Feishazi, your ability is enough to screen out the best people here.


  The meaning expressed in Liu Feng's words was understood by all the people present.

  Seeing that the chief examiner was looking down on everyone in the room, these arrogant candidates were really annoyed.

  And Feishazi didn't expect that Liu Feng could say such words without any changes in his face.

  Does he really feel that his cooking skills have reached the point where he can ignore everyone?


  In the original work, Erina can scare away almost all the candidates with one sentence, because her reputation and influence are obvious to all in the Japanese cuisine industry.

  And who is Liu Feng, everyone has never heard of it before.

  So about his cooking skills, no one knows at all.


  Liu Feng ignored the indignant eyes of the candidates in front of him.

  In fact, he is not deliberately arrogant, but the dishes made by these people are really not worthy of being tasted by himself.

  As the owner of the full-level God's Tongue, even Erina's tasting ability is a whole sky away from her own.

  Not to mention these transfer students who are not even supporting roles, even if Xingping is asked to cook, the cooking he cooks is full of loopholes for Liu Feng.


  Liu Feng was too lazy to explain a lot of details to this group of people, so he said directly to Feishazi:

  "I think I've made that clear."

  "You are responsible for tasting the dishes they make."

  "It's up to you, Feishazi, to decide whether the taste is acceptable or not."

  "If any of those people are not happy with my arrangement, let them leave now."

  "I'm going to play some games on the side first. It will take a while for these people to finish cooking, so Feishazi would like to play games with me?"


  Seeing that Liu Feng completely ignored him,

  The mentality of the students is even worse.

  This is a burly candidate who stood up directly and said:

  "The examiner! I'm not convinced!"

  "As the person in charge of the examination room, you really have the right to arrange the way of examination for us!"

  "But you don't think it's too much to say that our dishes are not worthy of you to taste without even tasting it!"

  "I want to prove that I have that strength!"

  "If my cooking can conquer your tongue, I hope you will apologize to all of us for what you just said."


  Liu Feng raised his head and glanced at the protesting candidate.

  The next second, he said expressionlessly:

  "I'm not interested in playing this kind of bet with you. If you don't want to take the exam according to my rules, you can leave now!"

  "Now I'm announcing one more rule. From now on, chatting is prohibited in this examination room. Those who violate the rules, and those who do not want to take the test according to the rules I set for various reasons, leave immediately."



  This burly candidate, his lungs are about to explode,

  He did not expect Liu Feng, the examiner, to be so unreasonable.

  He clenched his fists and wanted to argue with Liu Feng angrily, but the two people behind him quickly grabbed him.


  Seeing that under Liu Feng's high-pressure policy, these candidates were all angry and unwilling, Feishazi subconsciously wanted to say something, but in the end she still didn't say anything.

  Feishazi glanced at Liu Feng, and then said to the candidates:

  "The examiner's exam questions have been announced."

  "Within an hour, everyone can choose the ingredients on the ingredient shelf and make it into a dish!"

  "Those who have finished cooking, just bring the dishes to me to taste. It's 8:25 now, and by 9:25, the exam time ends!"

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・


  After hearing Feishazi's words, these unwilling candidates finally chose to silently go to the ingredients area.

  Seeing that everyone was starting to do business, Feishazi walked up to Liu Feng.

  "Lecturer Liu Feng, everything you did at the venue today, I will tell the lady as it is."

  "No problem, I believe Erina will give a thumbs up for my approach! By the way, Feishako, I just asked you if you want to play games with me, and you haven't answered me yet. ..."

  "Sorry, I can't play games!"

  "Can't play games? I can teach you..."

  "Thank you, I have no interest in games."



  Seeing that Liu Feng was really concentrating on playing mobile games, Feishazi felt anger in her heart.

  But she didn't say much, but stood silently in the same place, focusing on the examination room,

  And just like that, time began to pass minute by minute.


  An hour passed quickly,

  After finishing the cooking, the candidates also brought their own dishes to Feishazi to taste.

  Feishazi sat at the dining table, seriously commenting on each dish,

  I have to say that now she feels that Liu Feng's cognition is correct.


  These confident candidates, cooking is completely "ordinary"!Maybe many dishes taste good, but almost no one can do that kind of delicious food.

  Therefore, after more than a dozen candidates came down, only three qualified candidates appeared.

  And these three qualified people, for Feishazi, only barely reached the passing line in her heart.


  Just when Feishazi was a little disappointed by the actual cooking skills of these transfer students,

  A red-haired boy walked over with a naive smile on his face.

  "This is the dish I made, Chicken Sauce with Bacon Rice, and I invite the examiner to taste it to the fullest."


Chapter 222

  "Bacon Rice Bowl with Chicken Sauce?"

  Hearing this name, Feishazi frowned subconsciously.

  She did not expect that such an ordinary meal would appear at the transfer student assessment site at Togetsu Academy.

  The previous candidates, although most of them were lacking in level, were all seriously thinking about how to improve the quality and attractiveness of cooking as much as possible.

  But now, the red-haired boy in front of him suddenly brought out a street-style home-cooked rice dish among the many dishes with more dazzling appearance.

  This made Feishazi feel more disappointed.


  Feishazi glanced at the roster, and then asked:

  "You are the No. 24 candidate, Yukio Soma, right!"

  "How did you come up with the idea of ​​making bacon rice bowl with chicken sauce?"

  "In the candidates before you, almost everyone wanted to make their cooking as tall as possible, but you chose a very popular home-cooked dish to take such an important exam?"


  Hearing Feishako's words, Soma Kohei grinned and said:

  "Because I think this dish is very delicious and very popular!"

  "The guests in the restaurant at home seem to be ordering this dish frequently these days, so I made it subconsciously today!"

  "However, the bacon rice bowl I made with chicken sauce is a little different from ordinary dishes. I made a lot of special changes!"


  Seeing Soma Kohei's confident face, Feishako didn't say anything.

  She picked up the spoon and began to seriously taste the dish in front of her!


  From the outside, there is nothing special about this chicken gravy stewed bacon rice bowl.

  On the fried fragrant rice, there are slices of bacon baked to the right.

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