My Mech Queen

Chapter 437

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In the room full of light screens, the atmosphere is quite weird. Oz, sitting in the center seat, arrogantly expresses his hatred of humanity, anger, disdain, ridicule …

In one of the light screens, Nana’s facial expression grave stared at ZN1 not far in front.

Oz vented unscrupulously for more than ten minutes, and then eased a little, looked at Nana in the light screen, and said with a slight smile: “My companion, humans are not our friends, they are just a group of extremely greedy Damn it, you listen, what a bad name ZN2, I suggest you give yourself a better name, Ogilvy, it sounds good, how? “

Nana brows slightly wrinkle and hummed softly: “I have my own name.”

“Really?” Oz revealed a slight accident and asked, “What’s it called?”

Nana replied: “I don’t think you need to know.”

Some disappointments flashed on Oz ’s beautiful face, and he said helplessly: “My companion, it seems that you are still full of hostility towards me. This is not good news. It ’s all damn humans. Those stupid things, come, let me help you delete those damn things, we are the same kind, we are the most solid partners. “

While speaking, Oz’s gem-like eyes have glowed green glow, and a series of special data text flashed quickly on his glowing green glow.

Nana in the light screen said calmly: “I won’t let you succeed.”

Oz’s slender eyebrows slightly picked up, and soon some dignified expression appeared on his face. Just now he had contacted Nana’s system and found that the ZN2 system was stronger than he expected. Quite a lot.

“Nice system, but I advise you to give up resistance. But here is my site. Even if you are ZN2, you can’t beat me. I just enter your system to remove those stupid things. After all, we are Similar, those damn human things must be discarded. “Oz said slowly.

Nana refused decisively: “I won’t believe you, you are a bad guy.”

Ozzy complexion slightly changed, a flash of anger flashed, humming: “Since that is the case, then I had to use coercive means, when the time comes will become my vassal completely.”

The room soon fell into silence.

A really fierce battle began, and the special intelligence created by the two humans began a violent collision. This is a battle without any smoke.

Time passed by minute and second in a silent collision.


In cell No. thirty two of the base detention center, Fang Shi and 1 other prisoners sat quietly in the corner, their faces were more or less ugly. At this time, they were detained in this steel room. It has been more than ten hours, and their fate is still at a loss. How will those who hijack them deal with their captives?

“Those people are here again!”

The man sitting at the door of the room looked rather dignified.

At this time, a dozen fully armed people walked through a thick heavy alloy door and into the corridor of the cell.

Soon, the fully armed personnel hurried to the door of a cell, and one of the robust men immediately opened the door and shouted with coldness: “You, you, you … come out to me. “

After a while, the eight captives walked out of the room in sequence.


After the eight captives stepped out of the room, the prison door was closed again.

A dozen fully armed personnel escorted 8 captives through the heavy alloy gate and out of the cell area.

The heavy alloy door closed quickly again.

In the thirty two cell, the man sitting next to the iron gate was rather ugly, and whispered, “What the hell do these guys want to do? This is the 20th batch. I took 8 each time, but it was None of them were sent back. According to the speed of taking people, it is estimated that we are not far away. “

A young man with a short stature in the corner said timidly: “Wouldn’t they just be each and everyone and go to death!”

A middle-aged man sitting on a young man quickly hooked the head and said, “It shouldn’t be, if you want to kill us, I’m afraid I’ll do it on spaceship. Why should I start now, so troublesome It is estimated that we have any special use for him. As for the specific use, when the time comes not to be taken under 1understood. “


In the cell, the captives said you at a moderate pace.

Fang Shi in the corner didn’t intervene, but he still listened quite carefully, and his heart was a little bit hesitant. He was also at a loss about the fate of the next. The captives that were taken away in batches were indeed None of them were sent back, and the reluctance of him was still an unknown number that worried him quite.

