My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 323: Are you leaking electricity?


The horrible explosion sounded suddenly in the fallen city!

Even the zombies outside the fence turned their heads in the wandering and gathered towards the fallen city.

At the central point of the explosion, what people saw was that when the Chinese and Pakistani cars rushed to the tens of meters away from the guard team, an invisible air wave suddenly lifted those vehicles directly!

Whether it was a burning vehicle or a vehicle that did not explode, Tongtong was thrown upside down!

The middle-aged man's eyes seemed to freeze, and he could see more clearly than the survivors who watched on the tall buildings.

As the invisible air wave hit, the car's shell was sunken, and the glass broke and shattered. Then, with this air wave, the car was swept all over him!

"What the **** is this ..." The middle-aged man named Diao was dismayed. He was already prepared for the CMB, but ... how could he @ 妈 要 防!

He only saw that the bus seemed to have a black muzzle ...

It is normal for a tank to have a machine gun. Why is there a gun in this bus? This is out of the scope of normal modification!

Boom boom!

In the air waves, the vehicles have no resistance, and the flesh and blood of the guards are blown and torn like rags and sacks!

The glass on the side of the road shattered, and the survivors hiding behind them fell to the ground in fright.

The middle-aged man named Diao just got up, patted the dust off his body, and immediately fell to the ground.

But even if he fell to the ground, various fragments still hit him and penetrated into his skin.

But it's much better than those members of the guard who were shot on the ground like a blood bag. Those members, they bear the brunt of it, they have no time to dodge, one by one, they only have the air out, but no air in.

And those survivors who watched the liveliness were completely dumbfounded.

They could not see the air waves in the night, but they clearly saw that the CMB car was galloping fast, and in front of it, everything was flying upside down!

This is almost like a science fiction scene!

This development has greatly subverted their perception.

I thought it was the guard who killed the people in this bus, such as killing chickens and slaughtering dogs. I did not expect it, but it was the other way around!

With so many cars, so many weapons, and chariots and turrets, the guards have been killed without exerting their power!

Weapons that do not work are no different from scrap iron!

The survivors all looked at their breath, their attention was completely focused on this minibus.

Who is in this car?

And then.


CMB has rushed through a messy explosion zone!

The middle-aged man named Diao heard the fast approaching engine sound and looked up.

The driver is an extremely beautiful woman!

On the roof, a young man looked at him indifferently behind a sniper rifle.

Diao surnamed the middle-aged people with a sigh, rolled over to one side, then jumped up, and flung directly towards a window on the street.

Although the CMB car is scary, as long as he escapes into the shop, he can escape directly from the back door.

But at this moment, a dazzling lightning fell from the sky!

The speed of middle-aged people named Diao is as fast as lightning.


The lightning tangled around him, and the middle-aged man with a surname of Diao suddenly became rigid, and then made a scream of screaming.

He saw that the lightning was actually a chain with a current flashing on it, and the other end of the lightning was a long knife nailed to the wall.

The chain was entangled in him, he could not struggle at all.


He was twitching, his eyes seemed to be burnt!

The electric current hits the body's severe pain, which is inhuman pain.

The middle-aged man named Diao felt that the pain was even stronger than the torture he used to torture others!

Moreover, if it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that under such an electric shock, it will immediately shock.

However, Diao is a middle-aged man. He has searched for many mutant beasts. His physical quality can be regarded as powerful among those with power. Therefore, the time of suffering is much longer than ordinary people!

Jiang Zhuying grabbed the other side of the chain and looked at the middle-aged man with a sneer.

Want to run? He was scared by the CMB car and Jiang Liushi's marksmanship, so he ignored the other powers in the car?

Jiang Zhuying stared at the middle-aged man named Diao. A silver-white current flashed around her, on her skin, and in her eyes, and the chain she was holding was dancing like a snake.

Her indifferent eyes and slightly raised lips also made people feel a horrible killing. Such a contrast between such a young and beautiful girl and such a terrifying goddess of war ...

"You're leaking electricity?" Jiang Liushi Leng Buding said aside.


"Resolve speed, we have to leave quickly." Jiang Liushi said.

Their current performance has shocked a lot of people, even those warlords who dare not do anything for a while.

However, if these warlords feel that their interests are greatly threatened, they will still shoot.

"Got it!"

Jiang Zhuying retracted the long knife, and the sharp blade directly scratched the middle-aged man's throat during the recovery process.

The middle-aged man, who was already scorched black, had a scorched blood opening on his neck, and no blood had flowed out.

With a brief sound, he fell heavily to the ground, bringing up some dust on the ground.


The CMB car continued to speed, and there were some guards at the gate, but after witnessing all the guards, they have been holding back for a long time. It was even more frightening to see the CMB approaching!

These guards did not dare to block the river stones. When the CMB approached, they quickly became birds and beasts and fled!

The CMB car rushed through the gate and entered the night outside the fallen city!

In the fallen city, there was a moment of silence after the CMB car left the dust.

The survivors on the ground floor, who lived in buildings on both sides of the road, seemed safe, and tentatively climbed up to the window.

The sight outside the window shocked them and felt incredible!

At this time, a survivor saw the body of a middle-aged man named Diao.

Even this devil is dead? !!

These devil they can't resist at all, and they are usually killed by killing them? !!

In the presence of stronger people, it turns out that these people are no different from them, and they have no resistance!

"Oh! Deserve it!" I did not know which survivor was, and cursed cheerfully.

"Brother, such a disgusting city, if only it can be destroyed." Jiang Zhuying turned to look at the fallen city and said.

"Those survivors who left the fallen city will go elsewhere to build a new fallen city." Jiang Liushi said.

He also turned his head to look at the Fallen City. At this time, there was still fire from the Fallen City. This may be the brightest night in the city after the last days.

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