My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 619: Is this playing World of Warcraft?

"Sonic attack! To be precise, it is a sonic bundle. Those bats can cooperate to converge the emitted ultrasonic waves to avoid spreading and achieve a superb killing effect."

In the ears of everyone in the Shiying squad, Ran Xiyu's voice sounded at the same time.

For ordinary people to speak, the divergence amplitude of sound waves is all-round, and the intensity decays very fast, which is proportional to the square of the distance radius. This is because almost all wave divergences are spherical, and the surface area of ​​the spherical surface is proportional to the radius. Square, so regardless of gravitation or electromagnetic force, their elementary calculation formulas are very similar, obeying the law of inverse square.

But once the sound wave does not diverge, it becomes a bundle, so its attenuation ratio is very low. This is also a book rolled up to the mouth and talking directly to the ear of another person, even if it is so small that you can't hear it The reason can be heard very clearly.

These bats do not know what kind of abnormality has happened, but they can even send directional sound waves out of thin air, which is incredible.

"The strength of this sonic wave is carried down by the flesh and blood, fearing that it will become flesh, bamboo shadow, quickly get on the base car!"

Jiang Liushi said seriously.

The base car is extremely well protected from ultrasonic waves.

When Jiang Zhuying gritted his teeth, he didn't insist on it, and he flashed onto the base car: "Brother, be careful!"

Now the whole Shi Ying team, the strongest is Jiang Liushi, Jiang Zhu Ying can only choose to believe in his brother, if she forcibly stays, she can only distract Jiang Liushi.

Just as Jiang Zhuying got on the train, the sense of danger came again, and Jiang Liushi jumped forward without thinking about it!


The ground where Jiang Liushi had just stood burst directly into crushed powder, which was even worse than what Yuan Fei had just experienced.

The ultrasonic waves emitted by the bat were inaudible at all, and they were completely silent and invisible attacks.

Not only that, the speed of sonic attacks is also fast. This speed is beyond the reaction speed of the psionicist, plus the range of sonic attacks, even if you see the sonic waves, it is difficult to dodge!

What's more, you can't see at all, this is absolutely silent death!

Without realizing that death is approaching, people are already dead!

Jiang Liushi's ability to dodge is entirely based on the ability's intuition for danger, can reach this level of intuition, and dodge the ultrasound, the top two-level ability is the minimum requirement.


Just a pause, the ground under Jiang Liushi's feet exploded again, and Jiang Liushi avoided it again!

When Jiang Liushi just leaped up, he suddenly felt that the vest was chilling. He didn't want to, and forcibly twisted his body in the air. With the help of the thick chain in his hand, the body seemed to directly move out in violation of the physical laws.


In the direction that the Liuliu Stone just rushed towards, a stone wall trembled suddenly, like thousands of years of weathering process was compressed in a flash, and it turned into a pile of soil ash and collapsed!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Liushi's forehead is cold sweat, these bats, even know how to cooperate to attack, to seal off the dead corner that they dodged!

One bat attacked, just forcing himself to dodge, while the other bat launched a pre-attack in the direction that he was most likely to dodge. If he rushed in, he might even be crushed!

This is by no means the wisdom that the beasts can have. Most of them are the puppet masters who operate from the air.

Although Jiang Liushi's dangerous intuition is accurate, he also consumes a lot of energy. He can't hold these bats to cooperate precisely and use the invisible attack to lay down the Tian Luo Di net. Repeat this way. Once he makes a mistake, he will never lose it!

"Go to death!"

Jiang Liushi suddenly shook the iron chain in his hand, and the iron chain was disconnected from the giant pangolin helmet. Then, using the thick chain as a long whip, Jiang Liushi slammed the bat in the air fiercely!


The chain was broken and a sharp whistling sound was issued, but these bats had already expected the movement of Jiang Liushi as early as possible, and they raised their bodies in advance.

The chains swept under their bodies, not long enough!

