My Mech Queen

Chapter 213

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The afternoon sun seemed exceptionally brilliant, with the warmth like spring breezes.

The grass in the shade of a tree next to a path at Military Base No. 32 was dotted with mottled light spots on two young people lying on their backs. 2 The person looks calm, speaks relaxedly, or laughs, or ridicules …

Fang Shi and Yu Le talked to each other about the past, present and future. The two people who hadn’t seen in the past three years seemed to return to the co-operated repair shop at 3 He’an Street, where they were their start and their cornerstone.

“It seems that you have suffered a lot, and you have actually climbed from a mechanic to an 8-star pilot.” Through communication, Fang Shi can roughly understand Yu Le’s experience of more than 2 years. From the beginning, an ordinary person It is definitely not an easy task for a mechanical maintenance soldier to an imperial high-level pilot.

Yu Le took off his military cap and touched his still bright head, said with a smile: “It’s hard to say, it’s just fortunate, just like you, if you don’t have the luck to meet Bole in life, I am afraid now I ’m just a maintenance soldier. “

Fang Shi slightly nodded, 2 people were indeed lucky, he met Teacher Huang Shujian before he became the present, and Yule was lucky to meet a high-level pilot to achieve his current 8-star pilot, In some ways, the 2 people are quite similar, “Well, it seems that both of us are very lucky.”


The time is long, the words are nagging, like a trickle.

At noon, Fang Shi and Yule separated after lunch together. After Yule had just arrived at No. 32 military base, there were still many things to be handled.

After the meal, Fang Shi went to the computer room, opened the Internet, boarded the community toot, entered the 2 8 community and took a few glances, then left a message for Ye Xiangyi. The completely closed nature test carried out in this space test, except for the military ’s special communication signals, other external signals such as the sky and the network will be closed, which means when the time comes he will lose contact with the outside world, and the entire space test It will last for almost 2 months, he will naturally say it in advance.

To Ye Xiangyi, Fang Shi still treats it as a younger sister as unnoticeable influence, as if it were a loved one. On the one hand, it is naturally because of Uncle Zhong ’s entrustment during his lifetime, on the other hand, the two people in Snow City did indeed walk very close. Since Ye Xiangyi left Snow City for Battle Princess Mecha Camp, there were many contacts between the two. They contacted each other almost every week and asked each other about the current situation.

After leaving a message for Ye Xiangyi, Fang Shi was about to go offline, but Dudu flashed, and someone duped him.

So, he quickly nodded, and a dialog box popped up. When he saw the other party’s name, he was a little surprised. Gu Ruxin turned out to be. For Gu Ruxin, his heart is still slightly complicated, the reason is naturally because of the unexpected evening before leaving.

To be honest, Fang Shi did not know how to deal with the relationship with Gu Ruxin. It was a very happy thing to be liked, but when he came to him, it seemed to be a very troublesome and awkward thing, he admitted In this regard, he is really a bit tweaked. If he directly refused that he was afraid that it would hurt the other party, when the time comes 2 If the friend ca n’t even do it, it ’s worth the loss.

Gu Ruxin not at all sent him a video invitation, but an invitation with voice.

Fang Shi did not hesitate, and quickly accepted the invitation.

After the voice was connected, Gu Ruxin’s crisp and sweet voice came from the other side, “Sir, long time no see.”

Fang Shi was a little speechless, it seemed that he hadn’t seen it in 3 days, but the surface still said quite calmly: “Well, how are you?”

Gu Ruxin replied: “It’s okay, I’m on a boring vacation now. By the way, I want to tell you something.”

“Oh ?!” Fang Shi was slightly surprised and said, “What’s the matter?”

Gu Ruxin hesitated for a few seconds and quickly said: “Then … that, in fact, I just made a little joke that day, I hope you don’t mind.”

Fang Shi hearing this, for a moment, he knew what Gu Ruxin meant by the joke, but he was not at all relieved by Gu Ruxin’s words, but became more complicated, the scene of the evening of the day was still vivid Gu Ruxin didn’t seem to be joking, he didn’t know why she had to say this again, which made him wonder.

Seeing Fang Shi has no words for a long time, Gu Ruxin thought the voice was suddenly interrupted, lightly said: “Sir … Sir …”

Fang Shi light take a deep breath, said: “Yes, you can call me Fang Shi.”

Gu Ruxin whispered, and after a pause of 2 or 3 seconds, he said, “Fang … Fang Shi, are we still friends?”

Fang Shi definitely replied: “Of course it is.”

