My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 955: Forced palace

Lu Chen looked at Qiongyi and said coldly, "What are you doing in my room?"

Qiong Yi immediately said, "My girlfriend is gone."

Zheng Huihuang and Murong Qiu tried their best to hold back, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

Qiong Yi is simply too miserable.

Liu Qingcheng also glanced at Qiong Yi sympathetically, and met Xiao Yao's mischievous man pretending to be a woman, and he suffered eight lifetimes of mold.

If I learn the truth in the future, I wonder if I will go crazy.

Lu Chen looked at Qiongyi and said, "What is our business if your girlfriend is missing."

"I'll look for it," Qiong Yi said, but in fact, an eyewitness said that he saw Xiao Meiren enter this room before he rushed in desperately.

Qiong Yi frowned. Where did Xiao Meiren go? There were witnesses who said that he saw Meiren Xiao enter the room, but couldn't find it. Is that wrong?

"Friend, you seem to be a little familiar." Qiong Yi frowned when he saw Xiao Yao.

For some reason, Qiong Yi found that Xiao Yao was very familiar with him. He always felt like he had seen him somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"I have a popular face, everyone thinks I am familiar," Xiao Yao said in a calm tone as much as possible.

Qiong Yi asked, and he didn't ask any more. He couldn't think of all the calculations. The person with a familiar face was his Xiao Meiren.

"Get out"

Lu Chen exuded a powerful aura, warning Qiong Yi with a bad look.

Qiong Yi immediately felt a powerful oppressive force, and felt awe-inspiring. The young man named Lu Chen in front of him was probably stronger than the black-clothed young man who defeated Hua Yunfei.

"I'm sorry" Qiong Yi smiled awkwardly when he saw no one was found, then turned and walked out.

Seeing Qiongyi leave, Xiao Yao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, what about Geng Zimo and Gao Xuan?" After Qiong Yi left, Lu Chen looked at Xiao Yao and asked. He saw Xiao Yao but did not see the other two, which made Lu Chen a little strange.

Xiao Yao said immediately: "Gao Xuan is also in the city, but Zimo has been arrested."

Xiao Yao had an anxious look on his face. It turned out that after the three of them came from the ancient road, they somehow lost contact with Liu Wushuang, and they came to Hunyuantian.

When he came to Hunyuan, he acted separately. Geng Zimo likes to make friends. He saw the powerful Qingwu and wanted to make friends. But who is Qingwu, the young king of the Qingpeng clan, is so arrogant and unbelievable. Geng Zimo scolded Geng Zimo with words.

Geng Zimo was not angry either, and then said: "Different ways, don't seek each other."

However, these words fell in Qingwu's ears, and felt that Geng Zimo was belittling him, so he directly and aggressively shot.

Geng Zimo was not Qingwu's opponent at all, and was directly suppressed.

When Xiao Yao and Gao Xuan saw Geng Zimo being suppressed by Qingwu, they were secretly anxious, but there was no way, because Qingwu was not only a strong cultivation base, but also had a terrifying origin, and was the young master of the Qingpeng clan.

The two had no choice but to negotiate to rescue Geng Zimo. In the end, Gao Xuan also separated from him and traveled around, while he became a young woman who had no power to catch a chicken to catch a kaizi, and then fell to the big kaizi Qiongyi, almost. Get yourself in.

After Xiao Yao finished talking about their experience, he sighed, "I don't know where Liu Wushuang is now."

"Don't worry, he is in the Five Elements Heaven" Lu Chen said, "He has also come here, he should meet him soon."

"Boss, what you said is true" Xiao Yao's face showed joy.



With the passage of time, the forces of the Lailong clan have become more and more, and the pressure on the Nong clan has also increased. Although those forces have not spoken, they all know why they came. These forces are like swords. , Hanging above their heads.

Although the disciples who had been practicing outside were greeted as soon as the news spread, there were still a few disciples whose soul cards were inexplicably broken.

The people of the Nong family dared not say anything. They knew that their disciples were assassinated by various forces and used to threaten them.

However, what can they do.

There is no great emperor in the sunset on the west mountain.

If there was a great emperor, he would never encounter the current dilemma.

The Nong family understands that these forces will not leave unless they are given a little benefit. Patriarch Nong Xingwen stepped up and actively invited all the major forces to talk about entering the secret realm. The ground is the square in the city, and the time is fixed. Diva.

When the forces of the Lai Nong family heard Nong Xingwen's words, they arrived at the square early the next day.

Early the next morning, a crowd of dark and oppressive people gathered in the square, or tens of thousands, to be less. The five major forces of Hunyuantian, Taixu Holy Land, Qingpeng Clan, Zhendao Mo Family, Fox Mountain, and Da Ri Sect occupied the main position.

These five strengths are led by Tianzun and came here.

In addition to them, there are also some people who have aloof temperament and show arrogance, even if they look at the five powers, they don't have much respect.

In addition to them, there are some ordinary Celestial powers, and more externally, there are some supreme strengths and some casual cultivators.

Lu Chen and the others came too. A group of people stood watching from a distance. On the high platform stood a group of people from the Nong family. Nong Rui and Nong Min, who had a relationship last time, were among them.

Lu Chen glanced around and saw many familiar people, such as Qingwu next to the Qingpeng clan. Two people stood in front of Qingwu. An arrogant young man in a golden robe showed more arrogance than Qingwu. But also strong, a pair of sharp eyes, as if it did not put the audience in the eyes.

In addition, there is a familiar person who is actually the Lion King, the nineteenth prince from the Flame Lion Clan of the Five Elements Heaven.

Lu Chen also saw Wuqiong, the fart king of Wuxingtian, and another direction, Zhang Wenfeng, a young man in white clothes. This line had already betrayed the mountain and sea realm. Lu Chen decided to kill the goods after entering the secret realm.

The faces of the Nong family standing on the stage were more or less gloomy, because to them the forces that came here were all bandits.

"Haha, the farmer invited us, I don't know how to negotiate." A faint laugh broke the calm. The speaker was an old man from Taixu Holy Land. This old man was a great heavenly respected man with a kind smile on his face.

Nong Xingwen stood up, looked at the many forces, clasped his fists, and said: "I already know what you are here for. I have a proposal to require people below the Holy King Realm to enter the secret realm. How do you feel like it?"

This is the result of unanimous discussions among the peasants. Since the jade talisman cannot be kept, people from the various forces will be allowed in, but only those under the Saint King realm can be sent in to fight.

If all the people who came here, including the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, were allowed to enter, they might not be able to keep some precious medicinal materials.

Recently, the farmhouse has not been idle for a while, and has attracted more than 10,000 holy kings of loose repair to minimize losses.

"The secret realm belongs to the peasant family, so you can do it," a high-ranking official of Da Rizong said with a smile.

The people of the Nong family showed an ironic look when they heard this. Since they know that the jade talisman in the secret realm belongs to the peasant family, there are several meanings for you forces to gather to **** it. You have all decided to be a robber, so why speak such high-sounding words. .

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