My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 215: What about offending death?

In front of his subordinates, in front of so many people, such a joke! If this picket team leader is to choose the moment in his life that he wants to die, it is definitely now.

He is very clear that today, he took out a chicken leg to try to deter Jiang Liushi, it will become the laughing stock of the army. He has many opponents in the army, including the picket team, even the soldiers he brings now Nor are all his close friends. Many soldiers were temporarily transferred after the end of the world. If the news spreads, you can imagine the reaction to the head. Maybe you will give yourself a nickname and you will be called Captain Chicken.

Thinking of this, the picket team leader now felt anxious to jump out of the window immediately, and at this time, Sun Kun and Zhang Hai reacted afterwards, and the two strong men laughed back and forth.

"Fuck, you have a personality!"

"Pistol chicken legs, McDonald's, right?"

"Where it is, I remember it's KFC."

Sun Kun and Zhang Hai were arguing arrogantly. At this time, Jiang Zhuying even tore the other chicken leg down and bite it politely.

Originally, it was a bit rude to bite the chicken leg, but because of the rosy cherry mouth of Jiang Zhuying, it looks like there is no contrasting beauty. Jiang Zhuying swallowed the chicken, so he said, "In fact, it was Dirk's. They were fried too oily. , It feels greasy. "

"Haha, it's still delicious for our brothers to bake."

Sun Kun and Zhang Hai, tore one chicken wing, and started eating chicken.

At this time, the picket team leader stood at the door and felt like a fool. They moved their troops and killed them with firearms, but the Shiying team not only did not panic, they also ate chicken while chatting and teasing them completely here. Picket team as air!

The captain really wanted to shoot this group of guys who didn't know how to die, but his guns were gone. Although the next few members of the squad had guns, what would really happen?

Thinking of the one he was touched at the moment when he pulled out his gun, the picket leader only felt that his spine was chilling. He didn't understand now, how the other party changed his gun, and he was proud of the gun drawing technique. , Is simply a joke in the eyes of the other party.

Looking at Jiang Liushi again, he seemed to be standing in front of himself in such an unguarded manner, playing with the May Fourth Pistol in his hand, as casual and fancy as the middle school student.

However, the bright flashes in the opponent's eyes sometimes made the picket captain feel like he was being stared at by the killer.

This guy is terrible.

The captain has no doubt that he really started to work. This group of stone shadow squads talking about fast food will instantly wipe them out. In front of the master, they will draw such a close distance and want to complete the action of shooting with a gun. It has long been enough for them to die several times.

"Give me my gun."

The picket squad leader said arrogantly, he felt that his face had been lost today.

Jiang Liushi pretended to be surprised: "What did you say? I don't understand. Isn't your 'gun' held in your hand?"


The captain's eyes were all red. At this time, he really wanted to be like a terrorist. He **** a bomb with his body and ended up with this river.

Looking at his own hand, his mind was completely blank because he wanted to die too much. This shameless chicken leg was caught by his subconscious death.

He quickly lost the chicken leg, and his knuckles rattled because of a fist.

The army's guns are numbered. After the end of the world, it is not a big deal for soldiers to lose their guns, but they still have to report to them. The reason for this is not to make people laugh.

"I know it was you who changed my gun and returned it to me, as well as the sniper rifle. I will also take it back. This is my order!"

The military order is like a mountain. Even if it is up to this, he still has to grit his teeth to try to complete the task. His original backing has collapsed. Now this can't be done. The position of the picket leader may not be guaranteed. Living.

"Again, I haven't seen your gun. As for the sniper rifle, sorry, I accidentally lost it when I was fighting the zombies. You can find it along the way, maybe you can find it."

Jiang Liushi said very bachelor, the captain's face was red and white for a while, he did not have the courage to rush to search, not to mention whether he can rush in, even if the search may not be found.

"let's go!"

Captain of the picket, left with his men dingy.

What is it called? They are pickets who even the soldiers are afraid of!

The picket team performed the task and failed to collect a gun, but also lost a gun!

The captain wanted to die.

"all gone."

Jiang Zhuying ate roast chicken, pulled out a clean chicken bone from his mouth, and licked his tongue on Fanfen's lips. "This offends them to death."

"It was offended to death." Jiang Liushi said indifferently.

"That, Brother Jiang ..." Shen Tao hesitated to speak. He was also shocked by Jiang Liushi's magical skills just now. He still does not understand what Jiang Liushi's power is.

Said it was mechanical transformation, his marksmanship was terrible, and because of his marksmanship, his hand speed was amazingly fast.

He still doesn't know how Jiang Liushi's fighting skills are, but just thinking about his hand speed, it won't be too bad.

"About Chu Zhongshan, I told the Brother Jiang before. Brother Jiang still has to be careful. He is a senior executive of Zhonghai after all ..."

That's all Shen Tao can say. After all, he is a member of the army.

Jiang Liushi nodded: "I know, Captain Shen remembers to inquire about the sniper rifle bullets. If there are special seed bombs, such as armor-piercing incendiary bombs, it would be better."

Hearing Jiang Liushi's words, Shen Tao returned a speechless expression. Armor-piercing incendiary bombs are specially designed to deal with armored vehicles. The bullets are very expensive: "There is no such thing. It is good to have steel-core armor-piercing bombs."

"Although the above is strictly controlled, after the end of the world, the number of bullets cannot be counted, and the management is also a bit fuzzy. Some soldiers have hidden some bullets and intend to use them for rations. If you want to buy them, you can also buy them, but the price is a bit high.

Shen Tao said in a lower voice, after all, he is a member of the army, because of the relationship between Jiang Liushi and Chu Chongshan, such things cannot be known above.

Shen Tao is gone.

Jiang Liushi took out the 92 semi-automatic used by the picket team leader. After watching a lot of high-powered guns, where can a normal pistol enter the eye of Jiang Liushi, let alone the 92 semi-automatic, even if it is a desert eagle, it is all the same. Now, in front of AMR-2, the sand eagle that is not as powerful as an old rifle is no different from a toy.

He casually threw it to Sun Kun: "Let's play."

Sun Kun said with some worries: "Jiang, you really offended them to death, and you didn't save your face at all. This gun is really useless to us. They were beaten."

"It's just a picket team." Jiang Liushi shook his head. "You are going out less these days. If I go out, Ran Xiyu and Ying follow me, there is Xi Yu's investigation, plus Ying's danger perception, nothing will happen. "I'm not afraid of a rifle. Even if I use a rocket launcher, I have Xiyu's perception in advance. I can kill the other party before firing, unless it uses a missile or something on the other side, but how is that possible?"

Jiang Liushi has learned from Shen Tao that although Chu Zhongshan is a member of the China Shipping Interim Military Committee, there are many members, and there are still vice-chairmen and chairmen on the members.

In addition, due to the special situation of the CSSA, many troops are their own troops, and their soldiers, of course, listen to their own, save the better division of the team, etc., now they have become commanders, and their opponents control the troops, Comparable members of the military commission.

How can a military commissioner call a missile rocket vehicle, even if he has the right to call it, people will not listen and fire in a safe area, who dares to shoulder this responsibility.

Although the situation after the end of the world is not the same as before the end of the world, the power relationship is now called an intricate and complex mountain, and Chu Zhongshan has a high weight, but most people like him check and balance him in secret.

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