My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 270: Military warrant

Chu Zhongshan originally came from the armed police. His six armies were mainly responsible for maintaining law and order on the island of safety. When the earthworm beasts attacked the city, the six armies in the garrison also played a significant role.

On the other hand, member Zhang, his soldiers are all elite field army members, member Zhang's third army, and the field combat ability is the highest in the first district of Zhonghai. This time, the characters given to member Zhang's third army also have some truth!

In a word, Chu Zhongshan suppressed Member Zhang. Member Zhang frowned, but he didn't open his mouth to refute. It was naturally unrealistic for the troops stationed in the city to interchange the main and external tasks of the Third Army.

"Lao Zhang, look at this ..."

The Chairman of the Military Commission spoke. He was the founder and promoter of the Zhonghai District. Although he did not have many soldiers, more than 80% of heavy weapons, including main battle tanks, rocket vehicles, and helicopter gunships, were held by the Chairman of the Military Commission. In his hands, this also established his position as the supreme right holder in Zhonghai District.

"I see. Since the chairman is speaking, this task, I Zhang Tianyu took it!"

Member Zhang twitched his forehead and made up his mind.

The most dangerous task lies on his shoulder. He is not facing an opportunity, but a huge crisis.

Knowing that the brothers would suffer huge casualties, member Zhang couldn't bear it, but in the last days, sacrifice is inevitable!

If this time, his brothers are broken, and he is a member of the Military Commission, but at this time, someone will always stand up, otherwise Zhonghai will be finished.

"This military order, I have taken it! I will not return to the Insecticidal Nest!" At this moment, there was a passion in Committee Zhang's heart. Although he knew that there was a hidden power competition in this task, But he was too lazy to think about it. He felt that he was a soldier first and an officer second.

If the people are not well protected, his soldier will be incompetent.

"Lao Zhang, it's up to you!" The chairman of the Military Commission solemnly said, "I will transfer the tank troops to you to open the way, but you will have to rely on yourself when you are near the karst cave. This cave is deep, even if you use a lot of The bomb blew it down, I'm afraid it won't hurt the earthworm mother animal hiding in the depths of the cave. At that time, it will only arouse more revenge on this mother animal. "

"I see, I'm so old-fashioned, I'm going out today, and I'll charge with my troops!"

The troops under his command were all on board, and it was not interesting for Member Zhang to stay by himself! It's better to rush to the front line and fight to the end.

Seeing Zhang Tianyu's command, Chu Chongshan's eyes flashed an indescribable sense of pleasure. Zhang Tianyu had always been incompatible with Chu Chongshan, which involved many aspects of the battle for power of the Chinese Navy and the division of interests.

Including his son was killed by Jiang Liushi before, Zhang Tianyu has been maintaining Jiang Liushi, not only cooperated with Jiang Liushi, but also gave the river Liushi team a precious evolutionary crystallization.

Now, Chu Zhongshan has long regarded Zhang Tianyu as a nail in his eyes, and this time the earthworm beast struck, it was an excellent opportunity to weaken Zhang Tianyu's power, and this was not considered to be Chu Zhongshan's plot at all, but Zhang Tianyu's business. All I can say is that Zhang Tianyu is out of luck!


During the period of martial law across the China Sea, the army was on standby 24 hours a day. After the emergency assembly order was issued, only two hours later, member Zhang took his third army out of the city walls in the first district of Zhonghai!

Chu Chongshan stood on the top of a high-rise building on the island of security, holding a telescope to watch a large number of troops killed, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, if only Zhang Tianyu and the earthworm mother insects could be exhausted together!

"Head, no one can tell what's going on in the earthworm cave. What if Tianyu triumphs?"

Behind Chu Chongshan stood a thin man with dark skin, a saber hung on his body, and followed Chu Chuanshan like a shadow.

If the mother's lair is not in danger at all, and Zhang Tianyu completed this task with a small sacrifice, it is tantamount to let Zhang Tianyu pick up a big deal, which will inevitably increase his popularity, such as the day in the sky, which will make Zhang Tianyu press Chu Chushan Let Chu Chongshan look up.

Chu Zhongshan frowned, not speaking.

At this moment, the shadow-like man spoke again: "Head, Zhang Tianyu left this time, and even the guards were taken away. His villa is completely empty! It is not difficult to dive in with my ability! A few weeks A while ago, our people went to the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station, and their subordinates brought back a little radioactive material. As long as one milligram was put in his tea set, he could kill him. In order to be safe, can we leave Tian'an Island while Zhang Tianyu when……"

The shadow man said no more here. Chu Chongshan was silent. He seemed to be hesitating. Finally, he shook his head and said, "Zhonghai is now in crisis. If poisoning is found, Zhang Tianyu's soldiers will be mutiny. This is not possible! Put it down for now ... "

Although Chu Chongshan wants to slowly clear away his dissidents, and even eventually take over power, the premise of all this is to ensure the safety of the China Shipping Base.

If the Zhonghai base is gone, all his power dreams will become delusional.

At night, the entire Zhonghai Safety Zone fell into silence, but there was still a faint roar of gunfire on the distant wasteland, indicating that the night was not as calm as it seemed.

Because of the prevention of earthworm beasts, the entire Zhonghai military and police were evenly scattered in various places, which made the safety of the Zhonghai Safety Island weaker.

In the villa area of ​​the Military Commission, a small building was lit with dim lights.

Chu Chongshan's villa is next to Zhang Tianyu's villa, and often meets often, it can be said that the road to the enemy is narrow. Now, Zhang Tianyu's villa is empty.

Chu Zhongshan was sitting in a semi-dark room with a candle on the table. The power generation in the CSSA was not much. Usually, it could also supply military leaders' daily life. However, during the war, all the power was used for preparation Now, in addition to the Military Commission Building, the electricity in the Villa District of the Military Commission also stopped.

Chu Zhongshan looked at Zhang Tianyu's gloomy small building outside the window, and his mouth was a little cold.

He took out a delicate metal box from the drawer, opened it, took out a crystal clear crystal, put it into a teapot, and poured hot water.

This crystal is an evolutionary crystal!

The evolutionary production of the China Shipping Safety Zone is now extremely rare!

Because evolutionary crystallization can promote the evolution of the psionicist, once it comes out, it is an extremely scarce and precious resource, which makes the psionicist crazy!

However, the evolutionary crystallization, strict internal control of the military region, the general survivor squad, cost a high price, do not even want to get one!

At present, evolutionary crystals are distributed to the most powerful abilities in the army, and each one is precious!

Chu Zhongshan, naturally, is not an ability, but he used his privileges to get two evolutionary crystals, which are for his own use!

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