My Mech Queen

Chapter 464

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Tian Luo’s ultimatum not at all gives 4 Planet Alliance Great Influence any room to discuss, either surrender or death, of course, if the initiative surrenders, Tian Luo will give certain preferential treatment, such as administrative positions.

Faced with the strong posture of Tian Luo ’s ultimatum and the first and second fleets, the 2 Star Alliance that has lost the planets of Nick and Boro soon divided three sects: one group advocates continued resistance, although the fleet of 4 Star Alliance suffered Heavy damage, but the Great Influence still controls nearly 4 warships. As long as they are properly defended, they may still be able to fight against Tian Luo. They are not willing to be obediently surrender; one faction is to surrender and surrender. 600 Star Alliance and Tian Luo declare war In just over a month, the joint military department has already occupied a certain advantage of military power, which has consumed more than half, while the loss of Tianluo is much smaller, and the current Tianluo side has already occupied an absolute advantage in terms of military power. In their view, the 4 Star Alliance is already powerless, it is better to surrender earlier to find a way to live; the last faction is the middle faction, and also the most faction, they neither advocate resistance nor surrender, are in contradiction, and it is difficult to make a moment. Choice.

After the ultimatum was issued, Fang Shi began to actively plan the next specific action. He had made 4 preparations for the 2 Star Alliance. The first preparation was the 4 Star Alliance obediently accepted the surrender. How to take over the remaining planets of Sibu and Via; First-hand preparation 4 How the Planetary Alliance refused to surrender, and the Tianluo First Fleet and the Second Fleet carried out military force capture.

Fang Shi still has quite a few points of confidence in taking the remaining 2 planets. Now Tianluo has the absolute suppression of the 4 Planet Alliance regardless of its overall military strength or combat capability. The Via Planet is not difficult.

Regarding the choice of the 4 Star Alliance, Fang Shi naturally hopes that the other party will voluntarily surrender, so Tianluo can save a lot of energy. Once a strong attack is carried out, Tianluo First Fleet and 2nd Fleet have enough strength to win the final West Cloth Planet and Planet Via, but it must consume a lot of military power.

Time passes by day by day.

Tianluo First Fleet and Second Fleet are still staying in the space area near the planet Sib. Although they have not launched an attack, they have formed a semi-encircled state.

The remaining warships of the Joint Forces are on high alert.

4 The great influences within the Star Alliance are becoming more and more divided, and the contradiction between resistance and surrender continues to intensify, while the centrists are still uncertain.

On the 5th day, some surrender forces signed a joint statement before tearing up, and secretly withdrew the joint forces ’input and withdrew from the 4 Star Alliance. Although they handed over the relevant military forces to the joint force for unified command, the warship commanded Officials and the others return their own people.

The forces that withdrew from the 4th Star Alliance were led by Via Star Lei Family, after which they immediately expressed their willingness to surrender all military forces and surrender to Tianluo.

No, many set up Sects have followed suit.

In this way, the 4 Star Alliance was completely disintegrated in just 2 3 days, and nearly half of the forces have announced their surrender to Tianluo.

Looking at a surrender statement, Fang Shi showed a slight smile. Nearly half of the forces have chosen to surrender. Then the military strength of the 4 Star Alliance has been weakened by almost half, and it is impossible to compete with Tian Luo. The remaining controllers As long as you think about it, you should know how to choose.

As expected, at the end of the ten-day period, the remaining 4 Star Alliance forces announced their willingness to surrender all military forces and surrender to Tianluo.

Tianluo First Fleet and Second Fleet immediately took over the armaments of the Great Influence warships, Mecha and other armaments, and at the same time quickly occupied the planets of Sibu and Via, followed by numerous and responsible handover work, which was also quite a time-consuming work .

Soon, the news that Tianluo defeated the 4 Planet Alliance officially appeared on the major TV stations of Tianluo, including the TV channels of Tianluo in the four planets of Nick, Boru, Sibu and Via.

Tianluo ’s original three characters of Tawen, Wacker and Tianhuo were caught in the sea of ​​carnival. They have already felt a sense of belonging to Tianluo. The stronger Tianluo is, the better nature will be. The seven planets in the area are all unified, and there should be no need to worry about wars in a short time.

Compared with the people of Tianluo ’s original 3 planets, the newly added 4 planets are extremely disturbed. Previously, under the control of the large and small forces of the 4 Planet Alliance, the reports and rumors about Tianluo were basically some negative information. They did not have a good impression of Tianluo, especially the planets of Nick and Bolu, Tianluo. During the period when the fleet had just been in control, there was a bloody cleansing. Planet Sibu and Planet Vya took the initiative to surrender due to each Great Influence. There was no bloody incident on a large scale, but they were still worried about Tian Luo.