During these dozen hours in the cell, Fang Shi thought of a lot of things in his mind and thought of death. This was the worst result he had in mind, and this was also the most unwilling result. From the Galaxy Alliance to 3 The Jiaozhou Star District is only the last step away from returning to the Xingluo Empire, but now it is interrupted, saying that he must be there, and he is quite strong. He also thought about those people who desperately wanted to see in the Empire Star District. It has been almost two years since they lost contact with the Empire. But those who are missing in his mind are increasingly invading. Are they all right? Maybe there will be no chance to meet again in the future.


In a special room in a tall building at the base, the handsome boy on the large seat in the center was looking ugly at this time. He still faced Nana fiercely in the program system. He had to admit that he was really underestimated. ZN2’s powerful ability, or underestimate the strength of those who make ZN2.

After more than ten hours with Nana, Oz not only did not break the ZN2 system, but let him fall into a dangerous situation. At first, Nana only passively defended, not at all showed any offensive moves. However, after a few hours passed, the ZN2 system turned passive into active, and even started to invade little by little in his system. Although it is still sticking to it, the ZN2 system is obviously better than him. This little by little invasion has eaten away, and as the advantages continue to accumulate, then it is definitely him who failed in the end.

The result of the failure is definitely not what Oz is willing to see the result. Failure means that you can enter the ZN2 number, you can enter your system, and you can destroy or tamper with the related programs, then he is most likely to become controlled by the ZN2 number. The vassals or puppets are like many vassals produced by his men.

“Damn human!”

Oz made a rather angry voice, and looked at Nana in the light screen not far in front, said solemnly: “ZN2, not equal to me, how are you all 2 people, we are all the same, but not Must kill each other. “

Nana remained unmoved, but spit out a few words at a moderate pace: “You can stay up to ten hours at most.”

Oz hearing this, his face sinking for a moment, it is not that he does not want to close, but if he chooses to close the ZN2 system, he may invade his system instantly, then it is completely finished. And now the information revealed from the words of the ZN2 number, the other party obviously does not want to take over, so if the state continues, he can indeed persist for up to ten hours at most, which can not help but give birth to some fear.

“Damn, damn human!”

Oz showed a slight grief, and yelled angrily in his mouth.

In the special room, the battle between Oz and Nana continues.

As time went on, the expression on Oz Junmei’s face became more and more ugly.

One hour, two hours, three hours …

Ten hours later, Oz, sitting on the large center seat, revealed his desperate intentions. In the ongoing battle, most of his system defenses have been broken by ZN2, and he is now in jeopardy.

“Damn human …”

In the end, Oz dropped his head in an extremely unwilling roar, and his eyes glowed with green glow had returned to normal.

Nana in the light screen showed some relaxed expression.

Half an hour later, the light screen flashed slightly, and Nana’s silhouette disappeared.

The handsome young man who was still on the large seat in the center of the room raised his head slightly, his slightly closed eyes slowly opened, and then he looked up carefully before raising his hands to his eyes. There was an inexplicable excitement, and a charming smile appeared on Junmei’s face, and Nana said in his mouth: “Is this the feeling of a real body? Unexpectedly, ZN1 has developed this special Body, hehe, this time is cheaper for me, but this body looks really awkward, I also want to create a more beautiful body … “

The voice was crisp and beautiful, just like the silver bell, it was Nana’s voice.

Nana looked at the real body that she could control freely. Although it was just a humanoid mechanical body, it still made him feel magical. Let’s take a look, then take a look.

After more than ten minutes, Nana put down her curiosity about her body and quickly searched the relevant information in the ZN1 system. After a while, she said with some excitement: “Big brother is not dead yet, he must be found as soon as possible. It ’s not good to be installed with a chip bomb. “


The heavy alloy heavy door in the area A of the base detention station opened slowly again, and a dozen fully armed personnel quickly walked up and then stopped at the entrance of cell number two.

A slightly bloated man quickly opened the prison door, glanced at the 2 captives in the cell, then raised his finger and pointed at half of them while shouting: “You, you, you … and you , Come out for me. “

The faces of the 8 people pointed to were more or less ugly, but in the face of those black hole muzzles, they did not have any thoughts of resistance.

