My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 201: Mantis catching cicadas, carduelis is behind!

Zhou Long took the telescope, went to the window and glanced, sure enough!

A convoy of about 40 or 50 people, several military vehicles and modified SUVs, each of them is a live ammunition, and Zhou Long even saw an infantry armored vehicle inside!

They had heard gunfire far away before, but did not expect that the army would enter this road, and they were still stationed not far from them.

So, that mutant zombie was killed?

"Great!" Zhou Long smiled.

Because of the mutant zombie, they have been hiding in this ghost place for several days. What a surprise!

Zhou Long glanced in the direction of the farmhouse again, his eyes could not move away from the infantry armored vehicle. That's a 92 wheeled infantry armored vehicle!

The reason he can directly call out the model is because before the end of the world, Zhou Long was a non-commissioned officer in the army. When the end of the world erupted, he was arranged to the toll station not far away.

Zhou Long has seen many doomsday movies, and he knows that no law will be used after the doomsday arrives. Whoever has the biggest fist is the boss! You can have as many young girls as you want!

Those beautiful women who couldn't even think of it before, and the high-level Bai Fumei, can all pick for themselves! Not to mention, he has a gun in his hand!

So at the moment when the end of the world erupted, Zhou Long quickly made a decision. He killed the company commander and ran away.

Zhou Long later regretted it. When he ran away, he took away too few guns and ammunition. He didn't expect the army to sell arms to the survivor squad.

But even so, with the guns and bullets, grenades, etc. he brought out, he quickly established a force to dominate the town in this town.

"Infantry armored vehicles, there are so many machine guns, ammunition!" Zhou Long looked at the farmhouse, eyes glowing.

The previous man with the telescope couldn't help but asked, "Dragon, don't you want to make their idea?"

"You thought Lao Tzu's head was caught by the door!" Zhou Long gave him a cold look. Although he squinted at the infantry armored vehicle, his mind was still sober. Don't look at the number of people on his side, and they have been carefully selected and specially trained, but compared with the army in the farmhouse, it is still a gang of black people, which is not enough.

"Hadron, haven't you seen those SUVs? Those are the survivor squads. Those survivor squads must be wealthy if they can come out with the army." Zhou Long held his telescope and turned his attention to those survivor squads.

These survivor squads are far worse than the army, and they are no better than him. He is a horde, and these survivor squads are completely wild.

"These teams are better than Lao Tzu!" Zhou Long struck up the idea of ​​these survivor squads. He looked at the people who came down from the SUV, all dressed cleanly and their hair combed. , Each holding a gun. Although Zhou Long was not short of food, he was trapped because of the lack of water these days. Although he took a bath himself, all the people around him were smelly.

Zhou Long's gaze swept across the CMB car. Compared with those SUVs, this CMB car is too inconspicuous. But at that moment, he suddenly made a noise and quickly turned his eyes back.

From that minibus, three beautiful women came down unexpectedly, and they all had different styles! One is a temperament beauty, who looks very fragile and elegant, which makes people very conquered at first glance. The other is the type of young beautiful girl, with long legs, a height of more than 170, and a long knife. There is one more ... wipe! Why is her figure so good!

Zhou Long's team also has women, but those women do n’t know how long they have n’t taken a bath, their hair is greasy, and there is a foul smell all over their bodies. They take a bath.

In contrast, they are simply disgusting. The three in front of them are clean and beautiful, which can be called a woman!

Next, Zhou Long saw a young man stepping down from the CMB bus, and he was estimated to be twenty years old, much younger than him. Those three women are all his? It's all this young man?

"Wipe!" Zhou Long's eyes were so jealous that the fire was about to come out. The young man actually realized his idea first! The reason why he was a deserter was to think about what kind of life he wants, to be a man, and to put all the beautiful women in his pocket!

"These cars seem to be moving." Hadron suddenly said.

Zhou Long hurriedly looked at it, and sure enough the cars started, and the direction should be to the town center, the direction of the ancient city. The three beauties, as well as the young man, also returned to the CMB car. The only thing left in the farmhouse was the army.

After a change of look, Zhou Long's gaze turned back and forth between the farmhouse and the teams.

"Let's keep up."


"Zhang Ye told us to come on alert. I think both teams are going to search for supplies." Zhang Hai drove the freezer and said next to the bus. They had just taken a break, and Zhang Huan let them survivor squads look around.

