My Mech Queen

Chapter 288

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In the control cabin of the Mirage 001 model Mecha, Fang Shi looked at the silhouette of Chen Shuya and Zhou Rong in the light screen in front of him and walked into the silhouette of the external passageway, slightly sighed in relief, although only five members of the tenth third mechanic repair team could escape. But it also meant that his efforts were not in vain, and still achieved some results.

“Mr. Fang, I have already released the five hostages. Should you honor your promises and come down from the phantom 5 model Mecha. If you remember correctly, there are still five tenths in the third group. Members, if you are unwilling to fulfil your promises, I do n’t mind killing those people immediately. “

After a short period of tranquility, the threatening words of Xu Star Sea soon came out again in the gray Mecha. From the five hostages that Fang Shi wanted, he could judge that the other party seemed to value the members of the thirteenth group. So he had more cards in his hand.

Fang Shi’s eyes once again locked the gray Mecha controlled by Xu Star Sea, lightly said: “Relax, I will honor my promise.”

After a few seconds, the door of the Mirage 001 Mecha control cabin slowly opened, and Fang Shi came out of the Mecha control cabin and landed on the ground. At this time, he had taken off his military coat and only wore it inside. The tight waistcoat, the outline of the body muscles are faintly visible.

Looking at Fang Shi who walked out of Mecha, Xu Star Sea slightly smiled at the corner of his mouth and said at a moderate pace: “President Fang really is a person who keeps his promise. This makes me admire this Xu a little bit, but it’s a pity … “

Fang Shi without Mecha protection made Xu Star Sea greatly sighed in relief. At this time, Fang Shi was completely fish on the cutting board and could no longer threaten him. As long as he pointed the weapon on Mecha to Fang Shi, Destroy the opponent easily.

Fang Shi looked calm and said, “What a pity?”

Xu Star Sea chuckled and said, “Unfortunately you are about to die.”

At the end, the gray Mecha streamlined muzzle controlled by Xu Star Sea was already aimed at Fang Shi.

Xu Star Sea had already killed killing intent against Fang Shi. Before detonating the MAX shield Mecha, he had already put it into action, but unfortunately let the other party escape, and then because of the fear of Fang Shi driving the Mirage 001 model Mecha powerful Strength, he is not easy to shoot. And when Fang Shi proposed to exchange 5 hostages with himself, he was indeed very surprised. Although he did n’t know whether Fang Shi would fulfill his promise, he was still willing to give it a try. After all, 5 hostages were more for him. less. Now Fang Shi has fulfilled his promise and walked out of the Mirage 001 model Mecha, which makes Xu Star Sea quite happy. Without Mecha ’s Fang Shi, he can kill at will, and in order to guard against the unexpected, he chose immediately Hands on.

“go to hell!”

Xu Star Sea smiled a little, his fingers quickly linked, and the streamlined bomb launch command entered the system instantly.

Hearing Xu Star Sea’s words, Fang Shi not at all, what happened, he thought of this result before coming out of Mirage 001 Mecha, but faced with such a sudden situation, he was still somewhat prepared, when he realized that gray Mecha would streamline the gun When his mouth was pointed at him, he immediately acted, and his body quickly retreated backward.

“Want to escape, don’t you think it’s too late now?”

Xu Star Sea looked at Fang Shi, who was quickly retreating in the light screen, and there was some disdain on his face. At this time, the streamline bomb of the Mecha that he controlled had been launched. The speed of the shell was not many times faster than the human body. Not the other party can avoid.

However, in the next moment, Xu Star Sea’s complexion changed suddenly, it was an incredible shock, not because of Fang Shi, but because of the Phantom 001 model Mecha behind Fang Shi, it actually launched an attack.

A blue green thick beam of light screamed out of the muzzle at the moment when Xu Star Sea entered a streamline command, and roared towards the gray Mecha.

The thick blue green light beam is the most powerful weapon specially equipped by Phantom Mecha-ion energy cannon.

“Do not……”

Phantom 001Mecha’s unexpected attack was too fast. According to the fact that he did not have any reaction time with Xu Star Sea, his eyes were almost entirely focused on Fang Shi before, and it was too late to realize that the blue green light beam was. As for he had no chance to open the energy shield, he could only open his pupils to meet the moment of death.

The thick blue green light beam flashed a little, then it blasted into the control compartment of the gray Mecha chest, and immediately penetrated the gray Mecha.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

At the same time, four streamline bombs fired by the gray Mecha also exploded in succession.

Fang Shi only realized that a surging heat wave and impact came suddenly behind him, and the whole person flew out uncontrollably under the influence of powerful impact.


