My Mech Queen

Chapter 404

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The welcome meeting of the new deputy commander Tang Yongle was just a small episode for Fang Shi. He did n’t bother to ask much. In the following days of leisure time, in addition to some light machine repair tasks in Group 3, the rest He spent most of his time on training in machine control.

The 7-day rest time passed by, and the Mecha battalion Kamen once again had a new cruise mission, but this time not all members, only half of the Mecha battalion members participated in the cruise mission, and Fang Shi is in the 7th team It is part of the cruise mission. For Fang Shi, this was not good news, he had to participate in the battle against the imperial forces again indirectly.

On the 2nd day of receiving the mission notice, Fang Shi followed the mechanics of the 7th team to board the battleship of the cruise fleet, which is a medium-sized Star Domain aircraft carrier. The Mecha battalion was not separated this time. More than 800 pilots and more than 200 mechanics all boarded the same Star Domain aircraft carrier, which is also the flagship of the cruise fleet. In addition, the highest commander of the masked Mecha battalion participating in the cruise mission is the new deputy battalion commander Tang Yongle.

After boarding the medium-sized Star Domain aircraft carrier, Fang Shi and other crew members were arranged by the ship, and as an ensign, he was allocated to a single room with a small space, which should be 7 8 square meters. The single bed plus the small table hardly have any extra space.

The cruise fleet soon left the military base of LD5, flew into space, and began a slightly long cruise journey.

The first few days seemed quite calm, and the mechanics were basically in a state of leisure.

Fang Shi spent most of his free time on training in machine control. Just like now, after confirming that there is no machine repair task in the machine repair room, he went to the aircraft warfare simulation room on the 7th floor of the battleship. A battleship every day wherever it comes.

Entering the simulation machine control cabin, Fang Shi is quite skilled at inserting the silver machine card into the card slot of the simulation system. After more than ten seconds, the silver machine card successfully cracked the authentication system of the analog system, and a silver-haired little girl quickly appeared in the light screen in front of it.

The silver-haired girl is Nana.

Fang Shi did not rush to start the machine-controlled simulation training, but simply chatted with Nana for a few days. Now he still feels a little lonely in his heart. Although he is now fully integrated into the Union soldiers, he is an Empire after all. In the face of the surrounding Union environment, he is always vigilant at all times, and there are some words that he ca n’t just talk about casually, but only face To Nana, he can completely put down his guard, or he can speak unscrupulously.

Half an hour later, Fang Shi began training on simulation machine control. With the help of Nana ’s powerful data analysis capabilities, he was still able to accurately find his defects and deficiencies, and his training was aimed at those defects and deficiencies. Insufficient, this is an important reason for the rapid improvement of machine control strength.

Simulated machine control is often repeated training over and over again for training. For ordinary person this may be a very boring training, but this training is necessary to be a real powerful pilot. Yes, like a runner, only long-term and persistent running training can continuously exceed the limits of self and achieve better results.

Treating boring and repetitive machine control training, Fang Shi is extremely patient and very calm. In fact, these repetitive machine control trainings are better than processing the repetitive and monotonous data in the laboratory of his Snowflake Company 2 Research Institute. It can be much easier. At that time, in the No. 2 laboratory, he faced repeated data debugging records and so on almost every day, which was considered to have cultivated extremely strong patience.

Normally, Fang Shi’s machine control training basically lasted for 4 to 5 hours before stopping, but today it seems to be a little unexpected. Just after training for half an hour, he suddenly stopped the control in his hand, but face revealed a trace of looked at the prompt box of the light screen in front of him doubtfully. The prompt box prompted the simulation control cabin No. 7 to request to connect with him.

“Big brother, do you agree to connect?” The voice of Nana’s inquiry came from the voice system.

Fang Shi stared at the light screen in front of him, and his heart was a little strange. Who was asking to connect with him, until now, he is a man-machine repair simulation machine-controlled training, but he has not yet operated online with other people. Naturally surprised him.

“Is there someone who invited me to play?” Fang Shi thought slightly, but he quickly took the head. He now has no interest in showing his machine control strength to a completely stranger.

Nana immediately chose to refuse immediately after knowing it.

After being silent for a few seconds, Fang Shi said, “Nana, can you observe the situation in the control cabin of the No. 7 Simulator?” At this time, he was interested in the person who actively requested to be online. Na’s ability should be able to top secret to see the situation in the control cabin of No. 7 and 1 simulation aircraft.

