
  Kasumi Hill went to a swing, sat down,

  She gently kicked off her high heels, completely exposing her two delicate feet to the air.

  As I gently swayed the swing, the body of Kasumigaoka also swayed slightly with the swing,

  Breathing in the fragrance of the garden, quietly looking at the night sky,

  Xia Zhiqiu's heart also became extremely peaceful at this moment.


  Liu Feng also walked to the swing next to the Hill of Xia and sat down.

  The two of them didn't speak, they were so quiet, looking at the endless sea of ​​stars above their heads.

  About half a minute later, Kasumigaoka let out a soft sigh:

  "This is Liu Fengjun, the beautiful night view that you can enjoy every day?"

  "Liu Fengjun's kingdom is really a place where people can easily sink..."


  "It's really beautiful here, that's why I thought of taking you to relax with Kasumigaoka."

  "Looking at the night sky and smelling the fragrance of flowers, it seems that the fatigue accumulated all day has been swept away at this moment."

  "Usually, Xiazhiqiu, you are typing every day, and you don't have much time to travel, so here you don't need to feel restrained, just let yourself go."

  "Mr. Liu Feng is still the same as before. He is a boy who understands girls' hearts and enlightens others very well."

  Xia Zhiqiu moved his cheeks slightly and moved his gaze to Liu Feng.

  Staring at Liu Feng from the side, there seemed to be a glittering sparkle in Xiazhiqiu's eyes.

  It's a pity that in the dark, Liu Feng didn't notice a blush on Xia Zhiqiu's fair face.


  "Since I'm here to relax, don't talk about such serious topics, let's talk about light topics! By the way, Kasumi Hill, this is the juice I brought up just now, you can try it!"

  While talking, Liu Feng handed Kasugaoka a glass of juice.

  However, Liu Feng's line of sight still subconsciously glanced at the pair of Mei Fa that was slightly rippling in the mid-air of Xia Zhiqiu.

  And when Xia Zhiqiu was picking up the juice, he also noticed Liu Feng's somewhat dishonest look.

  For a while, the corner of Xiazhiqiu's mouth rose slightly,

  She smiled like a naughty little fox.


  "Mr. Liu Feng, does it look good?"


  "Then do you want to take a closer look?"


  "Then, does Mr. Liu Feng want to be my boyfriend? If Mr. Liu Feng promises to be my boyfriend alone, not only can you watch it every day, but you can also go further!"


  All of Liu Feng's answers just now were sent out subconsciously.

  It wasn't until he heard the last sentence of Xia Zhiqiang that he realized that his small actions were actually discovered by Xia Zhiqiu...

  This girl, she actually gave herself a routine, she is indeed a woman with high IQ, her insight is too keen!


  Staring at Xiazhiqiu's bright eyes, Liu Feng's scalp felt numb at this moment.

  He coughed awkwardly.

  "That, Kasumigaoka, what I just said was the night scene!"

  "If I look at the night scene, I can see it every day. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with whether Cheng is your boyfriend or not..."

  "Huh? Is that so? Mr. Liu Feng, what I just said was the night scene, did you think about something wrong..."

  Kasumigaoka tilted his cute little head, and there was a hint of cunning in his eyes.

  And when Liu Feng was just about to answer,

  He suddenly felt a pair of legs resting on his knees.


  I saw that Xiazhiqiu had changed her sitting position. She leaned on the chain and put her legs on Liu Feng's knees.

  Naughty little feet are moving,

  In the next second, Kasumigaoka retracted his legs and sat down on the swing with his knees curled up.

  "Mr. Liu Feng is really not honest at all!"

  "But that's right, I've known Mr. Liu Feng for so long, I should have known what kind of character Mr. Liu Feng is!"

  "Mr. Liu Feng is never polite when it comes to bullying girls."

  1.8 ...........

  Hearing the words of Xia Zhiqiu, Liu Feng smiled shyly:

  "I said Xia Zhiqiu, why do I feel so wronged and wronged?"

  "Bullying girls? Is that something I can do?"

  "I'm clearly helping others, okay! Do you understand?"

  "Helping others? Teacher Liu Feng is right to say so, you are indeed helping others all the time!"


  Saying this, Kasumi Hill deliberately lengthened her tone,

  A few seconds later, a sweet smile appeared on her face, and then she gently bit her mouth and said:

  "It's just that when Mr. Liu Feng was helping others, he also took away the hearts of some of those who were helped without hesitation..."


Chapter 78

  Under the bright starry sky, Kasumigaoka gently hugged his knees with both hands,

  She leaned on the swing, and her bright eyes with a strange luster were no less than the stars in the sky.


  Hearing Xia Zhiqiu's words, Liu Feng also knew that she was expressing her heart to herself.

  In this case, it is absolutely impossible to say that you are not moved.

  Although I have known Kasumigaoka for a long time, today is the first time to meet them formally.

  Xia Zhiqiang can boldly express the feelings in his heart at this time,

  It was enough to prove that she was sincere to herself.


  Looking at Xia Zhiqiu, Liu Feng suddenly didn't know how to answer her.

  Although it is a very cool thing to be confessed by a beautiful girl,

  But Liu Feng would not forget that Xia Zhiqiu used to say that if her boyfriend wanted to open a harem, he would break his three legs.

  Looking at the small hands of Xiazhiqiu hugging his knees, Liu Feng was stunned.

  Kasumigaoka-senpai shouldn't be so cruel.


  Seeing Liu Feng staring at his little hand 03, Xia Zhiqiu showed an inexplicable smile.

  "What is Mr. Liu Feng worried about now?"

  "Are you worried that your three legs....will be in danger?"

  "It does feel that way! But I don't think Kasumigaoka would be so cruel..."


  Xiazhiqiu gritted her silver teeth gently, she glanced at Liu Feng with her eyes, and then sneered:

  "I believe that any girl, in the face of love, likes that her partner can treat her wholeheartedly! To be honest, Mr. Liu Feng can make no secret of this, and show her thoughts of wanting to open a harem. The man I really met for the first time."


  Hearing Xia Zhiqiu's words, Liu Feng looked at her with some curious eyes.

  "I seem to be the kind of firm harem successor... Even in the face of this situation, are you willing to formally associate with me?"

  Xia Zhiqiu did not directly answer Liu Feng's words,

  She shifted her legs slightly and stepped into her shoes.

  Stepping on the ground covered by the bright moonlight, she walked gently in front of Liu Feng step by step.


  Boldly stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Liu Feng's neck,

  Xia Zhiqiu leaned his head against Liu Feng's chest.

  The smooth jet-black hair followed Liu Feng's shirt, and the voice of Xia Zhiqiang came slowly.

  "Actually, the kind of boy I hate the most is the kind of indecisive man!"

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