My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 936: Isn't it funny

When Lu Chen saw the leader fleeing, he didn't care about him. He was just an insignificant little person. Even if he returned to the ancient city to report to the Zhang family, he couldn't find his head. Because he was in a state of disguise, Zhang family learned of the murderer's appearance. , Will only paste the portrait of Jin Junjun all over the street.

Lu Chen's spiritual thoughts stretched out, radiating the forest, covering a radius of thousands of miles, and saw some warriors searching, and several corpses, and there were battle waves from farther away.

Soon Lu Chen saw a wounded young man in black being besieged by several people, his breath weakened, and he was already in danger.

"You wait for me for a while, go and come." Lu Chen said to the two people around him, driving the Qingyue Shuo and quickly heading towards the fighting place.


In a gorge, four warriors from the early stage to the late stage of the Saint King Realm were besieging a black-clothed youth. The battle was very terrible. Various rules were splashing, causing the ground to crack and the soil to fall apart.

The black-clothed youth had a cold expression, and there was a foot-long wound on his chest, **** and bloody, besides, there were some wounds all over the body.

Even though there were countless wounds on his body, the black-clothed youth's complexion remained unchanged, as if he could not feel the pain.

"Damn, why is this guy so powerful"

"It's too powerful, I have never seen such a heaven-defying Saint King, who killed more than 20 of our brothers, and even fought hard with the supreme strong."

Although the four saint king realm warriors were besieging the black-clothed youth, there was a trace of respect in their eyes, because the strength of the black-clothed youth was too strong, it was simply the kind of invincible existence in the holy king realm.

This person not only wounded the quasi-extreme young advocate Wenkai head-on, but also fought the siege all the way and killed more than 20 brothers. If the supreme powerful person had not severely injured the opponent, they would not dare to chase the opponent.

This young man is the strongest saint king they have ever seen. Unfortunately, the young master died, he must die.

Bang bang bang!

The surging spiritual power around him boiled, shaking the space, and the black-clothed youth was already at the end of the crossbow. After halting the attacks of two people, his body was attacked by the other two.

Puff, the black-clothed youth's body was shaken back, spit out a mouthful of blood.

A trace of sadness flashed across the black-clothed youth's eyes, is he going to fall here.

Suddenly, a blue light flashed in the distance, and then a familiar person appeared in front of him.

Seeing this figure, the eyes of the black-clothed youth regained their color, and he knew that he was no longer in danger.

"Take his weapon and give it to the young master." The four of them saw the black-clothed youth swaying, and they obviously had no fighting power, and they spoke. When they were about to walk over, they suddenly felt a dangerous breath. Among them, the warrior of the late Saint King roared: "Be careful."

The four of them just turned their heads and smashed four dazzling sword lights on their faces. The four of them were split into eight pieces without any suspense. In their last eyes, they saw a pair of unusually indifferent eyes, colder than their besieging youth.

Lu Chen let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise Mei Xiao would leave it here.

To be honest, Lu Chen is quite satisfied with Mei Xiao's strength. Zhang Wenkai of the Zhang family is not an opponent, and the former is still quasi-supreme, indicating that Mei Xiao's strength is no longer weaker than the disciples cultivated by the first-class sect in the mountain and sea world.

Lu Chen threw out a few healing pills and said, "I have eaten."

Mei Xiao was not polite. He took the pill from Lu Chen and swallowed it, and sat cross-legged to heal his wounds. After half a stick of incense, his pale complexion improved and his physical strength also recovered a lot.

Seeing that Mei Xiao had recovered some strength, Lu Chen smiled and said, "How does the upper realm compare to the lower realm."

Speaking of it, he hasn't seen Mei Xiao for decades, but for the long years of cultivation, it feels only a few months apart.

Mei Xiao said: "The lower bound is a well, and the upper bound is a sea."


Lu Chen nodded slightly.

"But there are not many beauties in the upper world" Mei Xiao said suddenly.

Lu Chen looked at Mei Xiao with a speechless look. Is he telling a cold joke? He is a dull person who doesn't like to talk. Suddenly, such a sentence makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Why, isn't it funny?" Seeing that Lu Chen didn't say anything, Mei Xiao spared her doubts.

"Okay, come with me"

Seeing Mei Xiao stunned in place, Lu Chen waved his hand and said.

"where to"

"Bixiao Ancient City"

Mei Xiao's pupils shrank slightly, and said, "The person who wants to steal my Tianluo Halberd comes from the Zhang family, the ancient city of Bixiao. This is an emperor family."

Although Mei Xiao is not afraid of the same generation of warriors, he has to be afraid of family power. This time he can be regarded as terrifying to have seen an emperor-level family. In addition to the emperor realm powerhouse, he has many subordinates, and he can easily send a supreme. Crush him loosely.

Lu Chen turned around and asked, "How long have you been here."

Mei Xiao said: "It's almost three months."

"Have you heard of Huadie?" Lu Chen asked.

Mei Xiao's calm face was shocked: "Fairy Huadie, the number one alchemist in the mountain and sea world, a terrifying powerhouse at the top of the Holy Emperor."

Lu Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Since you know that my master is Huadie, why are you afraid of the Zhang family in Bixiao Ancient City."

Lu Chen finished speaking and continued on.

Mei Xiao followed Lu Chen, feeling very shocked. After the upper realm, he had indeed heard of Fairy Huadie, the reputation of the first alchemist and so on.

At that time, he was still wondering, how could there be people with the same name and surname in Upper Realm who were also honored as Fairy Huadie and also had the reputation of being the first alchemist, which was a coincidence.

But he didn't think that the two people were the same person at all, mainly because he didn't dare to think.

A first alchemist in the ten regions, a first alchemist in the mountain and sea world, and the cultivation base of the Saint Emperor.

Until now, Lu Chen reminded that Rao Yi Mei Xiao's calm character, his heart fluctuated violently, his eyes were shocked, and his family actually supported such a existence.

When Lu Chen took Mei Xiao and the others back to Bixiao Ancient City, he heard an angry roar, and immediately a terrifying coercion enveloped the whole city. This is a Tianzun-level coercion, giving people an unusually heavy pressure .

"What happened"

"Why the Zhang Family Patriarch will roar"

At this moment, countless people in Bixiao Ancient City looked in the direction of Zhang Family, and they could clearly feel the anger in the roar.

Something big must have happened to the Zhang family.

Streams of light shot into the sky from Zhang's house and flew out of the ancient city.

Soon, everyone in Bixiao Ancient City knew that Zhang Kangcheng's fourth son fell, causing Zhang Kangcheng's anger to spread throughout the city.

The people in Bixiao Ancient City were very surprised, who was so courageous to kill Zhang Wenkai.

In fact, what surprised them and unexpectedly was that the murderer was in the ancient city of Bixiao.

After Lu Chen returned to the Danzun Pavilion, he arranged a courtyard for Mei Xiao and Murong Qiu, and then threw the killer Najie to them. Lu Chen glanced at it. Zhang Wenkai’s Najie had more than 50,000 crystals. Just the spirit crystal of Zhang Wenkai alone is enough for two of them to be promoted to the consummation of the Saint King.

When Lu Chen returned, he happened to see He Gu hurriedly come to his courtyard.

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