My Mech Queen

Chapter 275

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In the room, the atmosphere is quite dignified.

Fang Shi listened carefully to Li Ming’s words, and naturally had some judgments in his heart. According to Captain, the pilot in front of him, there was indeed some reason to suspect that the mechanic had moved on Mecha. As for him, he is still in a state of doubt and doubt. After all, Liu Yang is still a bit uneasy in his eyes. From the original transport ship to the mine-clearing fleet now, he knows a certain amount about Liu Yang and is quite uneasy. People. However, if Liu Yang and the others really did this kind of thing, he was still a little shocked. The mechanic’s hands and feet on the Mecha in charge seemed too crazy to him.

Lei Zee took a deep breath and said slowly: “Since Li Captain has sufficient suspicion, it must still be investigated in detail, but if this kind of thing really happens, its nature is very serious, I must first Report one 2 above and get approval before starting further investigation. “

Li Ming slightly nodded, he still has a certain understanding of this kind of matter handling process.

Lei Ze glanced at Fang Shi and asked politely, “General Fang, how do you feel?”

Fang Shi adjusted his complexion slightly and tried to appear calm before replied at a moderate pace: “This matter is also related to the machine repair team. It is of course the best to investigate.”

Lei Ze continued: “Since this is the case, I will report to the above first, please wait a bit here for 2 people.”

Fang Shi and Li Ming are lightly nodded.

Lei Ze quickly left the room, leaving only Fang Shi and Li Ming.

In the room, the two people exchanged information about what they learned.

Simple communication, Fang Shi has a certain understanding of Li Ming. Although this person looks rough, but his mind is still very meticulous.

Ten minutes later, Lei Ze hurried back to the room.

Lei Ze sat down, took a breath, and said slightly anxiously: “The above means let me continue the investigation, but the matter of temporary fighting is put aside first, and it must be investigated whether Mecha is passive. , This is also our most urgent task at present, what are the opinions of the two? “

Fang Shi and Li Ming slightly hooked the head.

Lei Ze continued: “Okay, then the people on your side continue to be banned until we investigate the matter clearly and then do specific treatment.”

Fang Shi not at all opposed. Now Liuyang and several people are the main suspects. No matter the truth about Mecha ’s hands and feet, they must be investigated to determine the final answer. “About the two problematic Mechas, if the two can be trusted, Then, let me personally test it. If this kind of thing happens to the mechanic team, it is definitely an unforgivable thing.

Regarding Fang Shi’s initiative, Lei Ze did not object, but looked towards the pilot Captain Li Ming, who asked quietly, “Li Captain, what do you think?”

Li Ming replied neatly: “No problem.”

Afterwards, the three discussed in detail in the room before slowly walking out of the room.

Fang Shi immediately found Chen Shuya and told her to go back to the No. 2 warship and help him get all the mechanic repair reports from the second group in the office. In addition, there were three mechanics from the thirteenth group. Soon, the two Mechas in question in the third group of the No. 2 Warship Division will be tested. Because the incident mainly involves the second mechanic repair group, for the sake of insurance, the tenth third group is still the test when conducting the inspection. It’s more appropriate for the members to come. This is what he has just discussed with Lei Ze and Li Ming in the room.

Soon, Chen Shuya left the No. 3 battleship.

Fang Shi not at all leisurely found Xu Star Sea, the leader of the 2nd mechanic repair team.

Seeing Fang Shi, Xu Star Sea seemed quite concerned, and asked slightly eagerly, “General Manager, what happened to Liu Yang?”

Fang Shi’s face calmly replied: “It is still in the process of processing, according to Major Lei, it is expected that it will take some time.”

Xu Star Sea whispered, but didn’t ask much.

Fang Shi not at all revealed to Xu Star Sea what he had just said to Lei Ze and Li Ming in the room, because it is not certain that Liu Yang had acted on Mecha, but was in a skeptical stage. I am afraid that it will cause fluctuations in the entire team of the second group. “Yes, Team Leader Xu, the Mecha of the third group of the No. 3 warship division team has always been Liuyang ’s 2 people responsible for maintenance and testing?”

“The 3rd Team of the Pilot Division?” Xu Star Sea read it lightly and thought for a while before replied: “Yes, since Liu Yang was assigned to the 2nd Repair Team, the 3rd Battleship Pilot Division 3 Liu Yang and the others are responsible for more than 30 Mechas in the group, but in the past few days, the Mecha of the third group has lost very difficult to deal with, and there are only 3 Mechas left at present. Liu Yang and the others fought and fought a dozen people in the third group of the pilot division. “

Fang Shi’s face remained unchanged, and he continued to ask: “Team Xu, have you noticed any conflict between Liu Yang and the others and the third team of the Pilot Group?”

