My Mech Queen

Chapter 450

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At the Deep Blue Base, Fang Shi still adheres to a life that can almost be called a template. Except for the necessary morning exercises, sleeping and other fixed times, most of the time is spent in the Mecha design team R & D laboratory, although now he is not at all specifically arranged tasks, but he will still try to find things that can get busy, so time seems to pass faster.

In a flash, a few days passed quietly.

Fang Shi took the initiative to contact Shana and agreed on the place and time to meet. It has been 7 days since the meeting. It seems that he and Shana have defaulted and agreed to the customary meeting time.

The meeting place is a restaurant near the exclusive area that can only be set by the machine, that is, the place where the two people first met at the dark blue base.

Due to no specific job requirements, Fang Shi left the exclusive area of ​​the Mecha design team earlier than usual, arrived at the agreed restaurant early, and sat down at the window position of restaurant 2-Layer, waiting for Shana’s arrival.

At the agreed time, Shana arrived at the restaurant on time and sat down opposite Fang Shi, with a faint smile on Qingli’s face.

After greeting two sentences, Fang Shi asked softly, “What do you want to eat today?”

Shana was not polite, and replied: “Black tea and matcha moss will do.”

Fang Shi gently nodded, then got up and moved towards the food platform.

Soon, he walked back with the dinner plate and placed the black tea and matcha moss in front of Shana, while he was free to take 2 kinds of food.

Shana took the cup, took a sip of black tea, and then asked casually, “Isn’t the Mecha design team already on vacation? Are you not going to leave the dark blue base and go on land?”

In fact, learning that Fang Shi is still staying at the Deep Blue Base, Shana was a little surprised. In her view, the one-month vacation is extremely rare. It would be a pity to stay at the Deep Blue Base.

A trace of loneliness flashed across Fang Shi’s face, calmly replied: “It seems that there is nothing to want to go.”

Shana stared at Fang Shi, and his fleeting loneliness naturally did not escape her eyes, and her heart fluctuated slightly, which made her feel a touch of loneliness and loneliness. There were faintly concerns.

The very regular meeting with Fang Shi is arguably her biggest change in the last year, and she is clearly aware of the subtle relationship between the two, especially since Fang Shi followed the Mecha design team not long ago In the 2 months, she was surprised to find that she was not used to it. After meeting with Fang Shi, she felt that there was something missing in her life.

When she was awake late at night, she would think of him inadvertently.

Is he okay?

Would he also be uncomfortable?

Will he miss me?


Shana felt like she was unconsciously trapped in a special trap. She knew what the trap was, but she still seemed to be unable to bear.

Faced with a seemingly calm answer by Fang Shi, Shana did not continue to struggle with this question, but actively moved the topic to light and pleasant things. What she wanted to see was the smile of the man opposite.

Time flows quietly in a seemingly relaxed atmosphere.

Close to closing, Fang Shi and Shana walked out of the restaurant at a moderate pace.

Then, the two chose to walk back to the accommodation area with great tacit understanding. Along the way, the topic of lightheartedness continued.

The pace of 2 people seems to be a lot slower than usual, and it takes about an hour to walk back to the dormitory area, which is almost 20 minutes slower than usual.

At the familiar fork in the dormitory area, two people stopped.

Shana took a deep breath and said hesitantly: “Then … that, Fang Shi, do you have time tomorrow night?”

Fang Shi nodded and said: “There is time.”

Shana continued: “See you in our old place tomorrow night.”

Fang Shi froze slightly and said subconsciously: “Okay.”

Shana was a little upset. It seemed that she took the initiative to break the conventional meeting frequency of the two, but on the surface she said casually: “See you tomorrow, good night!”

Fang Shi replied: “See you tomorrow, good night!”

When she was finished, Shana quickly moved towards the direction of her residence.

Looking at the silhouette, the Fang Shi only seemed to react. There was some joy in his heart, some expectations, and a little contradiction.


2nd day In the evening, Fang Shi arrived at the restaurant early, sat down on the second floor by the window, took a cup of hot tea, and waited quietly.

Compared to the previous punctuality, Shana arrived late today, almost an hour late.

Shana slightly apologized and apologized: “Sorry, something happened. It’s evening.”

Fang Shi lightly shook the head, said with a slight smile: “It’s okay.”

Soon, Fang Shi brought a dinner for 2 from the food platform.

2 people enjoy dinner at a moderate pace, while seemingly relaxed talking.

After dinner, Shana took a warm sip of black tea and said calmly, “Fang Shi, I took half a month’s annual leave, starting tomorrow.”