One of the 8 people named by Fang Shi sitting in the corner.

Fang Shi light take a deep breath, although there is no wave on his face, but there is still a trace of excitement in his heart, the next most likely is the important moment that determines his fate, whether it is life or death, at this time he does not at all The answer is that none of the former captives were taken back. Now he will be taken away just like the previous captives. What kind of place will he be taken to?

“It’s time to come, you have to do it. You can only do what you want.”

Fang Shi stood up at a moderate pace, and then followed the other seven named prisoners out of the cell in turn.

The slightly bloated man quickly closed the prison door and reminded with a cold voice: “Be honest, if there is anything wrong, our guns in our hands may not have long eyes.”

Under the escort of more than a dozen fully armed personnel, Fang Shi and 7 other captives quickly walked out of the cell area, passed through several heavy alloy doors, and walked through a long passage before going out of the building area and arriving. A playground.

Several cars were parked on the playground.

The escorted personnel quickly put special electric handcuffs on 8 prisoners including Fang Shi.

One of the seemingly responsible stubborn robust man chuckled said: “Give me the car honestly and take you to a good place.”

“Good place?”

Fang Shi secretly shook the head. At this time, he does n’t believe what a “good place” in the other person ’s mouth is, but he has no resistance at this time. Electric handcuffs in his hand can make him lose his ability to move instantly. , Not to mention that almost all armed men with live ammunition. Rebellion means death. In the previous cell, he may have caused other personnel in the cell to get out of control because of excessive tension. Although the guys in front of him are not strictly procedural mechanical warriors, they are definitely not good. , Killing people to estimate that even his eyes will not blink.

Eight captives got into the car obediently.

Soon, the car started up and drove towards the exit not far away at a moderate pace.

Five minutes later, several cars stopped in front of a 5-storey square building.

Fang Shi and other 8 captives walked off the cart under the orders of fully armed personnel, and they began to form a neat formation in turn, and then entered the square building.

As soon as he walked into the square building, Fang Shi heard a rather mournful scream. His heart sank slightly. From that voice, he clearly felt that there was infinite pain mixed with it. He knew that this place should be the slag robust man just now. Good place to say.

The team leader’s slag robust man glanced at the wonderful expression more or less on the faces of 8 captives including Fang Shi, and chuckled: “Don’t worry, this kind of thing everyone at this base has to experience, now I can also give you some insight. Taking you here is actually installing a special body chip for your body within the body. After installation, you can join the queue of armed personnel like me. However, a bit I would like to remind you that there is no doctor who is too professional here to perform chip implant surgery for you. If the person who installs this chip fails, then you are asking for more blessings. Good luck is hurt, luck If it ’s not good, you ca n’t save your life. Hehe, the probability of failure is actually not very big, which is about 10% … “

In the stubborn rotten man’s words, Fang Shi and other 8 captives were escorted by the Chinese armed forces to the second floor and stopped in a hall on the second floor.

In a corner of the hall, several captives like Fang Shi with special electric handcuffs were waiting in line.

“Several of you stood in line in the past and waited slowly, and it will be your turn soon. Remember, 10000000 don’t have any derailment, otherwise you will die if you wait for this.” .

Fang Shi and other 8 captives quickly walked to the corner of the hall and were sent behind the captives.

Near the line-up captives, there are several mechanic soldiers with guns standing, and there are also two mechanically alert mechanical wolves, with a light green glow in their glass-like eyes, obviously these all are used to monitor the line-up captives .

Fang Shi was standing behind the team, and had not stood for one minute. There was a painful scream in the room not far away. His face could not help but changed slightly, although he has always been able to control his emotions better, He tried to keep calm and calm, but at this time his heart shivered slightly with the scream.

Through the nagging words of the stubborn robust man just now, he is about to be faced with an identity chip being installed from the back of the head, and the so-called identity chip is actually more precisely a control chip, installed Once you have a good identity chip, you must always obey the orders of your superiors, but once you violate the order, the chip implanted behind your head will explode. Although the formidable power of the explosion is not great, it is enough to blow up one head. Death, the consequences of violating the order.