Subsequently, the two people continued to chat for more than ten minutes before hanging up the voice system. Fang Shi also told Gu Ruxin that he will “disappear” for about two months starting tomorrow.

Soon, Fang Shi left the computer room and took a casual walk in the activity area. During this time, he sent a message to the younger sister Anxu, told him about it, and asked him to entrust him. Anxu is a coincidence, and his tone is slightly lost. After all, Fang Shi this time takes about 2 months, which means that this time will not be able to get in touch with the big brother.

On 2nd day, after eating breakfast, everyone in the Phantom Working Group took the vehicle arranged by the base military to the space port not far away.

In the space port, military ships are already ready.

A small battleship formation responsible for assisting the Mirage Working Group in space testing. The entire formation is composed of 7 warships. The flagship is a medium-sized Black Panther C-Rank battleship. speed. The remaining 6 warships in the formation are all small warships, which are 3 frigates, 1000 reconnaissance ship, 10000 missile ship and 32 transport supply ship. Relative to the Empire and the Galaxy Alliance hoarding 7 to 1 ships on the eastern front to form a large formation, the 1nd military base’s space port, a small battleship formation consisting of 1 warships, is somewhat insignificant.

The highest commander of the battleship formation is Gao Zixuan, who boarded the medium-sized Black Panther C-Rank battleship flagship early in the morning and began preparations before leaving.

Phantom Mecha was also sent to the flagship early, loaded in the Mecha hangar in the battleship. The Black Panther C-Rank battleship has a small Mecha hangar, usually carrying 5 to 20 Mecha, and it has a medium fighter hangar that can carry 50 fighters.

Ye Zhiqiu, Fang Shi and other phantom working groups have also become flagships.

At ten o’clock in the morning, the battleship formation departed on time.

The 7 warships lifted off one after another, quickly flew out of the gravitational circle of the wolf star, entered the space like a black hole, and kept an appropriate distance from each other, forming a shuttle-like formation, booking towards the northeast The space area flew away.

After Ye Zhiqiu and the others boarded the spaceship, they entered their respective assigned rooms. The treatment of the Phantom Working Group is not bad. Everyone is a single room, but there are some differences in size, which is a simple distinction according to the size of the rank.

Fang Shi’s room is a single room of more than ten square meters. Although it seems to be small, it is completely sufficient. After all, the space of the battleship is small. Having a separate room is quite good. He simply tidied up and cleaned up the room according to his own habits. In the next 2 months or so, he will have to live on the battleship.

At noon, the Phantom Working Group had a lunch together, and Ye Zhiqiu also briefly explained the work of these 2 days. It is expected that the space test area booked will take about 2 days, and during this time they are not saying that nothing has happened. In the afternoon, they will enter the working state. Using these 2 days, they will perform a simple test on the Phantom Mecha, so that when they reach the space test area, the working group can start the test immediately.

After a meal, Fang Shi took a rest for an hour, then went to the Mecha hangar of the battleship to start a simple test before testing the Phantom Mecha.

In addition to the phantom, the Mecha hangar also has 2 Mechas and 8 Mechas. Fang Shi glanced a little, 5 of which were the 6th generation Mecha of the empire earlier, and the other 3 were the 5th generation Mecha of the empire, which should also be regarded as the Mecha that is about to retire. For the 8 Mechas deployed on the battleship, he was not surprised. In the Empire, the cost of Mecha is still quite high. Take the ordinary 6th generation Mecha. The cost of a Mecha is probably 5 times that of a fighter, so the military Mecha equipment replacement is still relatively backward.

In addition, in addition to the members of the Phantom Working Group, Yu Le and Bai Wei, two high-level military pilots, also came to the Mecha hangar. On the one hand, the two people naturally wanted to learn more about the Phantom Mecha. On the other hand, they first performed simulation operations in advance. In the subsequent space testing process, two people are required to drive the Mirage Mecha in conjunction with the working group to conduct relevant tests.

At work, Fang Shi and Yu Le were not at all close, and they both worked very carefully in their own affairs. They only communicated in their leisure time.

The two days passed in a blink of an eye.

On the 3rd day, at around 9 am, the Phantom Working Group received a notice from Gao Zixuan that the warship could reach the reserved space test area in half an hour.

Phantom Mecha’s pre-test testing has been completed, everything is normal, which means that Phantom Mecha’s space test can start quickly.

Half an hour later, the battleship arrived in the reserved space area. Gao Zixuan immediately carried out a layout according to the previously booked plan.

Soon, the 7 battleships in the battleship formation formed a flagship-centered formation, and all spaceships stopped sailing and quietly stopped in space.

