My Mech Queen

Chapter 102

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On the 2nd day in the morning, Fang Shi left the hotel, had a casual breakfast, and went straight to the Western District slum area. The traffic environment in Xichuan City is slightly worse, especially in the slum area. It was not until 8:3 that he reached the slum area, No. 1 in the Western District destination. It was a hill-like terrain, high and low filled with simple wooden houses and metal houses.

The road in the slum area is narrow and only 2 meters wide. Fang Shi looked calm and hurried away. From time to time he looked at the simple door number on the two-sided shack. According to the clues provided by Shi Yongning, his mother’s current address is No. 3, District 2, and there seems to be a distance.

At this time, the slum area had already awakened from sleep, and it was noisy. The men in small groups walked briskly and began to be busy for their new day’s life. The children ran and played innocently. The steamy baskets of breakfast shops on the street spit out white mist like steam, and the air filled the air. A slightly complicated strange smell.

Fang Shi in a suit and leather collar looks a little out of place in the slums. Most of the pedestrians along the way will cast strange eyes, with envy, curiosity, and hatred …

Suddenly, the fast-moving Fang Shi’s footsteps slowed down and his brows lightly frowned. He found that the three teenagers 3-15 years old behind him seemed to have stared at him, and had followed him for more than 16 meters. He knows that in this dirty, messy, rundown slum area, the security environment is also worrying. If he guessed right, the last three people have listed him as prey.

Seeing Fang Shi stop, the three teenagers walked at the same pace, and seemed to realize that they had been discovered, but their faces were unscrupulous. Obviously this slum area was their place in their consciousness.

Fang Shi turned around and waved at the three teenagers, beckoning a few people to step forward.

The 3 people were slightly stunned, and they all showed some look of hesitation. Obviously they didn’t understand the intention of the man in front of them, and even provoked them. However, a few seconds later, the three teenagers walked up with confidence. Among them, the seeming leader was sneaked and said arbitrarily: “Boy, look at you as an outsider. This is our site and needs protection fees.”

“Really?” Fang Shi’s eyes were slightly cold, and a burst of murderous aura burst out of his eyes.

The leading teenager face changed, his body shivered slightly, his body unconsciously stepped back 2 steps, his face was full of dreads, and the two thin teenagers beside him immediately became more alert and dreadful. To be honest, they can only be regarded as Hooligan at most, but they only rely on a large number of people to suppress people, and they usually only make small noises, but they dare not do too much outrageous things. After a short eye contact with Fang Shi, the three immediately realized a dangerous attack, and judged those dangerous characters that they had several points of eyesight. Obviously the man in front of them was not something they could shake, and the heart was born immediately Retreat.

Fang Shi still knows a little about the teenager in front of him. After all, he was also a similar bad teenager in the days of have no desire to improve. They are still very different from those who are real hei Daoists. It’s okay to play small things. If you encounter any bloody things most likely you will shrink back, and in the top 3, an expressions all can startle back, which naturally belongs to the kind that is not deeply involved in the world.

“Don’t follow me, do you understand?” Fang Shi coldly snorted, with a chill of hard to describe.

3 teenagers were subconsciously nodded.

Fang Shi cold glow slightly closed, turned away, and kindly reminded, “It’s okay to learn something useful, Hooligan has no future.”

3 people watched their leaving backs, their faces were slightly complicated, and finally they left with disappointment. As for Fang Shi ’s reminder, they would soon be left behind. Everyone understands the truth, but can really restrain After all, people who live in themselves are only a few.

More than ten minutes later, Fang Shi stopped in front of a bungalow made of wooden boards. The wooden door was painted with red and regular text on the side of the door-No. 2695. The chimney behind the wooden house was burning with smoke. People seem to be cooking, a woman’s voice vaguely heard, “Xiaobao, don’t run around!”

Hearing the sound, Fang Shi was stunned for a while. It was a sound he was very familiar with but a little strange. It was mother’s voice. Once she called him in the same tone, warm and warm, but everything seemed to have followed When the wind went away, thinking of the woman in the room, his mood was very complicated, and his mood began to fluctuate slightly.

After standing still for a few seconds, Fang Shi took a deep breath, slightly calmed his mind, and quickly walked towards the wooden house.

The door of the wooden house was half open.

Fang Shi was just near the wooden door, but a small silhouette sprang out of the door and slammed into his lap. The little silhouette is a 4-5 year old boy with a dirty face. Because of the reaction force, he sat on the ground. He stared at Fang Shi with big black eyes, and then he burst into tears.

“Xiaobao, what’s wrong?”

A familiar voice was heard again in the house, worried.

Fang Shi kicked his body and lifted the little boy with a slightly complicated expression. From the tone of mother, he already guessed some answers in his heart.

Facing an unfamiliar pair of arms, the little boy was obviously extremely repulsive, struggling hard while crying out loud, with some fear in his voice.

“You do …”

A woman came out of the house and was about to loudly yell at the youngster who touched the child, but just spit out 2 words, but her expression froze in an instant, and there was an indistinct shock on her face, looking at the familiar and Some unfamiliar faces, her body gradually shivered slightly, her lips tremble slightly, and she spit out 2 words intermittently, “Shi … head …”

The two words seemed to weigh 2 kilograms, and it was extremely difficult to speak.

Familiar with the sound, the familiar name, that’s what mother shouted to him!

Fang Shi tried his best to control the emotion in his heart, and looked at that slightly strange face. Compared with 5 years ago, mother changed a lot, it was a trace of the years, and the crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes appeared clearer, and seemed to be all at once. After ten years of aging, the picture of the memory in my mind quickly flipped, and the scene coincided with the woman in front of me, with laughter, warmth, and sadness …

I remember that 5 years ago, when I knew that mother was going to remarry another man, he felt a deep betrayal in his heart. In his subconscious, mother should belong only to father, only to him and the younger sister, he could not accept his family life There is another silhouette of another man. At that time, he and mother seemed to be separated by a gap, but as the ebbing of time grew with him, the gap gradually became shallower. Until now, when I met again, the gap seemed to disappear for an instant.

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