My Mech Queen

Chapter 448

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The meeting with Shana was the biggest accident when Fang Shi came to the dark blue planet. His heart was a little excited, a little contented, and a little throbbing …

Fang Shi, who returned to his residence, stood on the balcony and quietly looked at the dark blue base under the protection of the huge light mask. His mood seemed ready not in as dull and distressed as before, perhaps because he gradually became familiar with the life of the dark blue base, and Perhaps it was because of the meeting with the blue-haired girl who seemed like a first love.

This night, he easily fell asleep.

In the following days, Fang Shi still adhered to his life rhythm, morning exercises, breakfast, work … The work of the Mecha design team is still the main theme of his life, but it seems to be slightly different from the previous one, mainly because of more pressure. , And those pressures are not from the repetitive work of the Mecha design team, but from Weijing and Xia Ya.

Since I learned that Fang Shi and Shana’s first date lasted 5 hours, Wei Jing was shocked. Although he knew not at all about Shana, he boasted so much, but he still knew a little. In his subconscious mind, Shana is a cold and violent horror woman. He can hardly imagine that Fang Shi has such an incredible performance. If he did not get the exact answer from Xia Yakou, he could not believe it, but in the end he did He attributed the greatest credit to the love collection he taught, so he began to work harder to sell to Fang Shi those love collections he thought were extremely powerful.

Facing Wei Jing’s enthusiasm, Fang Shi felt a headache, and every time he saw Wei Jing, he had the urge to avoid the other party immediately.

Compared to Weijing’s endless chatter, Xia Ya is obviously much gentler, every time she is just a ladylike dragonfly touches the water lightly reminder 2 1. As Shana ’s younger sister, she still knows her elder sister very well. Although elder sister Shana does not at all have a clear meaning, but does not show any repulsive meaning, so naturally it shows that Fang Shi is still promising. For the sake of elder sister Xana ’s lifelong major event, she naturally has some ideas. On the one hand, she wants to know more about Fang Shi and judge whether her character is passable; on the other hand, he wants Fang Shi to be active Taking the initiative to attack, of course, she also provided Fang Shi with a lot of valuable information, such as when Xana was free and how she was feeling.

Almost a week after meeting with Shana, Fang Shi took the initiative to get in touch with Shana according to Shana’s prompt and sent a request for dinner.

Hearing Fang Shi’s unsolicited invitation, Shana accepted it generously.

As a result, the 2 people met for the second time.

The two people I met seemed quite talkative. After sitting for a few hours, most of the topics started around Nana. During the period, Fang Shi also talked about many interesting things between her and Nana. Shana listened with interest.

Of course, as the topic unfolded, the two also started to talk more and more, not limited to the topic of Nana. Among them, Shana lived a lot of dark blue planets and her interesting life in dark blue, and Fang Shi talked about Some experiences in his life and World outside the dark blue planet.

Through communication with Shana, Fang Shi got a better understanding of her. It turns out that Shana is not a complete dark blue planet. Its father is a bit similar to him, it is from the world outside of dark blue, and is assigned to the dark blue base, and later met her mother only to have her and Xia Ya, and her father has retired from dark blue a few years ago, on the land I have enjoyed my old age together with my mother.

Fang Shi and Shana’s second meeting was spent in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

In the following days, the 2 people seemed to have the third meeting and the fourth meeting …

The occasional and pleasant meeting with Shana is a light and pleasant embellishment of Fang Shi’s life in the dark blue base. The other 2 people meet infrequently. They often meet every 7 or 8 days, but every time they seem to meet Spent in a pretty nice atmosphere. The relationship between the 2 people seems to have happened a subtle relationship again and again, and they talk to each other, gradually seems to build a slightly subtle bridge in the heart of the 2 people. However, the two of them were extremely tacit and did not touch sensitive topics that caused their hearts to throb slightly, just as the two of them never mentioned the first kiss on the K2 mine that made each other unforgettable since they met.

As a member of the dark blue base, Fang Shi’s life theme is still the work of the Mecha design team. He has never been sloppy about the work of the Mecha design team, just like when he first entered the Snowflake Company, the second research institute, the second group seriously Really treat every nuance of work.

Time passes rapidly day after day in a slightly busy rhythm.

In a flash, more than a month flashed in a hurry.

On this day, Fang Shi, who was engaged in basic work for more than a month, was invited to the team leader’s office.

The team leader Leng Danqiu is still a heroic and cruel look, looking at Fang Shi who entered the office, lightly said: “Sit down.”

Fang Shi looked calm and slightly nodded, and sat down opposite the leader Leng Danqiu.