Sure enough, Nana said in a rather relaxed tone: “This simple, big brother, I will immediately call you up to the relevant information of the 7th and 1th analog control cabin.”

Fang Shi slightly nodded.

Soon, a small split screen appeared in the center of the light screen in front of Fang Shi. The split screen displayed a clear picture of the simulated control cabin of the 7th and 1th. On the pilot’s seat.

“It’s him!”

Looking at the bald man in the split screen, Fang Shi looked slightly on the side. The man in the picture was no one else. It was the new deputy commander Tang Yongle that he saw at the welcome meeting of the Mecha camp not long ago. The highest commander of the cruise mission facing Mecha Battalion.

Fang Shi’s face was slightly exposed with grave expression. At first glance, he seemed to mistake the other party again for the brother Yule who had not seen him for 2 or 3 years. It is only a few times that the Internet has contacted with Tianxun, and after the war between the Empire and the Alliance broke out, there was no news of each other.

“He turned out to be a bald head!” Fang Shi stared at Tang Yongle in the light screen in front of him. His eyes were a little complicated. The reason why he almost regarded him as Yu Le was because of his glare. Head, I was at the welcome meeting of the Mecha Camp in the mask, because the other party was wearing a military cap, but I didn’t see that Tang Yongle was also a bright head.

After watching it for the first time, Fang Shi quickly came back to his senses, and soon realized that the person in front of him who looked like Yule was the new deputy commander Tang Yongle. At the same time, he was slightly puzzled. How could the other party take the initiative to ask him Online?

“Big brother, do you know this person?” There was a slightly curious tone of Nana in the voice system. As an intelligent life, obviously she still made some judgments from Fang Shi’s expression.

Fang Shi light take a deep breath, lightly shook the head, said: “He is very similar to a friend of mine, but he is an impossible friend of mine, can be turned off, we continue training.”

Although Tang Yongle in the split screen is similar to Yu Le, Fang Shi still rejected it immediately, which is also a strong desire in his heart. He does not want to be like brother Yu Le is an alliance spy, which is absolutely unacceptable to him Fact, so he strongly denied the probability that 2 people are the same person.

Soon, Fang Shi was immersed in machine control training again, and it seems that he has completely put Tang Yongle and Yule aside.

Only 3 hours later, Fang Shi slowly walked out of the simulated aircraft control cabin, but when he was about to walk out of the aircraft warfare simulation room, a familiar voice came from behind him.


More than ten meters away from Fang Shi, a young colonel walked briskly and shouted at Fang Shi’s back.

Fang Shi walked slowly, and looked back subconsciously, with a slight flash of surprise on his face, calling his younger deputy commander Tang Yongle.

Tang Yongle slightly smiled, his eyes seemed quite calm.

Fang Shi looked calm, but his heart was filled with doubts. What Tang Yongle wanted in front of him was in sight. I saw that he was requested to connect with him in the simulated control cabin. Now he came to the door voluntarily, Ruoguo said It was a coincidence before, so it is no coincidence now, and the other party even shouted his name, which shows that he should have followed him before, otherwise how could a deputy battalion commander who has been in office for less than ten days pay attention to him A little junior mechanic in a mechanic group.

At the same time of doubt, Fang Shi felt a little bit dumbfounded in his heart. The other party’s attention made him guess a certain result that he did not want to see, but he still tried to calm down the slight fluctuations in his heart. “Vice Commander Tang, don’t you know what happened?”

Tang Yongle’s eyes looked directly at Fang Shi, and there was a trace of incomprehensible complexity in his eyes, and his heart also fluctuated. Two days ago, when he accidentally saw Fang Shi on the battleship, he was surprised. Why did the alliance soldier look so similar to the old man in his mind. Later, he specifically checked the other party’s information. It turned out that he was called Fang Zhizhou. From his basic information, he seemed to have denied that the other party was the old man in his mind. In the end, he just defined 2 people as similar. However, when he entered the aircraft warfare simulation room today, he saw Fang Shi again, and he could not help making waves again. From the other side, he saw the shadow of the old man again, so he decided to probe a thing or two. The invitation in the cabin was just for temptation, but the other party refused directly.

“Is there time to have a drink together?” Tang Yongle said seemingly casually.

Fang Shi looked at the new deputy commander of the Mecha battalion, a mask resembling Yule, with a slight accident on his face, and said in surprise: “Am I?”

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