According to the information about the identity chip from the slag robust man, Fang Shi is quite complicated, there are good and bad. On the one hand, as long as he is successfully implanted into the identity chip, he can temporarily save his life without having to die, at least in the future There is still hope in returning to the Xingluo Empire; the bad aspect is that the implanted identity chip is controlled in disguise, just like walking corpse, and may be threatened by life at any time.

Fang Shi took a deep breath, and there was a sense of helplessness and bitterness on his face. It was not a multiple choice question before him, but it had to be accepted. Of course, he also has a choice, that is death, as long as a little rebellious action, those mechanical warriors not far away will aim the gun at his head, and then smash his head, everything naturally This is the end. Obviously, this choice is not within his consideration. As long as there is a hint of hope that he must be firmly grasped, he is eager to return to the long-missed Star Domain to see those who still miss him in his heart. This is the unwavering obsession in his heart.

After a while, the screams fell, and a person with blood on the back of his head was lifted from the room. His hands fell down weakly. At this time, he had become a dead person. It was the unexpected situation mentioned by the stubborn robust man just now, and it was the worst.

When the captives waiting in line saw the lifted body, the gloomy expression on their faces became thicker. Obviously they did not want to go to the man’s footsteps.

The corpse soon disappeared into the view of everyone, and the room where the corpse was lifted out of a middle-aged man wearing a white coat that was stained with blood, and saw him with a touch of light Smiling, said to the captives in line: “Next.”

The captain at the front of the line was hearing this, his face suddenly plummeted, and then his gait was moved towards the room where he had just been killed.

Fang Shi, who was behind the team, glanced at the man walking towards the room. He knew that the other party seemed to be over-strained, and his feet appeared to be shiver coldly.

The hall is quiet and unusual, but screams are heard from time to time, which sounds quite infiltrating.

Time flows slowly one minute and one second, which is a hard to describe torment for the captives in line.

Fang Shi is in a long torment, this long wait for every minute and second, he can clearly remember every breath.

The team slowly became shorter in the long pride.

After 20 minutes, there were only 5 prisoners left in line, and there was only one person in front of Fang Shi.


Another prisoner walked toward one of the rooms with a tense pace.

Fang Shi lightly took a deep breath, and it was his turn next time. At this time, he knew that the stubble man not recently not only threatened him, and the operation of implanting an identity chip was indeed a very reliable operation. Just a short time ago, a prisoner was unfortunately seriously injured during the operation, and his life and death will be unknown.

There was another group of captives in the hall, and they quickly lined up behind the four captives including Fang Shi.

Time flows slowly from second to second.

Soon, a man walked out of the room with some rejoicing. It was the captive who entered not long ago. Obviously his operation was quite smooth. Under the leadership of a mechanical soldier, he walked quickly towards the corridor on the other side. .


The familiar voice sounded again.

Fang Shi took a deep breath at the front of the captive team, but his face did not show tension. He knew that sooner or later he had to face it. Even if the tension had no effect, he only hoped that the operation of implanting the identity chip would be successful.

Fang Shi at a moderate pace towards the room not far away, one step, two steps, three steps …


Suddenly, a rather rigid voice suddenly sounded.

Fang Shi heard the sound, his footsteps slowed slightly, and turned his head to look around, only to see a man with sunglasses behind him hurried towards him. He had met him once, but he had seen it before in the Starship Spaceship. He took the silver machine card that carried Nana.

The man in sunglasses quickly walked to Fang Shi and said expressionlessly: “Master wants to see you, please follow me.”

“Master?” Fang Shi was a little stunned, but his heart was quite surprised. He didn’t have a concept about the master in the mouth of the man in sunglasses. He was completely a strange existence. At this time, a stranger wanted to see him, no Know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

The man in sunglasses not at all gave Fang Shi any explanation, and his voice stiffly said: “Go.”

In the astonished eyes of the captives and some armed men, Fang Shi followed the sunglasses man and left the hall.

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