My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 487: As stable as a rock

"Xi Yu, lock the second-level mutant zombie." Jiang Liushi stepped on the accelerator, clutching the steering wheel with both hands, said.

"Yes." Ran Xiyu looked ahead, her mental field of vision was expanding towards the surroundings, searching for the exact position of the secondary mutant zombie.

Just then, she suddenly narrowed her pupils: "I found it."

Ran Xiyu has shared her position with Jiang Liushi through her spiritual vision.

"Saw it." Jiang Liushi saw the group of spiritual light.

In the spiritual vision, the secondary mutant zombie had nothing to hide.

Just the psychic light group has made people feel a strong sense of danger, just like the feeling that animals see natural enemies.

Ordinary people will only have this feeling when facing ordinary zombies. If it is facing a secondary mutant zombies, I am afraid that they will lose the courage to escape.

Suddenly, the secondary mutant zombie seemed to notice something.

"It's over," Ran Xiyu said immediately.

The sound from the bus has attracted many zombies moving towards this side, and among these zombies, suddenly a terrible roar came!

This roar sounded like a thunder on the ground, and immediately made the entire zombies boil.


The roar of hundreds or even thousands of zombies, and the sound of their footsteps, made the faces of Yang Ying and others far behind.

"Let Zhang Hai stay a little further." Jiang Liushi said.

"Okay." Ran Xiyu immediately conveyed Jiang Liushi's words to Zhang Hai and Sun Kun. Their armored off-road can only deal with small groups of zombies.

In the small building, Wei Feifei and others, who were in despair, had heard the horn before, but couldn't see anything.

But now, this horrible movement is coming from the street below them.

"Is it Yang Ying?" The face of Taozi and others changed, and they secretly looked out of the gap in the curtain.

At this point, they were all horrified. The zombies underneath swept in one direction like a tide. This scene was clearly and comprehensively seen from above, which undoubtedly brought a stronger visual impact.

In the direction of the torrent, a CMB car was heading towards the torrent.

"It's not Yang Ying." Wei Feifei knew about Yang Ying's team. This is not Yang Ying's car, and Yang Ying will not drive out a CMB car, let alone when she has not yet yielded. He honked his horn and led him to him.

"Who is that?"

These survivors were stunned. The bus didn't just turn around, but continued to rush to the torrent of zombies, which was almost death.

Compared with the torrent of zombies, a minibus looks too small, let alone a second-level mutant zombies!

"Wipe ... are these people from killing?" Yang Ying was frightened. The people on the bus were crazy, so they rushed in and couldn't escape.

He originally wanted to pick up a bargain, but now it seems that the bargain cannot be picked up, but he must leave here as soon as possible to avoid being affected.

As for Wei Feifei, they ... maybe took advantage of this opportunity to run away.

As soon as he thought that because of the broken CMB, the bamboo basket was drunk, Yang Ying was so angry that he wanted to kill.

"True Nima is stupid. I don't know if I want to find another place to die." Yang Ying scolded fiercely.

That is to say, this group of people is already dead, otherwise he would definitely not let the kid go, Yang Ying thought angrily.

At this moment, the CMB had collided with the zombies in front!


A loud noise suddenly came, and Wei Feifei's pupils suddenly contracted, and Peach and others stopped.

They clearly saw that a horrible airstream spewed out from the front of the bus. All the zombies were blown out where the airstream passed, flesh and blood flew!

The original horrific torrent of zombies was split openly.

Yang Ying, who had just finished scolding, almost bit his tongue. His eyes widened and his eyes were about to fall out.

When they looked from the rear, they only saw the zombies in front of the CMB bus dying, and they flew away. The speed of the CMB bus was not affected at all.

At this time, in front of the front of the bus, the air cannon retracted, exposing a stinging angle, and crashing into the zombies.

"Mum ..."

I don't know which survivor could not help but made a swallowing sound. Yang Ying watched the CMB car rushing into the zombie group in disbelief. Not only did he think what happened, but it was like a winch The meat machine is average, and it is simply invincible.


