"Hello, Liu Fengjun! I'm Nicole's mother, Yazawa Mika... This is my second daughter Yazawa Xin."

  "Nicole has never brought friends home as a guest. We are really happy that Liu Fengjun can come over this time. Please don't be restrained. Sit down here for a while, and I will pour you some tea... …”


  "Mom...I...I'm going to pour tea! This time Liu Fengjun is here to visit you..."

  "You can chat with him for a while!"


  After Nicole said this, she hurried into the kitchen with a hint of shyness, and before leaving, she hugged Yazawa Shin who was curious.

  After the two daughters left, Nicole Mika sat down in front of the sofa with her legs together curiously.

  "Liu Fengjun is here to visit me this time?"

  "Is there anything you want to tell me?"


  "Auntie, hello, in fact, this time with Nicole, I really have something I want to ask my aunt."

  Liu Feng looked at Yazawa Hanaka and said what he had prepared in advance.

  "Auntie, Nico and I are good friends. We have known each other for three years. A few days ago, I came to Tokyo for some special reasons and wanted to develop an industry, so I opened several stores in Tokyo. The location is not far from your home, just over Akihabara."

  "One of the stores I run is a supermarket. I don't know anything about the operation of a supermarket, so the business in the store is a bit miserable... And I usually have other business to deal with, so I don't have time to take care of the supermarket. I heard Nicole say, Auntie, you have been judged as the best employee in a supermarket before, so I think you must have a deep understanding of supermarket management."

  "So the purpose of my visit to you this time is to get your help and ask you to be the manager of the supermarket I run."


  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Yazawa Hanaka was stunned.

  After a few seconds, she showed a helpless smile.

  "I thought Liu Fengjun was still a student just like Nicole. I didn't expect you to start doing business in the society at such a young age?"

  "What a very promising kid."

  "I do know a lot about supermarket management. If you don't understand anything, just come and ask me."

  "But there may be no way to be a store manager or something. You have seen Liu Fengjun. I have two young daughters to take care of at home. My husband was injured not long ago, and I have to cook for him every noon."

  "If it weren't for Nicole's sensible and considerate child, I might not be able to last, so I don't have time to be the store manager at all."


  After hearing what Yazawa Hanaka said, Liu Feng said:

  "I also heard Nicole say this."

  "Maybe the business habits on the Japanese side are different from those on the Chinese side."

  "I prefer that kind of humane management model."

  "If my aunt goes to work in the store, she can take Yazawa Shin and the others with her. As long as the daily work is completed, it doesn't matter even if she takes the child or goes home..."

  "My store really needs the help of professionals like you, Auntie, please don't refuse my request."


  Hearing this, Yazawa Hanaka also noticed something.

  This friend of her daughter seems to know the difficulties in her own family, so is she choosing to help Nicole in another way?


  Just when Yazawa Huaxiang was about to say a few words to Liu Feng, Nicole came out of the kitchen with tea.

  "Mother, promise Liu Fengjun!"

  "I went to his shop just now, and this idiot is really running his business indiscriminately. If he keeps stocking him like this, the shop might close in a few months. How can I say this guy is also my good friend... I can't just watch him go bankrupt."

  Yazawa Hanaka: "........."


  After listening to her daughter's words, Yazawa Hanaka fell silent.

  After a few seconds, she raised her head and said to Liu Feng:

  "I already know what Liu Fengjun said!"

  "Well, can Liu Fengjun give me one night to think about it?"

  "If I make a decision, let Nicole call you, do you think it can be 1.8?"


  "Of course it's fine!"

  "If there is good news from the aunt's side, let me know as soon as possible!"

  "I have other things to deal with here, so I won't bother auntie anymore!"


  "Hey? Liu Fengjun is leaving now? Stay at home and have a quick meal! I happen to be cooking!"

  "Thank you aunt, but I really don't need it, I really have something to deal with!"


  Nicole also said to her mother at this time:

  "Mom, this guy does have very important things to deal with. Next time he comes as a guest, treat him well!"


Chapter 198

  Hearing what Nicole said, Yazawa Hanaka could only helplessly say to Liu Feng:

  "If that's the case, then there's nothing you can do!"

  "Liu Fengjun will be your guest next time, please let us treat you well."


  After Liu Feng left, Yazawa Huaxiang called Nicole to the living room.

  After the mother and daughter sat down together, Yazawa Hanaka looked at Nicole and smiled softly:

  "Time flies so fast, Nicole is starting to grow up too."

  Hearing her mother's words, Nicole's face turned red, and she shifted her eyes to other places with a guilty conscience, not daring to look her mother's eyes directly.

  "Mom..Mom, what..what does this mean...you...why did you say this all of a sudden."

  "It's nothing, it's just a sudden sigh of relief."

  Looking kindly at her daughter's cute profile, Yazawa Hanaka thought for a while and continued:

  "What kind of boy does Nicole think Liu Fengjun is?"


  "Wh.. what do you mean 03, mom, why.. why did you suddenly talk about Liu Feng..."

  "Because my mother feels that Liu Fengjun is a very gentle, handsome, and caring boy. Nicole must be very happy to become friends with him."


  Hearing her mother's words, Nicole became even more nervous.

  She bit thinly, her voice stuttering.

  "Mom...you...don't be fooled by this guy's appearance."

  "He...he's actually a big bad guy. He bullies Nicole every day...He even pretended to be a bad guy to scare me a few days ago."

  "Nicole...Nicole hates him the most."


  "Hey? Do you hate him the most?"

  Yazawa Hanaka showed a slight smile:

  "Liu Feng seems to be a good friend that Nicole brought home for the first time since she was a child."

  "It's very rude to talk about friends behind your back like this."


  Seeing her mother's meaningful smile, Nicole was a little flustered.

  "Mom, don't... don't talk about this guy."

  "Let's...let's talk about something else."

  "That, Liu Fengjun asked you to work in his shop, what do you think, mother?"

  "Although I hate... I hate this guy, but it's such a pity that his shop is left abandoned like this..."


  "Does Nicole really want her mother to work for Liu Fengjun?"

  "You should be able to feel that Liu Feng knows that our family is in a bad situation now, so he deliberately found a reason to help us."


  "Mom, isn't this the point?"

  "Although... this bastard always bullies me, but... but Nicole still regards him as a friend. If I watch this guy's shop close down, I... I'll still feel a little bit sorry."

  "And didn't this guy say it? Mom, you can take all your sisters with you to work."

  "Xinjiang and they are very obedient, and they will definitely not cause trouble for your mother."

  "Mom, you agree to Liu Fengjun's request, okay?"

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