Fang Shi was a little stunned. After a few seconds, it seemed to react, saying, “Oh … that, are you leaving the base tomorrow?”

Shana not at all directly answered Fang Shi’s question, but said at a moderate pace: “I plan to travel, go to see the mountains, see the water, see the grasslands …”

Fang Shi listened a little indifferently.

Shana paused and continued: “If you have time, let’s go together.”

Regarding the invitation to Fang Shi to travel together, Shana did not make a temporary intention. She thought about it before coming to the restaurant. The reason why she was late for almost an hour today was due to the handover at work. After all, this vacation is not 2 3 Day time, but to last half a month time. As for the decision to take annual leave, it was a little sudden. Only when she met Fang Shi last night, she came up with such an idea. Although Fang Shi seems to be the same as usual on the surface, she has occasionally revealed some details, She could still feel the other party’s slightly low mood, so she had the urge to accompany him to travel on land, and today she turned the urge into reality and sent a travel invitation to Fang Shi.

Time is not a problem for Fang Shi. The one-month long vacation of the Mecha design team is enough.

“travel together!”

Fang Shi was slightly stunned. Just now he was still a little lost in his heart. Xana also had to leave Deep Blue for a while, but, in an instant, he received an olive branch from a blue-haired girl.

Seeing Fang Shi’s slightly confused expression, a trace of blush flashed on Xia Qingli’s face. Although she thought she was a calm and calm person, this was the first time such a request was sent to a man. The decision about how much she travels still has some special factors in mind.

After a short period of consternation, Fang Shi had an illusion. He felt that Shana’s sudden travel plan seemed to have something to do with him. Before that, he had never heard the other party talk about the vacation. It seemed too sudden.

Seeing Shana’s flashing blush on her delicate beauty face, he felt a little tremor in his heart. At that moment, maybe the blue-haired girl didn’t even know that she was so touching.

Fang Shi felt that he had the urge to step forward and take a light bite.

Seeing Fang Shi’s lack of response, Shana’s sensitive heart gradually began to lose some sense. Isn’t everything just her wishful thinking?

Just as Shana ’s inner loss quickly fermented, Fang Shi opened the mouth and said: “Okay.”

Shana’s loss quickly dissipated, then whispered un’ed.

Afterwards, the two people started a more detailed discussion on the specific travel.

This meeting not at all lasted for a long time as usual. Soon after dinner, two people walked out of the restaurant and walked towards the dormitory area, and the total time was less than 2 hours, which seemed a bit rushed.

Back at the residence, Fang Shi started to pack up his luggage. He had reached an agreement with Shana. Tomorrow, she set off from the Deep Blue Base and went to the land to start a trip belonging to him and her.

At 2 am on the 8nd day, Fang Shi and Shana arrived at the base terminal.

In the No. 7 area of ​​the dock, Qiao Shanmu was surprised to see two people together. Obviously, he did not expect that Fang Shi, who was less than a year away from the dark blue base, had become sticky with Shana from the dark blue sisters. Secretly made a weird look at Fang Shi, and reminded: “youngster should hold tight!”

However, his prompt seemed to be ignored by Fang Shi, which made him secretly hook the head.

Soon, Fang Shi and Shana boarded the ship on land.

After more than ten hours, the two arrived at the land port.

Since it was already evening to arrive on land, Fang Shi and Shana spent the night in the hotel in the town near the port.

Early in the morning on 2nd day, 2 people officially began his journey with her.

Regarding the specific travel route, both Fang Shi and Shana have already planned. To be precise, Shana has planned it. Although Fang Shi has been to the dark blue base for almost a year, he still has little understanding of the situation on the dark blue land.

The first stop for 2 people is an ancient town more than 100 kilometers away from the harbor town. It seems to have many historical monuments, and it is still quite famous on the dark blue planet.

That morning, Fang Shi and Shana went to the ancient town of Reya.

2 people visited the various ancient and peculiar buildings in the town of Reya, felt the charm of the ancient town, and bought some favorite things.

At night, in a traditional old-style theater, Fang Shi and Shana watched a rather poignant love movie. It was a legendary love story in the ancient town of Reya, and the heroes and heroines finally came together. I have to admit that a timely love movie caused some special chemical reactions. The hands of the two people who watched the movie did not know when they took it together and clasped it tightly until the end of the movie. The 2 talents were quite embarrassed Ground apart.

2 people stayed in the ancient town of Reya for 2 days before leaving to go to the next travel location, a tourist spot called 100 Yehu.

