My Mech Queen

Chapter 376

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The Mecha squad of the League was not very fast at first, and it was arranged into a favorable Defensive Array type. They were also very cautious in flying. Obviously, they still had a strong sense of fear for the Mecha of the D500 model.

However, when Mecha first entered the effective attack range, more than a dozen Mecha alliances suddenly accelerated their flight speed, and rushed towards the direction of the D500 Mecha, which was the first five defensive Mechas. The horsepower was increased, and the dozen or two Mechas immediately launched a rapid attack on the Mecha of the D5 model.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

Ten 2 attacks flashed from the Mecha squad of the Alliance almost instantaneously, flashing towards the Mecha of D500 model.

Facing the attacks from the lasing, the D500 Mecha of the Shield D2 model appeared calm and calm. A series of precise and flexible dodge movements easily resolved the ten or two attacks from the lasing, and after evading all the attacks, quickly An attack was launched, and all actions looked in one go.

A red beam of light flashed out of the Meudan D500 model Mecha and blasted towards the Alliance Mecha at the forefront.

The red beam of light is extremely fast, flashes slightly, and accurately hits the Mecha at the front of the Mecha squad in the league, but it is successfully blocked by the outer defense shield of that Mecha.

“The defense is really strong. It is estimated that a laser gun can consume up to 20% of the defense shield energy. I want to use this long-range weapon to defeat its energy defense. I am afraid it will take a lot of effort.” Jiancha D500 model Mecha Inside, Fang Shi looked slightly dignified at the alliance Mecha in the light screen that was attacked by the laser gun, but his heart was a bit bitter. The remaining alliance Mecha had basically not been attacked before, and the defensive energy remained almost full. Status. This defensive Mecha not only has 3 layers of defensive shields, but also energy shields. It is a laborious task to break the defense. Although Nana’s machine control strength has reached the level of a ten-star title pilot, she is difficult to cook without rice. Now she is only controlled by a defensive D500 Mecha. The attack power is already insufficient, and she wants to break the alliance. Mecha’s energy defense has to pay more. If it is Mecha, a phantom series controlled by Nana, having a powerful ion energy cannon can easily defeat each other, but now it is an extremely difficult thing.

“Do your best!” Looking at the movement of those Mechas in the league, Fang Shi knew that the opponent should be trying to break through his defense, and let some Mechas continue to pursue more than 5 Mechas in the 30th company ahead.

At this time, Mecha of the 5th company had reached the edge of the sky, and disappeared. In Fang Shi’s view, the Mecha of the league has been a bit difficult even if it wants to chase it. As long as the fifth company keeps everyone at full speed, the problem should not be too big. His blockade has played a role, but before that, he still played a role. Try to create some trouble for the Mecha squad in front of the league as far as possible, so as to ensure the safety of everyone in the fifth company.

After a laser gun, the speed of the Mecha D500 model Mecha suddenly exploded, and the fuselage flickered slightly, and it was directly moved towards the direction of the 7 or 1 alliance Mechas. It was said that its real target was the one in the front. Alliance Mecha.

Seeing the reaction of the Meudan D500 model Mecha, the alliance pilots were a little surprised, and they couldn’t think of the other party even thinking of their initiative to rush over, and they couldn’t help but sink one by one. The teacher ’s face is even more ugly. Obviously, he has discovered that the Imperial Mecha is targeting him. Although he is driving a defensive Mecha, but the opponent ’s powerful strength of the Imperial Mecha is already high. Fully felt, at this time he seemed to see a killing god rushing towards him, his heart was somber.


Captain of the Mecha squad of the Alliance did not respond slowly, and immediately let everyone launch a new round of attack.

More than a dozen attacks quickly brewed out again, blasting towards Mecha, the D500 model of the Shield.

The Alliance team ’s attack seemed fierce, but none of the attacks hit the target. I saw that the Mecha D500 model Mecha flashed a few times in rapid movement, then avoided all attacks, and then headed towards the most. The Alliance Mecha in front.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

The Mecha body flashed of the D500 model of the Shield Deng reached the alliance Mecha at the forefront, and the huge fist blasted the alliance Mecha in front of it with a thunderbolt.

“Melee combat!”

When seeing the Mechan of the Shield D500 model waving a huge mechanical fist, the alliance pilots looked at the scene in the light screen with some surprise.

Close combat aircraft battles rarely appear in the course of plane combat, which is not a simple fight between 2 people. Although close combat aircraft battles are more rapid, direct, and violent, but a truly excellent close combat aircraft pilot It can have extremely strict requirements. Only with precise and fast control can the true form of Mecha’s formidable power be truly exerted. This is an essential skill for Mecha to develop Early Stage.

