My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 358: I surrender

"Another death? Xiangxuehai, I didn't expect your appeal was good. In this last age, someone will kill you for you." Yang Feng had sensed the intrusion of Jiang Liushi through the plants, but he didn't take it to heart.

On Jiang Liushi, he didn't feel the strong power fluctuation of the power.

Yang Feng's eyes were fixed on Xiangxuehai on the ground. The hungering eyes seemed to have stripped Xiangxuehai into a naked little white sheep.

Xiang Xuehai saw Jiang Liushi come in, and her heart sank.

Jiang Liushi can be said to be her last hope.

Because Yang Feng grabbed them, if they went out, they might still be attacked by Jiang Liushi who was guarding the mountain.

At such a long distance, Yang Feng could not sense Jiang Liushi's existence, and there would be no preparation.

With the superior penetration and lethality of the amr-2 sniper rifle on Jiang Liushi, if Yang Feng was headshot, even if Yang Feng's body was completely lignified, it would not be possible to live.

But now, Jiang Liushi has come in!

"Commander Yang, I surrender. Our squaded leopard team surrenders. Our team has two powers who can help you. Forgive us. We came here only because of Xiang Xuehai's 婊 @ 子 蛊 rise! We are willing to give Commander Yang makes you a cow and a horse, don't kill us! "

Among the people brought by Xiang Xuehai, a thin middle-aged man suddenly kneeled down to Yang Feng.

He was covering his abdomen, and just now he was seriously injured by the roots of the tree that had been drilled underground.

"Captain ?!" The other members of the squid leopard team were shocked to see the middle-aged man kneeling.

They were stunned not to refuse to surrender. In times of trouble, it is too common to surrender to the strong for survival.

They were just amazed by their captain. The rate of surrender was a bit alarming, and they didn't care a bit.

"You all kneel down, don't you see Commander Yang's power? We can't fight it!" The skinny middle-aged man Zhenzhen said, "Besides, this is a troubled world. Who is it?

He is now completely desperate, even Xiang Xuehai is not as strong as Yang Feng, not to mention there is a section boss.

On the other hand, the people on their side, dead and crippled, the people of the poison wolf squad, including Qi Dingfa, are almost dead!

Since you can't beat it, it's time to surrender.

"Hahaha, I know the current affairs officer is Junjie. Is the spotted leopard squad right? Okay, I won't kill you. You will be my man in the future!"

Yang Feng waved his hands with great esteem, restoring his usual attitude of leadership.

Xiang Xuehai's eyes flashed a little anger, Captain Piebald dare to be a traitor!

She is not mean to these people!

"Xiang Xuehai, what else do you say? You're on the way. It's better to be good." He glanced at Xiang Xuehai in front of him, the delicate beauty lying on the ground, making him sickly flushed.

"Thank you, Commander Yang!" The captain of the Leopard Squad was overjoyed, kneeling on the ground and banging at Yang Feng.


Two shots.

At the same time, a wall of vines suddenly appeared in front of Yang Feng, one of which was smoked, and a large hole was ripped open.

The captain of the variegated leopard squad stuck to the face, and the surprised expression solidified, revealing an incredible look.

A hole was formed in the back of his head, and red and white brain splashed.

Everyone was not surprised. Looking at the sound, they saw Jiang Liushi coming over. Two hands raised a 54 pistol, and the muzzle was still smoking.

"If you surrender, you will be the enemy. I will never show mercy to the enemy." Jiang Liushi said calmly.

Killing any risk in the bud is one of Jiang Liushi's tenets of survival in the last days.

The captain of the piebald squad is betrayed, so it may be possible to attack him soon.

Jiang Liushi naturally killed him immediately.

The rest of the piebald leopard team members were instantly stunned by the ruthless style of Jiang Liushi, remembering the horror of Jiang Liushi's marksmanship in his head and dared not move.

After the vine, a little blood flowed out of Yang Feng's cheek. Jiang Liushi had just two shots, and it was him who was shot.

If he hadn't been guarding everyone, he might have been hit.

Yang Feng's face was instantly green and Jiang Liushi's behavior was undoubtedly a slap in his face.

He really despised the boy who broke in, so faint energy fluctuations that he didn't even know if he was an ace, and was so arrogant?

At this time, Jiang Liushi also saw Duan Boss and Zhang Hai!

Duan Boss's palms began to prevail in Zhang Hai's competition, suppressing Zhang Hai a little.

