My Mech Queen

Chapter 373

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The 5th company has been breaking through since the snow valley to the current Mecha team retreat. It is only 2 3 minutes. If the alliance supports the Mecha team to pursue at full speed, it is estimated that it may soon catch up with the 5th company and the others. At that time, the situation must be It will deteriorate further. This is exactly what Fang Shi is worried about, and the best way to solve this problem is to prevent the follow-up of the dozen or so league Mechas. If there is no specific destination and position of the fifth company, then the Mecha of the league It ’s not easy to chase after.

“How can I stop the tracking of the dozen or so Mechas in the rear? It must be stopped as soon as possible. Once the league support team catches up, it’s bad!”

Fang Shi quickly thought about the coping strategy, but the current conditions of everyone in the 5th company seemed not at all.

After a moment, Fang Shi’s face showed a slight sense of determination, and he wanted to stop the Mecha, a coalition behind him, who could only use military force to force it to stop. The most powerful military force seems to be him. To be precise, Nana, she is comparable to the strength of the ten-star title. She should be able to prevent ten or nine Mechas. As long as they drag the Mechas of the league for a period of time, the 9th Wing will escape from the search. Too.

Fang Shi had a choice in his mind, and he no longer hesitated, immediately opened the mouth and said to the voice system: “All team members listen to the order, sail at full speed, remember to change the flight direction a little later, and Guan Qingqing Vice Group Leader Undertake all command. “

Fang Shi’s words were a bit anxious. At this time, the most important task was to get everyone from the 5th company out of the trail of the dozen Mecha teams in the rear. As for Guan Qingqing, the Vice Group Leader in his mouth was the Vice Group of a group in the 5th company. Leader is a 6-star pilot. In the battle with the Mecha squad of the league, he also saw the opponent’s excellent performance. Her machine control strength should be close to the 7-star pilot’s level, let her take the whole team. The commander should be fine.

Hearing Fang Shi ’s slightly eager orders, the pilots of the 5th Company all showed some surprises and doubts on their faces. At this time, they suddenly shifted their command. From the series of battles just now, they were against Fang Shi. 5 The head of the machine repair team has a new understanding. Not only is the machine control powerful, but the combat command is also quite good, calm and calm, not at all all mistakes and mistakes.

“Leader Fang, what about you?” Mo Xiaoci asked subconsciously.

Fang Shi lightly said: “The dozen Mecha coalitions have been hotly pursued. It is very likely that they are waiting for the support forces. They must stop their tracking as soon as possible, otherwise we will be dangerous when the coalition support forces catch up.”

Everyone hearing this, naturally understand the meaning of Fang Shi, just let them do not understand the meaning of Fang Shi’s words seems to be one of them to stop like those alliance Mecha, but the other party has ten or nine Mecha, among which there are not A few intermediate mechanics, even if he is a 9-star pilot, I am afraid there is no chance of facing those alliance Mecha, and it is definitely a very dangerous thing, and it is very likely that it will never but returned.

“Then … that leader Fang, are you going to stop those alliance Mechas?” Guan Qingqing complexion slightly changed, and suddenly Fang Shi gave the team commander to her, she still seemed very surprised, but Fang Shi alone People were even more surprised to stop her.

As a pilot close to the 7-star level, Guan Qingqing knows that Fang Shi ’s machine control strength is very good, and he should still be on the average 7-star pilot, close to the 8-star pilot level, but in the face of the 9 alliance pilots , That is definitely a dangerous thing. At least ten of the ten 9 Mecha alliances have reached the level of mid-level pilots, including 6 star pilots. Even the more powerful 8 star pilots faced those Mechas, I am afraid it is also a difficult thing. What’s more, Fang Shi is just a 7-star pilot.

Fang Shi was quite replied: “I am afraid that no one is more suitable than me now.”

“But … but you are alone …” Guan Qingqing’s tone was worried. After all, it was too dangerous for someone to stop it. I believe the danger Fang Shi should have weighed, and the other party at this time also Taking the initiative to undertake, she still admires and appreciates her heart.

Fang Shi said quietly: “Relax, I have a sense of self.”

Guan Qingqing took a breath and didn’t know what to say.

At this moment, Mo Xiaoci said, “Fang … Leader Fang, I will go with you.”

Fang Shi heard the sound, and there was a slight accident on his face. This Mo Xiaoci really made him a little puzzled. She had some opinions about him before. At this time, she chose to go with him “go through water and tread on “fire”, really made him wonder.