Jiang Liushi frowned. His most terrible weakness now was that he would not fly into the air. With his means, he could not attack the four bats at all.

"Jiangge, I'll help you!"

Xiang Xuehai shouted that she was about to rush down the base car, and only by virtue of the wind power of Xiang Xuehai, could she fly into the air.

"Don't come out!"

Jiang Liushi vetoed directly. He knew that Xiangxuehai wanted to fly up to attack the bats.

As for the use of the wind power of Xiangxuehai to fly herself, it is impossible, that is not enough to attack the sonic overwhelming bats. Although Xiangxuehai has dangerous instincts, but only targets her, it does not mean she can feel The danger to the river flowing stones, how can it be controlled to fly into the air.

Once in the air, Jiang Liushi will have nowhere to borrow, which is why he just didn't consider jumping into the air by his own power even if he just threw out the chain is not long enough.

"But Brother Jiang!" Xiang Xuehai looked at Jiang Liushi anxiously. "I joined the team to make up for the lack of air power. If I don't do it now, what use is it?"

Xiang Xuehai was very anxious. In fact, she also knew that she could not deal with four bats at the same time by her own strength.

Jiang Liushi didn't speak, at this time he had no energy to talk to Xiang Xuehai, and the sound wave attack came again!

The four bats saw that the fixed-point sonic attack could not help Jiangliu Shi, and began to use ultrasonic waves. Their power was almost endless.


There was a loud noise. Behind Jiang Liushi, an SUV exploded without warning. This is a SUV belonging to Longteng, which Jiang Cheng just took out.

The steel skeleton was almost deformed by shock, and more than a dozen faces of glass were smashed into powder, and the people on the car were directly shocked into a pile of meat mud!


Seeing such situations, Jiang Cheng's eyes suddenly turned red!

He has the highest strength in the team and barely has the ability to foresee danger, but none of these brothers have this ability except for him, and he is waiting for a live target to be hit!

No one, including those in Longteng City, could be spared.

"Kamikaze! Hahaha! Kamikaze!"

The tattooed man screamed madly and was regarded as a totem by the sword killing the commune. He had only heard the legend and seen the pictures. This was the first time that he truly realized the power of the commune. That grown-up is invincible!

"Be careful! Get off! Get off immediately after getting off! Get off!"

Jiang Cheng shouted that all members of Longteng abandon their cars without saying a word, and in this case, a group of people gathered in the car is simply trying to die!

However, even if they scattered, they couldn't escape the crazy ultrasound beam.

Immediately, several people were swept by the sound waves and turned into flesh.

"The bitch, let's die!"

A Longteng member picked up a sword to kill the commune and used an RPG bazooka, and then shelled a huge bat in the air.

Barrett's armor-piercing projectiles will not work. The power of rockets is not always comparable to armor-piercing projectiles.

However, the attack trajectory of the rocket was too obvious. It just flew halfway and was swept directly by the sound waves. It was triggered and exploded in the air!

Then Sonic swept up again, directly hitting the Longteng members who held the RPG bazooka. The Longteng members didn't hum, and their internal organs exploded and died!


Jiang Chenggang's teeth were all broken, but he couldn't do anything at all. He could only watch the slaughter of the bat beasts. It was not an order of magnitude battle, it was a one-sided slaughter!

Of course, the main attack of bat beasts is still concentrated on Jiang Liushi!


At this moment, the base vehicle made a roar and the air cannon sounded!

The terrifying air wave emanated from the gun barrel, mixing the black energy flow across the sky, at this time the shadow issued an attack.

Since the fusion of the energy of the black hole, the power of the air cannon is no longer what it used to be. Even after the power decay of hundreds of meters, it still has a terrifying lethality!

A bat desperately dodged, but still could not completely escape, and was directly rubbed in the wings,

Large pieces of flesh burst! Under the ten-meter wingspan of this bat, a big hole was opened!