One of Jiang Liushi's guns suddenly pointed at the boss.

Duan Boss had heard the gunshot, but his palm was caught by Zhang Hai on the opposite side, unable to move.

"You die first!"

Duan Boss no longer cares about Jiang Liushi, sips in a deep voice, and drums up the last trace of strength in the body again.

He wants to get rid of the stinky boy in front of him!

Zhang Hai was suddenly in crisis, his finger joints were rattling, and before the brutal force that Duan Boss slammed, he was getting more and more bent, and his eyes were about to be broken stiffly—

"Ah !!!" Zhang Hai shouted, the strength of his whole body was excited, he must seize the boss.

"Jiangge, kill him!"

Suddenly, the ground beneath Jiang Liushi's feet spooked a rhizome ghostly and stabbed him fiercely and abruptly.

At this time, Duan's boss also showed a smirk. Now, kill Zhang Hai, and then kill Jiang Liushi!

"Brother, be careful!" Jiang Zhuying saw the prickly tree roots and raised his throat.

But the moment before she spoke, Jiang Liushi had jumped upside down.

His physical function is strengthened, coupled with the obtained blood power and enhanced agility, he responds to changes in things far more than ordinary abilities.

When he stepped on the wet carpet, he could feel the slight tremor of the soil plowed from the roots under the carpet.

Yang Feng controlled the roots of the tree and wanted to sneak in on him. Jiang Liushi noticed the strangeness in the ground one second ago and jumped out to avoid it in time.

Before the person landed in the air, the flash of cold light in Jiang Liushi's pupils already pulled the trigger!


The 54 pistol's penetrating bullet was shot into the chest of Zhang Duan, which was entangled by Zhang Hai, and penetrated into the chest muscles of the heart.

Duan Bo's body is like a steel wire mesh, but he can't stop the bullet after all!

A spine of blood shot out from the back of Duan Boss's heart.

He seemed to have been hit by a hammer, and his body shook heavily backwards, and his strength quickly disappeared.

His mouth widened unbelievably, and his pupils spread.

Until his death, he could not accept the fact that he was pierced by Jiang Liushi with a pistol!

And after the attack, the opponent did not have any aiming process during the dodging process.

Zhang Hai's pressure disappeared, and the tiger roared, grasping the fingers of Duan's hands and suddenly making a force.

There were two clicks, and Duan's two hands were torn apart by Zhang Hai, and his blood was soaring.

Duan Boss fell to the ground.

Everyone was taken aback. The boss of that terrible killing machine was just killed by Jiang Liushi?

What an amazing gun technique, when he was still in the air, he accurately hit Duan Boss, and directly killed Duan Boss with strong physical strength and amazing endurance.

It took only two or three blinks from the time when Jiang Liushi shot and killed the mutinous Leopard Leopard team leader.

The change was so fast that Yang Feng was caught off guard.


Yang Feng was angry.

His anger is not the sadness of the death of Boss Duan, but that Boss Duan is one of his loyal dogs, evil dogs. Duan's ability is very strong!

The gunman who rushed in killed his dog, and he lost one more force to dominate!

How does this make Yang Feng not angry?

Yang Feng put his hands on the ground.

His hands were covered with green moss and began to plant quickly.

Suddenly the vegetative cells in his body rushed to the rhizomes of the underground tree.

"Brother, be careful, Yang Feng's cells have been mutated, he can control the plants!" Jiang Zhuying reminded aloud.

"Be careful, I observe a large number of small red dots rushing underground, towards you!" Ran Xiyu's voice also appeared in Jiang Liushi's mind.

Jiang Liushi's heart froze, and combined with the words of Jiang Zhuying and Ran Xiyu, he ran without turning back.

On melee, Jiang Liushi was not confident.

Jiang Liushi's nerve and brain domains strengthened, and the response was more than ten times faster. Later, the blood power was strengthened. Under full force, his explosive power was terrifying.

He turned, accelerated, and jumped like a cheetah.

One fell ten meters away.

Where he stood just now, the ground was cracked, and countless roots pricked out like a group of poisonous pythons.


Some of the rhizomes were castrated, and a large hole was punched out of the rock wall above the pass.

If Jiang Liushi was still standing there just now, I'm afraid it has been stabbed into a horse honeycomb.

Yang Feng froze. This was the second time that Liu Liushi had escaped his attack.

How is it possible that this boy will not know the prophet?

That was an attack from the ground.

