My Mech Queen

Chapter 106

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Seeing Su Feichen and Fang Shi slowly walked into the hall, the imperial soldiers in the hall cast a strange look. Their goal was not Su Feichen wearing a major general’s uniform, but Fang Shi in an ordinary dress. This bar is not open to ordinary person, only to the military, and Fang Shi walked in with grandeur, apparently something abnormal, but when they swept to Su Feichen ’s shoulder to represent the Major General level badge, they were very Almost relieved. It is extremely rare for a major general officer to enter the bar. They also have only one lieutenant colonel at the highest level, while the others are basically lieutenants.

The people who drank the wine just glanced curiously, and soon turned their attention back to the wine glass in front of them. While drinking happily, they said or laughed, which seemed relaxed and comfortable.

Su Feichen didn’t care at all, took Fang Shi directly from the stairs in the corner of the hall to the second floor, and was led to a reception room by a service staff.

The reception room is spacious, clean, simple and atmospheric.

The service staff quickly served the drinks and snacks with great politeness.

20% of the time later, a bald man in his 40s entered the reception room. The man was wearing a cyan-green military uniform and had a lieutenant colonel-level epaulet on his shoulder. However, Fang Shi was the most influential but clean. The neat bald head and the left eye covered by a black round lens.

“One-eyed person?” Fang Shi thought, subconsciously reminiscent of the one-eyed person in Third Senior Brother Su Feichen’s mouth.

Indeed, the person in front of him is Qi Qingtian, nicknamed “one-eyed person”. He served on the front line of the Eastern Region in his early years. Unfortunately, he was hit by the left eye and became the one-eye look, but now this left eye It has become his most powerful weapon, but he spent a huge price to install a technological eye, but there are many special abilities that normal eyes cannot match.

Qi Qingtian sat down opposite Su Feichen and Fang Shi, with a smile on his face, and asked, “Major Su, I hurried to find me this time, don’t know what happened?”

“There is naturally something for you that needs your help.” Su Feichen smiled heartily, looked towards Fang Shi, and continued: “Little Junior Brother, take out your clues.”

Fang Shi immediately nodded, took out all the clues that Anxu was sold to the abandoned mine, and then introduced it in detail to the opposite one-eyed person one after another.

Qi Qingtian listened carefully, picked up the clues and looked at it, asking questions from time to time.

Half an hour later, Qi Qingtian put down the materials in his hand, and said calmly: “The goal is to go to the abandoned mine star to rescue the trafficked little girl?”

Su Feichen is nodded.

Qi Qingtian was silent for a few seconds, and then looked thoughtfully: “According to the clue, the little girl has been sold to the abandoned mine star for more than a year, which is a little troublesome to check. In addition, I must remind that it was sold The girl is only 12 years old. If the probability of being sent into those black mines is not high, the final result of this matter is likely to be all in vain. “

“I know, but I have to give it a try.” Fang Shi’s tone replied firmly, and the one-eyed person said was exactly what he was most worried about and the result he was least willing to see.

Qi Qingtian glanced at Fang Shi and paused for a few seconds before saying at a moderate pace: “Since that is the case, then I have nothing to say. We can take this task, but we will be paid …”

Not waiting for one-eyed person to finish, Su Feichen interrupted the other party, saying: “Remuneration is based on the old rules and will not treat you and those of your brothers.”

Fang Shi was a little surprised, thinking that Senior Senior Brother Su Feichen directly asked friends to do a favor, and from the tone of this one-eyed person, it was more like an employment relationship, but this is a bit similar to mercenary In nature, he has also found some information on mercenaries before, but those high costs are simply not he can afford.

“Good!” One-eyed person Qi Qingtian chuckled and said, “I have dealt with the slag of the abandoned mine star several times before, as long as the girl is still alive, I still have several points of grasp to get her out Here. As for the specific action plan, I will start to formulate it as soon as possible. Within 2 days, I will come up with the answer. “

“Well, the sooner the better.” Su Feichen said with a smile.

Qi Qingtian was nodded, his words turned slightly, looked at Fang Shi, and asked, “Are you going with this action too?”

Fang Shi light un’ed, replied: “That girl is my younger sister.”

From the remarks just now, Qi Qingtian has noticed that Fang Shi seems to have a close relationship with the girl, but when he thinks of Fang Shi, he has taken more care. In fact, he already has a plan of action in his mind. A suitable method is to select a dozen people to enter the abandoned mine star as a mercenary, but the Fang Shi in front of him does not seem to be a soldier. It may be easy for them to pretend to be a mercenary. To know that the black forces that abandoned the mine star are most taboo and hateful is the power of the military. Once the identity of a dozen people is exposed, I am afraid that they will be attacked by the group, then it will be troublesome.

Qi Qingtian was silent for a while, looking thoughtful and said: “In a way, I do n’t recommend you go together. According to my experience, the best way to save people from abandoned mines is to hire Armed status, if you do n’t have special training, it is easy to reveal your identity, which is very bad for the rescue team. But if you do n’t go, we can hardly recognize your younger sister, the image you provided is your younger sister More than 5 years ago, I am afraid it has changed a lot. So, before I go to the abandoned mine star, I must train you, at least on the surface, you have to look like a mercenary. “

Fang Shi listened attentively, according to one-eyed person’s statement, he has several points of truth. Although he has some anxiety to help people now, he can’t eat hot tofu after all, “This is naturally no problem, as long as my younger can be rescued Sister, no matter what kind of training I am willing to accept, but I do n’t know how long it takes for the training you mentioned? “

Qi Qingtian didn’t rush to answer Fang Shi’s question, but looked at Fang Shi all over his body and said at a moderate pace: “This needs to be watched by you. The time It shouldn’t be too long, mine The goal is just to make you look like a mercenary, not to train you into a real mercenary. By the way, how is your skill? “

“Skill?” Fang Shi slightly revealed some surprises.

“Yes, good skill training will twist the results for half the effort, and it will also benefit our rescue operations,” explained Qi Qingtian.

Fang Shi whispered slightly and replied slightly confidently: “I should have no problem with my skill.”

“Oh?” Qi Qingtian slightly surprised, said: “Since that is the case, I want to test it later, so it is beneficial to both of us.”

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