Leng Danqiu didn’t make any twists with Fang Shi, and said lukewarmly: “Fang Shi, your work has been doing well in the past month. To be honest, it’s better than I expected. Observing you for a while and then arranging new work for you, it seems that there is no need for it now. From tomorrow on, let go of your current work and stop. I have arranged some new work for you, this is a You can take a look at the specific arrangements for a new job. “

While speaking, Leng Danqiu handed Fang Shi a document.

“Yes, the team leader,”

Fang Shi echoed politely, his hands took the file in Leng Danqiu’s hands, and opened it to take a quick glance. While reading the information, his face was more shocked. Although the new work assigned to him by the team leader Leng Danqiu in the document is not a lot, it is directly related to the dark blue giant currently being researched by the Mecha design team. Although the core work of the dark blue giant has not yet been involved, but also The indispensable work of the Deep Blue Giant, so naturally means that he can join the research and development of the Dark Blue Giant. Compared with the most basic work before, it obviously crosses a huge step.

Leng Danqiu looked at Fang Shi calmly. She was not surprised by the surprise flashing on the other party’s face. In fact, from the very beginning old fogey recommended Fang Shi to her, she already recognized the strength of the other party. She also read the information carefully. I believe that the Snowflake Company and the intermediate Mecha designer who participated in the Mecha research of the Mirage series are not the generations who play the yú to make up the numbers. For the most basic work that was arranged for Fang Shi before, her most important purpose is still to test the other party ’s attitude towards work. After all, Fang Shi just came to the dark blue planet. Some people who have just arrived at dark blue in the past still have some unacceptable. State, quality of work is most likely to be affected.

After more than a month of observation, Leng Danqiu found that Fang Shi ’s condition was extremely stable, which was far beyond her expectations. She carefully checked the work done by Fang Shi, which can almost be described as perfect, which is why she ended early The reason for Fang Shi’s observation period.

However, Leng Danqiu just praised Fang Shi just in the heart, and on the surface still maintained a cold state, not to mention any obvious praise.

Seeing Fang Shi almost finished reading the document, Leng Danqiu asked lightly: “How? I have any problems with the work I arranged for you. If you are not competent, say it early, so do n’t when the time comes , Dragging the hind legs of the whole group. “

Fang Shi closed the file in his hand and said seriously: “No problem, I will work hard.”

Leng Danqiu’s lips and lips showed a slight imperceptible smile, saying: “Okay, this is a detailed information about the dark blue giant. Take some time to take a closer look. You will be a member of the dark blue giant’s R & D team , Learn more about the benefits to your work, of course, if you have any special suggestions in the future, you can take the initiative. “

“Yes, the team leader.” Fang Shi was quickly nodded, and he was a little happy in his heart. Although Leng Danqiu’s words not at all revealed too much information, he knew that the other party had let him join the dark blue giant’s group. Accepting him formally is a positive recognition of him.

Later, Leng Danqiu gave Fang Shi some more information about the dark blue giant.

Ten minutes later, Fang Shi left the team leader’s office, but before leaving, he thanked the team leader Leng Danqiu very solemnly.

Leng Danqiu didn’t have much, until Fang Shi left her mouth with a slight smile.

On 2nd day, Fang Shi officially joined the team of the Deep Blue Giant.

For the sudden addition of Fang Shi, the members of the Mecha design team in the Deep Blue Giants team are still quite surprised. Based on past experience, the new members seem to have to pass at least 3 months of the most basic work test before they can be step by step. Arrangement is made in a step-by-step and progressive manner, and Fang Shi ended the assessment in advance in just over a month, and was directly mentioned in the theme group of the Dark Blue Giant to engage in important work. The step of this step is really big. However, they did not raise any objections to the leader Leng Danqiu’s decision, but instead welcomed Fang Shi’s participation. Among them, Wei Jing in the deep blue team appeared more enthusiastic.

As a result, Fang Shi’s life at the Deep Blue Base has also changed slightly, but the overall rhythm of regularization has not changed.

However, when Fang Shi gradually fell into the rhythm of the deep blue base, Fang Anxu, who was far in the central planet of the empire’s central planet, Nanxue, was greatly worried. Shortly after getting in touch with big brother Fang Shi, who lost 3 years, she lost contact with big brother again more than 2 months ago. The mobile phone number that big brother gave him was always closed.

At first, she was not very worried, thinking that it was temporarily unable to contact the big brother for any special circumstances, but after a few months, her worry became more and more serious, and even made her feel ill at ease.

