My Mech Queen

Chapter 244

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According to the information of Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu, the troops of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion belonged to the front-line troops of the Eastern Region, and also participated in the front-line defense of the Eastern Region. In the past month, Fang Shi has never been in contact with Ye Xiangyi and the others. Thinking of the horror figures of more than 7 and 300 in the 10000th group, he instinctively worried for them and could only hope silently They are not among the 3,000,000 casualties.

At present, Ye Zhiqiu does not know the specific situation of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion, but only knows the general situation-Battle Princess Mecha battalion participated in the front-line defensive battle, and there have been no small casualties. In this way, Fang Shi is naturally more worried. Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu only knows the general situation. She does not know who is injured or who died, but Su Shi’er, who should be certain, should be fine, and he is now worried. The main ones are Ye Xiangyi and the 5th history, one is a girl who is treated like a younger sister, and the other should be considered a good friend.

Fang Shi can obtain information channels mainly from two aspects. On the one hand, it is through TV and Internet. This information is basically the information processed by the government, which can judge the current war situation between the empire and the alliance. Another aspect is the information occasionally mentioned by Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu. Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu seems to have a lot of relations with the military, and can always keep confidential information in advance or more internally. For him, his information channel is not much wider than that of ordinary people in the empire, so he can’t inquire about the information of one or two of the 2 people in the eastern region, and can only wait in silence.

Of course, in addition to Ye Xiangyi and the 5th history, I also worry about other friends. For example, Yule, who has now followed the 2nd Army to the front line of the Eastern Region, has no other party since a simple contact a month ago. It is reported that in the dangerous place on the front line of the Eastern Region, there will be a large number of deaths on every day, and no one can guarantee that someone is safe; again, it seems that the one who has joined the Eastern Region Hinterland Alliance Ghost Fleet Gu Ruxin sweeping the troops.

Although the war has no effect on Fang Shi’s daily life, it has affected his mood. Many friends are already in danger and his heart is worried. Although he knew that these worries seemed not at all necessary, no matter whether he was worried that all things in the universe were still running, he would not change anything because of his worries. But in his spare time, he still inadvertently appeared in his mind those familiar people, and thinking of the current situation in the empire, he was involuntarily worried, it seems that he can not change.

Of course, there are many people in the entire Xingluo Empire who are far more worried than Fang Shi. For example, S1 Xingluo has a secret meeting in Ninai. Five men are sitting around a round table, each looking The atmosphere is slightly gloomy.

The round table has been inherited between the Empire Five Great Families for almost a year ago, it is rarely held, and it is usually only opened when it involves the major event of the vital interests of Five Great Families, and the people who participated in the round table are the stars. The great character of the Luo Empire-the patriarch of the Five Great Families of the Empire.

Since the imperial hereditary resistance to the disintegration, it has ushered in the so-called parliamentary era, but it is not the House that really controls the lifeline of the empire, but the Five Great Families hidden behind them. They are the real control of the empire.

The round table seems extremely simple, not at all all the furnishings on the table, and there is only a glass of water in front of everyone.

The clear water is very clear and quiet, like the quiet atmosphere of the round table meeting at this time.

Huang Runshan sat among them. Huang Family was the head of Five Great Families. As the Imperial Family’s family patriarch, this round table was naturally indispensable for him. And his seat seemed to be the most important. The other four people seemed to be waiting for him to speak.

“You should understand the situation in the Empire now. This time, the Galaxy Alliance seems to be determined to fight with us. The attack is very fast. The 7th Group Zone of the Eastern Front Defense Zone has been almost destroyed.” Huang Runshan looked Shen Jing, a trace of afterglow in his sober eyes slightly looked at the other 4 people, and then said at a moderate pace.

“Oh, Mr. Parliament, I do n’t think there is much need to worry about. The situation on the front line of the Eastern Region has been basically stabilized. As long as we support it in the future, the Alliance fleet wants to defeat our Star Empire with more than 20000 ships. . “

He was talking about a bloated middle-aged man in his 40s, sitting opposite Huang Runshan, a fat big hand was put on the slightly convex belly, his face was relatively relaxed, eyes slightly narrowed, His jaw was still shaking slightly as he spoke.

Huang Runshan glanced at the middle-aged fatty, slightly shook the head, and said slowly: “We have support, the alliance fleet should also have reinforcements, and the other party should be as simple as more than 20000 warships. In addition, I would like to inform One thing for you, there are allied spies among the middle and high-ranking officers of the Imperial Army. “

“Spy?” The middle-aged fat slightly stunned, his eyes looked towards a middle-aged man with a slightly more than 50-year-old expression on his left who has remained serious.