Ye Zhiqiu not at all Anxious to start the space test of Mirage Mecha, but convened the members of the Mirage working group and the personnel related to the space test to hold the last meeting before the formal test, and re-defined their respective responsibilities to ensure the Mirage Mecha The space test was carried out smoothly and orderly.

At 3 pm that day, Mirage Mecha entered the launch platform connected to the Mecha cabin.

Ye Zhiqiu in the test command cabin stared at the large light screen in front of him, his face was calm, but his heart was a little excited. After all, this is the first space test flight of Mirage Mecha, but it is carrying countless teachers Huang Shujian. The hard work also carried the hope of the second group.

everything’s ready!

Ye Zhiqiu took a slight breath and shouted softly: “The countdown to the launch starts.”

“Ten, nine, eight …”

“3, 2, one, launch!”

The sound of the system falls, and the phantom Mecha in the large light screen instantly moves under the action of the powerful booster. The speed is getting faster and faster, and only the blurry afterimages are left at the fastest. Lasts less than 3 seconds.

The phantom Mecha fired like a bullet from the Mecha launch platform and flashed into the void of nothingness.

“Successful launch!”

In fact, during the ground test, the working group has launched the Phantom Mecha several times, and it is still very sure of its launch success, but this launch is the first space flight of the Phantom Mecha, which is a very commemorative moment.

Looking at the phantom Mecha on the big screen already in space, Fang Shi’s lips showed a faint smile, but like other members of his phantom working group, after a moment of joy, he quickly invested in the collection and calculation of Mecha-related data.

Ye Zhiqiu sat on the command seat and locked his phantom Mecha with his eyes, and quickly issued command after command.

Soon, the Mecha launch booster platform launched two auxiliary Mecha. Auxiliary Mecha is controlled by two original pilots on the battleship, and their main purpose is to deal with possible unexpected situations in Phantom Mecha.

Phantom Mecha’s first test flight not at all carried out some complicated flights, which were all some simple flights. The pilot who piloted the phantom was Yu Le. The flight command was issued by Ye Zhiqiu, and then he executed the command.

The first test flight lasted 30 minutes, and then landed smoothly on the battleship’s login platform. The whole process went quite smoothly.

The phantom working group in the test command module quickly summarized and integrated the data just obtained, and soon obtained the results of the first test flight of the phantom Mecha.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the results, and a smile appeared on Shen Jing’s face, saying: “The test results are good, and the effect points have reached 90% 8, reaching the expected goal.”

The number of effect points is a concrete data representation of the test results. 100% means perfect condition, but it is extremely difficult for the general test to achieve a perfect score of 100 points.

Hearing the results of the team leader Ye Zhiqiu, everyone in the Phantom Working Group lightly sighed in relief, 90% of the 8 effect points are already a very high data, close to perfection, the booking goal is 90% of the effect points, which is better than the reservation It is 8 points higher, which is a good start for the Mirage Mecha ’s space test.

After a brief excitement, the Phantom Working Group continued to work on their work.

Fang Shi and Senior Brother Fly Dust and three other members of the Phantom Working Group quickly rushed to the Mecha cabin to inspect the Phantom Mecha and check whether the Phantom has problems after flying in space.

After half an hour, the detection was completed, and there was something wrong with Phantom Mecha not at all.

So, Fang Shi and Su Feichen and the others returned to the test command module.

Ten minutes later, Mirage Mecha started the second test flight. This time, it was Bai Wei from Battle Princess Mecha Battalion. Bai Wei and Ye Zhiqiu are very familiar with each other. At the 2nd military base, the two people had a separate conversation, and Bai Wei treated Ye Zhiqiu with great respect. It was the attitude of a senior to see Senior.

The second test flight also lasted for 2 minutes, and was also a simple flying action. Bai Wei successfully completed the order according to Ye Zhiqiu.

After the test flight, the test effect points reached 100 points 98 points 5, a more ideal effect value, this effect naturally makes everyone in the Phantom Working Group more at ease, although only trifling the value of 100 points of 5, but for As far as they are concerned, it seems like they have eaten a big heart-pill. On the one hand, the test flight of Phantom Mecha is really successful; on the other hand, the smaller the fluctuation of this effect point means that the performance of Phantom Mecha is very stable. Even if it fluctuates up and down at 5%, even if it is stable, after all, the conditions of each test are still different, and there will be slight differences. A little change will affect the final test result, and the effect value of zero points per 100 The volatility is minimal.

The first day of Mirage Mecha’s test was a total of 3 test flight tests, and the results were satisfactory. The effect points of the third test flight were 3% 90: 7. Although the effect value has declined, it is definitely still Quite ideally.