Controlling the 3 planets in 7 horns, Fang Shi ’s unified plan can only be considered to have completed most of it, and finally there is a small part of the pirate forces that have always troubled the 3 horns, but he is not at all eager to kill pirates. The forces, but let the Tianluo fleet enter a relatively relaxed period of rest.

The pirate alliance forces stopped the harassment of Tianluo after Tianluo defeated the 4 Star Alliance, and then they shrunk, apparently they had realized that the powerful Tianluo was not what they could shake.

1 month later, Tianluo has completed the takeover of the four planets of Nick, Boru, Sib and Via. As for the large and small forces that surrendered, they have made certain arrangements according to the actual situation, including Lei Family as the latest acceptance. The surrender forces gave higher attention, for example, Lei Family Patriarch Lei 4 became the chief executive of Planet Via, responsible for the general administration of Planet Via.

Of course, Lei 10000 has only part of the administrative power, and the real core power is concentrated in the center of Tianluo. In addition, all military forces are under the control of the central government, including the police force that maintains social stability. Local administrators are not directly mobilized. Rights, unless authorized by the central government.

Fang Shi was still precautionary for the transformation of the original Great Influence personnel into Tianluo administrative personnel, and all special chips controlled by the Tianluo City central computer system were implanted. As long as they have no ambitions, the special chips will naturally not affect them. What impact. In addition, administrative officials must accept a strict evaluation system. Those who fail to meet the standard will be directly removed from their status and become ordinary Tianluo citizens.

After fully taking over the work of the 4 planets, Tian Luo began to implement a series of measures in full swing. Of course, this series of measures is only for 4 planets such as Nick and Sib. The relevant laws and regulations of Luo have approximately severely cracked down on various violations. Due to the previous successful experience in the three planets of Tavin, Wacker and Skyfire, various measures have been carried out smoothly and methodically.

In an instant, 2 months passed quietly.

The four planets of Nick, Boru, Sibu and Via have basically stabilized their social environment under the Tianluo series of measures, and various political and economic policies have gradually been implemented.

Fang Shi still maintains a fairly indifferent attitude towards matters related to government affairs. Most of the government affairs work is handed over to the government affairs department. During this time, his main focus was on two aspects: The integration of forces is not only the integration of armaments such as battleships and Mecha, but also a large number of various military industrial enterprises within the 2 planets. At present, Tian Luo has basically completed the unification, and only the last pirate forces are left. Continue to increase investment in the military; on the other hand, Fang Shi is most concerned about, that is, the Pirate Alliance, although the power of the Pirate Alliance has almost disappeared in the past 4 months, but he does not think that the Pirate Alliance will fade out so much 3 In the perspective of the Jiaozhou Star District, their hands also control the number of warships that have a certain threat to the 3 planets, and only the elimination of them can be regarded as the real unity of the 7 Jiaozhou Star District.

After three months, Tianluo ’s military power has finally integrated. The number of combat warships has exceeded 3. Mecha, fighter and other military supplies have also been qualitatively improved, and battle strength has been unprecedentedly strong.

After the military integration was completed, Fang Shi immediately started the plan to clear the pirate forces. Tianluo dispatched more than 1500 warships in total to form 7 clearing fleets, preparing to carry out carpet-style clearing in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District.

Fang Shi personally held a grand oath meeting for the Qing squadron as the head and marshal of Tian Luo, and live broadcasted on the official TV channel of Tian Luo.

The majority of the people still strongly support and support Tianluo ’s actions against the pirates. The problem of piracy has been around for a long time in the 3 horns. The public still hates pirate powers. 3 For Jiaozhou, it is undoubtedly the gospel.

After the oath meeting, the action of the Qing pirate forces officially began.

Five days later, one of the Qing squadrons received a good news, killing more than 5 warships to form a pirate fleet.

Seven days later, a pirate mini fleet consisting of 7 warships was captured.

Ten days later, all warships of the Skeleton Pirates were destroyed.


The action of the Qing squadron lasted for three months. Seven major pirate forces were uprooted. The other pirate forces have been basically eliminated, and the Qing piracy operation was completed smoothly.

The elimination of pirate forces meant that Fang Shi ’s plan for the reunification of the three-corner star area was finally completed by Perfection. At the same time, under the promotion of various new policies and measures, 3 planets of 3 horns have been stabilized and are actively developing in a favorable direction. Tianluo has gradually been recognized by most people, especially the base A large number of low-level people.

