My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 998: Donghuangjing

The woman in the red skirt has a graceful figure, her long skirt is on the floor, and her bare skin is like white jade, which can be broken by blowing. She smiles and releases temptation.

At this moment, the latter's snow-white neck was raised high, as arrogant as a white swan, and really like a queen in power.

Lu Chen felt that if the other party put on a pair of high heels, it would be more like it.

"Hello Sister," Lu Chen cried out cleverly, mainly because he couldn't figure out the character of this woman, so he talked about it first.

"Where's the word Queen?" The pretty face of the woman in the red dress showed a hint of discomfort.

Lu Chen was a little sweaty. This woman seemed to have a weird temper. Could she really be the queen, empress, etc. in charge of a certain dynasty?

Lu Chen felt that if the opponent had an extra leather whip in his hand, he would be more like a queen.

The woman in the red skirt smiled happily, and looked at Lu Chen with a smile: "Is it because my sister looks like a queen with a whip in her hand."

Lu Chen stared at the woman in the red dress dumbfounded: "Sister, you also understand this tune."

"Don't understand"

The woman in the red dress pursed her mouth. Suddenly, there was a black whip in her hand. She waved it in the air, and there was a sharp breaking sound. Then Meisou looked at Lu Chen and said with a smile: "Why, sister Are you like a queen now?"

"Like" Lu Chen nodded, suddenly feeling a little excited. Is he going to be trained? If the woman in the red dress wears a whip in her left hand and a candle in her right hand, she will be more like a queen.

"Candle, what is that?" The woman in the red dress frowned slightly, and she uttered a doubtful word.


Lu Chen looked at the woman with some horror, a layer of goose bumps appeared all over his body.

Lu Chen thought carefully and was terrified. He thought of a terrible conjecture that the woman in the red dress could read the mind.

Earlier, the other party claimed to be sister, but he added a sentence that the other party liked to play Queen's tricks, so she asked him to call Lord Queen. He just imagined a whip in his mind, and then the other party turned into a whip.

Lu Chen had no doubts about the fantasy in the first two.

Until just now, he filled the left hand whip and the right hand candle, and the other party blurted out and asked what the candle was.

Until this time, Lu Chen vaguely suspected that the other party could read minds, and all his thoughts were seen by the other party.

Oops... the paragraph I just made up.

Lu Chen turned his stiff neck, and then met a pair of beautiful eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. These beautiful eyes seemed to see through his heart.

"Brother. Brother, you haven't told my sister what the candle is for" the woman in the red skirt asked with a smile.

When Lu Chen saw this scene, he still didn't understand that the other party could really read mind.

Lu Chen was confused, how could he have the ability to read mind, even the masters did not master it.

As the woman in the red dress waved her hand, a magic knife filled with the breath of death hung in front of Lu Chen's eyebrows. The magic knife swallowed a terrifying black light, causing Lu Chen's hair to stand upright.

The woman in the red skirt said with a smile: "Brother. Brother, you quickly tell your sister what the left-hand whip and the right-hand candle mean, otherwise the sister will have to do it."

Although the woman in the red skirt smiled charmingly, Lu Chen felt a chill. The other party didn't scare him, but really wanted to do it.

Lu Chen read the words Ke Yirou silently in his heart. Since the other party can read the mind, he moved his master out.

The woman in the red dress accurately read Lu Chen's inner thoughts, a strange color appeared in her beautiful eyes, and she said in surprise: "I remember Sister Yirou didn't accept a disciple, why there is a male disciple."

"Even if you are Sister Yirou's apprentice, but I want to teach you a lesson, such as beating half-dead, I will not blame me if I want to come to Sister Yirou"

Lu Chen faltered, staring at the woman in the red dress dumbfounded.

Who is this big boss?

Call the third master your sister?

Could it be that he was a super strong with the third master for a period of time, and the relationship is good, such as girlfriends.

Your cold master, and your girlfriends?

"Sister, what is your name, since you are my best friend of the third master, we are also relatives" Lu Chen said with a dry smile.

"Hurry up and tell my sister, or my sister will really get angry" The woman in the red dress ignored Lu Chentao's approach, still smiling, her beautiful eyes showed a slight threat.

Lu Chen gritted his teeth and said, "Sister really wants to know."

"of course"

Lu Chen said quickly: "Wait later, my sister knows what it means, she doesn't get angry when she says anything, and won't hit me."

The woman in the red dress nodded: "Sister, I won't be angry."


With the assurance, Lu Chen was relieved now, so he yelled in his mind some kind of *** picture of the opponent holding a whip.

Next to him, the woman in the red dress had a smile on her face, but she soon stiffened her pretty face with two blushes, and her beautiful eyes became watery. Then she became angry, and she looked at Lu Chen with a sharp gaze. Shyly said: "Little seducer wolf, see if I will kill you."

Donghuangjing was dying of anger. Why is the apprentice whom Yirou received so rascal, and even imagined that she was holding a whip....

Thinking about it, she couldn't imagine it anymore, mainly because the images in the back were too easy to make people flushed and her heart beat faster.

Lu Chen felt an anger, panicked, and said quickly, "Sister, you said you are so angry."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he moved directly into the world of void particles, because if he didn't run, he might be beaten. After escaping into the world of void particles, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Can't perceive yourself.

But that's not necessarily true. If the realm is too different, hiding in the world of void particles is useless.

It's like the last time the Four Masters took action to track Ximen Yu, Ximen Yu hid in the void particle world, the Four Masters directly opened the reach area, and the golden flames burned into the void particle world.

"Little Se. Wolf, I want to run after molesting my sister" A shy voice rang from the side, and then Lu Chen felt a pain in his ears, and a jade hand picked up the world of void particles.

Lu Chen was enveloped by a breath of suffocation, and his cultivation was suppressed, unable to release at all.

Lu Chen was a little surprised, because the woman in the red dress could also use the rules of the void, and the other party ran into the world of void particles to take him out.

Lu Chen suddenly realized that he couldn't move his whole body. This was not the pressure of a high level, but the body couldn't resist, as if he was controlled.

Lu Chen is a little familiar with this feeling, by the way, it seems that Master has used the same ability.

I don't know what the rules are, but he can control his thoughts, so terrible.

"Xiao**, how do you think my sister should teach you?" Dong Huangjing's beautiful eyes showed a trace of sly, showing a cat and mouse expression.

Lu Chen frowned, "Sister, you don't believe me."

At this moment, the girl Xi next to her suddenly caused an abnormal movement, and the surrounding death air flow swirled, and a monstrous and terrifying breath of death slowly radiated from the girl Xi.

Dong Huangjing felt the breath, released Lu Chen, her beautiful eyes fell on the young girl Xi.

Because she felt an extremely terrible breath of death on Young Girl Xi.

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