My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 339: Do you deserve it too?

Boss Zhong reconstructed the factory building and left a back road for himself. These people will be eaten alive, but he will have nothing at all.

At this time, Jiang Liushi and others quickly came upstairs.

"This place ..." Jiang Liushi frowned as soon as he stepped onto the space on the second floor.

This floor is covered with a layer of iron plate, and the original color is no longer visible, and some flesh is still frozen in the gap.

Dirty bedding can be seen everywhere, and Jiang Liushi estimates that this is where the survivors usually live.

Mr. Zhong transformed the first floor of the factory building into a small room with all the beds and furniture. As for these survivors, he suspected that they were smelly and dirty, and rushed upstairs, or lived in the small building outside.

"It has such a strong smell." Zero smelled a very strong smell from the original mess, and she immediately covered her nose.

"There." Zero's ability can mutate into an ocelot, and her smell, hearing, and vision are much stronger than the ordinary ability.

With a slight bending of her body, she ran towards the odor source quickly and quickly, and soon she discovered that in an external control room, numerous incomplete limbs that were broken up by the machine, as well as the odor emitted, followed with one The pipe was sprayed outside.

These should be a mixture of zombies and human corpses, and they are basically decaying, and have a very strong taste.

Such a strong smell is constantly pouring out, to the zombies, it is as if the hungry animals found a delicious taste.

In addition, the boss Zhong should also use some methods to make these smells heavier and drift faster, otherwise the speed of the zombies is not so fast.

They could not suddenly create these stumps in the situation just now. The presence of so many stumps here only shows that they always have such stumps.

The same survivor, knowing what's going on with a single thought.

The survivors who were usually killed by Boss Zhong, and some who were abused and died, Zhong Lao Dalian did not let go of their bodies.

As for the zombies, he presumably hunted them. Otherwise, the corpses of the survivors alone are not enough.

Even when he was used to **** scenes in the arena, it was disgusting to see such scenes.

"Captain Jiang, you don't have to come and see." Zero said.

But while she was talking, Jiang Zhuying came over.

Seeing this scene, she also changed her face.

The frowning Jiang Zhuying clenched his long knife and said, "I'll fix it. These bodies were exposed here and used as his tools ... it's better to burn them clean."

She raised her other hand and slightly spread her five fingers. Suddenly, a flickering white current appeared around her body, on her skin, and in her eyes.

These currents gradually gathered on the palm of Jiang Zhuying's palm, then suddenly turned into a lightning, and landed on those horrible corpses.


The sound of electric current also surprised the boss and others.

"The strong power fluctuates." Boss Zhong was startled, he had no power to fight back in front of this power!

But thinking of such a powerful person, he still had to die in his hands, boss Zhong could not help but have a hint of pleasure.

At this moment, his little brother was opening the door.

"Why hasn't the door been opened!" Zhong Lao scolded.

The younger brother was about to go crazy, but watching the bus crashed in and the army behind him, and saw so many zombies appearing, he was already sweating.

In the roar of Boss Zhong, the younger brother finally opened the room door.

Boss Zhong immediately pushed him away, and climbed out of the door.

Outside this door is a welded ladder. Going down the ladder, that is, the back of the factory building, will not be exposed to the sight of those zombies.

Just wait for some time to hide, and then make a noise to take away the zombies here, and you're done.

Boss Zhong felt that his plan was perfect.

"Hurry up!"

Boss Zhong urged these men, if it wasn't because he still needed these people, he would have been locked in with them!

At this time, Boss Zhong saw that someone had come to this corridor.

Bang Bang!

Boss Zhong fired a few shots at once.

"Boss! Let me go!" There was a younger brother who didn't come in.

He turned around and saw someone, but Boss Zhong had not hesitated to shoot. The sound of gunfire close at hand, and the sound of bullets hitting those iron pieces and the walls made the young man tremble.

Boss Zhong glanced at him and slammed the door shut.

There is such a powerful ability, he doesn't want to delay for a minute and a second. What's more, this is just a little brother, how could he take his own life to take risks! A bug-like thing is dead!

The locks on the door of this room were all padlocks, a huge padlock like an iron rafter, and a stab, no matter whether it was to be opened or how it was, it was very difficult.

This iron door could be delayed for at least a while, and when those people came out, he had already escaped through the back door of the factory!

"Ah! Boss! Don't ah!" The younger brother screamed desperately, knocking **** the door in the back, but how can his strength be comparable to the boss of Zhong.

Boss Zhong quickly locked the door and laughed, "Go!"

The rest of the younger brothers saw this scene with some fear and rejoicing. However, it wasn't themselves who died anyway. With one less person, they could share more.

The thought of so many materials and weapons could fall into their hands. After their men successfully escaped from the door, they also began to have a desire and excitement.

"Boss! Boss!"

The little brother screamed in despair, he turned sharply and saw Jiang Liushi and others watching him.

"They have already run away, it has nothing to do with me ..." The little brother hurriedly begged for mercy.

"I'll deal with him." Zero said, and walked slowly.

The younger brother knew that he would die. He shouted and raised his gun. Anyway, to die, drag a back!

