My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 227: Danger is approaching

The moment the female zombies leaped, she saw Jiang Liushi turning around.

She looked at Jiang Liushi indifferently, and looked at Jiang Liushi.

This zombie has some thinking ability.

The moment Jiang Liushi was about to pull the trigger, Ran Xiyu's voice sounded: "Be careful, the second spot of light appears!"

At the same time, Jiang Liushi's mind rang out the voice of the star species: "A secondary mutation zombie was detected."

A small hand suddenly rested on the shoulder of the female zombies, Jiang Liushi only saw a pair of eyes and looked at himself behind the female zombies' shoulders.

Those eyes saw a numbness of the river's stone skin, which was a pair of big eyes, and her pupil color was not red, but glowing purple.

She glanced at him, Jiang Liushi felt stiff, and there was a feeling that ordinary people heard when the tiger screamed.

Infrasonic attack?

When he was at the Jinling Wharf before, the giant water monster that Jiang Liushi encountered would be attacked by infrasonic waves.

The mutant zombie just glanced at herself, her face hiding behind the woman's zombie, wondering if she had opened her mouth. It's weird!

At the moment when Jiang Liushi's body was numb, the child's zombie had dragged the female zombie back to the corpse.


The sniper rifle spouted a long tongue of fire, and two or three zombies burst into a large group of blood mist at the same time.


Jiang Liushi controlled himself and pulled the trigger, but because of the child's zombies, his shot had deviated from his position.

When Wang Jianlang hit the female zombie before, he didn't hit. I don't know if it has something to do with the child zombie.

At the same time as the blood fog burst, Jiang Liushi found that the two zombies had disappeared from his vision.

"They're heading for the army!" Ran Xiyu shouted suddenly.

The two mutated zombies only met Jiang Liushi and went around to the army!

Due to the military's fire strike and advance, although Jiang Liushi rushed into the corpse, the pressure he faced was not too great, at best he was a pioneer.

The two zombies bypassed his vanguard and turned around and attacked again? This should not be an act of zombies at all! It can also be said that this is not what people think of zombies.

"Master Lin, pay attention to the zombie attack!" He said with a walkie-talkie, Jiang Liushi immediately ordered, "Shadow, turn around!"

"Ran Xiyu!" Jiang Liushi shouted in his head.

"Locking them up! The zombies just now ... her light spot is strange." Ran Xiyu frowned and said, "appears and disappears, it becomes very difficult to capture ... at ten o'clock!"

Jiang Liushi swept over immediately. He first glanced at a group of zombies that seemed to be crowded, and then saw a small figure.

It was a little girl who was not more than ten years old. She was wearing a dress before the end of the world, wearing a pair of ponytails, and tied two ribbon bows. It was very cute, but her speed was ... Humans can reach speeds faster than cheetahs!

It was just that she was holding an iron rod and directly injured Wang Jianlang!

If it wasn't for Jiang Liushi's shot, Wang Jianlang would now be a cold body!

And the direction she went to ... is an ambulance!

The child's zombies apparently knew that Wang Jianlang was not dead, and Jiang Liushi, who had blocked herself, chased herself again, so she took the opportunity to come back to kill Wang Jianlang.

This intelligence!

At this time, it was too late to pass, Jiang Liushi took a deep breath, and aimed his muzzle at the fast-moving secondary mutant zombies.


At this time, Wang Jianlang had just been transferred into an ambulance and was being treated.

In order to ensure the stitching, the ambulance slowed down and proceeded smoothly, surrounded by the protection of two military vehicles.

The location of the ambulance itself is close to the center of the convoy. Except for the kind of throwing zombies, ordinary zombies have no chance to move closer, posing a threat to the ambulance. After all, there are medical staff inside, and there is no combat capability at all.

But at this time, a small figure was walking through the corpse at an extremely terrifying speed and rushing towards them!

After the zombie, it was on the CMB car that was rushing back, in the war room, after the muzzle aimed at her and the sniper rifle, Jiang Liushi's calm eyes.

Is he fast or this zombie fast? Jiang Liushi seemed to be in a state of stationary heartbeat at this moment. His hands were very stable, and all his attention was completely focused on the small figure looming and moving in the corpse.

For snipers, the chance to shoot is only a moment!

Jiang Liushi has no doubt. With the horror of this zombie, as long as she gets to the ambulance, the ambulance is over!

Those military vehicles, including ambulances, were completely unaware of it.

"Brother, I'll sew you right away, you don't have to worry about fighting anymore." Wang Shiqi couldn't bear tears, and said while treating Wang Jianlang's wound.

Li Yuxin prepared the medicine, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

In addition to a soldier driving the ambulance, there is a machine gunner in the ambulance cabin.

At this moment, the two were watching the situation around them intently. At a glance, the zombies were still crazy, just like before.

Jiang Liushi was heard in the walkie-talkie to make them pay attention to the sound of the mutant zombie sneak attack, and they were all alert.

But now everything is normal, it is impossible for mutant zombies to rush into the team ...

But at that moment, the soldier driving the vehicle suddenly felt a throbbing feeling.

He didn't know where this feeling came from, and the machine gunner next to him suddenly said: "The Stone Shadow Team is back, it should have not been pursued. Pursuing the mutant zombies in the corpse is really ... "

But at this moment, both of them opened their eyes at the same time!

A small shadow suddenly leaped, and the whole figure reflected into their pupils through the windshield.

Although the figure is small, when they and the other person's eyes are opposite, the figure fills their vision instantly.

The nervous Wang Shiqi looked up and saw the little girl zombies.

The opponent held a huge fire axe, which was relatively large for her, and was chopping towards the ambulance. This axe seems to cut the ambulance in half directly!

"Ah!" Wang Shiqi didn't know if she made a noise, she was drowned by fear!

What the **** is this? !!

The mutant zombies appeared so quickly that no one but them noticed them.

At this moment, Wang Shiqi had a very strong sense of life and death crisis. She felt that she was going to die soon.

The brother she relied on has been seriously injured and she lost her protection and will soon die in a very miserable way! The people in this car, they even knew nothing about the danger, but they would die together!

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