The bat was desperately struggling in the air and seemed to be falling, but its three companions grabbed it at the same time to keep the fourth bat floating.

"Shadow, you did a good job!"

Jiang Zhuying was very pleased to see this scene. Since Jiang Liushi started getting off the battle, the task of driving the base car has been given to Ying, and Ying has never disappointed. She can always appear at the most critical time. The most terrible blow.

But after being praised by Jiang Zhuying, Ying's face did not see any joy, but his face was solemn!

She suddenly noticed that although the bat's wings were injured, the membrane around the wing's hole was twitching and twitching, as if to fill the hole.

And the three bats have taken their companions to the rear of the base vehicle, which is a dead end that cannot be bombarded by air.

It is foreseeable that as long as you turn the car yourself, the four bats will dodge for the first time, and they will be in a blind zone that cannot be attacked by the air cannon. It has no effect, and the air cannon that uses the energy of the black hole cannot be fired at will.

Now that one of the four bats is injured, this is an opportunity, but the three intact bats can still emit ultrasonic attacks, and they are by no means slaughtered.

At this moment, Jiang Liushi suddenly flashed, and a few steps straddled a distance of 100 meters, leveraging the force to reach the city wall.


Seeing Jiang Liushi suddenly appear like the Flash, Yuan Fei and Wen Tian were shocked. It was this fierce man.

He just slammed a few tons of metal helmet with a chain and vividly hit the commune SUV with a sword. This attack method is too fierce and the visual impact is explosive. I am afraid I will never forget it in this life.

Now seeing Jiang Liushi suddenly appearing in front of himself, Yuan Fei and Wen Tian both felt the sudden arrival of a fierce beast.

"Give me the gun!" Jiang Liushi reached out and pointed to Wen Tian.

Wentian stayed for a while and asked for Barrett? Could it be a bat?

"But this shot ... has no lethality to that big bat."

Jiang Liushi frowned, "Speed! Standing next to me may be swept by ultrasound at any time!"

"OK ... OK! But ... my gun doesn't have a sight!"

When Wen Tian agreed, she was very speechless. She awakened the shooting ability. She used a sniper rifle without a sight at all. She only used iron sights. The sight speed of iron sights was much faster than sights, but others Have this ability.

"Why are you talking so much?" Jiang Liushi was depressed, seeing that the bat was recovering strength, how could this woman be so stingy!

"You ...!" Wen Tian was stunned, and the man's speech was too unpleasant. If it were an ordinary person, she would have slapped it a long time ago, but where is Jiang Liushi?

She had to admit it. In the face of such a ruthless person, what else could she say? She threw Barrett directly at Jiang Liushi and returned it to Jiang Liushi ’s two magazines. These are special ammunition. The armor-piercing flare-traveling ammunition of the magazine, the other is a shell-piercing armor-piercing projectile.

Jiang Liushi did not choose armor-piercing incendiary bombs at all. In terms of penetrating power, shelling armor-piercing projectiles are the strongest. If the armor can't be worn, there is still a use for burning.

In fact, Jiang Liushi came to smell the sweet gun, and she also saw her bullet. His AMR-2 used only ordinary ammunition, and the power of the sniper rifle was not the caliber but the bullet. kind.

Such as shell-piercing armor-piercing projectiles are special seeds, but ordinary ammunition is completely incomparable.

"Don't stand next to me, be careful of the meat!"

Jiang Liushi's voice was cold, and Wen Tian's face sounded stiff. She was a little princess in Long Teng. Those dragon warriors who were not kind to her, even some admirers, held her.

She also knows that this is mainly because of her appearance, not her strength. Therefore, she never takes other men's attitude towards herself as capital, but she can't hold Jiang Liushi from driving her like this, let alone what kind of ghost it is.

Having said that, Wen Tian quickly distanced himself from Jiang Liushi, so as not to hinder this ruthless man, after all, he was a human beast!

Yuan Fei laughed bitterly, and also opened up with Wen Tian.

