My Mech Queen

Chapter 360

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The battle was over, leaving only the devastated scorched valley.

Battle Princess Mecha floated quietly above the snow valley, as if gazing at the darkened valley below. For them, this was a victory.

However, the pilots in the control cabin of Mecha not at all showed joy, but instead brought a touch of solemnity, because a few sisters will always leave them, this little victory cannot be compared with the lives of the sisters. .

Fang Shi’s face was slightly dignified. This battle can be called a perfect counterattack in his eyes. It also made him fully feel the powerful battle strength of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion, which is not easily resisted by ordinary Mecha troops. The scorched black valley is a good proof, and the count of 100 Alliance Mecha fragments is also a good proof.

A few moments later, dozens of Mechas returned to the team one after another. They were to chase down the Mecha of the Alliance who had luckily escaped to the valley. Obviously, the Battle Princess Mecha battalion did not intend to let any Mecha stained with the blood of their sisters.

In one of the Mecha control cabins, Qin Tianyue lightly asked, “How is it?”

The returned Mecha nodded to indicate that the Mecha who had escaped had been resolved.

Qin Tianyue lightly took a deep breath, and said with affirmation: “Move forward.”

Soon, the Battle Princess Mecha battalion drove again toward the 2nd Mecha squadron.

Like the battleship Mecha battalion, the 3rd squadron immediately supported the 2nd Mecha squadron after receiving the request for support information.

The support order of the 3rd Mecha unit was directly issued by Qin Tianyue. When it was determined that nearly 4000 Mecha units attacked the 2nd Mecha unit, she guessed that the alliance Mecha should be the main force of the other party. At this time, it was exposed. The troops worked together to defeat the opponent.

The 3rd Mecha unit has more than 1900 Mecha units, which is the largest number of Mecha units in the 3 Mecha units. However, the battle strength is certainly the strongest of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion of the first Mecha unit. 3 The Mecha forces are actually made up of several Mecha companies that have not had much contact before. There are Mecha companies from the 7th Army, and Mecha companies from the 2nd Army in Area C.

More than 1900 Mecha sailed fast in the air, a hugely densely packed piece, it seemed quite spectacular.

In the dense snowy forest at the foot of the snow peak not far from the 3rd Mecha troop, a deep blue Mecha slowly withdrew the white camouflage on the Mecha, and then slowly stood up, looking up at the densely packed sky in the distance smaller.

On the pilot seat of the deep blue Mecha control cabin, a woman with a half-silver-mask looked quietly at the light curtain in front of her and murmured: “Imperial Mecha is finally here, pass me the order, mask All members of the Mecha Battalion immediately attacked. “

The masked woman is Bai Qianqian, the chief commander of the Mecha forces of the Lambo Star Alliance.

Soon, more than 500 Mecha in the deep forest of the foothills removed the white camouflage on the surface of Mecha, and then one after another quickly rushed out of the snow forest.

In the control group of the 3rd Mecha army of the Qing Dynasty, Xu Houcai looked slightly seated in the pilot ’s seat in a Mecha control cabin of the Dragon Hawk Z300 model. He was the highest commander of the 3rd Mecha army of the Qing Dynasty and the 2nd of the Qing army. One of the deputy chief commanders.

“Sir … Sir, discover the Alliance Mecha!”

Suddenly, a very urgent voice came from the voice system.

Xu Houcai’s complexion slightly changed, his eyebrows slightly picked up, then immediately looked towards the light screen in front of him, and he quickly discovered that there were several hundred small spots in front of the Mecha unit.

“Trifling a few hundred Mechas delusionally blocked my Mecha force, idiot said dreams.”

Determined that the number of Mecha in front was only more than 500 trifling, Xu Houcai’s dignified face showed a slight disdainful smile, and he quickly ordered: “All pilots listen to orders, prepare to fight, and give me the fastest speed to eliminate Mecha, the alliance ahead. “

Just after Xu Houcai’s voice fell, a slight eager report came out from the voice system: “Reporter, the Alliance Mecha appears on the 2 side.”

“En ?!” Xu Houcai narrowed his eyes slightly and quickly brought out the field of vision on the side of Mecha 2. I saw that there were several hundred dots on the side of Mecha’s big army, and his face couldn’t help but show a little more dignity, but he Not at all saw the slightest worry in his eyes. Although there are several 2 Mechas in each of the three directions, the total number of Mechas is about 100 Mechas, and his 3rd Mecha unit still has some advantages in number. In addition, now his 100rd Mecha unit is a whole, and the opponent is divided into 1500 parts. In the formation of the platoon, they still have a huge advantage. He can concentrate on quickly destroying the enemy in one direction, and then The overwhelming advantage solved Mecha in the other 3 directions.

Xu Houcai’s eyes of light flashed slightly and commanded: “The 3rd and 6th companies are responsible for defending the Mecha of the 2 flank, and the remaining 4 companies focus my firepower to eliminate the Mecha in the front as soon as possible.”