"Seeing you look pretty, I'm worth it if you can give me a back." The younger brother grinned with a sorrowful smile, and his expression became extremely embarrassing.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden acceleration, and the body seemed to be in front of the young brother like an afterimage. She snapped her finger into the trigger of the gun, and the other hand made a stroke on the neck of the person.

There is no knife, but her extended nails are sharp like a knife.

The younger brother's eyes seemed to be staring out, and his body gradually knelt down. In his snoring, a lot of blood spurted from his throat.

At this moment, Zero only said faintly, "Do you deserve it?"

"Brother, I'll open the door." Jiang Zhuying said holding a long knife.

"No, they must run to the back door," Jiang Liushi said, turning and walking downstairs.

By this time, downstairs, the army and the survivors were already fighting crazy zombies.

The military vehicle blocked the door, acting as a city wall, and the zombies kept pounding towards the gate.

The bullets fired continuously, and only one zombie kept falling.

"Once a zombie rushes to the car, these zombies have a chance to cross the vehicle, and then everything is over. Don't let the zombies approach!" Shao Feng growled.

The survivors stayed aside and moved something as a fence.

At the beginning, except for a few people who stood boldly in front, the others timidly hid behind.

Although they have fought with zombies, not so many, such a large group!

But when the zombies rushed forward, under the impact of the great fear of death, these survivors also temporarily forgot the fear of zombies.

"Ahhh!" They yelled one by one, and as soon as the zombies approached, they immediately greeted them with various weapons.

These zombies were at a distance of less than one meter from them. Zombie's wide eyes, extended arms, and fierce attacks are extremely terrifying!

But even so, they blocked it! Soon, the bodies of several zombies fell in front of them, and the bodies of these zombies provided them with a layer of barrier.

"We can kill zombies, and we can survive on our own! Kill! Don't be afraid! You are afraid you will die!" A survivor yelled hysterically and smashed the shovel heavily On the face of a zombie.

Blood poured out like a fountain, and the survivor seemed to be crazy, knocking on and off until the zombie fell.

There was a steady stream of zombies, and one zombie corpse fell, and several zombies pounced on it immediately.

At this time, Shao Feng, who had a lot of combat experience with zombies, discovered a problem.

There are too many zombies. Later those zombies climbed directly onto similar corpses, and all of a sudden they came over them.

With so many living people attracted, those zombies and the corpses were not immediately robbed of food. Their blood-red eyes were staring at the people hiding behind.

"Hold on, wait for Captain Jiang to come down, there is the discharge power of Miss Jiang Zhuying, and the one on the China Bus ..." Shao Feng didn't know what the UFO-like thing should be called. It's like a mobile fortress, a ready-made commanding height.

Coupled with Jiang Liushi's precise shooting, they can ease the pressure brought by the zombies.

At this moment, he heard the sound of a "drop" whistle coming from the CMB car behind him. Shao Feng fired a few more shots and turned his head sharply: "Captain Jiang!"

Shao Feng saw Jiang Liushi come down from upstairs, and then entered the CMB car. He immediately felt some hope.

However, after Jiang Liushi entered the bus, the bus suddenly turned a corner, and the front of the car aimed at the zombies and drove over.

"Captain Shao, let the soldiers give way to the car." Jiang Liushi opened the window and said.

Jiang Liushi said very calmly, but because of this, Shao Feng even felt that he had heard it wrong.

"Captain Jiang, what are you going to do?" Shao Feng asked.

"I'm going out," Jiang Liushi said.

There were hundreds, even thousands of zombies, and a large number of zombies were piled up at the door.

Go out? !!

No matter it is the officers and soldiers or the survivors, I find it hard to imagine.

Crossing a street with a lot of zombies is completely different from the danger of thousands of zombies blocking the door.

They are densely packed and gathered together, and they are extremely powerful. Only crazy fire can block them, and rushing into them is rushing directly into the siege of the zombies.

Surrounded by so many zombies, a car was torn to pieces almost instantly. The horrible arms of these zombies, including the sharpness of their nails, are monster-level.

Shao Feng knew a little bit about the defensive force of the Jiangliu Shi bus, but even if the glass hadn't been broken and the car hadn't been torn open, so many zombies could rely on the power to make the bus to roll over.

Looking at Shao Feng's expression, Jiang Liushi said, "And this door should be cleaned up."

Shao Feng jumped into his heart, thinking of the performance of Jiang Liushi and others along the way, he decided to follow Jiang Liushi's words. And just move the car away temporarily, even if Jiang Liushi just rushes out, there will not be much loss. As a strong survivor, Jiang Liushi should know what he is doing and he can take responsibility for his actions.

The main thing is that it is the duty of soldiers to obey orders! Before he set off, General Xia Lao had personally ordered him to obey Jiang Liushi's order!

"Cover Captain Jiang for a while." Shao Feng said to his soldiers, "Move the car away!"

The two soldiers immediately entered the military vehicle and retreated to the side.

The remaining soldiers immediately increased the fire output, trying to block the zombies a few meters from the gate.

"Drive." Jiang Liushi looked at the door and said to Ying.


Ying slammed the accelerator.

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