They watched as Jiang Liushi loaded the shelled armor-piercing shell! There was a silent speech in my heart, and Barrett, who had just tried Wen Tian, ​​could not only shoot at you but also make a flower!

Wen Tian's marksmanship did not say that a few hundred meters away, a headshot was already the limit, but the bat's defense was helpless, and even the best shooter was useless.

And the gun is not as good as a spear. You can pierce a centimeter of steel with a spear. You can shoot a gun with a strong and powerful hand, and you can throw the bullet out.

"He was snapped for the trigger."

Wen Tian's malicious speculation, in her opinion, Jiang Liushi is a power-type power person. In fact, according to past experience, Wen Tian has a little sympathy for power-type power persons. After all, power-type power persons are powerful, others The advantages are gone. To put it plainly, there is a lot of energy in the air, and it is easy to be killed by a kite.

For example, she can confront the power-type ability with her extreme gun fighting, and block all the dodge directions of the power-type ability.

Of course, Jiang Liushi's power is too fierce, and it is already fierce enough to ignore such defects.

At that moment, Jiang Liushi had already fired his gun. He didn't seem to see it, it was just a shot!


The deafening blast sounded sweet and stunned. She is already the sniper **** of dragons, but she also needs to aim for one second, not relying on the sight, relying only on the three-point line of the iron sight, and the distance Judgment, and the keen intuition of the ballistic parabola! This shooting ability is even incredible for special forces snipers.

However, Jiang Liushi is better. It ’s like shooting without eyes. This reminds Wen Tian of a gun battle game played before the end of the world. Some people were killed a few times and said, "Be careful, I want to open my eyes to play the game. "

Those are all paragraphs, here at Jiangliu Shi, but really.

However, after thinking about so many things for a while, it was impossible to notice that the shell-piercing piercing bullet fired by this gun dragged out a blue light!

This blue light is fleeting, but like a straight blue line drawn by the gods, it divides the sky into two!

But under the same blue sky background, almost no one can see it.

Jiang Liushi poured his blue light energy into the bullet!

His blue light energy can be poured into the fist, which greatly increases the power of his punch. Today, he came up with a whimsy, infused it into the bullet, and increased the power of the bullet. When he put it into practice, he found that it really can Do it!

An unshelled armor-piercing projectile, the speed is increased to more than ten times the speed of sound! Far faster than any rifle's bullet speed, and filled with powerful energy impact.


There was a bang, and at high altitude, an uninjured bat's body trembled, and the shelled armor-piercing projectile passed directly through its skull. Its head exploded, and half of its skull was lifted off. The burst fired and exploded a red and white blood rain in the air!

Seeing this sudden scene, everyone unexpectedly!

At first, they thought that there was no result, but it was just a shot that Jiang Liushi shot at will, and his headshot!

Aiming and shooting speed more terrifying than Wen Tian. A few hundred meters away, the bullet trajectory can be calculated instantly based on the feeling. In the middle of the bat's head, are there any people in the world who are more frightening than Wen Tian?

They originally thought that Jiang Liushi was just a power-type ability. Now he knows that Jiang Liushi's marksmanship is so bad. Did he awaken a variety of abilities? And the most puzzling thing is, how can the same gun fall in the hands of Jiang Liushi, there will be such a huge difference in power! ?

Everyone stared blankly at the blood rain scattered in the sky. The huge bat stagnate in the air for a moment and then fell from the sky. Other bats couldn't save this companion at all. They could only look at its body. Fall vertically!


With a loud noise, a large bat with a wingspan of ten meters fell heavily on the ground, splashing with countless earth and stones. The bat's head was gone, and it seemed to be dead, so everyone also confirmed the power of Jiang Liushi. They opened their mouths unawarely and couldn't close them for a long time.

Isn't this playing World of Warcraft, the same hunters, the same shotguns, but Jiangliu Shi is a full-grade orange suit, smell sweet is just out of the novice village?

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