Fang Shi, who is the head of Tianluo, still rarely shows up in front of the people. Only occasions when he has to attend must he show up occasionally, and most recently his main energy is to put on Tianluo Mecha again. After the efforts of the members of the Mecha design team, the second-generation Mecha of Tianluo has also come out. Compared with the first-generation Mecha of Tianluo, its combat performance has been significantly improved, and it has passed relevant actual tests and is being pushed into production. aspect.

At present, Tianluo’s military industry has slowed down. According to the calculations of Nana and the central computer system of Tianluo City, Tianluo ’s current military strength is sufficient to rule the 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone, and there is no need to massively expand its armaments.

However, Fang Shi not at all gave up the improvement of military strength. Now Tianluo’s military development direction is not quantity, but the improvement of armament quality. 3 The armament quality of Jiaozhou Star District is still far behind that of the Star Empire and the Galactic Alliance. Take the Tianluo Mecha developed by the Mecha R & D design team. It can definitely be regarded as the top Mecha in the 3 Jiaozhou Planet, but when it reaches the star The Luo Empire and the Galaxy Alliance, this kind of Mecha is just the general thing in the 6th generation Mecha, which is obviously not a small distance away from those excellent 6th generation Mecha.

As another example, the current battleships of the 3 horned planets, the combat performance of the latest warships to the Star Empire and the Galactic Alliance, I am afraid that even those last-generation battleships are incomparable. The combat capability of the more than 2000 warships currently owned by Tianluo may be Equivalent to the strength of 7 8 warships of the Empire and the Alliance. Therefore, the development of Tianluo’s military development vector simply does not make much sense, only the direction of image quality.

Soon after completing the reunification of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, Fang Shi began to make active preparations for the Huixing Luo Empire. Now he barely accumulates some capital. The 3 Jiaozhou Star District will become his strong backing. A star zone enough for him to control his own destiny.

Regarding the return to the empire again, Fang Shi had already discussed with Nana, and the 2 people also made a detailed plan to return to the Xing Luo Empire. He had multiple purposes, but he did not know whether it could be achieved, but Anyway, he will try his best.

Before leaving the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, Fang Shi and Nana made almost two months of preparations. First, they transferred the little Oz of the East Star Planet in the Star Empire to the 2 Jiaozhou Star District. Tianluo Central Computer is secretly responsible for Tianluo’s internal security. As for Tianluo government affairs, Fang Shi also made detailed arrangements. The time of this trip to Xingluo Empire is not very certain. If everything goes well, you should be able to return to Tianluo within half a year.

However, just during the preparation period, Fang Shi got a surprising message to him that the great war between the Star Empire and the Galactic Alliance is about to end.

Later, Fang Shi sent someone to scrutinize it carefully. The previous information was indeed true. It turned out that the Galaxy Alliance’s previous president who advocated war of aggression was defeated in the latest general election. The new president established a new government. The new government soon announced an order to withdraw troops from the Xingluo Empire, and the 8-year-long war between the Xingluo Empire and the Galactic Alliance finally came to an end.

The end of the Great War between the Star Empire and the Galaxy Alliance, Fang Shi was slightly pleased. After all, many people he knew who could be called friends no longer have to face the threat of life for the war, such as those familiar with the Battle Princess Mecha camp. Another example is Mecha Mecha Yingbai Qianqian and Yule. Although he does not know if they are okay now, the end of the war is a good thing anyway.

After everything was ready, Fang Shi and Nana quietly left Tianluo City. Together with the two, there were a big man and several other men with sunglasses. Several sunglasses men are not human beings, but they are all special units manufactured by the meteorite base. The main purpose of accompanying them together is to protect the safety of Fang Shi.

After leaving Tianluo City, several people disguised and dressed up, and then got on a miniature spaceship and left Tavin Planet. Space spaceship is a spaceship carefully prepared by Nana to go to the Star Empire. The crew on the spaceship are all experienced Old Daoist crews, which can guarantee the safety of the space distortion channel to the greatest extent.

A few days later, the space spaceship arrived near the space distortion channel leading to the Star Empire, and after a few hours of stay, it plunged into the space distortion channel.

Three days later, the space spaceship successfully passed the space distortion channel and entered the Star Domain.

Returning to the Xingluo Empire, Fang Shi’s heart was somewhat complicated. He was forced to leave Xingluo 3 years ago and leave the person he loved, but now he finally comes back again. Are the people in his heart okay, this time back to the empire he came back with determination to change his destiny.

After entering the Xingluo space area, the space spaceship took nearly 5 days of voyage before reaching the planet of Dongdan, and finally landed in the space port of Wenda City.