After the three flight tests, the Phantom Working Group ended the first day of the test. Since the test started at 3 pm, the time was limited, and only three test flights were completed.

After dinner, Fang Shi did not rush back to the room, but walked slowly on the battleship. Although the Black Panther C-Rank battleship is only a medium-sized battleship, its volume is still very huge. The hull is only 700-800 meters long, and the internal space is more open, with a total of more than a dozen floors. There are between 4000 and 5000 soldiers on board, and the interior is completely like an independent space.

There are also a lot of entertainment facilities for ship-borne personnel inside the ship, and the swimming pool, cinema, music bar and other facilities are quite complete. Fang Shi is slightly surprised that there is also a small aircraft warfare simulation room inside. There are only more than ten simulators, but it is definitely a big surprise for him.

During the space test, although Fang Shi has little entertainment time, there are a few hours of free time in addition to the time of sleeping every day. This aircraft war simulation room is a very good choice. If every day takes some time to train Then, before ending the Phantom Space Test, there might be a breakthrough 4A challenge.

There did n’t seem to be many people in the aircraft warfare simulation room. Fang Shi walked in, and most of the more than ten simulation cabins were empty. When thinking of the eight Mecha in the Mecha hangar, he understood that the real aircraft on this ship There are not many teachers.

Fang Shi went through the formalities in the aircraft warfare simulation room and entered one of the simulation control cabins successfully. He sat on the pilot ’s seat. He hesitated for a moment, but still took out the silver machine card from his card holder and inserted it. Into the card slot of the simulator.

It only took about 5 seconds, the silver machine card successfully decrypted the simulated system of the simulator, and the silhouette of Nana appeared in the light screen in front of Fang Shi.

Fang Shi and Nana haven’t seen each other for several months. Since leaving S3 Nanzhou Star, he hasn’t used a silver card again. However, Nana seemed not at all notion of time, she blinked black shine big eyes in the light screen and shouted happily: “big brother.”

Nana’s voice was very clear, like a bell.

Looking at the silver-haired little girl in the light screen, Fang Shi felt a little warm in his heart. Although Nana was just a mechanical life, he still regarded the former as an adult in his consciousness. I remember at the 2nd Academy of Snowflake Company In the fierce battle simulation room, he, a slightly lonely person, fully realized a warmth like siblings. Perhaps at that time, he subconsciously regarded Nana as a substitute for Anxu, but when he found An After the news, he discovered that Nana was not a substitute, but really reflected in his deep in one’s heart.

“Big brother, is this a battleship?” Nana’s lovely cheeks showed a slight accident, a tone of curiosity and doubt.

Fang Shi was slightly surprised, lightly nodded, and said, “Well, it’s a battleship, how do you know?” This is exactly what he was surprised by. He hadn’t mentioned anything before, why Nana would take the initiative to say this Is a battleship.

Nana was slightly relieved, revealing some complacent expressions, and said: “Oh, it seems that Nana is not wrong, this battleship is quite big, don’t know if it can be played?”

“Play?” Fang Shi was a little speechless for a moment. The battleship was not for playing, but for fighting, but soon his face was more dignified. Remember to meet Nana for the first time. At that time, it seemed that she had said that she not only controlled Mecha, but also fighters, warships, and even Star Domain aircraft carriers. At this time, she wanted to be surprised, and quickly asked tentatively: “You will control the warship. . “

Nana thought for a while and said: “This battleship should be no problem, as long as I break his highest level of central authority system, I should be able to control it freely. Ha ha, big brother, do you want me to control it for you At first glance, although the central authority system of this battleship is a little complicated, if Nana cracks it with all his strength, if no accident, it can be easily decrypted in ten minutes to obtain its control authority. “

Fang Shi hearing this, his face changed suddenly, and he quickly stopped and said: “Don’t … don’t show me the show, big brother knows you are amazing.” Nana’s words really scared him. With the characteristics of human intelligence, she has n’t learned to speak erotically. Since she said that she can really control the battleship, and once Nana forcibly controls the battleship, it will most likely alarm the military personnel who control the battleship. When the time comes Know what kind of trouble it will cause.

Seeing Fang Shi’s anxious expression, Nana laughed and said, “Well, then I won’t play it.”

Fang Shi sighed slightly in relief, said: “Yes, Nana hasn’t answered my object yet, how at first you realize that this is a battleship.”

Nana, if nothing happened, replied: “This aircraft warfare simulation system is connected to the battleship’s network system. I just guessed it and I guessed it.”

Fang Shi whispered, “so that’s how it is.”


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