My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 980: Reach the secret exit

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he cast his gaze on Jin Aoxiang, who immediately turned into a superb roc.

However, after the transformation, Jin Aoxiang was stunned, and the other party did not say what to transform himself. Could it be that his subconscious mind has adapted to the identity of the mount.

But after the change, he was embarrassed to change back.

The people around were speechless when they saw Jin Aoxiang transformed into a Dapeng. This was the young king of the Jinpeng clan. Is he so spineless? To be willing to serve as a mount for humans of the same realm would be too shameful for the Jinpeng clan.

The people present were all arrogant people, and felt that Jin Aoxiang was a little bit embarrassed.

If Jin Aoxiang knew their inner thoughts, he would definitely go back. You didn't see this guy's abnormal combat power, so you won't think so when you see it.

Lu Chen and his party of four set foot on Jinpeng and headed towards the exit.

The speed of Jin Soaring was very fast. After a few days, they were about to approach the secret realm exit. In the mountains and forests within 100,000 miles around the secret realm entrance, a large number of warriors were lurking. They saw the Jinpeng gliding high in the sky and flew towards the secret realm exit. , Showing the look of expectation one after another.

Why, because someone stopped at the secret realm exit and was guarded by the disciples of the Sword Emperor Palace. He was prevented from going out. If you want to go out, you must hand over 90% of the elixir and spar.

During this period of time, many people have already paid the elixir obtained in the secret realm because of going out.

There are still a large number of people who don’t want to go out because they don’t want to hand over the elixir that they have gained, hoping that someone can successfully break through the barrier, and then they can rush out in the chaos.

"This is Jinpeng, from the Jinpeng clan. The incoming leader, Jin Aoxiang, is stronger than the leader of the Sword Emperor Palace. He should be able to break out." The warrior who scattered the wilderness looked up and watched Jin Peng quickly move towards the exit of the secret realm. Muttered to himself.

"Hey, something is wrong, look at how many people are on Jin Peng's back"

"This Jinpeng was suppressed"

Before the hope in their hearts rose, they saw a few people standing on Jin Peng's back, and they were dumbfounded.

Lu Chen came to the secret realm exit. There was no one here, as if no one was guarding it, but when approaching the exit, more than a dozen people jumped out, and everyone exuded a strong kendo breath above the sky. , A terrifying kendo storm was blown, and the sound of swords shook the earth.

However, when they saw Lu Chen, everyone lost their breath again.

Because this time, it was not someone who wanted to break out, but a messenger who blocked the door.

Lu Chen and others jumped off Jin Peng's back, and Jin Peng turned into a human form.

"Junior Brother Lu" Jiang Shihao walked over and said with a smile, then glanced at Jin Aoxiang, his eyes showed a different color, this unruly Dapeng was actually suppressed by Junior Brother.

Jin Aoxiang’s strength should not be underestimated, even he may not be able to beat him, but now he is surrendered by Lu Chen, which makes Jiang Shihao sure that his guess is correct. This junior Lu is very strong, much better than him. , No wonder you dare to plan to block the door.

The disciples in the Sword Emperor Palace around also saw Jin Aoxiang, and for a while, they couldn't admire this late starter.

Jin Aoxiang touched Jiang Shihao's eyes and snorted proudly.

Lu Chen looked at Jiang Shihao, nodded, and said, "Brother has worked hard."

"a piece of cake"

Jiang Shihao said with a smile.

At this time, the four evils also walked out of the palace, and when they saw Murong Qiu following Lu Chen's side, the three evils were relieved.

Because they were chased by Zhang Wenfeng sent by someone a few months ago, they scattered and fled. Finally, the three of them merged, but Murong Qiu was missing.

Now that Murong Qiu came back alive, everyone showed a happy expression.

"Brother Mu, it's great to see you all right" Xiao Yao walked over and said with a smile.

"Damn, Zhang Wenfeng dared to chase us down, and wait until he goes out to make him look good," Gao Xuan said angrily.

Murong Qiu said, "Don't wait, Zhang Wenfeng has been killed by the boss."

"Did you die, die well"

Three evils laughed loudly.

"Where is Mei Xiao" Lu Chen asked casually without seeing Mei Xiao.

"do not know"

"did not see it"

Everyone returned to Tao.

Lu Chen saw that they didn’t know and didn’t care. Mei Xiao’s strength was still very strong, so he wouldn’t be in danger. He didn’t need to worry, so he looked at Jiang Shihao, changed the subject and asked: "Right, how many crystals have been received? It's stone."

"There are only some elixir, no spar." Jiang Shihao shook his head. A lot of the elixir had been deducted, but now there was no spar.

Although Lu Chen was a little disappointed, but after another thought, the power that had obtained the spar could not go out in advance. It is estimated that the world is still tracking the sky demon in the secret realm, and the first ones to go out are those who only want to get the elixir.

"That's OK, keep guarding, I'm going to practice, but if I can't beat it, I will come and call me" Lu Chen said casually, and then entered the nearby palace.

Lu Chen couldn't wait to practice because he got a piece of unique knowledge. As for blocking the door, just hand it over to Jiang Shihao. Jiang Shihao's strength is also top-notch here, and Lu Chen is not afraid of someone slipping out.

"You stay here too, and you will have some elixir at that time" Lu Chen said while looking at Jin Aoxiang, obviously using him as a tool man.

Jin Aoxiang didn't want to go out either, because once he entered the secret realm, it was impossible to find nothing. It would be embarrassing to spread it out, so he agreed to it as he should.

In fact, he didn't know. Someone had already said that he was suppressed as a mount. All the major external forces already knew about it, and they had already lost their face.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he entered the room to practice.

In the distance, the warriors in the wilderness have been watching the movement in this direction. When they saw that the people on the Jinpeng and the warriors of the Sword Emperor Palace did not fight, they started talking, revealing a look of disappointment.

It seems that we can only wait, waiting for the arrival of those big forces.


Just as Lu Chen stepped into the hall, a soft and weak voice came.

Lu Chen turned his head to look at Liu Qingcheng, was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Junior sister, what's wrong."

Liu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes fixedly looked at Lu Chen, his eyes showed reluctance, and he bit his lip and said, "Two years have come, I am leaving."

Lu Chen calculated the time, from the junior sister to Bixiao ancient city, followed him to Hunyuantian, staying in the secret realm for a year and a half, almost two years.

"If you want to leave, leave quickly. After you leave, my elder brother will be mine," the girl next to him hugged Lu Chen's waist and stared at Liu Qingcheng.

Liu Qingcheng also stared at Young Girl Xi unwillingly, gritted her teeth, and was extremely annoyed.

Originally, she had left for two years and was to meet with her brother, but where did she think of an extra young girl Xi, what made her even more angry was that this guy actually robbed her of the brother.

"Xiao Xi, you go out first" Lu Chen said helplessly.


Girl Xi listened to Lu Chen's words very much, released her hand, and walked out obediently.

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