"I think that means Zhang Ye." Jiang Zhuying leaned against the window and said.

Although Zhang Huan is strict, he is not completely inhuman. These survivor teams cooperate with them, and it is normal to search for supplies on the way, as long as it does not affect the task.

He took the initiative to give these people a chance, which was better than running out without saying a word. Both sides were happy.

"So too." Zhang Hai and Sun Kun nodded.

Jiang Liushi looked at them both with interest and didn't speak.

Although he was not particularly short of supplies, Zhang Hai and Sun Kun were always lacking. Ran Xiyu was able to get a lot of money in this battle, but ordinary food was still lacking. It's always good to collect more anyway.

After driving a certain distance, as soon as he was on the main road, Bai Zhengsong let the squadron's car turn to another street. He didn't want to act with Jiang Liushi.

This is obviously trying to avoid Jiang Liushi. The younger brothers under him are somewhat aggrieved, and Bai Zhengchong is even more upset.

"Stop here for a while." Bai Zhengchong wanted to run away. He wanted to smoke a cigarette and stabilize his mood.

"That Chu Songming, who usually pulled 285,000 by his father, I helped him to block the gun in front, but he refused to take the lead for me when something happened." Bai Zhengchong summed up in his heart, must let Chu Songming Find a way to do something.

As a result, the smoke just took two sips, and Bai Zhengchong suddenly heard another car approaching.

"Who's here again?" Bai Zhengchong didn't take his mind too much, and sent the big man to see it.

But as soon as Dahan got out of the car, he suddenly made a noise and jumped back.

Needless to say, Bo Zhengchong also saw the car.

On this relatively narrow street, the bus was driving towards them like crazy, the abandoned cars on the road were directly hit by the bus. The sound of the deafening engine of the CMB car, the front face that was obviously out of value, at this time seemed to make Bai Zhengchong and others like seeing evil spirits.

Bai Zhengchong's eyes widened, and his hairs exploded: "Grass!"

Watching the CMB rush over, Bai Zhengchong was extremely panic, and at the same time he cursed Chu Songming's ancestors eighteen generations! Didn't he say Jiang Liushi wouldn't do it?

"Fast, fast! Rewind!" Shouted Bai Zhengchong.

Seeing that the driver was actually in a daze, Bai Zhengchong yelled and patted him directly. The driver was already frightened. His cheeks were swollen and blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, but he reacted. He stepped on the throttle and turned sharply.


The China Bus has hit the rear face of this SUV. The whole car suddenly trembled. The person sitting in the car felt like his chest was hit by the truck head-on. As a car for Bo Zhengchong, this car has been professionally modified several times. The front and back faces are equipped with armored steel plates, but this collision still makes Bo Zhengchong feel that his car is about to fall apart.

"Ahhhhh!" The driver stepped wildly on the throttle. After seeing how the CMB car fought the mutant zombies, the driver was really frightened now.

"Call you paralyzed!" Bai Zhengchong yelled, "Don't drive, just rush into the supermarket in front of you!"

Bai Zhengchong made a very correct decision. Jiang Liushi's car and marksmanship were very horrible, but if they entered the supermarket and had a close-range battle with Jiang Liushi, he would not be so afraid.

The supermarket was a bungalow and SUV crashed into it. Suddenly, many of the shelves that had been evacuated, as well as the zombies inside, were directly knocked open.

The driver stepped on the brakes violently, his heart was still beating, and he felt a sense of fear.

Bai Zhengsong picked up a 81 bar, then jumped out of the car, his face flushed, and his eyes were bloodshot because of anger: "Everyone, **** me for **** guys."

Not far away, two off-road vehicles stopped secretly.

Zhou Long originally followed the CMB bus. I didn't expect that the CMB car suddenly exploded and turned around to run into a car!

However, what made Zhou Long feel a bit speechless was that the SUV was so amazingly modified, how did he go directly to a small supermarket! As for the CMB car, he was also surprised. This car was also modified, and it drove at the same speed as a sports car.

Now, what are these survivors struggling with?

Then he doesn't have to rush to do it first, before going to the theater.

Suddenly, Zhou Long felt that he should have had some good luck today. First, the crisis of mutating zombies was lifted, and then he met the survivor's internal strife.

Mantis catching cicadas, carduelis is behind!

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