She had thought to inform Ye Zhiqiu of the big brother’s information immediately, asking the other party to inquire about the big brother’s information, but Ye Zhiqiu seems to have encountered a special situation in her work. She has not yet returned to Snow City and has not been able to contact her.

In addition, she also thought of another person, who had visited her once in Snow City to see her strange Yanyan elder sister, but when dialing the contact number left by the other party, she could n’t connect, but she did n’t give up at all, but every time It will be called every few days.

“Beep, beep …”

“En? Can I get through?”

Anxu didn’t know that he was dialing Qi Yanyan’s contact number for the first time, because too many never reached, she actually didn’t expect much to be able to dial, but this time it was miraculously dialed.

Soon, Tianxun was connected, and a faintly familiar woman’s voice sounded.

An Xu heard the sound and quickly said anxiously, “Is it Yanyan elder sister?”

The woman at the end of Tianxun seemed to be stunned, and after a few seconds, it was replied: “It’s me, are you Anxu?”

The other side of Tianxun was indeed Qi Yanyan who returned from the Eastern Region to the Central Star Region not long ago. The current situation of the Empire and the Alliance has been basically stable. Not long ago, the Imperial Army sent her a half-year vacation. She knows that this holiday is most likely to be arranged by Hua Chenyi, and as to why there is such a long holiday, she knows that it is time for her to make a choice.

Whether the man who was deeply engraved into the atrium will be buried in deep in one’s heart forever. Although Qi Yanyan had a hard time accepting that the man named Fang Shi had died, she gradually accepted this fact after more than 2 years. The man who had been with her for a while in a Mecha was dead, and she should put an end. She will always remember him. If there is an afterlife, she would like to be his woman again, but this life she may only be Bury him in a corner of deep in one’s heart.

Recalling the security news at the end of Tianxun, Qi Yanyan couldn’t help recalling someone’s memory again. She deliberately went to Xingxue City in Nanzhou more than a year ago to visit the younger sister of the man and give She left a contact number. Although the voice was so strange, she still found the owner of the voice from her memory.

Hearing Qi Yanyan answered affirmatively, Anxu immediately replied: “Well, I am Anxu.”

Qi Yanyan lightly took a deep breath and asked with concern: “Anxu, is there anything wrong with me? Did you have any trouble?”

Anxu asked blunt: “Yanyan elder sister, has my big brother visited you recently?”

Qi Yanyan’s face was slightly sluggish. At this time, Fang Shi was determined to be dead in her mind. Listening to the question of Ansu, her heart suddenly tightened and secretly lamented that little girl has not been able to accept the death of the big brother until now.

“No.” Qi Yanyan replied sadly.

Anxu showed some disappointment on his face, paused for a few seconds, and then asked: “Yanyan elder sister, can you help me find the big brother? Before he called me, he told me that he would return to the Central Star District soon, but now It’s been more than 3 months, why haven’t you returned yet, have you encountered any trouble? “

“What? Anxu, did you mean 3 months ago?” Qi Yanyan’s face was slightly weird. Immediately, she felt that she had heard it wrong. Fang Shi had already left more than 2 years ago. How could it be possible? Contact Anxu 3 months ago.

However, in the next moment, Anxu was surely replied: “Well, 3 months ago, the big brother called me to tell me that he had just returned to the Eastern Region of the Empire in 3 Jiaozhou Star District, waiting to deal with the military affairs. You can leave to return to Nanzhouxing. “

Hearing Anxu ’s affirmative answer, Qi Yanyan ’s face suddenly changed, and her expression became quite complicated. If Anxu said everything was true, would n’t it mean that Fang Shi was still alive, for her, this was undoubtedly An unbelievable and extremely surprising message, but she seemed not at all to react immediately, and she was silent for a few moments before she asked with a slight trembling voice: “Anxu, what you said is true?”

At this time, An Xu naturally realized that Qi Yanyan did not know that the big brother who had disappeared for more than two years had returned to the empire, so she gave Qi Yanyan some information that big brother Fang Shi said in a dialogue with Tianxun that day. I repeat it from the frontier defense zone of the Empire East Region, Lambo Star to the Union Forces, from the Galaxy Alliance to the 2 Jiaozhou Star Zone, and finally from the 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone to the Empire East Zone … all the information she remembers clearly Say it.

Qi Yanyan listened carefully. After Anxu finished speaking, she had an answer in her heart. She knew that the information about Fang Shi would never be made up by Anxu. Many things were simply not made by a little girl from the other party. Therefore, she thinks that the most likely thing that An Xu said is true, so that a positive conclusion can be drawn that the imperial army’s death information of Fang Shi was wrong more than two years ago, and the man is still alive.

