Chapter 209

  Seeing that Eri was so nervous that she couldn't speak,

  Liu Feng then smiled and said to Nuo Yu:

  "Eri, you wouldn't be afraid to watch horror movies of this level, would you?"

  "Could it be that you are less courageous than Arisa?"


  Hearing this, Arisa immediately cast a curious look at her sister,

  Feeling her sister's gaze, Eriri's entire body was tense.

  "How... how is it possible!"

  "Who... who would be afraid of that kind of thing."

  "Just a movie of this magnitude, I...I'm not scared at all."


  In order to maintain the majesty of being an older sister, are you still trying to be brave at this time?

  Seeing that all the gully in Eili seemed to be trembling, Liu Feng smiled and said to Arisa:

  "Looks like Tiri is fine with her."

  "Then let's watch this movie!"

  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Arisa immediately said happily:


  "Of course it's true, you two wait for me here, I'll go buy movie tickets, by the way, do Arisa and Eri want a cup of Fat House Happy Water and popcorn?"

  "Fat House Happy Water? What is that?"

  "It's Coke!"


  After buying movie tickets and snacks, Liu Feng and sisters Eri walked into the playroom together.

  You know, it's dark in the movie theater.

  Eri was a girl who was afraid of the dark, so she subconsciously approached Liu Feng.

  It was Arisa, who walked forward with excitement on her face,

  After finding her seat, she sat down quickly.


  Seeing Eriri clenching her fists, she looked like she was facing a great enemy,

  Liu Feng grinned and said:

  "Does it really matter Eriri?"

  "I feel that your current state seems to be about to enter the battlefield." "


  "It's...that's not the case!"

  "I... I'm not afraid of movies of this level at all, don't underestimate me, you guy!"


  Although she was trying to be brave, Eri was getting more and more nervous.

  At this time, the movie finally began to play.

  As soon as she heard the slightly terrifying background music, Eri's whole body shuddered.

  Eri, whose scalp was numb, secretly glanced at Arisa.

  I saw that Arisa was watching the movie with relish, but didn't notice how cowardly she was as a sister.


  Eri was slightly relieved, she raised her head and looked at the movie screen,

  Because it is a 3D movie, the audience has a feeling that the scene is right in front of them when watching the movie.

  At this moment, a big, hideous-looking monster suddenly appeared in the movie screen, and Eri's whole person was not well!

  Before she could scream, Liu Feng covered her mouth for the first time!


  "Screaming in a movie theater is a very rude behavior, and it will disturb other people's movie viewing experience!"

  Hearing the gentle voice from Liu Feng, Eriri's fair face instantly turned crimson.

  "I...I know!"

  " release me quickly!"

  "I...I'll pay attention next time!"


  Liu Feng stretched out his hand and held Eri's little hand,

  Leaning in her ear, Liu Feng whispered:

  "If you don't mind, Eriri can sit closer to me."

  "No matter what happens, I will stand up to protect you as soon as possible!"

  "So, Eri, don't be afraid."


  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Eri was silent.

  She bit Bo Feng tightly and silently leaned her body against Liu Feng's arms.

  Her small hand was held by Liu Feng's big hand, and at this moment she felt a lot of security in her heart.

  Although he had already guessed the real purpose of Liu Feng's coming to take him to watch horror movies,

  But Eriri didn't want to resist all of this.

  Taking a peek at Arisa, she found that she was watching a movie engrossed in it, Eriri let out a small sigh of relief,

  Then she quietly closed her beautiful eyes.


  To be honest, a horror movie of this level is really boring for Liu Feng,

  In other words, Arisa can watch with relish.

  If you have time to watch a movie, it is better for Liu Feng to take a rest with Eri.

  With one arm around Eri's shoulder, Liu Feng's other hand was naturally placed on Eri's knee.


  Eriri also noticed that Liu Feng's claws were a little restless, but she still closed her eyes and did not respond.

  Just like that, time passed by.

  Two hours later, at the end of the movie, the lights in the movie theater turned on.


  Arisa turned around excitedly, intending to share with her sister the aftermath of the movie, but at this moment, she suddenly discovered that her sister was actually leaning on Liu Feng's arms.

  And Liu Feng whispered to Arisa:

  "' 々 Your sister is asleep! Let's sit here for a while!"

  "Is my sister asleep?"

  Arisa glanced at her sister with some doubts, and sure enough, Eri was leaning on Liu Feng's arms and fell asleep sweetly.

  She didn't know what she was dreaming, but the corners of Eri's mouth rose slightly.

  It was the first time Arisa saw her sister sleeping in such a moving posture, so she held her chin curiously and looked at her sister quietly.


  To be honest, there are many bad movies in this world that have their own hypnotic effects, making it easy for movie theater audiences to fall asleep.

  But horror movies are better!

  At least someone as cowardly as Eriri would definitely not be able to sleep.

  So in order for Eri to have a good rest, Liu Feng blocked her hearing.

  It is precisely because of this that Eri is able to fall asleep soundly in the warm embrace.


  After an unknown amount of time, Eri rubbed her eyes sleepily.

  " the movie over?"

  "Sister! The way you sleep is really cute!"

  Seeing that Eri was awake, Arisa immediately approached her excitedly.

  "It's been almost an hour since the movie ended! It's just that brother Liu Feng didn't bother you when he saw that his sister was sleeping soundly."


Chapter 210

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