He glanced hard at Jiang Liushi. Even now, the boy's face is still very calm, without any confusion.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been scared by his own terrifying plant control ability.

Thinking of the scene where the kid killed Duan Boss, Yang Feng felt very bad. He had a very dangerous intuition and could not let the kid live!

Yang Feng moaned, and the plant cells on her body were pouring out again.

With the emergence of these plant cells, every inch of the entire space was completely visible in his mind.

Yang Feng's face paled immediately.

Plant cells carry his power, the more he uses it, the more it will be consumed.

But these people do not die, that is, he died!

"Jiangge, evacuate quickly. The entire military building is full of dense red dots of energy, and you will be surrounded!" Ran Xiyu's anxious voice suddenly sounded in the stone of the river.

Everyone else at the military base was here.

Jiang Liushi's heart moved, his eyes met Yang Feng's murderous look.

Yang Feng now has both hands on the ground, his hands like a piece of wood, covered with turquoise green, and integrated into the whole piece of earth.

In front of him were vines, blocking himself.

In this case, Jiang Liushi's shooting is also difficult to play a role.

This Yang Feng is really tricky!

"Zhang Hai, withdraw!"

Jiang Liushi felt a little guilty, and staying in it was absolutely dangerous!

He hurriedly greeted Zhang Hai beside him and ran wildly outside.

"Sun Kun, give me the bamboo shadow! I carry her!"

Grabbing to Sun Kun, Jiang Liushi took Jiang Zhuying, who was supported by Sun Kun, and carried it on his back.


Before Jiang Zhuying said, he found himself lying on Jiang Liushi's wide shoulder.

"Can't stay here!" Roared Jiang Liushi.

The people in the Shiying squad followed his steps and ran hard outside the door.

Although in a trap, Jiang Zhuying lay on Jiang Liushi, but he was not panic.

Behind them, several screams screamed.

Several members of the piebald leopard squad were burrowed by the densely rooted trees.

Fortunately for Jiang Liushi, they reacted quickly, and the ground under their feet changed rapidly.

Every time they ran, the place they just passed started to squirm, as if they had come alive.

Behind them, a large number of tree roots seemed to come alive, like giant earthworms squirming, followed closely behind their butts, stabbing madly.

On several occasions, people who had roots in the Shiying squad were cut off by Jiang Liushi's 54 pistol. His shooting ability was so terrible and his response was amazing. He smashed a way out of these tree roots.

The Shiying squad was approaching the broken gate, and suddenly, a large number of vines fell down.

Alas, a large number of vines quickly entangled in the air, forming a thick green wall, blocking their way.

"Let me get started!"

Zhang Hai's stiff ten fingers inserted fiercely into the wall made of arabesques.

"Fuck, these vines ... have a ghost ..." Zhang Hai cursed immediately.

He didn't think about it, and didn't bottom out. Instead, the creeping vines tangled up and wrapped his ten fingers around him.

At this time, the ground began to turbulent, and Yang Feng's vegetative cells spread to Jiang Liushi's feet!

"Ran Xiyu, suppress Yang Feng's spirit! Can it be done?" Jiang Liu shouted in his mind.

He wants time!

He just received the video from the film, the base vehicle is only 100 meters away from this military building!

However, Jiang Liushi did not know if Ran Xiyu could do it.

From a distant mountain top, to suppress Yang Feng in a military building, there is no doubt that it is a difficult challenge for Ran Xiyu.

This distance is already the extreme edge of Ran Xiyu.

And after so long in the storm, she was already at the end of the crossbow.

"I can do it!" Ran Xiyu gritted her teeth, and her weak body shook in the storm.

Suddenly, a mental wave continued to spread forward.

Half a kilometer-

one kilometer--

Two kilometers-

At this moment in Ran Xiyu's mind, the mental light group representing Jiang Liushi and Yang Feng were locked in his mind.

She has only one idea and must do it!

At this critical juncture, she must play her role.

Ran Xiyu's mental fluctuations point directly at Yang Feng!

Inside military building.

"Caught you!" They noticed that plant cells had spread to Jiang Liushi's feet, and Yang Feng's mouth sneered with a cruel sneer.

These people did bad things for him and took off his left and right arms. He wanted these people to be the nourishment of his own plants!


Suddenly, he had a sudden pain in his head, and suddenly lost control of the plant cells.

"... Anyone with a mental power is nearby!"

Yang Feng immediately understood the cause of the severe brain pain, but it was useless to understand. At this moment, his attack failed!

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