The 100-leaf lake is a large lake connected by more than 100 lakes of different sizes, and the shape of the entire large lake resembles a huge leaf, so it took this special name.

Fang Shi and Shana not at all traveled all the scenic spots of 100 Yehu Lake, but just picked some of the parade items, such as boat trips to the lake, water park and so on.

After the previous trip to the ancient town, Fang Shi gradually let go of his emotions, leaving all those negative feelings behind his head and devoting himself to the beautiful journey. He likes to see blue-haired girls from the heart. Smile.

Immersed in the natural scenery of the 100-leaf lake is indeed a very wonderful enjoyment.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed quickly.

Fang Shi and Shana left 100 Yehu Lake according to the scheduled travel plan and went to the next planned location, which is a mountain, a tall mountain.

In the evening, two people arrived at the foot of the service area of ​​Chongding Mountain.

The purpose of this trip is to climb the summit of Chongding Mountain to watch the sunrise. The 2 people have good luck and the weather is just right. As long as you climb the summit in advance, you should be able to see the sunrise.

In the Shanjiao service area, Fang Shi and Shana did not at all rush up the mountain, but made some active preparations.

At eleven o’clock in the evening, two fully prepared people started climbing.

The road to the mountain is composed of stone steps. There are more than 7000 stone steps from the foot of the mountain to the peak of the peak. There are street lights on the road, so climbing at night is not a problem.

Taking the stone steps, it is easy for Fang Shi, who insists on exercising almost every day.

However, Shana obviously overestimated her physical strength. She had just started to climb the 2 stone steps. She had already begun to breathe. Fortunately, she had prepared a climbing cane in the mountain foot service area, but it could save her a little energy. .

After the 500-level stone steps, Shana’s forehead has obviously added a lot of sweat beads.

Fang Shi didn’t even take a breath, and was still walking at a flat pace, but he still deliberately suppressed his pace and tried to follow Shana’s pace.

700-800 stone steps, Shana is already dripping with sweat, breathing heavily.

Looking at the blue-haired girl who wiped sweat from time to time, Fang Shi suggested: “Sana, don’t rest, anyway, it’s still early, we are not in a hurry to climb to the top of the mountain.”

Shana shook the head stubbornly, panting and said: “No, I still have the strength, we are only about 10% now.”

Fang Shi slightly nodded, but did not continue to say more.

2 people continued moving towards the top of the mountain.

An hour later, 2 people climbed almost 2000 steps, not at all rest along the way, but stopped occasionally to replenish some water.

Fang Shi’s footsteps are still easy. An hour of stone steps is almost nothing for him. Moreover, he deliberately suppresses the pace. If his speed should now be at least 3000 stone steps.

The bangs in front of Shana’s forehead were already soaked in sweat, and the sweat was still flowing, and her breathing was obviously disordered.

Fang Shi closely followed Shana. He did not continue to propose the other party to rest, because he knew that even if he proposed to rest, it is estimated that Shana would not agree. In a way, the two people are quite similar. All have their own stubbornness, so he can control his pace and follow each other closely.


Suddenly, Shana’s figure suddenly slowed down, and she whispered a little pain in her mouth.

Fang Shi immediately stepped forward and asked with concern: “What’s wrong?”

Shana forced to endure the pain from her ankles and replied softly: “My feet seem to be broken.”

While speaking, Shana tried the injured foot again, and immediately came a burst of pain.

Fang Shi face revealed a trace of worry, quickly said: “You sit down first, I will help you see.”

Xia Ya was gently nodded and sat down by words.

Fang Shi quickly squatted and carefully took off the shoes and socks of Shana ’s injured foot, then gently grabbed her fair and smooth calf on her leg and gently pressed the other side with her hand. Ankle position, asked: “Is this place painful?”

Shana’s cheeks were slightly flushed. Although she wasn’t a maiden girl, some of Fang Shi’s movements still made her feel a little strange. The heartbeat couldn’t help but suddenly accelerated a bit.

Looking at Fang Shi with a serious face, Shana slightly nodded.

Later, Fang Shi carefully inspected Shana ’s injured ankle, but he still had some experience in this respect. He soon made a judgment. Shana ’s foot was not a big problem. It should be fine after a rest of 2 days, but it is best for the time being. Do not walk the road forcibly, otherwise it is very likely to increase the ankle injury.

Fang Shi gently massaged Shana’s injured ankle with her hand and was comforted: “It’s okay, there should be no problem after a rest for 2 days, but now you may not be able to continue walking.”

