My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 245: request

Giant earthworms are really out of the ground!

There are many green belts in both the Zhonghai area and the safe island. The land is soft and cannot even serve as a barrier.

Among them, the Zhonghai area is located outside the island of safety, and there is a large amount of farmland, which is naturally more threatened.

The tide of corpses continued, and more and more monsters were drawn.

"Now we are constantly trying to find a way. Scientific research institutes and the military, as well as the survivors of Zhonghai, will act together. If Zhonghai Safety Island can't persist, hundreds of thousands of people will be swallowed by the tide of corpses in an instant. Said the old general.

At this time, everyone must fight for survival.

The emergence of zombies has caused people to escape from the city and come to a safe area. If the safe area cannot be maintained, what can these people do?

No wonder General Zhang was so worried. After not seeing him for such a short time, Jiang Liushi felt that he was several years older than a few days ago.

"We will respond positively to these dog @ 日 monsters. They want to eat us, and they are not afraid of dying. I am old and I have enough books, can I be afraid of them?" General Zhang said, his eyes flashed. A trace of murder and anger.

Then he looked at Jiang Liushi again and said, "Captain Jiang, I would like to ask you a favor."

Jiang Liushi looked completely: "General, please say."

He knew that General Zhang had hurriedly called him here and would not have specifically explained the situation to him.

"The situation is changing every day. Before that, giant earthworms appeared near the scientific research institute and shocked everyone. We are worried that there are other dangers, so we are going to transfer the scientific research institute first." General Zhang Lao Said.

Transfer research institute?

However, the scientific research institute can be said to be the most important core of the entire island of safety. The giant earthworms appeared nearby and did not know how much panic was caused.

In this way, it is normal for the military to make such a decision.

"But where is the transfer?" Ran Xiyu asked.

"You also know that, in addition to the Zhonghai Safety Island, safety zones have been established in various places. We and other safety zones have always exchanged information and shared research results. This time, after comprehensive consideration, we sought the opinions of scientists We think that Jinling Base and Xingcheng Base City are the most suitable. Some of these scientists will go to Xingcheng Base City. This section has a long way to go, so I hope I can **** them to you. "

General Zhang Lao looked at Jiang Liushi very diligently: "I don't know, are you willing?" The bottom of his eyes was a look of hope.

The risk of this matter is great. Because it's too far from here to Star City!

Star City has many other names. It belongs to the core city of central China and has a long history and culture.

Before the end of the world, from Zhonghai to Xingcheng, the train was 6 hours and the journey was 12 hours.

And after the end of the world, the 12-hour drive time means that they have to continue on the road for many days, through the tide of corpses, and continue to pass through many zombies.

In this case, if more people are sent out, it will attract a large number of zombies, but the army is not assured when sending out an army squad.

At this time, General Zhang thought of Jiang Liushi, especially after hearing his performance in the rescue of two professors Su, he was finalized immediately.

This task, the Shi Ying team can be competent!

General Zhang Lao was concerned about the safety of these scientists, but Jiang Liushi was not a member of the army and he could not order Jiang Liushi.

Therefore, he can only look forward to Jiang Liushi being able to agree.

Jiang Liushi was silent. He weighed this matter in his heart.

Jiang Liushi respects these scientists.

But if the risk exceeds his tolerance, it is not only that he and the team members will be in danger, but these scientists will also be in danger with them.

It is true that the current situation of China Shipping has great potential risks. It is not necessarily safe for Jiang Liushi to stay here. It is impossible for him to stay in the China Sea without leaving the China Bus. Even if he did this, he would not be able to protect himself when Zhonghai was hit by the tide.

In contrast, although the city of Xingcheng is unknown, it is definitely safer than Zhonghai Safety Island, otherwise this transfer will not be carried out.

Jiang Liushi thought about it for a while, then looked up: "I need to pay in advance."

To carry out long-distance movement, Jiang Liushi must first complete the transformation of the base vehicle.

Jiang Liushi now has only one mutant zombie blood core, and nothing else.

The current situation of the base vehicle is that the shell is covered with a class of armor, and the upgraded internal space is more suitable for living, with air cannons, collision angles, and war rooms.

However, in the face of a huge group of zombies, or a monster like a water monster, the base car in the form of a Chinese bus is not enough.

And if you switch to the state of mining trucks, there are too few functions for mining trucks.

"Okay! What do you want?" General Zhang said cheerfully.

Jiang Liushi was paid, and maybe he would not send the scientist to the base city of Xingcheng, but General Zhang Lao lived so long and had not seen any storms. He thought that he had some eyesight, and he would not see the wrong person.

"Variable crystal nuclei, and some specified materials," Jiang Liushi said.

Variations such as nuclei are only available in sufficient numbers in the military.

And metal materials, it is only the military has a reserve of various materials.

What Jiang Liushi wanted most was actually secondary variant nuclei, but the number of secondary variant nuclei was too small.

General Zhang Lao could only promise to apply for Jiang Liushi as much as possible.

As he was about to leave, General Zhang looked at Ran Xiyu.

"Miss Ran, you played a very important role in this operation, and we are very grateful. I promise to look for your younger sister who is studying in Yuhang, but unfortunately, we have not had time to start the operation. But before heading to Star City In the process, you will pass by Yu Hang. In the squad that worked with you, there is an officer who escorted the survivors from Yu Hang to Zhonghai. I will let them help you find it. "General Zhang said.

Ran Xiyu nodded in understanding, no one expected that such a change would occur in Zhonghai. And in this case, General Zhang Zhang could make such an arrangement for her, which has made Ran Xiyu very satisfied.

Out of the office, Jiang Liushi met an old man head-on.

This old man has pale hair and a cold look.

Seeing Jiang Liushi, his footsteps suddenly paused, and then quickly walked past them.

Chu Zhongshan!

The name came to Jiang Liushi's mind.

"That man ..." Ran Xiyu also frowned, and she felt a very bad mood from the old man just now.

Emotions and anger are invisible, and they can continue to go their own way when they meet their enemies.

Jiang Liushi shook his head: "regardless of him."

Now that the China Sea is in chaos, they are about to leave China Sea. It is no use for Chu Chongshan to hate him.

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