“He is still alive!”

At this moment, Qi Yanyan’s heart was already violently fluctuating, and not only came to mind the scene of getting along with Fang Shi, the crazy night of skin-to-skin, the resolute man who broke into the battleship command cabin and rushed out of the ghost fleet encirclement circle, That period of life and death in Mecha’s unforgettable phase …

After seeing Tianxun, there was no response for a long time. Anxu said with concern: “Yanyan elder sister?”

Qi Yanyan felt that she couldn’t control her ups and downs. Until she heard the voice of Tianxun again, she didn’t seem to react to them, and tried to control the complex and intertwined feelings in her heart.

“I’m here.” Qi Yanyan spit out a few words slowly, and then she took a deep breath and asked, “Does your big brother tell you anything else?”

Subsequently, An Xu spoke out some potentially useful information, one after another.

Qi Yanyan listened carefully and asked one or two sentences from time to time.

The two people’s day news lasted for nearly half an hour before they finally ended.

After Qi Yanyan hung up the news, she sat in a daze for a while before digesting the information that Fang Shi was still alive. Then she immediately asked her to book her most recent space spaceship flight to Nanzhou Star. She wanted to be face-to-face Confirm the news with Anxu.

A few hours later, Qi Yanyan left Dongqixing and took a spaceship to fly to Nanzhou Planet.

After almost 3 days of flight, the space spaceship finally reached Nanzhou Star.

Qi Yanyan hurried out of the space port, quickly rushed to the airport, and boarded the aircraft to Snow City.

Late at night, Qi Yanyan arrived in Snow City, this is the second time she came to this Nanzhou star city, she did not immediately rush to the apartment address that An Xu said, but found a hotel to stay until 2nd It was only early in the morning that she hurried to the very ordinary apartment that Fang Shi bought in Snow City.

After confirming the information with Anxu again in great detail, Qi Yanyan not at all hurried to leave, but stayed in the ordinary apartment in Snow City for 3 days before choosing to leave, and she was already sure More than 2 years ago, Fang Shi not at all on the Rambo star in the front line of the Eastern Region of the Empire died, and he returned to the Empire.

Before leaving Snow City, Qi Yanyan had used his relationship with the Imperial Army to start looking for the whereabouts of Fang Shi.

3rd day after leaving Nanzhou Star, Qi Yanyan returned to S2 Dongqixing.

Qi Yanyan waited for more than ten days for Dongqi Planet, and still did not get any information about Fang Shi. She could n’t help but shudder slightly, according to the information provided by Anxu. Fang Shi should have a planet called Dongdan in the Eastern Region of the Empire when he was in the sky. After that, he should find a way to return to the Imperial Forces, and in that space area was under the jurisdiction of the Imperial 6th Military Region, but the 6th There was no information on the Army Group Army. She could not help feeling a bad hunch in her heart.

While Qi Yanyan was anxiously waiting for Fang Shi’s information, Hua Chenyi personally went to Qi Family.

In a simple and bright room of Qi Family Residence, Qi Yanyan met with Hua Chenyi alone.

Hua Chenyi has a gentle and calm smile on his face, but his inner not at all is as calm as his surface. Recently, he has got the information that Qi Yanyan is looking for Fang Shi, which almost makes him feel extremely bad. Today is the time he agreed with Qi Yanyan. If his Fang Shi does not appear, he is quite sure that Qi Yanyan will promise her to propose, but now Qi Yanyan seems to have smelled Fang Shi ’s information, and This will be the biggest uncertainty between the two.

Looking at Qi Yanyan’s lingering sadness under the clear face, Hua Chenyi couldn’t help feeling slightly deeper again, but on the surface he maintained a calm smile, and said softly: “Yanyan, the time we have agreed has arrived . “

For Hua Chenyi’s words, Qi Yanyan not at all the slightest surprise, she did have an agreement with the other party, if Fang Shi did not appear again, she might have agreed to the other party, but now she has already made another A firm answer.

Looking at Hua Chenyi, Qi Yanyan said firmly: “I’m sorry, Chenyi, I can’t promise you.”

Hua Chenyi’s face was slightly stiff. Although he had already guessed the result in his heart, he was still somewhat unacceptable. He really did not know that he was inferior to that guy in that respect, why Qi Yanyan would choose that guy instead of him.

After a long silence, Hua Chenyi slowly opened the mouth and said: “Why?”

Qi Yanyan simply and firmly replied: “He is still alive.”

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