The earliest Mecha’s most common tactic was warship invasion. Its original design concept was derived from battleship combatants. However, with the development of Mecha generations and the continuous innovation of Mecha weapons, its role is more than that of design. The changes of Heaven and Earth turning upside down have already taken place at the beginning, and the skills of melee aircraft warfare have already been eliminated, and it is not a required skill for pilots.

Both the empire and the pilots of the alliance have a certain understanding of Mecha history. So, even when the league saw the Mecha of the Shield D500 model wielding a huge mechanical fist, they quickly had a guess in their hearts, but it made them absolutely not expect that this ancient tactic in the history of Mecha has been forgotten. It was shown on an imperial Mecha.

The fist of the Shield D500 Mecha blasted again and again on the energy defense of that alliance Mecha, and the speed was lightning fast.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

Under the mechanical fist strikes, the Mecha’s fastest defense shield shattered almost instantly, followed by the 2nd floor defense shield and the 3rd defense shield.

The three-layer defense shield of the Mecha of the Union is almost smashed in a blink of an eye, and the final energy shield is also broken under the fist strikes.

The pilot in the control cabin of the Alliance Mecha looked at the picture in front of his eyes with horror. The mechanical fist did not strikes, and his face was even deeper, and his heart was desperate.

Soon, the solid and big fist of the Shield D500 model Mecha has strikes on the body of the alliance Mecha.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

Under the strikes of the mechanical fist once, the position of the chest of the Alliance Mecha was almost sunken and twisted.

In the end, the Mecha D500 model Mecha used an armor-piercing projectile to blast that Alliance Mecha directly into the air into countless fragments, so that the pilot was already dead.

The alliance pilots looked at the scene in the light screen in front of them with incredible disbelief. In addition to shock, there was an inscrutable fear. Unexpectedly, in a short moment, the defensive Mecha with full energy defense has been transformed There were countless bursts of debris, and it was defeated by the imperial Mecha in melee combat.

In one of the Alliance Mecha ’s control cabins, Captain, who was sitting on the pilot ’s seat, looked blankly at the D500 Mecha. This Imperial Mecha really gave too much shock. ‘S melee machine battle destroyed a defensive Mecha in an instant, so it only shows that the opponent’s melee machine battle level has reached the point of brought to the point of perfection. He can’t help but wonder what the pilot in the Empire Mecha is. What level of existence, 9 star pilot? Or a ten-star pilot?

However, the Mecha squad of the league was still barely sober. Although the Mecha empire that was almost perverted defeated a Mecha in a blink of an eye with a powerful melee combat, this short moment gave Mecha the chance of other leagues. , So immediately reminded loudly: “Don’t stun me, give me a quick rush.”

The Alliance pilot responded quickly with the reminder of the team Captain. Among them, four defensive Mecha flashed quickly and quickly flew in the direction of the distant sky.

Looking at the flashing Alliance Mecha, Fang Shi’s face showed a little helplessness, and the four defensive Mecha almost followed, even if Nana was the strength of the ten-star title pilot, he couldn’t stop them. When the Shield D4 Mecha solved the Alliance Mecha, another 500 Alliance Mecha attacked it almost simultaneously.

Jiandun D500 model Mecha had to abandon the four defensive Mechas and deal with dozens of successive attacks first. Those attacks were not too big threats. I saw that their body flickered repeatedly, and it was easier than that. Ten Mecha attacks.

“Big brother, those four Mechas ran over.” Nana’s crisp voice came from the voice system.

Fang Shi actually replied without the slightest hesitation: “No need to chase, let’s solve those dozen Mechas first.”

Seeing the 4 Alliance Mecha fly by, Fang Shi knows that even if they catch up, there is no way to block them all in a very short time, maybe they can block one or two Mecha, but the effect is not great, it is better to solve this first The remaining dozen or so Alliance Mecha.

The remaining Alliance Mecha is not a defensive Mecha, only ordinary energy shield, with Nana’s machine control strength, it is faster to defeat them. In addition, the more than 5 Mechas of the 30th Company have been far away from the Mecha of the Alliance. The 4 Mecha of the Alliance will take some time even if they want to catch up, and if the 5th Company sees only 4 Trifling The alliance Mecha is tracking, and it can be easily solved by sending a few Mechas. He is here to block the remaining alliance Mecha. In this way, the probability of the fifth company successfully escaping is still extremely high.

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