“Can’t walk?” Shana’s slightly flushed face was slightly dull.

Fang Shi said: “Well, I can’t walk for the time being. If I walk forcibly, it is very likely to aggravate the injury.”

Shana looked at the top of most of the mountains, and was rather lost and reluctantly said, “Then … wouldn’t we get up.”

Fang Shi looked at Shana, who was full of unwillingness, and secretly shook the head. At this time, the other party didn’t think about the injured foot, but still thinking about the top of the mountain. He really didn’t know what to say.

After a few seconds of silence, Fang Shi asked, “Do you really want to see the sunrise?”

Shana was subconsciously nodded, but thinking about the injured foot, she took the head again.

Looking at Shana’s apparently lost appearance, Fang Shi felt compassionate and couldn’t help extending the hand, trying to reach out to touch the other person’s head, but when he first touched those blue hairs, he seemed to realize what , And immediately withdrew his hand embarrassingly, and said calmly, “It’s okay, I’ll just carry you up.

Shana ’s expression was a little complicated, and Fang Shi ’s sudden outstretched hand surprised her a little. It was like an intimate gesture similar to father ’s comforting daughter, which made her slightly lose one ’s head out of fear, but the other party seemed to be there For a moment, she seemed to realize that this action seemed too intimate. Until she heard Fang Shi’s words, she didn’t seem to react, saying: “Forget it, there is no one third at the top of the mountain.”

Fang Shi not at all gave Shana too much opportunity to refute, carefully helped Shana put on her shoes and socks, and then took Shana back, moving towards the top of the mountain firmly.

Although Shana at first opposed Fang Shi’s decision, in the face of Fang Shi’s slightly tough attitude, she finally chose to succumb and lay quietly on the wide back, hands gently hugging the other’s neck, listening The former man was gradually breathing heavily.

Carrying Xia Ya on the back, Fang Shi has accelerated some steps forward. Xia Ya’s weight is less than 100 pounds, which does not have much impact on him. It is still not difficult to climb to the top of the mountain.

Time passed quickly with the firm step by step.

Fang Shi has always maintained a nearly constant pace of progress, step by step seems to have a very regular rhythm, just like the notes of each and everyone infinite cycle.

Perhaps because she was tired, Shana fell asleep unconsciously.

Feeling Shana’s symmetrical breathing, Fang Shi’s lips showed a faint smile.

At 3 o’clock in the morning, Fang Shi finally arrived at the summit of the mountain with Shana on his back.

Guanyi Peak is an open and flat place. There are dozens of people sitting on a piecemeal way, some people even put up tents, some of them also snoring faintly, apparently they are here to watch the sunrise .

Perhaps because Fang Shi stopped the very regular climbing steps, Shana opened her eyes confusedly, seeing that she had reached the top of the mountain, her face could not help but embarrassed.

Fang Shi immediately realized that Shana was awake behind him, he carefully directed the other side, and then took out a warm clothing from the backpack on his chest and put Shana on. The night breeze on the top of the mountain was still very strong, and he climbed all the way because of the heat generated by the body of the mountain climber but did not feel any coldness.

Shana put on her warm clothes and felt the care of Fang Shi in front of her. There seemed to be a warm current flowing through her heart.

Fang Shi found a good place, put the rug in the backpack at the foot of the mountain service area on the ground, and quickly spread it out, and then quickly took out the food.

Later, Fang Shi greeted Shana and sat down on the carpet. He quickly sat down and picked up some food to eat at a moderate pace. He continued climbing for almost 4 hours. His physical strength was still exhausted. Less, at this time the belly already has some stomach rumbling with hunger feeling.

Xia Ya looked at Fang Shi quietly on the side, her lips tinged with an imperceptible smile.

2 people sat to the east and waited for more than an hour, the dark sky in the distance finally changed, and gradually became gray.

The sky was getting brighter, and a faint blush slowly appeared on the eastern skyline.

With the passage of time, the blush of the sky gradually faded, and Heaven and Earth were layered.

Soon, a small red ray of light quietly drilled out of the horizon and rose slowly.

The bright mass of light is the sun.

The sun slowly drilled out of the horizon, and the sky in the east gradually became red, changing from gray to bright red.

In the end, the sky was flooded by the morning glow, like a sea of ​​fire.

The center of the sea of ​​fire is a round of morning sun, beautiful, like a new born baby.

Fang Shi and Shana quietly looked at the gradually raised morning sun. They had no words, only their backs leaning on each other.


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