At this time, among the zombies, a zombie jumped up.

The zombie landed directly on an abandoned car, and the entire car was shaken. The tire that had already been suffocated fell down, and the whole car was lying directly on the ground, and the roof was completely sunken!

The power of terror!

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the zombie disappeared from the roof.


There was a loud noise coming from the body of the CMB, and numerous spider-web-like freckles instantly appeared on the cab window. The CMB even shifted its direction at high speed.

Jiang Liushi immediately adjusted the direction according to the prompt of the star species, and the superior performance of the CMB car played a very strong role at this time.

In the harsh noise of the tires and the ground, the CMB braked in time, and the tail of the bus swept across a zombie.

"Mutation zombie!"

When Yang Ying and others saw this scene, they could not help but start a cold sweat.

This mutant zombie's strength and speed are too terrible.

Imagine if they were facing this mutant zombie, a car must have been overturned now.

Yang Ying felt that she still underestimated this second-level mutant zombie. Although it has been determined to be second-level, it may be stronger than the general second-level.

Now seeing the terrible power of this second-level zombies, he has begun to feel fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, the gimmick Qing Chong rushed up first, otherwise he might have suffered a great loss now.

However, this bus is also very good, and the boy's response is fast enough, so he didn't hit the wall, which is really cheap.

Especially the player who was hit by the car by Jiang Liushi had a pitiful look.

However, this bus and the kid in the car have been forced to stop. It is only a matter of time before this is finished.

On the China Bus, Jiang Liushi stepped on the brakes and immediately jumped out of the driver's seat.


The movie immediately took over the driving of the CMB.

At this time, the surrounding zombies had surged in like tide, blocking the buses of China and Pakistan severely.

Outside the window were zombies, squeezing the entire car to shake.

These zombies can tear the iron sheet by the strength of their teeth and fingers, but for the buses, this will not cause any problems.


The flame is like an explosion that directly wraps the zombies in front of it. Once the thickened gasoline sticks to the combustibles, it can last for more than ten minutes, and Mars will splash toward the surroundings, drawing more zombies into the flame!

The high temperature of thousands of degrees has distorted the air around the bus.

Originally thought that the CMB car was no longer able to run wild, and this scene happened immediately, leaving Wei Feifei and others, as well as Yang Ying, to watch again.

This CMB car has upset their common sense again and again.

"What kind of minibus is this? This is a weapon loader!" Yang Ying could see his eyes straight. The survivors on Jiang Ning also valued the car very much. A team is not strong, and how the car is very important. standard.

But this car is really outrageous!

Yang Ying's throat knot rolled a bit, and Shen Sheng said, "But even if the car is strong, it is useless. The attack of this car is impossible to attack the secondary mutant zombie."

Yes, Fang Shengjin nodded silently.

He watched the car rampage through the corpse, and there was a rare change in expression on a dead man's face.

But that's it.

The second-level mutant zombies had almost knocked out the CMB bus just now. The second-level mutant zombies were basically humanoid mutant beasts, but they were more cunning and flexible than mutant beasts.

When the CMB car attacked, the secondary mutant zombies could not be seen at all.

How else can I fight?

At this time, a circular object was raised on the roof of the China Bus.

Jiang Liushi appeared in the war room with a sniper rifle.

For a moment, Jiang Liushi's eyes became extremely focused.

The second mutated zombie cannot be captured by the naked eye, but in the mental field of vision, the second mutated zombie can be locked.

At the same time, the brain domain power was turned on, and everything around him became slow motion in the sight of Jiang Liushi.

Among the zombies in the distance, Jiang Liushi's gaze was glancing.

Where is that secondary mutant zombie?

When Wei Feifei saw a sniper coming out of the car, she immediately lightened up.

She is a sniper, and her powers are also related to snipers. Her ability is the main reason for their team to stand in Jiangning.

An excellent sniper can kill enemies that are more powerful than himself. Wei Feifei's sniping ability is also a little famous in Jiangning.

But from the fact that they were trapped here for a week, they knew that the secondary mutant zombie could never be snatched easily.

