-intentioned people.

"Where is Mei Xiao now" Lu Chen asked.

"I don't know," Murong Qiu said with a worried look on his face, "We ran away separately. I was too weak and caught. Mei Xiao is better than me. It should be fine."

Lu Chen said, "Take me to the place where Mei Xiao was injured."

"I know this" Murong Qiu stood up and said.

In two days, they came to the place where the conflict broke out. This is a mountain forest. Unfortunately, the surrounding area was destroyed for thousands of miles. There were still many dead bodies and blood stains on the ground.

With a move of Lu Chen's hand, he took out the wood squirrel from the ring, and the wood squirrel cried happily when he saw the sky again.

"Collect the smell, and then follow the smell," Lu Chen said lightly.

The earthworm can search based on his aura, and Lu Chen wants to find people by relying on the earthworm. Whether it is the blood of the enemy or the blood of Mei Xiao, he can finally find Mei Xiao.

When the wood rat heard this, he sniffed the smell, and finally ran to the side of Lu Chen and shook his head.

"If you can't find it, I will detain you for a thousand years" Lu Chen snorted coldly.

When the wood rat heard Lu Chen’s words, his agile eyes were full of fear. It had been detained for decades, so he did not want to be detained any more, so he carefully collected the smells in the air. After a while, it seemed to have found a way of thinking. Keep squeaking in a certain direction.

With the groundhog leading the way, Lu Chen would not spin around like a headless fly.

After searching for a day, I found traces of a few fights, and finally pursued it for a long time. From a distance, Lu Chen saw a flying magic weapon parked on a distant mountain range.

"You are waiting here," Lu Chen said, sneaking in the void and came to the vicinity of the flying magic weapon.

After arriving near the flying magic weapon, Lu Chen felt an uncomfortable breath.

The breath of the sky demon.

Lu Chen saw that there were several sky monsters on the flying magic weapon, all of them were dragons and sky monsters. One of them, Lu Chen, knew him because he was holding a **** bow in his hand.

This is the Absolute Sacred Bow, a Heavenly Sovereign Tool, specially used to assassinate the geniuses of the Five Elements Heaven.

At this moment, several dragons are whispering discussions.

"Commander, Zhang Wenkai is really rubbish. The quasi-superior cultivation base was seriously injured by a holy king in the middle stage. He sent hundreds of holy kings, a supreme, and searched for a few days without finding the murderer."

"With the blood of the great emperor flowing in his body, he has practiced the techniques we gave him, and he was seriously injured by a holy king in the middle stage."

The two dragons said one by one.

"Zhang Wenkai, isn't this the heir of the Patriarch of the Zhang Family in the ancient city?" Lu Chen was stunned when he heard this, and then his eyes became cold, and Zhang Family really had something to do with the Sky Monster.

"It's not Zhang Wenkai's waste, it's the young man who is too strong," the dragon man holding the supreme sacred bow said, his eyes were very solemn: "Zhang Wenkai practiced the physical exercises we gave, with a strong body, and mastered all kinds of martial arts. They are all romantic figures who can severely inflict Zhang Wenkai, which makes me unconsciously think of someone who has not been killed."


The commander said indifferently, "Sword Three."

"At the beginning, this person was in the Five Elements Sect. Before entering the Holy King, he killed a chess piece in the late stage of the Holy King, and also tricked me through the transmission crystal of the chess piece." Said this, the commander's eyes The colder and colder, what made him very reconciled was that he had not assassinated the opponent with the Absolute Sacred Bow, and escaped by the opponent.

Now I don't know where that Jiansan has gone.

The commander continued: "When I meet Zhang Wenkai later, tell him about the situation of Jiansan and let him focus on this name."

In the void, Lu Chen had a cold sweat on his face. Fortunately, he came here, and fortunately, the Heavenly Demon had not had time to tell Zhang Family his name.

If told, then he will become the thorn in the eyes of the Zhang family, which is not conducive to the current situation.

"Since it hasn't had time to tell, let's go to death." Lu Chen looked at the leader with a murderous intent.

Void Swordsmanship!

A void sword intent cut through the void, like a white light shuttled through the void, exuding a sharp aura.

The Void Sword Art was the sword art practiced by the Lord of the Void. After Lu Chen learned it, he displayed it with Void Sword Intent, and his power doubled.

Void sword intent, the real concealment of the void, makes people unable to feel the fluctuation of breath.

"Strange, how do I feel dangerous?" Although the commander did not feel the breath fluctuation, the sixth sense told him that he was suddenly in danger.

He exploded directly, and his body was covered with a layer of cyan scales, but a white light appeared in front of his neck, and the sound of a sharp weapon entering the body sounded.

The head of the dragon was immediately separated from the body.

A hand protruded out of the void, and scattered the soul of the soul that had just flown out.

A supreme-level dragon man was successfully assassinated by Lu Chen without the slightest preparation.

The main reason was that Lu Chen was able to hide the void, and combined with the use of the Void Sword Intent with a powerful sword technique, even the Supreme could not respond.

Lu Chen appeared on the deck, waving his palms, several sword light clips wrapped in a strong killing power, and rolled over to the remaining Saint King Longren. Without even screaming, he was strangled into blood mist.

After doing all this, Lu Chen picked up Jue Sheng Bow.

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