My Mech Queen

Chapter 292

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In a gloomy space meteorite area in the hinterland of the Eastern Region of the Xingluo Empire, a huge dark meteorite floats quietly like the surrounding meteorites. It seems not at all. However, if you look closely, you will find the weirdness. I saw a deep large hole artificially cut at this Shi site of the dark mountain. The hole all around is a strange hill with varying heights, and the top of these hills is from time to time. There are rays of light shimmering like stars, and occasionally some light flashes in the dark and deep holes. Soon you can see the fleet of gray black ghost-like warships flying out of it quickly, passing through the complex terrain of meteorites. Then disappeared into the vast space.

Karan Meteorite Area, this is the name of the Galaxy Alliance for a dark space meteorite area in the hinterland of the Eastern Region of the Xingluo Empire, and one of the dark black giant meteorites is the secret military base established by the Galaxy Alliance ghost fleet in the empire- The Ghost Military Base is also one of the Alliance’s three major ghost fleet command posts behind the Eastern Region of the Empire.

The ghost military base is a secret military base built entirely inside the meteorite. With the special terrain like a maze in the meteorite area, his existence is still extremely secret, and they also set up a large number of hidden monitoring facilities throughout the meteorite area. Almost the entire meteorite area can be taken in the entire scene.

Externally, the ghost military base has only one conventional exit, which is the deep deep hole hidden in the dark. This is also the only entrance of the Galaxy Alliance ghost warship into the ghost secret military base.

Through the long dark passage, you can find the light inside the meteorite. It is a ghost-like base similar to a small city. The main part of it is the huge space port, which occupies most of the military base. Those large military space ports are comparable.

In the huge space port, there are more than 300 Galactic Alliance new ghost warships docked, and from time to time there are in and out ghost fleets. These incoming and outgoing fleets are generally miniature fleets consisting of 3 to 9 ghost warships. .

Around the space port is a quite dense building area. The building area is generally dominated by 3 4-Layer buildings, and there are only a few high-rise buildings. However, they seem to be conspicuous. Many military vehicles and clothing are in the building area. The soldiers in the galactic alliance uniform are active.

In a conference hall on the top floor of a high-rise building in the southeastern corner of the construction area, a dozen senior officers of the Galaxy Alliance sat quietly in the front with a slightly dignified color, and seemed to be discussing important things. The conference table is oval in shape, with more than a dozen senior officers sitting around, with a clear large light screen in the middle. The light screen is mainly digital and simple.

A middle-aged man wearing a uniform of the League Colonel holding a light-screen control stick in one hand and looking seriously, mood grave said: “Everyone, the data in the light-screen is related to the results of our recent month’s operations and damage. , Attacked the Imperial Transport Fleet thirteen times, destroyed 3 transport ships, of which 56 were large transport ships, medium transport ships, 23 ships, destroyed 37 enemy warships, and we lost the ghost warship 101 in the process Ships, including 39 medium-sized ghost battleships and 60 2 small ghost battleships, most of which were destroyed by the sweeping fleet of the Star River Empire. In addition, we also launched 7 sneak attack planet sneak attack operations. Times, 2 times completely failed, 3 times to achieve partial effects … “

The middle-aged colonel explained the details one by one according to the data on the light screen. The rest of the coalition officers listened carefully. From their solemn expressions, they seemed very dissatisfied with the results of the last month.

It lasted for more than 20 minutes, and the middle-aged colonel gave a brief summary of all kinds of information in the last month.

Directly above the conference table was a bald-headed one-eyed Major General of the Galactic Alliance. The lines on his face were clear, and the eyes in his one-eyed eyes were domineering. Almost none of the officers below dared to face him.

Tortured, the Major General of the Alliance, the highest commander of the Karan Military Command, is known for his blood.

After the middle-aged colonel finished speaking, the prisoner slowly said quietly, “I believe that the situation in the last month should be clear to you now. It is described in four words and not optimistic. This is not the result I want to see. Do n’t give me all kinds of reasons, the difference is the difference, the good is the good, I only look at the results of the sentence, since the performance is not satisfactory, then we must redouble our efforts, even if it is more blood Much price … “

The voice of the punishment is serious and firm and cannot be refuted.

Indeed, the Alliance officers sitting on the two sides below not at all meant to refute, all of which were a serious listen to the teaching.