But this bus has shocked them several times. She wants to see how this man's sniper rifle works.

"Fifi, all the zombies are attracted by the bus now ..." a survivor said suddenly.

In fact, many people have just noticed that with the secondary mutant zombies and the zombies swarming in this street, their siege has been lifted and they can completely sneak away without even knowing it.

Wei Feifei hesitated. This time was indeed the best time for them to escape, but this CMB car saved them. If it were not for this CMB car, they could only be eaten by the second-level mutant zombies or by Yang Ying had one of two options.

"You go first, I stay to help." Wei Feifei made up her mind and said.

She can support the sniper, so she will have greater control.

Moreover, she felt that the possibility of the sniper's success was very low. Even with her support, she might not be able to do anything, just to be able to delay the mutant zombie.

"Then I won't go," Taozi shook her head.

She doesn't want to leave Wei Feifei, and she thinks that Wei Feifei's approach is correct. No matter what, it is said that the CMB car saved them. If they run now, it would be too much ...

Just then, the gunshots went off!

The sniper snarled, exhaling a long tongue of fire.

Wei Feifei looked out of the scope immediately, her eyes narrowed slightly, and a small drop of water appeared in her eyes. At this time, in Wei Feifei's field of vision, everything in front of her was changing rapidly. Clear.

Where is the secondary mutation zombie ...

Wei Feifei did not see the secondary mutant zombies, but she clearly saw that there was a fresh pool of blood in those zombies.

Hit? !!


She didn't even see the secondary mutant zombie, and the sniper had already hit.

However, Wei Feifei was not sure if he had hit the secondary mutant zombies.

At this time, Jiang Liushi was preparing for the second shot.

In the previous shot, he had hit the secondary mutant zombies, but only scratched.

In the case of his extreme concentration, he only scratched the secondary mutant zombies. The secondary mutant zombies responded very quickly.

However, even if it is just a bruise, it will definitely affect the movement of this second-level mutant zombie.

Jiang Liushi has used his brain power to the limit. Everything around him, even the dust in the air, can be clearly seen by him.

Suddenly, this second-level mutant zombie appeared in the corpse. It directly stepped on these zombies and rushed towards the bus. The target was the war room!

This second-level mutant zombie has been thoroughly enraged by Jiang Liushi.

"Come here!" Wei Feifei also captured the second-level mutant zombie, but she couldn't pull the trigger.

Too fast, what she saw was simply the afterimage left in her iris when the secondary mutant zombie moved at a high speed. And it takes a little time from the trigger to hit the target after the bullet is launched, so it is impossible to hit the mutant zombie.

Her heart was clenched. With the terrible power of this zombie, it only took a moment to make the round object on the roof instantly flattened. Needless to say, the sniper inside would be crushed into a meat pie.

Wei Feifei was full of despair and a sense of failure. She wanted to support her, but she had no chance to shoot ...

And Yang Ying, who was watching this scene in the distance, saw his scalp numb as soon as he saw the second-level mutant zombies appeared. Only his spiritual power, and Fang Shengjin next to him, could find this. Only secondary mutant zombies.

The rest could only feel a horrible pressure on their faces, and the body's instinct was telling them that they must escape, as if they would die if they didn't run.

In the battle room, Jiang Liushi was motionless, like a rock, and still remained motionless under pressure and threat.


The gun went off!

At this moment, the figure of the mutant zombie just appeared in front of the CMB.

Its figure finally appeared to everyone at this moment, because it stopped!

This mutant zombie has long hands and feet, and the speed is amazing in the case of combined use of hands and feet, but at this moment, there is a trace of abrasions on its legs, and in its abdomen, a large hole with fuzzy blood.

No matter how strong the body defense, it is impossible to block the close penetration of the sniper bullet.

Wei Feifei suddenly looked up and looked at the figure in the combat room inconceivably. All this happened in less than a second.

And Yang Ying almost jumped from his seat. What about Nima?

This secondary mutant zombie was hit? real or fake!

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