Xu Star Sea took a breath and said, “I have heard of some contradictions, but because most recently the fleet has been in a state of frequent combat, it is usually very busy. I haven’t paid much attention to this kind of thing. The crew occasionally said sporadic. It seems that Liu Yang looked down on the pilots of the third group. In the warfare simulation room on the battleship, it seems that he successfully defeated the pilots of the third group and made a humiliation. The third group Most of the pilots are 3 or less pilots, and this Liu Yang seems to be close to the strength of a 3 star pilot. Except for the other team leader and other pilots who can defeat him, most of them are not him. Opponents, but in recent days, the pilot team leader and several other powerful pilots seem to have unfortunately sacrificed. I think the conflict between Liu Yang and the third team of the pilot team may be caused by this. I didn’t expect to have reached the point of fighting and fighting. It really made me feel surprised. It was also my dereliction of duty. I also hoped the chief to punish him. “

Fang Shi’s eyes flashed slightly, and there was a slight surprise in his heart. At ordinary times, this Xu Star Sea seemed to be a silent person. He only asked 2 sentences, and the other party said a lot of things, making him really stunned. “For the time being, it’s not time to talk about responsibility. You must see things as soon as possible. Besides, as a team leader, you can’t do everything. If you are really responsible, you should be Liu Yang themselves.”

While speaking, Yu Guang of Fang Shi carefully looked at Xu Star Sea. After Rosen’s reminder in the coffee shop, he still thought about Xu Star Sea intentionally or unintentionally. This person is indeed quite deep. People, he can’t easily see through each other.

Hearing Fang Shi’s words, Xu Star Sea’s expression slightly relaxed.

Fang Shi saw his words slightly, and asked again: “Yes, Team Leader Xu, was the second group’s mechanic report produced by you personally?”

Xu Star Sea’s face changed slightly, and he replied a little hesitantly: “I used to make it myself every time, but I have been too busy in the past few days, so I gave it to Liuyang Vice Group Leader. What happened? Chief, Is there something wrong with the machine repair report of Group 2. “

Fang Shi said indifferently: “That’s not the case, only a few people from Group 2 have performed very well recently.”

Xu Star Sea snorted and said, “so that’s how it is.”

Fang Shi thought slightly, why all the spearheads of this matter were directed at Liu Yang, and it was really strange. After a few silences, he slowly said, “Team Xu, I heard that this battleship 3 has 2 mechanics Cabin, and the smaller maintenance cabin in it is vacated first. I need to use it for a while, maybe a few hours. “

Xu Star Sea slightly exposed some surprises. Fang Shi looked a little dignified and did n’t ask much. He immediately replied: “Okay, I ’ll arrange it right away. I do n’t know if the general manager needs who help.

Fang Shi shook the head, said: “No.”

After finishing the speech, Xu Star Sea left and went to arrange the maintenance cabin.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Shuya and Zhou Rong and three other mechanics from the tenth and third teams arrived at Battleship 3 and joined Fang Shi.

Chen Shuya’s forehead was slightly sweaty, and she seemed to be in a hurry all the way, so she quickly handed over the second group’s machine repair report to Fang Shi, saying, “General, this is the second group’s machine repair report.”

Fang Shi received the machine repair report, slightly nodded, and said, “Okay, you all come with me. Now there is an urgent task that we need to complete.”

“Yes, Chief.”

Chen Shuya and Zhou Rong and the others immediately answered.

A moment later, Fang Shi took Chen Shuya and several people to the No. 3 Mecha repair cabin of the No. 2 battleship, which was already scheduled by Xu Star Sea.

The No. 2 Mecha repair cabin is relatively small, and it can satisfy three Mechas for maintenance at the same time.

Fang Shi and Chen Shuya arrived at the Mecha repair cabin No. 2 with only a few stars at Xu Star Sea.

Seeing the arrival of Fang Shi and the others, Xu Star Sea asked more questions, greeted Fang Shi, and quickly took several people out of the No. 2 maintenance cabin.

After the testing equipment was ready, Fang Shi contacted Lei Ze and Li Ming.

“General, what is our emergency mission this time?”

Chen Shuya looked at the empty repair cabin 2 and asked slightly curiously.

Fang Shi did not conceal anything, lightly saying: “In a few moments, two Mechas will be sent into the No. 2 repair cabin. Our task is to detect whether these two Mechas have been manipulated?”

“Mecha was moved?”

Chen Shuya’s expression changed slightly, but his heart was quite unexpected. Someone dared to do something about Mecha, and it wasn’t the average person who could do it to Mecha. Is it done by the mechanics?

Several people of Zhou Rong also showed some strange colors.

Fang Shi’s face calmly replied: “It’s just suspicion now, not sure, so it’s must be tested carefully later.”

Chen Shuya and Zhou Rong and the others responded immediately: “Yes, Chief.”

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