In fact, Mo Xiaoci’s decision was still a little hesitant. Fang Shi took the initiative to block the deadly attack for him. Although it was only a small move, it left a deep impression in her heart. After all, she was at that moment. Already standing at the gates of the gates of hell, Fang Shi forcibly pulled him back, and the barrier to Fang Shi at that moment was considered to have disappeared. But now listening to Fang Shi alone to stop those alliance Mecha, her heart can not help but tighten, although she is only a small 5-star pilot, but there is a clear judgment on the strength of those alliance Mecha, with one enemy ten 9. I’m afraid it’s went but never returned. She couldn’t help but struggle for a while. Fang Shi is willing to make a bet on his life for the safety of everyone in the 5th company. Its image suddenly increased a few points in Mo Xiaoci ’s heart. Thinking of Fang Shi ’s dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, she could n’t help it. After being moved, after all, one more person has more power.

However, Mo Xiaoci’s words just heard Fang Shi’s refusal: “No, it’s enough for me to go alone, and you will be burdensome if you follow along.”

“Cumbersome!” Mo Xiaoci was sad and almost sad at the same time, and at the same time a little unhappy in her heart, but she summoned up the courage to say that sentence, and Fang Shi’s words were undoubtedly like a pot of cold water pouring on her He thought, “Is it just a burden in his eyes?”

While speaking, Fang Shi had already acted. I saw that the one after another command quickly entered the Mecha system. The direction of the Mecha system of the Shield D500 model he controlled was slightly slow, facing the trailing alliance Mecha, but he was not at all Rushing towards those Alliance Mechas, but just standing still in the air, it seems to be waiting for the ten or nine Alliance Mechas.

In the fifth company, everyone continued to fly fast. Guan Qingqing didn’t hesitate any more, and quickly gave the order to fly at full speed.

The Mecha pilots who tracked the 5th company saw a Mecha in the Empire Mecha team suddenly stopped and faced them. They couldn’t help but reveal a trace of accidents, and looked at the Shield D500 model Mecha with a surprised look.

“Captain, what does the Imperial Mecha want to do? Do you want to stop our tracking?” An alliance pilot said disdainfully. In his eyes, the Mecha D500 model Mecha was undoubtedly dying.

The Captain of the Alliance team showed a slight dignity, and stared at the Empire Mecha in the light screen in front of him. If it was correct, the Mecha seemed to be the strongest Mecha in the battle. It seems that the 7-star pilot has a level. In the face of a Mecha driven by a 7-star pilot, he still has a little more instinct in his heart. However, he did not at all mean retreat. Although his strength is still a certain distance away from the other side, his Mecha team still has ten or nine pilots, eleven of whom are mid-level pilots. Ten or nine Mecha battle strengths still occupy a lot of advantages. Once they fight, their chances of winning are relatively large. In addition, the opponent is only driving a defensive Mecha, but the attack power is greatly discounted, and in the previous battle, the opponent’s defense energy may have consumed nearly half.

“Prepare to fight, but you have to be careful with me. If you read it correctly, the person driving the Mecha should be a 7-star pilot. If you are caught by the opponent and make mistakes, it is likely to be a critical strike. “The distance between the two sides is rapidly narrowing, and Captain of the league team is still very cautious to remind the players.

“Captain, it might be a bit more worrying. Although the other party is very likely to be a 7-star pilot, but we can have ten or nine Mechas, and several rounds of fire can directly kill him. Huh, the previous Imperial Mecha However, many of our team members have been killed. Now that I have stopped, let him know how powerful we are and avenge the dead brothers. “The spokesman is a 9 star pilot of the alliance. I still remember it. Now that I have the opportunity to destroy a Mecha of the other party, I can’t help but immediately raise a lot of fighting intents. Obviously, he has regarded the Mecha D5 model Mecha as a thing in his pocket.

Captain lightly snorted of the Alliance team, said: “Don’t be brave, don’t care about 10000000. The hatred of the brothers is naturally to be reported, I have sent a request for help to Colonel Luo, I believe that the support troops will arrive in a few minutes. In addition Zhou Ran and Wu Tongshu you two showed me that it ’s enough to hand over the Mecha of the Empire. The two of you mainly continue to track the more than 2 Mechas in front of you. 30 Do n’t let them run, otherwise you two do n’t come back to see you Laozi. “

Someone from the Mecha team immediately replied: “Yes, Captain!”

With the rapid flight of the Mecha squad of the league, the closer they are to Fang Shi, the closer they are.

In the control cabin of the Mecha D500 model, Fang Shi, who was sitting on the pilot ’s seat, looked calm. At this time, he had replaced the original one with a silver one, and the front screen was a silver. girl.

Nana blinked her dark and bright eyes, and said with a relaxed expression: “Big brother, are those Mechas?”

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