Sentenced at a moderate pace for nearly 3 minutes before speaking slightly, saying: “Okay, I won’t talk about other nonsense, there is another very important event that needs to be discussed with you, alliance A new order came from the military department. In order to cooperate with the frontal battlefield between the alliance and the empire, the military department made us have to complete a large-scale operation recently, at least to have a certain influence in the empire.

The dozen or so coalition officers below are hearing this, and the dignified meaning on their faces can’t help but aggravate a few points. Although this remark of the punishment is very vague, they probably also have an estimate. Words are not a simple matter, and it is naturally more difficult to form a certain influence on the empire. Ghost Fleet Ghosts had an advantage in stealth guerrilla warfare. It ’s a simple matter to make small and big troubles, but it is very difficult to make large-scale operations. I am afraid that a large number of battleships must be assembled to complete it. In fact, a large number of assembled warships are likely to be found, attracting the attention of the Star Empire Empire forces, and several Star Empire Empire sweeping fleets have been glare like a tiger watching his prey for the ghost fleet. One step of caution may cause destruction. Sexual results, then you have to try.

“Sir, I don’t know what scale you mean by scale?”

One of the more than a dozen coalition officers, a colonel with glasses, looked at the major general torture and asked tentatively.

Penalized indifferently replied: “The military department not at all gives specific orders, and only needs to have a greater influence in the empire.”

The colonel with glasses uttered aloud and continued, “Sir, it is not a simple matter to make a big impact. Since the large-scale operation at the beginning of the war, the Star Empire has been vigilant for 10000 points. All planets have increased the amount of defensive power, and now it is difficult to achieve great results with the strength of the ghost fleet. Our targets may only be those large transport fleets and sweeping fleets, and we are likely to have both of these goals. It will cost a lot. “

There was a slight sneer in the corner of the tortured mouth, saying: “The war has to pay the price of blood. Letting everyone sit here today is to discuss how we can complete the command given to us by the Union Army with the least cost. Yes, now we want to create something that has a greater influence on the Xing Luo Empire. The best choice is the large transport fleet and the sweeping fleet. Both of them have a common feature-both have a large number of combat ships, If we want to eat them, we naturally have to pay a lot of price and risk. We must pay this price and risk, because this is a military order … “

Soon, the officers of the Alliance in the conference hall had heated discussions on large-scale operations.

Three hours later, the discussion meeting was finally ended, and the Union officers left the meeting room one after another.

After a while, there were only two people left in the conference hall-the criminal and Zuo Ning.

Zuo Ning, with a pair of Phnom Penh eyes, looks finished in manner, and is the one most appreciated by officers of the League of Unions. Although he looks weaker than the literary, his inner ruthlessness is no less than him, and today Before the meeting, I had a secret discussion. Zuo Ning also cooperated well with him to successfully complete the reservation goal.

“Sir, our appetite seems a bit big this time, and eating a large transport fleet should be enough for us to make a mission to the Union Military Department. If we eat another Empire Sweeping Fleet, I am afraid that we will have to take a lot of risks.”

The conference hall was quiet for a moment, Zuo Ning finally opened his mouth, and there seemed to be some worry between his words, but his expression was unmoved, while his both eyes showed a hint of surging excitement.

The prisoner said calmly: “Be bigger if you want to do it. It’s also a risk to pay a price. Moreover, we have been staring at the imperial fleet for a long time, and we have given enough bait. According to the estimated time, the other party should be just right. In the target area this time, so simply eat it together, so naturally it can also have a greater impact on the empire. “

Zuo Ning slightly nodded, said with a smile: “Hehe, then this time we are going to kill two birds with one stone, sir, is that the L spy really as reliable as you said? After all, he has already Having lived in the Xingluo Empire for more than 30 years, will it already have a sense of identity with the Xingluo Empire. “

The tortured man confidently took the head and said, “It ’s okay. Since he provided us with the sweeping navigation route map last time, he already explained that he is still on the side of our alliance, and I received him again 2 days ago. Information, Spy X is dead. “

“Number X is dead!”

Zuo Ning froze for a moment, then revealed some regrets, saying: “It’s really a pity that he wanted to let him play some role on both sides, but he was dead.”

The punishment was not taken seriously, and said: “It’s a pity, but the other party is just a small mechanic team leader. Even if I can help you, I believe that I can’t play a major role. It can’t produce our action plan. What effect? ​​”

“That’s true.”

Zuo Ning chuckled and agreed.

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