My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 972: Complain

Qingwu and Lion King were blasted thousands of meters away, hitting the mountain heavily, their backs and abdomen were painful, and their faces twisted.


The two looked at the girl Xi, their eyes were full of shock.

Originally thought that the other party was just an ordinary person, but never expected it to be so powerful, and deceived the eyes of the outsiders.

Because the Nong family said that the person who entered is below the Holy King, but the girl came in, and neither of them is weak. If you want to use coercion to make them immobile, you need at least the cultivation level of the Celestial Realm, and the Supreme Realm cannot .

Therefore, the two suspected that the girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals was a strong Tianzun.

"Damn, open the plug-in, and you must report him after you go out," Qingwu and Lion King said angrily.

The two of them did not dare to come over and take Jin Aoxiang away, and they watched from a distance. Time did not know how long, Jin Aoxiang woke up and swept around, and found that the youth who suppressed him went to comprehend Slowly. Dao artistic conception is now, and his companions Qingwu and Lion King are standing not far away.

Jin Aoxiang saw the two winking at him desperately, as if they were talking about slipping away. Jin Aoxiang believed, he supported his body and prepared to leave unconsciously.

"Who made you wake up, my brother said let me watch you" A clear voice rang behind Jin Aoxiang, and then he noticed the sound of wind, but he hadn't reacted yet, and a strong wind slapped him. On his forehead, it was as if someone gave him a palm, it was very real.

Jin Aoxiang rolled his eyes and passed out into a coma.

Qingwu and Lion King were speechless. Both of them obviously blinked frantically at Jin Aoxiang, signalling not to act rashly. Now they are all right, and they have passed out again.

Young girl Xi had nothing to do, she was in a daze with her fragrant cheeks in her hands, her black and white eyes were filled with confusion.

Young girl Xi felt that her mind was full of mist, and there was a looming door in the mist. She couldn't help but open the door, but she didn't know how to open it.

A day later, Jin Aoxiang woke up again, but this time he did not act rashly. He found a girl with crystal clear skin sitting next to him. She guessed that she was responsible for the last coma. Jin Aoxiang spoke to the two anxiously. : "Someone around me watched me and didn't tell me why they told me to sneak away."

Qingwu replied helplessly: "I clearly told you not to act rashly, you just understand the wrong meaning."

Jin Aoxiang: "..."

After a pause, Jin Aoxiang asked, "How strong is this girl."

"Very strong" Qingwu replied solemnly and said: "It may be Tianzun, you'd better not move."

"Tian Zun"

Jin Aoxiang's eyes widened suddenly, and the girl in front of him was Tianzun, but he did not feel any fluctuations in spiritual power, but the faint pain from his forehead made him understand that it might be a Tianzun.

A Tianzun even came in, and after going out, he would find the Emperor Master to complain.

Lu Chen was immersed in the cultivation and remained motionless for a month. Jin Aoxiang couldn't stand this posture anymore. He was about to change his posture, but just after moving his body, a voice of dissatisfaction came from the side: "I told you not to move. You are still moving."

Then, Jin Aoxiang felt another slap in his forehead.

Jin Aoxiang: "&%#@¥"

Can't he move?

Keep a posture very tired, OK, with a stomach full of grievances, and passed out into a coma.

A few days later, Jin Aoxiang woke up. After the previous two lessons, he dared not move, lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, because it was obviously impossible to escape from under the eyes of a suspected Tianzun powerhouse.

Lu Chen was immersed in his cultivation at the moment, the wisps of slow and regular particles were absorbed by his body, and the regular particles around him became very dense. Even the people around him felt unusual. Looking in the direction of Lu Chen, they had a kind of I felt that when I walked to the side of the youth, I estimated that his actions would become extremely slow.


I don't know how long it has passed. The calm rock wall in front of me suddenly vibrated, and some rocks were shaken off. With a bang, the rock wall suddenly exploded, and a ray of light flew out. That was the origin of the slow path.

When the origin of the slow way appeared, the surrounding slow rules suddenly boiled, and the space seemed to be turned into a quagmire. If you sink into it, you must go through a difficult struggle before you can break free from it.

Everyone's eyes followed the direction of the origin of the slow way, and then they saw the origin enter Lu Chen's eyebrows.

As the origin of this slow way was absorbed by Lu Dust, the surroundings suddenly returned to normal, and the space no longer became so slow.

"Swallowed by him" Although the space has returned to normal, the people around are very sorry.

Because none of them comprehend the rules of slowness, only one comprehend it, that is, the person who swallowed that strand of origin, and the other party also chose him because of successful comprehension and the origin of slowness.


Many people were depressed, because they had been sitting here for three or four months before Lu Chen came, and a latecomer took the lead in comprehending the rules of slowness, which shocked them, arrogant and arrogant.

"This person understands the rules of slowness." The scepter of Lingxi glowed slightly, and a spirit floated out, looking at Lu Chen's eyes with shock.

This person actually succeeded, not only comprehending the rules of gravity, but now comprehending the rules of slowness, the growth potential is terrible.


Jin Aoxiang, Qingwu, and Lion King turned pale. Lu Chen’s understanding of the slow way was a nightmare for them, because either of these two rules restrained their speed. The most terrifying are the two rules. Also controlled by the same person.

Lu Chen opened his eyes, and immediately greeted an enviable look.

"Brother Lu, congratulations," Mo Ji said to Lu Chen among the crowd.

Mo Ji's eyes were a bit complicated. Lu Chen's strength was already against the sky, and now he has mastered the rules of slowness. It is simply more powerful. Such strengths can be compared with the heirs of the top orthodoxy in the mountain and sea world.

The eyes of the people around are also envy.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "When I understand Saint Emperor Nonghan's rules of blood melting, I will say congratulations."

As soon as this remark came out, not only was Mo Ji speechless, even the people around him were speechless. After this person comprehended the slow rule, he was obviously a little drifting. It is great to master one of these rare rules. This person also wants to change the rules of blood melting. Comprehend it is impossible.

Mo Ji smiled faintly: "Brother Lu, I don't know if you are interested in secret jade charms."

"Not interested." Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "I came in only for the rules, not for anything else. If you want, fight for it. I won't participate in your fight."

When the people around heard Lu Chen say this, they were relieved.

If this person wants to participate in the fight for the secret jade talisman, they have no hope at all, because with the other's powerful strength, they can't get out of the door.

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