Several Lien Captain immediately responded.

In a blink of an eye, the 3rd Mecha forces of the Qing Dynasty and the Mecha forces of the Union, which were fast sailing from the front, were brought closer.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

At about the same time, the two sides launched an attack.

In terms of imposing manner, the 3rd Mecha unit of the Qing Dynasty clearly dominates. There are more than 1000 attacks on missiles and beams of light. It is like a beast of water. The imposing manner is surging towards the Mecha of the alliance. The imposing manner is amazing. Many Mecha engulfed it completely.

In the face of the swift and brutal beast attack of the 3rd Mecha troops of the Qing Dynasty, more than 500 Mecha troops had no intention of retreating. Five-six hundred attacks were ejected, although the imposing manner of the 3rd Mecha troops of the Qing Dynasty was much worse than that. However, their attacks seemed to be more targeted. All the attacks focused on the left side of the front of the 3rd Mecha Army of the Qing Dynasty. At the same time they launched the attacks, they almost opened the energy shields.

The response of the 3rd Mecha troops in Qing Dynasty was also not slow. The Mecha troops in front opened the energy shields in order to block the attack of the Mecha Alliance.

“Explode, explode, explode …”

The violent explosion sounded suddenly, and the sky seemed to blow up the nest instantly.

In the Dragon Hawk Z300 model Mecha, Xu Houcai stared intently at the light screen in front of him, with a slightly smug smile on his face, and cleared more than 3 formidable power attacks by 4 companies of the 1000rd Mecha Corps, but such a round of fierce attacks though The opponent cannot be completely eliminated, but heavier opponents can still do it. Let ’s say that they should destroy 200 Mechas.

However, when the first round of attacks on both sides had just come to an end, the faint smile on Xu Houcai’s face disappeared instantly, replaced by a shock, and his mouth was cry out in surprise with incredible tone: ” This … how is this possible? “

In the light screen in front of Xu Houcai, more than 500 Alliance Mechas suffered casualties under the fierce strikes of the 3rd Mecha Army in the Qing Dynasty. Not only all casualties occurred. The only Mecha that was destroyed was only trifling 20-30 units, which significantly exceeded Xu Houcai. No wonder he would become so surprised.

Suddenly shocked, Xu Houcai managed to calm down the fluctuating mood quickly, then quickly glanced at the casualties of his Mecha forces and quickly shouted: “How is the situation of the second company?”

The area attacked by more than 500 Alliance Mechas just now is where the 2nd Company is located.

The second company Captain’s voice was slightly tremblingly replied: “Report … Report to the sir, more than 2 Mechas have been lost.”

“What!” Through the light screen in front of him, Xu Hou only knew that his situation seemed a little optimistic, but when he heard the report of Captain Team 2, he could not help but jumped in his heart, which was diametrically opposite to the result he had expected It was originally expected that his 3rd Mecha troops in the Qing Dynasty defeated the Mecha part of the alliance in a round of rapid attack, but now it is a full-strength attack that only destroyed 20-30 Mecha of the other party. Under the circumstances, more than 80 Mechas were lost, which is 3 to 4 times that of the opponent.

“How could this be?” Xu Houcai’s complexion had become a little ugly, like a layer of clouds on his face, and his heart was full of doubts. Obviously at this time, he could not accept this result, thinking: “No, the other party seems not ordinary. The Mecha unit, is it the elite Mecha unit of the Galaxy Alliance? “

Thinking of a certain possibility, Xu Houcai’s face instantly changes is even more ugly. If it is really as he guessed, the other Mecha Mecha unit of the other party is the elite Mecha unit of the Galaxy Alliance, then they previously cited the confident Mecha formation and quantity advantages. It can be said that there is no such thing. In absolute strength, these advantages can be ignored.

At the same time, the 3nd flank of the 2rd Mecha Troops of the Qing Dynasty also fought with the Mecha Troops of the Alliance, and various attacks such as missiles and beams of light were like storms.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

The explosion sounds endlessly, one Mecha bursts directly in the air, the flame and smoke of the explosion roll up, and Mecha’s remains and fragments fall to the ground like hail.

However, most of the fallen Mechas are imperial Mechas. At least 2 Mechas are added to the two flanks, while the Alliance Mechas have only sporadically fallen, and it is estimated that there are less than 100 Mechas. Big gap.

Knowing that the 2 flanks lost more than 100 Mechas, Xu Houcai could already be sure that the Alliance Mecha unit in front of him was an elite level, and with the strength of the 3rd Mecha unit, he wanted to defeat the opponent almost impossible, so he couldn’t help but feel deeper.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

The Alliance Mecha troops not at all gave the Qing 3rd Mecha not much chance to breathe. After a round of attacks, they were followed by second round attacks, third round attacks …

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