My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 987: Unconscious disciple

"What kind of spirit crystal?" Lu Chen pretended to be silly, blinking innocent eyes, naturally he couldn't take the spirit crystal in his hand, and he wouldn't admit it to death.

Before Meng Youran could speak, Lu Chen stared at Qi Ji and shouted: "Hey, boy, I have no grievances with you, and dare to slander me in the public. What is the intention."


Qi Ji looked at Lu Chen dumbfounded. It was obvious that he was the victim. How could the other party look more excited than him, as if he had really slandered him.

"My master is an emperor, the third master is a big dream goddess, and the fourth master Huadie is missing your spiritual crystal. If you want to throw dirty water, you must find a good reason. My face is not important. Where to put the face of my master, third master, and fourth master, let the world know what to say," Lu Chen said with a face of righteous indignation.

"Master is on the side, you dare to slander, I don't know what bad things have been said in the back." Lu Chen didn't care about the three or seventy-one, he buttoned a big hat.

Meng Youran looked at the scene before him with a headache. Lu Chen's personality was too similar to that of Hua Die girl. He liked Huo Huo and others didn't say it, and he was usually more reasonable than the victim.

Take the analogy of the girl, you can say that the robbery is a fresh and refined borrowing, well, borrowing the borrowing, you must always return it to others when the time comes, but the girl will quibble, I borrowed by my ability, why should I pay it back? If it is out, it can kill the popularity.

Fortunately, Hua Die has disappeared a lot over the years. Even if he brought Lu Chen to smash a few imperial formations a few years ago, it would only be a small fight.

Hua Die stopped, and he also sighed in relief, but now there is another disciple who is more worried than Hua Die.

"I didn't slander the emperor, let alone slander the Great Dream Goddess." Qi Ji's face turned pale in fright and terrified. Who would bear this big hat.

Lu Chen shouted loudly: "Then why did you just say that I rob you of your spirit crystal?"

"That was originally..." Qi Ji opened his mouth, wanting to say that it was true, but if this was said, the other party would definitely say that he broke the dirty water and slandered the emperor and the aloof Heavenly Maiden.

Lu Chen pressed harder step by step: "What is originally..."

"I was wrong, I shouldn't slander you" Qi Ji was about to cry. If he had known this guy's background and so shameless, he said he would not provoke anything.

It seems that the 800,000 square spirit crystals have floated in the water, and there is a transcript of Taxuexunmei's body method, which is probably not available for him.

"It's good to know that you are wrong, Ruzi can teach you." Lu Chen's expression of anger eased.

When the people around saw this scene, the corners of their mouth twitched. They naturally saw that Lu Chen must have taken Qi Ji's spirit crystal, but Qi Ji could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his belly. Why, because Qi Ji really didn't dare to wear it. A big hat that slanders the reputation of the emperor, goddess, and Huadie.

"That guy belongs to the Zhang family, you take him back and deal with Zhang Kangcheng's line," Meng Youran said, pointing to Zhang Yunfan in the crowd.

Meng Youran knew that he wanted Lu Chen to take out the spirit crystal, unless the sun rose to the west, and he changed the subject.

Zhang Yunfan is the second line of Zhang's Tianzun, not the line of Zhang Kangcheng. According to the information investigated, only the line of Zhang Kangcheng betrayed the mountain and sea world for profit, and the emperor did not deal with the opponent. Although the betrayal is shameful, who can guarantee If there are betrayers, all betrayal.

Down to the heavenly powers and up to the super powers in the mountain and sea world, there are shadows of betrayers.

In fact, these internal traitors can't turn over any waves at all, they are dispensable in the eyes of the strong, and they are too lazy to screen carefully, but they must be cleared in time if they are found.

It's like being bitten by a mosquito and slapped to death with a backhand.

Lu Chen looked at the Tianzun named Zhang Yunfan. It was estimated that the opponent was sent by Zhang Kangcheng to kill him because he killed Zhang Wenfeng in the secret realm, but he did not expect that the emperor was sitting at the door of the secret realm and was caught standing upright. So afraid to leave.

Zhang Yunfan touched Lu Chen's eyes and trembled all over, stammering: "Hall, Your Highness, I am not a betrayer."

In fact, Zhang Yunfan had come to kill the Sword Three Young Masters aggressively. Who knew that the emperor was here, when the emperor said that the Patriarch was a traitor, Zhang Yunfan was stupid.

Since the emperor's teacher said exactly that the Patriarch is a traitor, it is naturally impossible to target it, so it is definitely true, without any reason.

What made Zhang Yunfan even more unacceptable was that Jiansan was actually the disciple of Da Meng Tian Nu and Hua Die, and the emperor was his ancestor. This identity was enough to scare people to death.

What's more absurd was that the Patriarch told himself that the Third Young Master Sword and the Sky Demon had killed Zhang Wenfeng.

The emperor's master and apprentice, the goddess is colluding with the sky demon?

Now Zhang Yunfan only wants to look on Zhang Kangcheng's face. It's okay to find his own death, but don't drag the whole family.

"Are you a betrayer, can you prove it in one sentence?" Lu Chen walked over and stared at Zhang Yunfan.

With cold sweat on his forehead, Zhang Yunfan said in a panic: "His Royal Highness, although Zhang Kangcheng has betrayed, many members of our Zhang family have not betrayed."

"I just broke through to the Supreme" Lu Chen said suddenly.

Zhang Yunfan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized the meaning of the words. The other party needed a lot of spirit crystals to break through the supreme, so he quickly took out a ring, and said: "There are two hundred thousand square spirit crystals in it, please accept your highness."

"You thought you could bribe me." Lu Chen looked at Zhang Yunfan with a sneer. Even so, he stretched out his hand honestly and took it away.

Originally, Meng Youran was quite satisfied when he saw Lu Chen's performance. His words were upright and not tempted. He just thought that Lu Chen was behaving well, but Lu Chen's movements made him look black, blood rushing to the top of his head, and he almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.

The people around looked at this scene speechlessly, with such awe-inspiring words, why are you kicking someone else's ring in your pocket when everyone can't see it.

Not to mention, many Tianzun's eyes are erratic, as if they really haven't seen it.

Just kidding, people's master is here, they can't take care of their nostalgia.

Lu Chen looked at Zhang Yunfan and said, "200,000 square meters is not enough to clear your suspicion. When Zhang Kangcheng's line is cleared, remember to give more."

Last time Lu Chen received a gift in Bixiao Ancient City, he received almost 200,000 cubic meters of spirit crystals, plus Qi Ji's 800,000 cubic meters and Zhang Yunfan's 200,000 cubic meters, for a total of 1.2 million cubic meters.

But Lu Chen felt that 1.2 million cubic meters should not be enough.

Zhang Yunfan hurriedly said: "Understand, understand."

"I'm so angry, I'll clean up the door now" Meng Youran saw this scene, full of fire surging, and let out an unbearable roar.

This brat is too much, can you pay attention to the image, there are so many people around him watching.


Lu Chen felt Meng Youran's anger, and quickly winked at the four evils. Zhang Yunfan also slipped away with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen felt careless, and only blackmailed Zhang Yunfan after leaving here.

Of course Meng Youran didn't really chase after him, but seeing Lu Chen leaving behind, he was more determined in his heart to go to the main realm city, and he wanted to severely reprimand Hua Die.

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