The middle-aged man’s clothing is a little special. He is wearing an imperial military uniform. His military uniform seems to be as serious as his face, without any wrinkles, as if it is brand new, and his badge shows the rank of 5 stars. will. In the empire, there are only 5 people with a general rank of 7 stars, which are the first group army, the second group army … The rank of the highest commander of the 2th group army can only have, that is, the middle-aged man should be among the 7 group army of the empire The one, as for that one, is actually very simple, because there are only five people who are eligible to participate in the Five Great Families roundtable in the empire-Hua Family Patriarch Hua Yuankai.

Feeling the eyes of middle-aged fatty, Hua Yuankai raised his eyebrows slightly, he was very clear about what Huang Runshan said, and the military had already started secret clean-up operations two years ago. Although some suspicious personnel were cleared, the more shocked they were, the military spies of the empire seemed to have noticed soon after the cleanup operation. The cleanup effect was not good. According to estimates, at least a group of coalition spies hide Among the military, this is something he and Huang Runshan have been somewhat worried about. Now that the empire and the alliance have been fully developed, if at the critical moment those hidden in the middle and high ranks of the military get the alliance spy to work out something, it may have extremely bad influence, and even affect the entire war situation.

Hua Yuankai frowned, saying, “Golden rich man, don’t look at me anymore. I did understood this thing long ago, and it was already understood 2 years ago. An experimental planet happened in the Eastern Region 2 years ago. During an attack on an alliance warship, we suspected that there were alliance spies in the middle and upper levels of the military, and we have been secretly cleaning up the army’s alliance spies for two years. Although they have some results, they are not clean. Now There has been a full-scale war between the empire and the alliance, and I think those spies who have not been cleared out are likely to take this opportunity to create some trouble for the military. “

The gold rich man is not the name of a middle-aged fatty, but only his nickname, because he is one of the largest rich man in the Star Empire-Five Great Families Gao Family Patriarch Gao Jin fan, the richest man in the empire, no one .

Gao Jinfan was nodded, but did not say much.

“It’s actually mixed with the middle and high levels of the military, and those alliance spies are really not simple, so the Galactic Alliance is already prepared.” The talking is the youngest and most handsome man among the 5 men. He is called Xinghuo. , One of the Five Great Families, Patriarch, Yan Xiaoshi’s father.

Yan Xinghuo’s tone is very calm, without any slight waves, and his mouth is filled with a faint and charming smile, like a teenager with a spring breeze, but he is more than 40 years old.

Hua Yuankai still looked serious, either fast nor slow preached: “The spies of the alliance are indeed not simple, they seem to have been infants and were sent into our starry empire in an orphan way, who would doubt one? Will the baby be a spy sent by the Alliance to the Empire? “


Yan Xinghuo ’s binocular pupil light flashed slightly, although his face did not all change in expression, but he was still slightly surprised. The Star River Alliance was really ingenious. He actually calculated the spy into the identity of the baby. At the same time, his heart was still in his heart. Slightly puzzled, the baby’s head is almost blank, how to shape a baby as a spy?

Hua Yuankai was slightly paused, nodded and said: “The spies we found did indeed enter our Xingluo empire when they were infancy, and they were all sold from 3 star continents. As for how they grew from babies to one The spies of Ming Alliance seem to have a special chip in their brains connected to their brains. It seems that these chips will work when the babies are grown up, and they seem to make them understand their true identity. By the way, these spies also There is one thing in common. Their fathers seem to have died in the war with the empire, and their willingness to become an alliance spy may be such a special relationship. “

“So that’s how it is, the people of the Galaxy Alliance are really deliberate!”

The last man in the round table finally opened his mouth at a moderate pace. He seemed to be the largest of the five in the middle class. The skin on his cheeks had been wrinkled a lot. The black hair on his head was still thick, but his temples were already. Slightly white, he is Su Yuanchang, one of the Imperial Family of Great Five Families, and is an old man of nearly 5.

Huang Runshan nodded lightly and said, “Well, Su Lao said yes. Let’s talk about spies first. The main purpose of this roundtable is to discuss how to deal with the invasion of the Galaxy Alliance. This can be considered In the past 100 years, the biggest crisis our Xingluo Empire encountered … “

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