Fang Shi’s body crossed a ten-meter-long parabola before finally falling to the ground. Since the consciousness was still clear, he also made some buffer preparations before landing, but he did not suffer any injuries, but his back came. After a burst of burning pain, it seemed to be affected by the streamline.

immediately, Fang Shi not at all went to check his injured body, but turned his head towards towards him, and saw a thick machine repaired arm just blocked the position where the streamline exploded, he knew if it was not that machine repaired arm Blocking the formidable power of most streamlined bombs, he may be dead at this time.

The thick mechanical arm is the right mechanical arm of the Magica 001 Mecha.

After launching the ion energy cannon, Mecha 001 model Mecha didn’t even open the energy shield and immediately helped Fang Shi immediately.

4 bursts of streamlined formidable power are not small. The phantom Mecha completely relies on the mechanical arm to resist it without opening the energy shield, and in a violent explosion, the entire mechanical right arm has been blown up beyond recognition. Many metal shells have been severely deformed or broken off, almost reaching the scrap level.

Fang Shi couldn’t help but take a breath, the scene just now was extremely dangerous, but when he saw a big hole in the gray Mecha chest control cabin in the distance, his face immediately showed some joy, and his heart also felt Greatly sighed in relief.

Just now, Fang Shi took the initiative to walk out of Phantom Mecha, but not at all retracted the silver machine card, Nana still controls the Phantom 001 model Mecha, which is also what he has communicated with Nana before. He left Mecha to attract Xu Star Sea ’s attention, and Nana was the right time to give the opponent a surprise blow. Although it was extremely dangerous for him, he decided to try it because it was his current The safest way, who would have thought that a Mecha without pilot control would suddenly launch a fatal blow?

The gray Mecha, which had been pierced through it, had stood still like a dead creature, and it fell to the ground with a thud until a few seconds later.

Just before the death of Xu Star Sea, he only left a unwilling inner cry, and he was turned into nothingness by powerful ion energy, and the remote control bomb equipment he carefully prepared around him was also destroyed.

Fang Shi exhaled for a long time, then stood up strugglingly, and touched the location of the burning pain in his back. I saw dark red blood on his palms, slightly sticky, but he did not at all show any worry. The expression, he still has some sense of the back injury, just superficial wound, it should be no big problem.

After Nana destroyed the gray Mecha, she immediately controlled the Mecha 001 model Mecha to turn to Fang Shi’s body, and extended her left mechanical arm to Fang Shi.

Soon, Fang Shi returned to the Mecha control cabin and sat on the pilot’s seat.

“big brother, are you okay?”

The lovely Nana flashed in the light screen, her face was a bit worried.

Fang Shi slightly laughed and said: “Nana, I’m fine, just a superficial wound, just a little treatment.”

Nana cleverly nodded, her big black eyes blinked and replied: “Oh, big brother, what should I do next?”

Fang Shi looked at the gray Mecha that fell in the distance and said, “Come first and see?”

Nana replied: “Okay.”

When finished, Mecha phantom 001 model moved and walked towards the gray Mecha.

Walking to the front of the gray Mecha, Fang Shi looked at the gray Mecha through the light screen, and saw that there was a large circular hole in the control cabin of the Mecha chest. The edge of the big hole was black, and the original control cabin had been disappeared. , Apparently completely destroyed by the powerful energy ion cannon of Mirage 001 Mecha.

“I’m afraid that Xu Star Sea will be gasified directly!”

Fang Shi glanced at the gray Mecha for a few moments and then regained his gaze. At the same time, he thought to himself that this ion energy cannon is full of formidable power. The shell of ordinary Mecha can be easily vaporized, not to mention Xu Star Sea trifling.

“Time is coming, Nana quickly goes to the hostage.”

Fang Shi glanced at the time. At this time, the last 30 minutes left by the main commander Tang Yuanqing was less than 30 seconds. Although he had already eliminated the biggest threat, Xu Star Sea, he was forced by Xu Star Sea. The remaining more than ten mechanics in the second mechanics group under control should be unclear. If the Mecha squad outside the Mecha library forcibly rushed in, the panicked mechanics in the second group are likely to hurt the hostages, so he must be trained as soon as possible. Stop them.

Mecha 001 model Mecha is just a mechanical arm destroyed, it has no effect on its action, and soon, it rushed to the hostage.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the Mecha 001 model Mecha, the three Mecha responsible for the hostages were slightly surprised, and they opened the weapons on the Mecha in preparation for the attack.

Fang Shi immediately shouted: “Stop, I know that you are controlled by Xu Star Sea, and bombs are installed on your body and Mecha, but now Xu Star Sea is dead, the bomb’s controller has been destroyed, you Hurry up to give up resistance and surrender voluntarily. The fleet Mecha raid team will immediately enter the Mecha library. Any resistance will be listed as the target of cleanup. The consequences should be clear to you. “

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