“Oh, the city of Wenda has undergone tremendous changes. The space port is several times larger than before, and the entire city’s construction area has expanded by a large circle.” The silver-haired girl said with a big smile.

Fang Shi slightly nodded, about Oda City, he said a little bit before. With the continuous support of 3 Jiaozhou Star District, Ota Group has developed extremely rapidly in the past three years, and its powerful force has almost extended to the entire planet of Dongdan. Almost every city has Ota Group ’s stronghold. In addition, Almost 3% of the entire planet of Dongdan has been secretly controlled by the Ota Group, and Wenda City is the core of the Ota Group. The rapid development of 20 years has transformed it from a small and medium-sized city to a large and medium-sized city, and it is also a window to the 3 Jiaozhou Star District.

Within the spaceport, several important high-ranking figures from the Ota Group have long been waiting for a long time, such as Matt 8 who was once with Fang Shi.

Treating Fang Shi and Nana and the others, several people in the Ota Group are extremely respectful.

Soon, everyone prepared the vehicle in the morning to leave the space port, and finally arrived at a villa under the strict security measures of the Ota Group.

Nana will build a simple central computer system in Wenda City for some upgrades.

Fang Shi collected a lot of the latest news information of the Xingluo Empire. Just a few days ago, the Xingluo Empire had successfully recovered all the space areas that were previously occupied by the Galaxy Alliance, and the Galaxy Alliance fleet was all withdrawn to the other end of the curve channel. The great war between the two sides finally ended with a Perfection.

In the past few days, the whole empire has been immersed in cheers.

Three days later, Fang Shi, Nana, and the big man and three sunglasses men left the planet of Dongdan and took a spaceship to the blue wave planet.

1 month later, a man in his 30s and a silver-haired girl with a smile on his face at a moderate pace He walked off the spaceship, and behind them were three men who were expressionless like bodyguards.

The five people were Fang Shi and Nana who came from the Eastern Dandong Planet in the Eastern Region of the Empire.

Back to the Xingluo Empire, Fang Shi’s first destination is Nanzhou Xing, because there is his younger sister Anxu he misses most. When he left the Xingluo Empire 3 years ago, he had instructed Oz to send a good message to Anxu ’s special day-to-day interval to reduce the worry of younger sister Anxu. However, before returning to Nanzhouxing this time, he not at all notified Anxu in advance. On the one hand, he wanted to surprise younger sister Anxu. On the other hand, he prevented the whereabouts from being leaked. After all, his identity seemed to be from the Imperial Army. The wanted.

After leaving Nanzhou Sky Harbor, Fang Shi and Nana went straight to Nanzhou Airport.

A few hours later, 5 people arrived in Snow City.

Fang Shi returned to the familiar apartment. The difference between him and his not not all in his memory is that his room has remained almost the same, neat and clean. Obviously, people often clean and clean it.

Fang Shi not at all rushed to find Ansu, but contacted Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu first.

An hour later, Fang Shi walked alone into a restaurant not far from the gate of the Snowflake Company headquarters, and met familiar people in a corner.

“Senior Sister.”

Fang Shi looked at Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu with a slight smile.

Ye Zhiqiu barely smiled, his face quickly became dignified again, with a trace of worry. 3 years ago, she dragged a lot of relationships to figure out the specific situation of Fang Shi to see if there was any room for maneuver, but in the end it ended in fruitlessness, and Fang Shi became a wanted criminal of the Imperial Army . The environment of the empire is very dangerous for Fang Shi. Although I received a message from Fang Shi just a little bit happy, but I think about Fang Shi’s dangerous situation now and I am worried.

Taking a breath, Ye Zhiqiu said slightly helplessly, “Sit down.”

Fang Shi slightly nodded, and sat down opposite Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu, watching Senior Sister’s dignified and worried expression, but she guessed the other person’s thoughts, and a warm current flowed through her heart, and then asked with a smile: “Senior Sister, are these 3 years okay? “

Ye Zhiqiu replied: “Nothing is good, still the same, how about you?”

Fang Shi said: “Senior Sister, I have been staying in 3 Jiaozhou Star District for the past 3 years, which is not bad.”

“3 Jiaozhou Star District?” Ye Zhiqiu showed a slight accident, but it was soon relieved. When Fang Shi met her 3 years ago, she said that she would leave the Xingluo Empire. Understand, but I heard there is a very chaotic place.

Fang Shi slightly nodded, said: “en.”

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Fang Shi and said with a slight worry: “Since you are not bad there, you risk running back to the empire for what? You are still a wanted criminal of the empire, and you are not afraid that the empire will catch you ? “

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