My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 941: Rob the rich and help the poor together

Lu Chen didn't block the mouth of the Fourth Master Hua Die, and they usually filtered it automatically.

At this time, Ke Yirou looked at Ximen Yu and asked in confusion: "Even I didn't find this blood sacrifice formation. How did you find it?"

When these words came out, Su Yingxia, Yao Xi, and Mei Wenlun all looked at Xi Men Yu.


They were in the dignified Heavenly Emperor realm, the strongest existence in the mountain and sea realm, but they had not discovered the blood sea space under the Five Elements Heaven and Earth. If they found it, they would definitely notice something strange.

But the existence of the blood river was not found at all, which is really weird.

Ximen Yu quickly said respectfully, "Because the younger generation is very sensitive to the Void Dao, he smelled an unusual resentment. It feels a bit like the resentment of sentient beings in the legend. Probe, if several seniors carefully probe, they should be able to find clues."

Ke Yirou nodded slightly. They hadn't probed carefully before, so they probably glanced, because they felt that the sky demon who had escaped into the mountain and sea realm couldn't make any waves.

It was precisely because he felt that there was no threat to the sky demon entering the mountain and sea world, so he was careless.

The main reason is that Lu Chen's previous breath disappeared suddenly, which made them feel a little abnormal, and they had stored their spiritual thoughts on Lu Chen's body, and they had special feelings. When Ximen Yu removed the dzi bead, they immediately determined the location of Lu Chen. Came here.

"So there may be evil formations in the rest of the sky and the mountains and seas." Ke Yirou's beautiful eyes were deep, and she stood quietly in place at the moment, her temperament was ethereal, like a beautiful picture.

After a while, Ke Yirou said calmly: "I will send someone to investigate the evil formation."

After speaking, Mei Mou looked at Xi Men Yu, meaning it was self-evident.

"Senior, my Jingshi God gourd is temporarily stored with you" Ximen Yu saw the other person looking at him, and immediately went on the road, offering the gourd with both hands.

Ke Yirou took it, and there was a divine light on her body, tearing apart the space and leaving. As Ke Yirou disappeared, she saw the body of the sky demon that was motionless and falling into sleep without warning, as if she had experienced a long wind and rain. Naturally weathered like a rock, without leaving any blood stains.

Ximen Yu saw that he had offered a magic weapon of the emperor's weapon in this way, and he was nervous, wondering if the Heavenly Maid of Dreams would return it to him.

It should be, after all, the other party is a senior.

If the other party doesn't return it, he has no way. I'm afraid he won't come back even if he called his ancestor.

Although his ancestor is a strong **** emperor, no one dares to call it second in terms of life-saving ability. The disadvantage is that the frontal attack is weak, and the soul is also weak, only at the end of the tenth **** emperor list.

Ximen Yu had previously speculated secretly that if the Great Dream Goddess were placed in their God Realm, her strength would be enough to rank in the top three.

"Little Loach, don't worry, I will pay you back when I finish receiving the grievances." Hua Die comforted when Ximen Yu's expression was not good.

It's okay for Hua Die not to comfort him. With such comfort, Xi Men Yu's heart is completely lost.

Just now this woman threatened herself, wanting other treasures, and she couldn't believe what she said.

Immediately following Ke Yirou, Su Yingxia, Yao Xi, and Mei Wenlun also left, leaving only three people on the spot.

Hua Die's eyes narrowed slightly, and she swept back and forth on Ximen Yu with malicious intent, and finally said fiercely: "Hey, little loach, you give me a bucket of blood, and the things you made me angry are gone. "

When the words fell, there was an extra large barrel in front of Hua Die.

Ximen Yu almost fainted when he saw the big barrel in the latter's hand. It would be dissatisfaction to let his blood dry out of such a big barrel.

Ximen Yu turned pale with fright and almost cried: "Zhou, senior."

"Master, I'm ready for you." Lu Chen took out a jade bottle, which was the blood released by Ximen Yu earlier.

"Hehe, it's better for Xiao Lu Chen to treat Master." Hua Die reached out and borrowed Lu Chen's jade bottle, and then was about to leave, but after two steps, she turned and looked at Lu Chen: "By the way, Xiao Lu Chen, Master The things you give you are very important, don’t lose them."

After Hua Die finished speaking, she tore away the space and left.

"Master gave him something?" Lu Chen frowned. Could it be the crazy old man who called his precious grandson as soon as they met.

Lu Chen remembered it. At first, I heard Yan Zixuan said that his master's master was called Meng Youran, because he had cultivated three emperors, two of them were close to the emperor, and were respected as emperor masters by the world.

The breath of the crazy old man I met twice resembled that of Wang Zun, and the realm of Emperor Meng Youran could not be the same, staying in the realm of Great Heaven.

So, the crazy old man is the master.

After figuring it out, Lu Chen was speechless. You said you were straight to the point and said that it was my master, and shouted what kind of baby grandson.

Anyone who is taken advantage of for no reason is unhappy.


A few minutes later, Lu Chen and Ximen Yu returned to the courtyard.

Ximen Yu's eyes were in a trance, as if he was lost, and regretted in his heart, he should not be nosy, now it is good, the secrets he knows have not been changed to Void Castle, and he has lost a divine artifact for nothing, plus one Bottle of blood.

Ximen Yu's face was ugly as if he was green.

"Don't put on a bad face, the blood sacrifice formation has been destroyed, shouldn't we be happy" Lu Chen saw Xi Men Yu in a bad mood, patted him on the shoulder for comfort.

"Happy shit," Ximen Yu heard this, exploded with a swear word, rolled his eyes and said: "I'm really stealing a chicken and losing money. I lost a divine imperial weapon for nothing."

"We are brothers, and your treasure is borrowed from my master, what's the big deal," Lu Chen said.

"Really, you will let your master come back" Ximen Yu grabbed Lu Chen's shoulder and said eagerly, but he was aggrieved. Who is your brother? Am I familiar with you? Would you like to nodded.

Lu Chen continued to comfort: "We are not bandits, just borrow it, don't worry, it will be returned to you then."

Ximen Yu still didn't know anything in his heart. Why? It's mainly because a certain master of this guy is too much like a bandit leader. He suddenly said, "Actually, I'm not rich. There are more people in our world than me."

"Your world" Lu Chen was surprised.

"Spirit world"

Ximen Yu said: "We are the bloodline cultivation system, in fact, the ability is the same as yours. We understand the rules and practice from the bloodline, and we can also inherit the abilities of others. Just like me, the ancestors for generations have the void blood physique. , And I am the person with the strongest Void Bloodline awakening ever."

"If you have time, you can go to our God Realm and we will rob the rich and help the poor together"

Ximen Yu couldn't help it either. He felt that if he didn't return to Purifying the Calabash, he would transfer this person's goal to other people.

I only hope that this product ransacked other people and can return what belongs to him.

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